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Dancers from NYCB, Mira Nadon and Gilbert Bolden III, dance the second movement as coached by Allegra Kent.
Excerpts from Swan Lake include the traditional Swan Queen entrance, pas de deux and coda, two male variations created for alternating performances, and, replacing the familiar Swan Queen variation, a dance with the Swan Queen and a corps of four women.
NYC Ballet dancers Indiana Woodward, Taylor Stanley and Chun Wai Chan are coached in La Valse
Excerpts from The Four Temperaments coached by Colleen Neary and Adam Luders
Coaching excerpts focus on the pas de deux dances originated by Melissa Hayden and Jonathan Watts.
Suki Schorer, John Prinz and Susan Pilarre coach the Pas de Trois
Patricia McBride and Peter Schaufuss coach The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Patricia McBride coaches the pas de deux, variation and coda from The Nutcracker
Adam Luders and Stephanie Saland coach Orpheus and Vienna Waltzes