Classes of Oboukhoff, Vladimiroff, Doubrovska and Williams
Classes described, introduced and notated by Barbara Walczak
Edited by Frank Matejcek
Reflections on Balanchine in the Studio by Barbara Walczak

Anatole Oboukhoff

Pierre Vladimiroff

Felia Doubrovska

Stanley Williams
Anatole Oboukhoff was undoubtedly one of our favorite teachers. His classes were the hardest, most demanding, and most exhausting of all. Those of us who went on to dance in various ballet companies, doing eight performances a week, felt that we owed our careers to him.
Anatole Oboukhoff was born in St. Petersburg, January 15, 1896. He studied at the Imperial Ballet School and went on to join the company. He was promoted to premier danseur in 1917. He partnered Anna Pavlova on her last Russian tour in 1914 and left Russia in 1920. He danced with the Romanian Ballet in Bucarest from 1920 to 1922, and Boris Romanoff, Russian Romantic Ballet from 1922 to 1925. He and his wife, Vera Nemchinova, danced in Ballet Riga, Latvia in 1930 and Ballet de l’Opéra Russes in Paris 1931. They performed with the Lithuanian Opera Ballet in Kaunas 1931 to 1935 and De Basil’s Ballet Russes 1935 to 1936, as well as René Blum’s ballet de Monte Carlo 1936 to 1937. The Markova Dolin Ballet, 1937 and De Basil’s original Ballet Russes 1940. He joined SAB in 1941. Oboukhoff passéd away in New York, February 25, 1962.
Oboukhoff’s petit allegro was very reminiscent of Bournonville. His teacher, Legat, came from a direct line of teachers going back to Bournonville.
Everything that Oboukhoff did was bigger than life, from his booming voice and expansive gestures, to all that he demanded from his students. New students were terrified of him until they realized that beneath the façade was a man who loved ballet. It took time to see it but it was obvious that teaching was his life and he was a truly kind and caring man, even though he didn’t show it openly.
Oboukhoff was of medium height with a wiry agile body. His hair was pomaded back against his head; he had hazelnut eyes, and a small lined face. He reminded me of a very energetic monkey or a fox terrier whose bark was much worse than his bite. He always wore a meticulously pressed white shirt with long sleeves open at the neck and dark trousers with soft character shoes. His trademarks were his white handkerchief and his lifesaver candies. The white handkerchief often hung from his fingers or waved about to further express the movement he was demonstrating. The lifesavers were a necessity to save his throat. His entrance into the studio was always preceded by a loud “harumpff”, which let us know that it was time to begin. After greeting his favorite pianist, Ms. Ouroumoff, he would proceed to boom out “Feerst position and begin”. One always knew when he was teaching, because he could be heard all the way out in the waiting room.
None of our teachers offered praise, and any corrections were given with a very heavy Russian accent. If Oboukhoff liked you, he would walk the line of dancers at the barre and stand directly in front of you, almost nose to nose. When he would get to the hardest, fastest part of the step, he would snap his fingers and chant, “chikka chikka, chick chick, boom boom”. At that moment you knew to look straight front and do the combination perfectly. Your reward would be a “harumpff” as he walked on to the next dancer. That “harumpff” was better than any praise. At other times he would stand in front of you during the adagio as you were preparing for a pirouette and he would say your name and bellow out “do four!!”. Come hell or high water you gave him his four pirouettes and you held the final pose until he nodded his head in approval. Probably the greatest accolade one could receive was to have Oboukhoff demand that you demonstrate the step. Messing up a step was the most humiliating moment for a dancer. Oboukhoff would strut up to the poor miscreant and, in his broken English, he would utter, “Mees, what you do? How long you study?” He would then wave his handkerchief and walk away uttering “Oy, yoy yoy.”
Mr. Oboukhoff was not without a sense of humor and April Fool’s day we would always come up with some prank, until one year when he beat us to it. He walked into the studio as we all stood in first position ready to begin pliés, and he demanded “Feeft position, eight grand battements each way.” We were startled but obeyed and as we began, he clapped his hands and joyously announced at the top of his voice, “April Fool’s!!” We also made sure that he was well suppliéd with lifesavers as a Christmas present.
Oboukhoff’s classes were about total commitment. Each class was a marathon and at the end of each one you were drenched in perspiration. The barre was difficult because at the end of a long rond de jambe combination there would be a difficult slow adagio. The same was true after the rond de jambe en l’air, which was usually done eight en dehors and eight en dedan, then the same on half point and then an adagio on half point. The adagio in the center consisted of three sections; an opening section of tendues or rond de jambe par terre, leading into the slow section of the adagio starting with grand plié, including many promenades in various positions and turns, concluding with a petit allegro with beats and turns which usually ended in a large beautiful pose which had to be held until Oboukhoff released us. This was immediately done to the left. Then the second group did it and it was repeated again. This was followed by a petit allegro which was done slow then fast and a second larger petit allegro. All of the combinations were repeated twice. The class usually ended with small jumps and grand battement side, moving eight back and eight front finishing in fifth position croisé arms low and head high which we held until a wave of his handkerchief dismissed us. We always broke out into loud applause as he thanked the pianist and left the studio.
Oboukhoff liked classical music from ballets by Tchaikovsky, Adam, Glinka, and Glazunov. His classes were about precision, not showing strain, and making lush movements with grand épaulement, power, and superb technique. One of his favorite words was cambré (to arch or bend more using the head and making movement even more expressive). His classes were like giving a performance, dancing full out, and holding nothing back.
Oboukhoff Class No. 1
1. Plié
Start first position.
[Very slow CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé, arms down and up and open, repeat four times and tendu to second, repeat in second four times tendu fifth right front repeat two times tendu side close fifth back repeat two times.
2. Tendu with Demi-plié in Fifth
Start right foot front fifth position, done slowly.
[CTS 1-8] Eight tendu front with demi-plié in fifth [CTS 9-32] Continue en croix.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, with straight knees, medium speed.
[CTS 1-4] Four tendus front [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix [CTS 1-16] Repeat
4. Dégagé
Start in fifth position right foot front, done quickly.
[CT 1] One dégagé front [CTS 2-4] Continue en croix [CTS 5-32] Continue the step.
5. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front preparation tendu side and bring foot to cou de pied front, done with definite hold at extension of each frappé, medium tempo.
[CTS 1-2] Two frappés front [CTS 5-8] Continue en croix [CTS 9-24] Repeat two times [CTS 25-32] Repeat the step on half toe.
6. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front preparation, tendu side done very slowly.
[CTS 1-2] Fondu to the front, relevé, leg very high [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-8] Two fondu with relevé side [CTS 9-12] Repeat to the back [CTS 13-16] Fondu with relevé to ecarté side, right arm up, looking toward the right shoulder, hold the pose and slowly lower to fifth.
7. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position preparation demi-plié and tendu front, arm and leg front and straighten as arm and leg open side, medium tempo.
[CTS 1-32] Sixteen ronds de jambe en dehors, end in tendu front [CTS 1-32] Sixteen en dedans, finish in fifth position right front [CTS 1-4]. Port de bras forward [CTS 5-8] Bend back [CTS 1-4] Repeat bending forward [CTS 5-8] Développé right leg to attitude back. [CTS 1-4] Come through passé and développé front right arm up, arm remains up [CTS 5-8] Carry the leg side and back and slowly lower the leg to fifth back, arm opening side [CTS 1-8] Développé the right leg to attitude back relevé and hold and open to first arabesque and slowly close to fifth back, arm down, head looking away from the barre.
8. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right front preparation dégagé leg waist high to side, medium speed each rond de jambe stops with the leg fully extended and the toes fully pointed.
[CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 9-16] Eight en dedans [CTS 1-16] Repeat, finish fifth right front [CTS 1-4] Port de bras forward, come up and relevé to a closed fifth [CTS 5-8] Bend back and come up, remaining on half toe [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back remaining on half toe [CTS 1-8] Développé side and hold [CTS 1-8] Passé développé front and hold (arm remains side) [CTS 1-8] Carry leg side, hold and to arabesque [CTS 1-8] Come through passé and développé ecarté but with head tilted left toward barre right arm up and then turn head to right looking up in ecarté position and slowly lower the leg to fifth right front.
9. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-16] One grand battement each way en croix.
10. Petit Battement
Start fifth right front preparation tendu side and cou-de-pied front.
[CTS 1-32] 16 double frappés side [CTS 1-32] 32 petit battements, accent front (the arm comes down low to the side for petit battement).
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front preparation, tendu right foot side, arms side.
Opening section [CTS 1&2] Four frappés front to tendu on the floor position [CTS 3&4] Four to the side [CTS 5&6] Four to the back [CTS 7&8] Lift the leg in back, waist high and carry it side and hold [CTS 1-8] Four ronds de jambe en l’air en dedans and lower the leg to fifth front and pick the left leg up to coupé back position [CTS 1-16] Reverse exercise (back side front) and carry the leg side four ronds de jambe en dehors and take the left leg back to fourth position croisé.
Slow Section [CTS 1-4] Slow grand plié (arms down and front) [CTS 5-8] Relevé in fourth, opening the arms side, head slightly right and raise the wrists, head, and eyes, then lower the heels and point the right foot front croisé [CTS 1-4] Bring the right foot to coupé front and développé side with the arms coming up [CTS 5-8] The arms remain up and without plié, pull the right leg into a sustained pirouette en dedans, ending in attitude back effacé right arm up [CTS 1-4] Open to first arabesque [CTS 5-8] Lower the leg and slide through first position and step to right foot with left pointing back croisé [CTS 1-4] The arms come down and forward as the left leg comes through passé to développé front effacé, with the right arm up and the left out [CTS 5-8] Lower the left leg to tendu and step on it as you pivot left to face left back corner [CTS 1-4] Bring the right leg through passé and développé to ecarté, foot pointing to left front corner [CTS 5-8] Turning toward the left shoulder around back of room, the leg remaining up and pivoting to face front croisé in arabesque, the right arm opens out palm up and then forward to third arabesque croisé, hold the pose and lower the leg to fourth position, preparation for [CTS 1-4] Pirouette en dehors to the right with the arms up, ending in fourth position arms open out, head high [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe and pivot through second to the right shoulder ending in fourth position, right foot front facing the left back corner [CTS 1-8] Lower the heels, bring the left leg through passé and développé front toward the left back corner [CTS 1-8] With the right arm front slowly turn body toward the right shoulder, the left leg going through second with the right arm up and end in first arabesque with the right arm extended high, the head up looking toward the arm [CTS 1-4] Demi-plié in arabesque and fall back, bring the right foot though first to fourth position back [CTS 5-8] Repeat pirouette en dehors with the arms up, ending in fourth eith the arms open out [CTS 1-8] Repeat relevé and turn to right shoulder through second position and face the left back corner, développé front again, promenade through second, ending in first arabesque, relevé and lower the left leg to fifth back facing front.
Coda [CTS 1-6] Six very fast piqué turns en dehors (step on the right, bring left across on half toe and while turning, passé right) [CTS 7-8] Remain on half toe and lower the right to fifth back and swivel to the right, one turn, ending on half toe, right foot front, facing front croisé [CTS 1-6] Repeat piqués [CTS 7-8] Piqué out to the right side in first arabesque and fast pas de bourrée under left back and front, end left foot front and quickly bring right foot front effacé [CT 7] Lunge to effacé onto the right and demi-plié, the left foot pointing back in first arabesque pose, the right arm high, head high looking up to the hand and bring the left leg through first [CT 8] Lunge onto the left in plié croisé front, pointing the right foot back croisé, the left arm front in fourth arabesque, hold pose, and close to fifth (last two lunges are done on one count). Repeat to left side. Second group does adagio and then repeat again.
2. Petit allegro
Start slightly to the left side of room, left foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-2] Sissonne side with the left leg doing développé side, coupé the left back and assemblé the right side, ending with the right foot in fifth back, the arms opening out to sides and lifting slightly on assemblé (the opening of the arms is done with palms up) [CTS 3-6] Repeat step twice more [CTS 7-8] Entrechat quatre royale [CTS 1-8] Repeat left [CTS 1-16] Repeat step but with the left arm up on sissonnes and move covering ground on the sissonnes. Second group does it then repeats the step [CTS 1-16] Repeat the step but do not move side on sissonnes but travel as far side as possible on assemblé and the assemblé is done with beats.
3. Allegro Across the Floor
Start left side of room pointing left front croisé.
[CTS 1-2] Glissade grand jeté to first arabesque [CTS 3-4] Two big sautés in arabesque [CTS 5-6] Keeping the right foot totally on the floor, two hops skimming forward [CTS 7-8] Two high sautés [CTS 1-2] Two slides [CTS 3-4] Two sautés [CTS 5-6] Two slides [CT 7] One sauté [CT 8] One assemblé , finishing in fifth, left foot back [CTS 1-16] Repeat step to the left. Second group does it (correction, keep back locked, foot turned out arms relaxed and jump to fully pointed foot on each sauté) [CTS 1-16] Repeat step with cabrioles on arabesque sauté (slides remain the same) (correction on cabrioles never lower arabesque leg but bring supporting leg up to meet it).
4. Petit Allegro
Start left side of room, left foot front croisé.
[CTS 1-2] Two brisés [CTS 3-4] Two royales [CTS 5-6] Two brisés [CTS 7-8] Two entrechat quatres [CTS 1-2] Two brisés [CTS 3-4] Two royales [CTS 5-6] Two brisés [CTS 7-8] Three fast changements [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left side, second group does it (on brisés, right arm front, on the rest of jumps the arms down). Immediately repeat entire step much faster.
5. Petit Allegro
Start right foot front
[CTS 1-6] Six changements [CT 7] Straighten knees and do a deeper demi-plié [CT 8] Entrechat six [CTS 1-8] Repeat. This step was done with both groups together.
6. Grand Battement
Start right foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-8] Eight grand battements side (right then left) moving back [CTS 1-8] Eight moving front, hold the last pose, fifth position right foot front, croisé slowly, lower the arms, the head and eyes look right, hold. This step was done with both groups together.
Oboukhoff Class No. 2
1. Plié
Start first position.
[Slow CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé arms coming down and up and open the arms and lower the heels [CTS 1-8] Repeat plié and relevé and tendu to second, repeat the exercise and tendu to fourth front, repeat the exercise, tendu to fifth and repeat entire exercise. Now tendu side and take leg to fourth back, repeat the exercise and close to fifth back and repeat.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Tendu to the side and close in front in demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-6] Repeat closing fifth back [CTS 7-8] Repeat closing fifth front [CTS 1-8] Four tendus side closing in first position in demi-plié [CTS 1-16] Repeat the step.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-8] Eight tendus front all ending in demi-plié in fifth and continue en croix.
4. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-16] Sixteen dégagés side closing fifth front [CTS 1-16] Sixteen dégagés side closing fifth back [CTS 1-32] 32 dégagés side closing to first.
5. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation, tendu side.
[CTS 1-8] Eight frappés front and repeat en croix [CTS 1-8] Roll up to half toe and repeat the exercise.
6. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation tendu side, done to a slow tempo.
[CTS 1-2] Slow fondu front waist high [CTS 3-4] Repeat, rolling up to half toe and leg goes higher [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix.
7. Ronds de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation demi-plié in tendu front and take leg side straightening the supporting knee.
[CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors ending in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dedans ending in tendu back [CTS 16] Repeat, ending with the right foot in cou de pied front [CTS 1-4] Port de bras forward in this position [CTS 5-8] Bend back [CTS 1-4] Développé to arabesque [CTS 5-8] Hold the pose with the arms side and slowly lower the leg to fifth back [CTS 1-8] Développé side hold the leg and roll to half toe [CTS 1-8] Passé and développé to attitude back and hold [CTS 1-8] Lower the leg to cou de pied back still on half toe and port de bras front then back and close the foot to fifth back.
8. Ronds de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation dégagé leg side waist high.
[CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 1-8] Eight en dedans [CTS 1-16] Repeat ending in cou de pied front [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back [CTS 1-8] Développé side hold and relevé [CTS 1-4] Passé développé front, remain on half toe, the arm comes down and up [CTS 5-8] Roll down into demi-plié on the supporting leg, right leg remains up. Remaining in demi-plié, carry the leg side and to arabesque with the leg very high, the arm coming forward to second arabesque [CTS 1-8] Slowly relevé and balance, lower the leg to fifth back.
9. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front
[CTS 1-8] Eight grand battements front [CTS 9-32] Continue en croix, the last eight to the side are done on half toe.
10. Double Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-2] Beat back and front on ankle and point front [CTS 3-4] Beat front back on ankle and point side [CTS 5-6] Beat front and back on ankle and point back [CTS 7-8] Beat back front and point side [CTS 1-4] Repeat front and side [CTS 5-8] Remaining in tendu, do two fast demi-pliés and straighten on the left leg (right toes slide out and in on the floor) repeat back and side and repeat again. Repeat the step four sets in all.
1. Adagio
Part 1: Start fifth position right foot front, arms side.
[CTS 1-4] Four tendus with the right foot side closing fifth back then front [CTS 5-8] Demi-plié in fifth, arms coming down and pas de basque (the right leg opens front then circles to the side side, switching the weight to the right foot, the left foot passés through first arms coming front and side stepping forward to croisé right leg pointing back the right arm up left arm side) [CTS 1-8] Demi-plié on both legs in fourth and do a very large circular port de bras to the front continuing to the right side and back and come up finishing with the weight on the right foot, the left pointing front croisé the right arm is up and close the left foot to fifth front, arms opening side [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire step to the other side. Now reverse the step starting with the left foot [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side with the left closing fifth front and back [CTS 5-8] Pas de basque back to the left ending with the left foot pointing in tendu front croisé arms side [CTS 1-8] Demi-plié and port de bras front come up straightening supporting knee arms up and port de bras back, come up and close fifth position, the arms side [CTS 1-16] Repeat the reverse part of the step to the other side ending in fifth position croisé right foot front.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié, the arms come down [CTS 5-8] Relevé in fifth, the arms remain down (head held high and looking slightly toward the right shoulder) lower the heels [CTS 1-4] Slowly développé the right leg directly to the front, the arms come front and open to the sides [CTS 5-8] Bring the leg to passé and développé to the front again, this time higher, the arms remaining side [CTS 1-4] Slowly carry the leg to the side [CTS 5-8] Bring the leg to passé and open side again [CTS 1-4] Bring the leg to passé and développé to attitude back croisé the right arm up [CTS 5-8] Lower the leg to fifth position [CTS 1-4] Développé the left leg to effacé front, the right arm comes up [CTS 5-8] Leaving the leg up, switch the body to croisé front and hold [CTS 1-4] Lower the leg brushing through first with the arms together in front and lift the leg to second arabesque with the left arm front [CTS 5-8] Slowly promenade to the right (one complete promenade) arms coming together and opening to first arabesque with the right arm quite high and looking up at the hand [CTS 1-4] Relevé and then lower the leg through first to fourth front [CTS 5-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right finishing in fifth position with the right foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat the développé to effacé and switch to croisé [CTS 1-4] Brush through first ending in second arabesque again [CTS 5-8] Promenade (one revolution) to the left ending in first arabesque again [CTS 1-4] Relevé, brushing through first to fourth [CTS 5-8] Pirouette on dehors to the right ending in fourth with the arms up [CTS 1-8] Switch the weight to the back foot pointing the left foot front in croisé arms coming front and down and close fifth position [CTS 1-4] Développé the left leg to effacé front in demi-plié, the right arm in front and bend slightly back [CTS 5-8] Remaining in demi-plié, bring the body up again and lower the leg through first and extend to third arabesque croisé (left arm front) and slowly lower the leg straightening the knee and finish in fifth position.
Part 3 (coda): [CT 1] Glissade to the right side, right foot front [CT 2] Step out to the side on the right in demi-plié in first arabesque with the left leg up [CT 3] Chassé to the left, the body remains looking front, the left foot is in front, step toward the left back corner on the left leg [CT 4] Relevé as the right leg does fouetté ending in attitude back croisé (battement the right leg front toward the left back corner and swivel the body toward the left shoulder, end with the right leg up in attitude back croisé with the left arm up and the right arm front bending toward the left shoulder) Demi-plié and quickly bring the right leg down [CT 5] Glissade to the right side with the left foot front [CT 6] Brush the right leg up to the side as you relevé and do double ronds de jambe en dedans arms out to the side with the right arm higher looking up towards the right hand [CTS 7-8] Quickly lower the leg and repeat the glissade and double ronds de jambe to the left [CTS 1-6] Repeat entire coda to the right side again through glissade ronds de jambe to the right [CTS 7-8] Step back on the left foot to croisé, the right foot in tendu front croisé reverence bending forward, arms together and straighten up, arms going out to the sides with the left arm higher. Repeat entire coda to the left and at the end of the reverence close fifth arms down.
2. Petite Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
[CT 1] Glissade to the right side with the left foot front [CTS 2-3] Brush the right leg out to the side, springing up as for a jeté but splitting the legs in second in the air and quickly switch to the right leg landing in first arabesque [CT 4] Bring the left leg through in failli to fourth front [CTS 1-3] Glissade and big jeté to arabesque again [CT 4] Pas de bourrée the left foot back then front ending with the right foot front coupé back [CTS 1-2] Pas de bourrée to the left ending in a slight fourth and sauté up on the right with the left leg up in attitude back croisé (The right arm sweeping across and up with the head to the right so that the arm is to the left of the head) [CTS 3-4] Pas de bourrée to the right left foot back and front [CTS 1-2] Pas de bourrée to the left and sauté in attitude again [CTS 3-4] Assemblé back with the left leg and hold the fifth position. Repeat the step to the other side.
3. Petite Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front
[CT 1-2] Two brisés to the right with the left arm up, the head looking out from under the arm, the right arm side [CT 3] Jeté battu side with the right leg, the right arm coming down and up [CT 4] Pas de bourrée turned toward the left shoulder, the left foot back then front [CTS 5-12] Repeat the step two more times [CTS 13-15] Three jeté battus (right leg left leg right leg) [CT 16] Assemblé back with the left repeat the step to the left. The the second group does the step. The first group repeats the step and the two groups continue alternating, four times in all.
4. Petite Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front (entire class does this together)
[CTS 1-32] 32 slow royales
5. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right front
[CTS 1-16] Eight grand battements to the side, right then left, moving back [CTS 1-16] Eight grand battements side moving front, hold the last fifth position and slowly lower the arms.
Oboukhoff Class No. 3
1. Grand Plié
Start in first position, each plié is done in four slow counts.
[CTS 1-16] Four grand pliés in first position, tendu side and close to third position front [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés, tendu side, close to third position back [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés, tendu side and close to fifth position front [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés, tendu side and close to fifth position back [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés.
2. Tendu with Demi-plié in fifth
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-8] Eight tendus front with demi-plié in fifth [CTS 9-32] Continue en croix.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-8] Eight tendus front with straight knees [CTS 9-32] Continue en croix
4. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each dégagé done very fast.
[CTS 1-16] Sixteen dégagés front [CTS 17-64] Continue en croix
5. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side, one count for each frappé.
[CTS 1-16] One frappé each way.
6. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-8] Fondu to écarté position, with the right arm up and the leg very high [CTS 9-32] Repeat three times.
7. Ronds de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: tendu front in demi-plié with the arm front, and take the leg and arm to the side with a straight knee, waltz tempo.
[CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors, finishing in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Eight en dedans, finishing in tendu back [CTS 1-16] Repeat, ending in first position. Rise to half toe [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back, lower the heels [CTS 1-8] Développé side and hold and slowly lower the leg to cou de pied back [CTS 1-8] Développé to attitude back with the right arm up and bring the leg back to passé [CTS 1-8] Développé to écarté and hold, slowly lower the leg to fifth front.
8. Rond de jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé side to 45 degrees (medium fast tempo).
[CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-32] Four en dedans and continue repeating, 32 in all, lower the leg to fifth on half toe with the right foot front [CTS 1-8] Port de bras down and back then lower the heels [CTS 1-8] Développé front [CTS 1-8] Lower the leg, passing through first to a very high arabesque, the arm remains side [CTS 1-8] Lower the leg, passing through first and dégagé front as high as possible, the right arm comes down and up [CTS 1-8] Lower the leg passing through first and dégagé to arabesque, bring the leg through passé and développé to a very high écarté position and lower the leg to fifth.
9. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Grand battement front and descend to cou de pied front, and from here do a thrown battement développé front, finish in fifth position. Repeat eight sets each way en croix.
10. Petit Battement and Double Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CT 1] Double frappé front (beat back of ankle then front and brush out to the front) [CT 2] Double frappé to the back (beat front of ankle, then back and brush out) [CT 3] Double frappé side [CT 4] Two petit battements beating back front [CTS 5-8] Reverse combination. Repeat entire combination.
1. Adagio
Part 1: Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Pas de basque front (demi-plié, slide the right front in a tendu and quarter rond de jambe to tendu side, switch weight to the right leg, bringing left through first in demi-plié, step forward on the left, ending with the right in tendu back croisé and straight knees, the arms come together forward and out to the sides) [CTS 3-4] From this position start pas de basque back (demi-plié, slide the right foot quarter rond de jambe to the side, switch weight to the right foot, bringing the left through first in demi-plié, step back on the left, pointing right in croisé front, arms remain open) [CTS 5-6] Repeat pas de basque front, ending with the right foot in tendu back [CTS 7-8] Slide the right foot into fifth as you roll up to half toe, arms coming forward and the right arm up and the left arm to the side, swivel to the right, ending with the right foot front in croisé, the arms coming together, then the left arm up and the right to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat combination to the left, but begin with the pas de basque back, then front, then back again, end with the left foot in tendu front croisé, slide the left foot to fifth on half toe, with the right arm up and the left to the side, swivel to the right, arms come together, the left arm coming up and the right out to the side, ending with the right foot front [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire step again finishing in fifth position croisé with the right foot front and arms side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Scoop the right foot across to a crossed fifth position on half toe, arms down and up, open the arms out to the sides as you swivel to face effacé, remain on half toe and développé the left leg to arabesque, the right arm comes down to first arabesque position, and lower the right heel [CTS 1-8] Penché and come up [CTS 1-8] Bring the left leg through passé and développé to croisé front with the left arm front [CTS 1-8] With straight knees, fouetté (the left leg going through second and to cou de pied back doing one and a half turns ending facing the left back corner of the room [CTS 1-8] Facing the left back corner, développé the left leg to first arabesque and close to fifth back as you face directly the back of the room [CTS 1-8] Développé the right leg front, arms together, and slowly carry the leg side with the arms opening side and to third arabesque croisé with the right arm front, quite high, lower the leg to cou de pied back, demi-plié and pas de bourrée under to the right, half turn ending facing front with the right foot front in fifth position [CTS 1-8] Développé the left leg to attitude back effacé with the left arm up and bring the leg through passé and développé to croisé front the right arm coming down and up, then step forward onto the left foot [CTS 1-8] Bring the right foot to cou de pied back and développé to attitude effacé back with the right arm up then relevé and hold, lower the leg to fifth right foot front
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Chassé to the right side and step out on the right foot and relevé with the left leg up in attitude back effacé and the left arm up, do one turn to the left, bringing the left leg through passé and end with the left foot in tendu croisé front in demi-plié and the right arm front over the leg [CTS 3-4] Step onto the left foot, opening the right leg to third arabesque croisé with the right arm front, do four hops moving forward (these are not jumped hops but sliding along the floor) [CTS 5-6] Quickly lower the right leg and glissade to the right and assemblé side with the right foot ending in fifth front [CTS 7-8] Immediately pirouette en dehors to the right with the right leg up and do not lower the leg to fifth but open out to start chassé to the right again [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3, finishing the pirouette with the left foot front and the left arm opening from the chest with the palm up and out [CTS 1-16] Repeat all of part 3 to the left, finishing the final pirouette in attitude croisé back with the left leg up and hold the pose, close fifth back. Repeat the entire Adagio to the left.
2. Petit allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Glissade side to the right the left foot remains front, assemblé side with the right, ending with the right foot front [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the left [CTS 5-6] Sissonne side, traveling to the right with the left leg doing développé side, lower the left leg through fifth back, assemblé side with the right leg closing fifth back [CTS 7-8] Repeat sissonne with développé with the left leg up, from this pose spring up on the right as the left does ballonné side ending in coupé back, from here [CTS 1-8] Repeat the combination to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire step.
3. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position with the left foot front croisé and the left arm up, starting on the left side of the room.
[CTS 1-2] Chassé toward the right front corner in croisé [CTS 3-4] Bring the right foot around the ankle and chassé forward in effacé position, the left arm opening to the side and the right arm out and up [CTS 5-6] Bring the left foot front and chassé in croisé position again, the left arm coming up [CTS 7-8] Step forward on the left foot in croisé front and grand jeté in effacé with the left leg in attitude back effacé and the left arm up, land in attitude position [CTS 1-8] Four slow relevés in attitude turning toward the left, doing one revolution, the left wrist turning so the fingers face out in a large open position, ending in attitude croisé with the left leg still up, lower the left leg to coupé and start step to the left side.
4. Changements
Start right foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-32] 32 changements.
5. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-8] Eight grand battements side, right then left, moving back [CTS 1-8] Eight moving front, finishing in fifth position croisé with the right foot front, slowly lower arms and hold.
Oboukhoff Class No. 4
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-4] One grand plié in first position [CTS 5-8] Relevé, arms coming down and up and open lower the heels and repeat three more times. Tendu to third position right foot front [CTS 1-8] Grand plié and relevé [CTS 1-8] Repeat, tendu side and close to fifth position right front [CTS 1-16] Repeat plié relevé two times. Rond de jambe par terre to third back and repeat plié relevé two times. Tendu side and close fifth position right foot back and repeat plié relevé two times.
2. Tendu with Demi-plié in Fifth
Start fifth position right foot front, two counts for each tendu.
[CTS 1-2] Tendu front, finish in demi-plié fifth [CTS 3-64] Continue en croix.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right front.
[CTS 1-2] Tendu front and close fifth with straight knees [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-64] Continue en croix.
4. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Four dégagés front [CTS 5-32] Continue en croix.
5. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu to the side.
[CTS 1-16] Sixteen frappés front [CTS 17-64] Continue en croix.
6. Fondu
Fifth position right foot front, preparation: point side.
[CTS 1-8] Very slow fondu done to the side [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times.
7. Ronds de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: demi-plié and point front and straighten knees and take the leg side, the arms same as the leg, two counts for each rond de jambe.
[CTS 1-8] Four slow ronds de jambe en dehors, ending in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Reverse four en dedans, ending in tendu back [CTS 1-16] Repeat, ending in fifth position right foot front [CTS 1-4] Port de bras front [CTS 5-8] Bend back [CTS 1-8] Passé développé side and hold [CTS 1-8] Passé and développé to attitude back, right arm up and hold [CTS 1-8] Remaining in attitude demi-plié and relevé [CTS 1-8] Repeat demi-plié and relevé and balancé, opening to first arabesque and close fifth right foot back.
8. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: open leg to second position 45 degrees.
[CTS 1-4] Two slow ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-8] Three faster ronds de jambe and hold [CTS 9-16]Reverse the step en dedans [CTS 1-16] Repeat en dedans and en dehors, finishing in fifth position right foot front on half toe [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back [CTS 1-8] Développé side, the right arm coming front and out to the side [CTS 1-8] Leaving the leg up, do two slow demi-plié relevés [CTS 1-8] Passé and développé front, the right arm coming down and up [CTS 1-8] Quickly lower the leg, remaining on half toe brush through first to second arabesque and balance, close to fifth right foot back.
9. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-3] Three grand battements front [CT 4] Hold in fifth [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix [CTS 1-16[ Repeat the entire exercise.
10. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring foot to cou de pied front the right arm low, slightly out over the knee.
[CTS 1-3] Three petit battements back and front of ankle [CT 4] Take the foot to the back of the ankle [CTS 5-7] Repeat, beating front then back [CT 8] Bring the foot to the front [CTS 9-32] Repeat, 32 in all.
1. Adagio
Part 1: Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé right leg to second position waist high, two counts for each dégagé.
[CTS 1-8] Four ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors then lower the leg to second position and lower the heel [CTS 1-2] Demi-plié in second and straighten the knees, tendu the left foot side [CTS 3-4] Lower the heel, demi-plié in second and straighten the knees and tendu the right foot side [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié in second and tendu the left foot side [CTS 7-8] Lift the left leg waist high [CTS 1-16] Repeat the exercise, ending with the right leg up in second position in the air [CTS 1-4] Three fast ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors and lower the leg to tendu side [CTS 5-8] Three grand battements side with the right leg to tendu position and plié in second position, straighten knees, and finish with the left leg waist high in second position [CTS 9-16] Repeat with the left leg and lower the heels in second position.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in second [CTS 5-8] Relevé in second, arms down, forward, and out to the sides [CTS 1-8] Demi-plié in second, the right arm coming down and forward, the body turns to the right side, lift the left leg in first arabesque, the right arm forward and promenade to the right in first arabesque, making one full turn [CTS 1-8] Passé the left leg and développé to effacé front, coming through passé développé to attitude effacé back [CTS 1-8] Passé and développé to croisé front and slowly turn to the right, the left leg moving through second position, the right arm opening side, continue turning to the right shoulder ending in attitude with the left leg croisé back and the left arm up [CTS 1-8] Lower the left leg and step back on the left foot, slide the right foot back through first position to first arabesque in a deep demi-plié and promenade to the left ending in fourth arabesque, the left arm front croisé, still in demi-plié [CTS 1-8] Lower the right leg and bring it through first to effacé, pas de bourrée to the right ending in fourth position and pirouette en dehors to the right with the right leg up ending in fifth position with the right leg back, do two pas de chats to the right, arms low [CTS 1-8] Repeat tombé, pas de bourrée, pirouette, and pas de chat to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step a third time to the right [CTS 1-8] Swivel toward the right shoulder to face the left side of the room and do three chassés in croisé with the right foot front toward the left front corner of the room and step forward onto the right foot [CTS 1-8] Développé the left leg to the side and promenade to the right one rotation [CTS 1-8] Lowering the left leg, flic-flac en tournant turning to the right and ending with the left foot in cou de pied back, développé the left leg to attitude croisé back and then lower the leg to fourth croisé.
Part 3: [CTS 1-8] Pirouette en dedans to the right and lower left leg to fifth, demi-plié and lift the right to cou de pied back, quickly développé the right leg to first arabesque and do two relevés in arabesque [CTS 1-8] Lower the leg and tombé pas de bourrée to the right to fourth position and pirouette en dehors to the right [CTS 1-8] Leaving the right leg up, step out on in it to the right and pirouette en dedans to the right (which is the beginning of repeating the combination to the other side) ending in fourth with the left foot front. Repeat Part 3 two times to the left ending in a deep fourth position with the right foot front, arms in fourth arabesque croisé (right arm front, left arm back) with a deep bend of the upper body toward the right.
2. Petit Allegro
Part 1: Start left foot front fifth position.
[CT 1] Pas de chat to the right [CT 2] Assemblé to the side with the right foot ending fifth front [CTS 3-4] Two jetés side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the right [CTS 5-8] Brisé volé front and back and two pas de chats to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire step to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat the step with beats on the assemblés and jetés.
Part 2: Start right foot front fifth position croisé.
[CTS 1-3] Slide the right leg out to the right in demi-plié, lifting the left in second arabesque, do one sauté (which is more like a long low slide) in second arabesque, bring the left leg through to fourth front and sauté in third arabesque croisé with the right arm forward looking at the hand, bring the right leg through to effacé front and sauté in second arabesque again [CT 4] Slide the left leg to croisé front [CT 5] Big assemblé side with the right leg closing fifth front [CT 6] Big sissonne ouverte with the left leg up in arabesque and the left arm up keeping the leg up [CTS 7-8] two emboîté (not turned) with the right leg up in attitude back, ending with the left leg up in attitude back effacé with the right arm opening palm up to the right front corner, bring the left leg through first and step out to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the other side.
Part 3: Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Chassé with the right foot front to the right front corner, step out on the right to the right back corner and, bringing the left foot through, cabriole in écarté position with the left foot front, arms open, and the head looking over the shoulder, bring the left leg down and across [CTS 3-4] Facing the back of the room, chassé toward the left front corner with the left foot front, step on the left toward right croisé front and cabriole in fourth arabesque croisé to the right front corner with the left arm front [CTS 5-6] Coupé the right foot under and chassé in croisé front to the right front corner of the room with the left foot front, step forward on the left and cabriole in écarté with the right leg up in front, right arm palm up to the right front corner [CTS 7-8] Slide the right leg across to croisé, pas de chat to the left with the left arm low in front and rond de jambe par terre with the left leg to croisé front and, stepping forward on the left, come to fifth on half toe left foot front with the arms open to the sides high above the shoulders [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the left.
Part 4: Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CTS 1-4] Four sissonnes fermé in first arabesque position to the right front corner, the arms starting from low and lifting to first arabesque position [CTS 5-6] Quickly do a small dégagé with the right leg to effacé front and quickly bring it back to fifth in demi-plié lifting the left leg back in first arabesque and hop back in first arabesque position [CTS 7-8] Coupé the left foot under and assemblé side with the right closing back [CTS 1-8] Four sets of entrechat quatre royale [CTS 1-16] Repeat step to the other side.
Part 5: Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-16] Sixteen changements with the accent down [CTS 1-16] Sixteen with the accent up.
Part 6: Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-16] Eight grand battement side, right then left, moving back and closing back [CTS 1-16] Eight moving front and closing front, hold the last pose in fifth lowering the arms to en bas.
Obhoukoff Class No. 5
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé bringing arms down and up and open [CTS 9-32] Repeat step three more times and tendu to the side, close in fifth position right foot front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in fifth position [CTS 5-8] Relevé, sliding right foot across to a closed fifth position [CTS 1-8] Repeat the plié and relevé, lower the heels, demi-plié and tendu front to fourth position [CTS 1-8] Grand plié and relevé [CTS 1-8] Repeat, lower heels, demi-plié and rond de jambe par terre to the back, closing fifth position back [CTS 1-8] Grand plié and relevé in fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat, lower the heels, demi-plié and tendu to fourth back [CTS 1-8] Grand plié and relevé [CTS 1-8] Repeat, lower the heels, demi-plié, and rond de jambe par terre from the back to the front and close fifth position front.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-16] Eight tendu with demi-plié in fifth to the front [CTS 17-64] Repeat en croix [CTS 1-64] Repeat entire step.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-32] One tendu each way en croix, 32 in all.
4. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front, this is done quite fast.
[CTS 1-16] Sixteen dégagés front [CTS 17-64] Continue en croix.
5. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu to the side and bring the right foot to cou de pied front.
[CTS 1-4] Four frappés front [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix and roll up to half toe [CTS 1-16] Repeat step on half toe.
6. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side (this step is done slowly).
[CTS 1-4] Fondu front [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix [CTS 1-16] Four fondus to the side with relevé, finish closing in fifth on half toe and demi-plié.
7. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: demi-plié and tendu front with the arm front and carry arm and leg to the side as the left knee straightens (medium slow tempo).
[CTS 1-16] Sixteen ronds de jambe par terre en dehors finishing in tendu front [CTS 1-16] Repeat en dedans, finish in fifth position right foot front [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back [CTS 1-4] Slow développé side [CTS 5-8] Keep the leg up and demi-plié and relevé [CTS 1-8] Passé and développé to attitude back [CTS 1-8] Lower the leg to tendu back in demi-plié and port de bras front, remain in demi-plié and bend back [CTS 1-8] Come up to fifth position on half toe, raising the right foot to cou de pied back with the right arm up, bend back then close to fifth position.
8. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg waist high.
[CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-8] Four en dedans [CTS 9-32] Repeat the step three more times and lower the leg to fifth position front [CTS 1-16] Développé the right leg front, the arm side, carry the leg to the side then back, lower the leg, brush through first position and dégagé front as high as possible, hold, and lower to fifth position.
9. Grand Battement
Start first position (this step is done with the battement on [&] and the leg is lowered on the count).
[CTS 1-32] Eight grand battements each way to first position.
10. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring right foot to cou de pied front with the arm low to the side over the leg.
[CTS 1-32] 32 petit battements.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu right foot side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Two slow frappés side to tendu with the toe on the floor [CTS 5-8] Three fast frappés side brushing to off the floor and after the last frappé, dégagé waist high [CTS 1-4] Two slow ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors [CTS 5-8] Three fast ronds de jambe and lower the leg to tendu side [CTS 1-8] Repeat the frappés, ending in tendu side [CTS 1-8] Take the leg to fourth position back preparation, pirouette en dehors to the right ending in fifth position with the right foot back and tendu the left foot side. Repeat the entire combination to the left ending in second position.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Grand plié in second position [CTS 1-8] Relevé, the arms are side, flex the wrists, lower the arms and heels, and tendu the right foot side and close front [CTS 1-2] Développé the right leg straight front, arms together and out [CT 3] Quickly passé and développé front again [CT 4] Carry the leg to the side [CT 5] Passé and open to the side again [CT 6] Carry the leg to arabesque directly behind [CT 7] Passé and open back again [CT 8] Lower to fifth position.
Part 3: [CTS 1-8] Step forward onto the left leg to croisé position, pointing the right foot in back with the right arm up and the left arm side, demi-plié as you swivel toward the right shoulder to face the back of the room, continue around to fourth position with the weight on the right foot, straighten the knees with the left pointing back croisé and the right arm coming up looking out from under and dégagé the left leg to arabesque and passé and développé the left leg to effacé front and fall forward onto the left and pas de bourrée to the left, immediately brush the right foot through, step on it, the left foot pointing back croisé and the left arm up. Repeat part three to the other side, ending the pas de bourrée in fourth with the left foot front preparation.
Part 4: [CTS 1-2] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending in third arabesque croisé in demi-plié with the right arm front [CTS 3-4] Lower the right foot, turning toward the right shoulder to face the back of the room and pointing the right foot front, face the left back corner and, like a small glissade, bring the left foot to fifth back, finish facing croisé front and step onto the right foot in croisé front [CTS 5-8] Bring the left foot in développé to attitude back croisé and lower the leg to fourth. Repeat part four to the other side.
Part 5: [CTS 1-8] Passé the right leg, right arm coming front and out, développé side and hold and demi-plié on the left, fast pas de bourrée under to the left and a big pas de chat with the arms up and out ending with the right foot front fifth position.
Part 6: [CTS 1-16] Slide out onto the right foot turning to the right side of the room, relevé in first arabesque and close the left foot back facing front and double pirouette en dehors to the right ending in fifth position right foot front, immediately slide the right leg out turning to the right side of the room first arabesque and continue to repeat the step, four times in all [CTS 1-12] Pas de chat to the right ending with the left foot front and sous-sus in fifth, arms out to the sides with the right arm higher and pas de chat and sous-sus to the left and then to the right again [CTS 13-16] One pas de chat to the left and one to the right with the arms side. Repeat part six
2. Petit Allegro
Start left foot front fifth position.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three glissades to the right, the left foot remains front, the arms are side with the right arm slowly moving higher while the left remains low and the head is to the left [CT 4] Assemblé to the right, closing right front [CTS 5-8] Four more assemblés side, left closing front, then right, then left again and right again. Repeat step to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-3] Three glissades side with the left foot front moving left, the left arm moving higher, the head to the right [CT 4] Assemblé left side, closing the left foot back [CTS 5-8] Four assemblés side moving back with the right and the left closing fifth back. Repeat to the other side (keeping arms low to the sides on the assemblés).
3. Grand Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CTS 1-2] Two chassés in effacé front position to the right side of the room, with the right arm front and the left arm side [CTS 3-4] Step forward to effacé front on the right and turning to the right, sauté with the left up in attitude back, end facing the left side of the room, almost in croisé front [CTS 5-6] Bring the left leg through and relevé in first arabesque with the right leg up [CTS 7-8] Chassé to the right and tour jeté, end in first arabesque on the left, bring the right leg through and close back [CTS 1-8] Start the step to the other side.
4. Petit Allegro
Start right foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-4] Four changements [CTS 5-6] Two glissades battu to the left (open the left leg side and, in the air, beat the right in back and bring it front again as you slide to a small fourth) [CT 7] Brisé [CT 8] Royale. Repeat the step to the other side and repeat entire petit allegro again.
5. Grand Battement Side
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-8] Eight grand battements, alternating right and left, moving back [CTS 1-8] Eight moving front.
Obhoukoff Class No. 6
1. Plié
Start first position, four counts for each plié.
[CTS 1-16] Four grand pliés, tendu to second position [CTS 1-16] Four grand pliés in second position, tendu to third position [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés, tendu side, closing third position back [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés.
2. Tendu with Demi-plié in Third Position
Start third position right foot front.
[CTS 1-128] 64 tendus (two counts for each tendu, done two each way).
3. Tendu to Fifth Position
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-32] Sixteen tendus (two counts for each tendu, done four each way en croix). Repeat exercise.
4. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-3] Three dégagés front [CT 4] Pause in fifth position. Continue en croix, 32 in all.
5. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-3] Three frappés front [CT 4] Hold the extended leg [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix. Perform this exercise three more times. Roll up to half toe and repeat the exercise again on half toe.
6. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-32] Sixteen fondus (four counts for each fondu, two each way en croix).
7. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: tendu in demi-plié to the front with the arm front, take the leg and arm side, straighten the knee.
[CTS 1-2] Two slow ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 3-4] Three faster ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-16] Repeat this step three times [CTS 1-16] Repeat en dedans four times, ending in first position [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back [CTS 1-8] Passé and développé side, hold for four counts [CTS 1-8] Passé and relevé to half toe and développé front with the arm front, carry the leg through second to arabesque, (the arm remains side in arabesque) hold the arabesque and close to fifth back.
8. Rond de Jambe L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé to the side waist high.
[CTS 1-2] Two slow ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 3-4] Three faster ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-16] Perform this step three more times [CTS 1-16] Repeat en dedans four times and lower the leg to cou de pied front and relevé [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back [CTS 1-8] Développé side and hold, passé, lower the left heel [CTS 1-8] Développé front and carry the leg through second to arabesque and passé [CTS 1-8] Relevé and développé to écarté, hold and lower the leg to fifth front.
9. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Grand battement front, simultaneously rolling up to half toe and lower the leg, lower both heels simultaneously with straight knees [CTS 3-4] Grand battement front and simultaneously demi-plié on the left, finish with both knees straight in fifth. Repeat the step to the front again and continue en croix.
10. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side, bring the right foot to cou de pied front with the right arm up.
[CTS 1-8] Eight petit battements, beating back and front [CTS 1-8] Eight petit battements beating front and back [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire step.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Two échappés side to half toe closing left front, then right front [CT 3] Glissade to the left, the right foot remains front [CT 4] Passé relevé with the left foot coming up and closing front [CT 5-6] Pas de bourrée, turned en dehors to the right, ending in fourth position with the right foot front [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dehors to the left, ending in fifth position with the right foot front. Repeat part 1.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Grand plié [CTS 1-8] Roll up, right foot sliding across to a tight fifth with the arms opening to the side, right arm higher, looking up to the right wrist and lower the heels in demi-plié [CTS 1-8] Pirouette from fifth en dehors to the right and, leaving the leg up, développé front in demi-plié, the right arm up and the left arm in front, lower the right leg to fifth and demi-plié [CTS 1-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right and, keeping the leg up, développé side in demi-plié, the right arm up and the left arm front, close to fifth position right foot back with the arms opening side [CTS 1-8] Développé to attitude back croisé, hold the position and close fifth back [CTS 1-8] Développé the left leg to croisé front in demi-plié with the left arm front, straighten the supporting knee and carry the leg to écarté with the left arm up [CTS 1-8] Continue to attitude back effacé and promenade to the right, bringing the right arm down and up to meet the left, ending in effacé again [CTS 1-8] Passé and développé the left leg to effacé front with the arms opening side above the shoulders, lower the left leg to tendu in demi-plié and pas de bourrée moving to the right, closing the left foot front and back, end in fourth position with the right foot front [CTS 1-8] Pirouette to the right en dedans end in fourth with the left foot front, swivel toward the right shoulder to face the back of the room end in first arabesque on the right foot, facing the left back corner of the room, bring the left leg down through first position to fourth position effacé front and relevé as the right leg passés through first, end in fourth position croisé front with the right foot front [CTS 1-8] Repeat the pirouette and swivel to first arabesque, lower the left leg and bring it through first and finish facing front, dégagé with the left leg facing side very low, do three glissades to the left with the right foot front [CTS 1-8] Développé the left leg side and lower it through first to fourth back in demi-plié [CTS 1-8] Bringing the right leg through first, dégagé to first arabesque in demi-plié with the arms out to the side, the right arm high, looking over the right wrist, continue lifting the leg as high as possible then lower to fifth position right foot front.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Two piqué turns en dehors (step out onto the right in demi-plié and bring the left to fifth in front and, turning to the right, passé the right leg up) [CTS 3-4] Step out onto the right and fouetté en dedans ending with the left foot front, one fouetté en dehors [CTS 5-8] Repeat [CTS 1-2] From the final position of the fouetté with the right foot up, relevé on the left taking the right leg to third arabesque croisé back [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié and brush through first, relevé with the right leg in effacé front [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié, brushing the right leg to third arabesque croisé in relevé again [CTS 7-8] Brush through demi-plié to effacé front. Repeat part 3, but omit the last effacé front so that after the last arabesque croisé closes fifth back. Repeat part 3 to the left and at the very end, remain on half toe in third arabesque croisé changing the arms, the left arm coming over head, the right coming down and forward to fourth arabesque croisé and finish in fifth position.
2. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Cabriole in effacé front, fermé with the right arm front over the leg [CT 2] Cabriole back in first arabesque fermé [CTS 3-6] Repeat twice [CT 7] Glissade to the right side with the right foot front [CT 8] Assemblé side with the right, end with the right foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire step again.
3. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Chassé to the right with the right foot front and saut de basque, the arms low [CTS 3-6] Repeat twice [CTS 7-8] Repeat, but make the step much larger and the arms come up on the saut de basque [CTS 1-2] Glissade to the right, the right foot remains front [CTS 3-4] Assemblé with the right foot side closing fifth back [CTS 5-7] Step forward on the left to croisé and coupé the right under, relevé and renversé with the left leg coming from the front through second and ending in attitude back croisé with the left arm up, bending far to the right, end in demi-plié [CT 8] Pas de bourrée, turned under to the left and finish pointing the left croisé front. Repeat entire step to the left.
4. Petit Allegro
Start left foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-2] Glissade to the right, left foot remains front, jeté side to the right, right arm front [CTS 3-4] Fast pas de bourrée turned to the left under yourself, finishing with the left foot front and jeté side with the right foot again [CTS 5-6] Pas de bourrée turned again and assemblé side to the right finishing right foot front [CTS 7-8] Two entrechat quatre [CTS 1-8] Repeat the entire step to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat faster with jeté battu
5. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-16] Fifteen entrechat quatre and one entrechat six [CTS 1-16] Repeat.
Obhoukoff Class No. 7
1. Plié
Start first position, each plié is done in a slow count of four.
[CTS 1-16] Four grand pliés in first position and tendu to second [CTS 1-16] Four grand pliés in second position and tendu to fourth front [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés in fourth and rond de jambe to fourth back [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés in fourth and tendu back, close fifth position right foot back [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés and tendu side, close fifth position right foot front [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés.
2. Tendu with Plié in Fifth
Start fifth position right foot front,two counts for each tendu.
[CTS 1-32] One tendu each way en croix, 32 tendus in all.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, counts [&1] for each tendu.
[CTS 1-64] Four tendus each way en croix, 64 in all.
4. Dégagé
Start right foot front fifth position, counts [&1] for each dégagé, at a fast tempo.
[CTS 1-64] Eight dégagés each way en croix, 64 in all.
5. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring the foot to cou de pied front, counts [&1] for each frappé.
[CTS 1-16] Four frappés each way en croix [CTS 1-16] Four each way on half toe.
6. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side, done in slow counts of four.
[CTS 1-4] Fondu to écarté side with the right arm up and the leg very high, hold the pose, [CTS 5-16] Repeat three times.
7. Rond de Jambe Par Terre
Start in first position, preparation: demi-plié and tendu front with the arm front and open the leg and arm to the side with a straight knee, done in waltz tempo, three counts for each rond de jambe.
[CTS 1-16] Sixteen ronds de jambe en dehors finishing in tendu front and sixteen en dedans ending in fifth position with the right foot front [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back [CTS 1-8] Développé front with the arms side, hold the position then relevé and slowly lower the leg to tendu front with both heels on the floor as you close to fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the side, ending in fifth position with the right foot back [CTS 1-8] Développé to attitude back, let go of the barre and balance [CTS 1-8] Open the leg out to arabesque, the right arm remains up, lower the leg to cou de pied back and, on half toe, port de bras front and back and close to fifth.
8. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the leg to the side at 45 degrees, done in counts of two.
[CTS 1-16] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 1-16] Eight en dedans [CTS 1-32] Repeat the step ending in fifth position right foot front on half toe [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back [CTS 1-8] Remaining on half toe, développé front and carry the leg through second to arabesque, arm remain side [CTS 1-8] Leaving the leg up, demi-plié [CTS 1-8] Carry the leg through second to the front, remaining in demi-plié, slowly relevé [CTS 1-8] The right leg passés through passé to attitude back, bring the left arm up to the right and balance then close to fifth back.
9. Grand Battement
Start right foot front fifth position, [CTS 1&2] for each battement.
[CTS 1-16] Four grand battements each way en croix and relevé [CTS 1-16] Four each way on half toe
10. Double Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side, counts [&1] for each double frappé. Beat back and front on the ankle and open front, beat front back and open side, beat front back and open back, and beat back front and open side then repeat the step beat back front open front, front back open back, back front open side, and front back open side, perform eight sets in all.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each tendu.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] One tendu each way en croix [CTS 1-2] Two tendus side with the right foot closing fifth back and front [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié in fifth and pirouette en dehors to the right ending in fifth position right foot back. Repeat the exercise to the left, then repeat right and left again.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Développé the right leg to effacé front with the arms up [CTS 3-4] Lower the leg and brush through first ending in attitude back effacé with the right leg and arm up, lower the leg [CTS 5-6] Brush through first and step forward on the right to croisé front, développé the left leg to fourth arabesque croisé with the right arm front [CTS 7-8] Passé the left leg, facing front and développé the left leg to écarté front [CTS 1-8] One full slow promenade to the left, the leg remains in écarté [CTS 1-2] Lower the left leg and slide across to croisé front, step on it, bring the right to coupé back and pas de bourrée to the left (right foot back and front) to fourth position croisé with the right leg front [CTS 3-4] Turn in a la seconde en dedans to the right with the arms up [CTS 5-6] Lower the left leg and slide it across to croisé again [CTS 7-8] Pas de bourrée to fourth with the right foot front [CTS 1-2] Turn in a la second en dedans with the left arm up in écarté position [CTS 3-4] Lower the left leg and slide it across and pas de bourrée to fourth position with the right front [CTS 5-6] Attitude turn en dedans with the left leg up in back finishing in effacé [CTS 7-8] Passé the left leg and développé to croisé front with the right arm up [CTS 1-4] Slowly, turning the body toward the right shoulder, the left leg goes through second, facing the back of the room, continue to face the left back corner the left leg ending in first arabesque [CTS 5-8] Continue the promenade in first arabesque, making one full rotation to the front, change the arms to second arabesque allongé and close the left foot to fifth back.
Part 3: [CTS 1-3] Threes passé relevés with the right leg up, closing fifth back then front then back [CT 4] Pas de chat to the right [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CT 1] Another pas de chat to the left [CT 2] Pas de bourrée under (left foot back and front) [CT 3] Pas de chat to the right [CT 4] Pas de bourrée under [CTS 5-8] Four pirouettes en dehors to the right ending in fifth, the first three pirouettes end with the right foot front in fifth, the last ends with the right foot back [CTS 1-4] Repeat the pas de chats and pas de bourrées to the right and left [CTS 5-8] Four pirouettes en dehors to the left ending in fifth position, on the last pirouette keep the leg up, demi-plié on the right and piqué out to the left side in demi-plié in first arabesque and hold the pose then close to fifth back.
2. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four jetés side right and left [CT 5] Glissade to the right with the left foot front [CT 6] Jeté side with the right [CT 7] Lower the left leg [CT 8] Jeté battu to the right (left foot beats front and ends in coupé back) [CTS 1-8] Repeat step to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Glissade to the right side with the left foot front and jeté side [CTS 3-4] Lower the left foot down and jeté battu with right leg up, the left leg beats front and back ending in coupé with the left foot back [CTS 5-6] Repeat, lowering the left foot and extending the right and jeté battu [CTS 7-8] Repeat [CTS 1-2] Moving to the left, glissade jeté [CTS 3-4] Lower the right foot and jeté battu, the right leg beats front and back [CTS 5-6] Repeat jeté battu [CTS 7-8] Glissade jeté to the right. Repeat entire step starting to the left and repeat entire step again, (the arms are held in a low open side position for the entire step). Now repeat the step with beats on all jetés.
3. Petit Allegro
Start right foot front fifth position
Part 1: [CT 1] Échappé to second position [CT 2] Spring up onto the right foot the left leg moving to attitude back effacé [CT 3] Spring from the right foot, the left foot does failli with the left leg across to fourth, slide the right leg through first [CT 4] Cabriole effacé front fermé with the arms held out to the sides quite high repeat the step to the right again.
Part 2: [CT 1] Spring up in fifth ending on the left foot with the right opening to effacé front, the arms open side [CT 2] Relevé with the right leg moving through second to end in first arabesque effacé, the body moving toward the left shoulder ending to face the left side of the room, the arms going to the sides above the shoulders [CT 3] Demi-plié on the left foot and slide the right foot through first to fourth front [CT 4] Pas de chat to the left with the arms opening side, palms up [CT 5] Spring up on the right foot the left leg opening to effacé front [CT 6] Repeat the relevé moving through second to first arabesque ending in first arabesque effacé arms open to the sides above shoulders [CT 7] Faillé to fourth front [CT 8] Pas de chat to the right. Repeat part 2.
4. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-32] 15 entrechat quatre and one entrchat six and repeat to the other side.
Oboukhoff Class No. 8
1. Plié
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé, the arms coming down and up and open, lower the heels [CTS 9-32] Repeat 3 more times and tendu front to fourth position. Repeat two sets in fourth position and rond de jambe the right foot to fourth back and do two sets, rond de jambe the right foot to fifth front, do two sets, tendu side to fifth back and do two sets.
2. Tendu with Plié
Start fifth position right foot front, done 2 counts for each tendu.
[CTS 1-64] One tendu each way en croix, 64 in all.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, all tendus are to the side.
[CT &1] for each tendu, eight tendus closing to fifth front and eight closing to fifth back, 64 tendus in all
4. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each.
[CTS 1-8] Eight dégagés front. Continue en croix and repeat.
5. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation sous-sus and dégagé the right foot side.
[CTS 1-32] Frappé done to the side only, one count each.
6. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-4] Fondu front with relevé [CTS 5-16] Done one each way en croix [CTS 1-16] Repeat, eight fondues in all.
7. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: demi-plié and tendu front with the arm front and straighten the knee as you take the foot and arm side, done in a waltz tempo.
[CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors, finish in tendu front [CTS 5-8] Four en dedans, finish in tendu back [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times with the last rond de jambe finishing in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back with straight knees [CTS 1-8] Repeat port de bras and close fifth front [CTS 1-8] Développé side, hold the pose, then lower the leg and flick through cou de pied back [CTS 1-8] Développé side and lower the leg to cou de pied back and relevé [CTS 1-8] Développé to attitude back [CTS 1-8] Balance with the arms up and close to fifth back.
8. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the leg side to 45 degrees (Counts &1 for each rond de jambe)
[CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 3-4] Two en dedans [CTS 5-32] Repeat seven more times ending the last rond de jambe in tendu back [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back with straight knees [CTS 1-8] Demi-plié on the left and repeat port de bras front and back, and straighten the left knee [CTS 1-8] Bring the right leg through passé, développé front and hold [CTS 1-8] Lower the leg and flick through cou de pied front, développé side and hold [CTS 1-8] Lower the leg and flick through cou de pied back, développé back, the right arm coming forward to second arabesque [CTS 1-8] Lower the leg while opening the arm side, flick through cou de pied back and développé side [CTS 1-8] Lower the leg and flick through cou de pied front, relevé on the left and développé the right to croisé front with the arm front, balance and close to fifth.
9. Grand Battement
Start fifth right foot front, two counts for each battement.
[CTS 1-4] Two grand battements [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix (each grand battement ends in fifth position demi-plié) [CTS 1-16] Repeat the step [CTS 1-16] Repeat a third set but at a faster tempo [CTS 1-16] Repeat a fourth set but at such a fast tempo that there is almost no time for the demi-plié in fifth, 32 in all.
10. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: sous-sus with the right arm up, dégagé the right leg side
[CTS &1] For each petit battement, beat back, front, and open front, then reverse (beat front back and open back) and repeat, 32 in all, all on half toe.
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: on [CT &] Dégagé the right leg side to 45 degrees side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors, the last one comes through passé and ends in tendu effacé front with the left arm up [CT 5] Brush through first, arms remaining the same, and battement back to croisé arabesque [CT 6] Brush through first and battement to effacé front [CT 7] Brush through first and battement to croisé back [CT 8] Finish in fifth position opening the left arm to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat exercise to the left. Now reverse the exercise, on [CT &] Dégagé the left side to 45 degrees [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en l’air en dedans ending with the left foot in tendu back croisé and the right arm up [CTS 5-8] Battement front, back, and front, ending in fifth position with the left foot front and dégagé the right leg side [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en l’air en dedans with the right leg ending in tendu croisé back, with the left arm up [CTS 5-8] Battement front, back, and front, ending in fifth position right foot front croisé.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé in fifth, the arms remain down, the head toward the right shoulder and lower the heels [CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg straight front, the arms together and out to the sides [CTS 5-8] Slowly lower the leg, brush through first and lift to attitude back croisé, keeping the right arm up and turn the right palm out [CTS 1-8] Hold, and slowly open the leg to croisé back while turning the right palm out in a very extended position, the head is left, hold and lower the leg to fifth [CTS 1-4] Développé the left leg side [CTS 5-8] Without plié, pull the left leg into passé and pirouette en dedans, immediately open to the side again [CTS 1-8] Pirouette en dedans again ending in attitude effacé back with the left leg up [CTS 1-4] Bring the left leg through passé and développé to croisé front, the left arm remains up [CTS 5-8] Lower the leg, brush through first and, facing straight front, bring the arms together in front of the body and dégagé the left leg to arabesque croisé back, opening the arms out to the sides and then up, the head looks to the right and lower the left leg to fourth position back preparation, left arm forward [CTS 1-4] Pirouette en dedans to the right and bring the left foot front in fourth position [CTS 5-8] Brush the right leg through first to the side and pas de basque back ending with the left leg up in third arabesque croisé with the left arm front in a deep demi-plié and lower the leg to fourth [CTS 1-4] Repeat the pirouette [CTS 5-8] Repeat pas de basque back, but finish in attitude back croisé with the left leg up in a deep demi-plié and lower the leg to fourth [CTS 1-4] Repeat pirouette en dedans and lower the left leg and quickly pick the right foot up in cou de pied back [CT 5] Fast small pas de bourrée (right foot back and front) end with the left foot up in cou de pied [CT 6] Pas de bourrée to the right [CT 7] Pas de bourrée to the left [CT 8] Leave the left foot up, the right knee straight [CTS 1-8] Slowly développé the left leg to fourth arabesque croisé with the right arm front in a deep demi-plié with the leg as high as possible [CTS 1-8] Lower the left leg to fifth position and tendu side in demi-plié and slow soutenu to the right en dedans ending with the right foot front in fifth position.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Demi-plié in fifth position and pirouette en dehors to the right and quickly, putting the right foot down in fifth front as you relevé on the left, brush the right foot side in ballonné, ending cou de pied back [CTS 3-4] Pas de bourrée turned to the right en dehors ending in fifth position with the right foot front. Perform the step four times in all. Finish the last pas de bourrée with the left foot up in cou de pied back [CTS &1&2&3] Piqué out onto the left, ballonné the right foot side and finish in demi-plié with the right foot coupé back and piqué onto the right and ballonné the left, repeat left and then right, drop the foot to fifth ending in demi-plié on the right with the left foot in coupé back [CT 4] Pas de chat to the right with the right palm opening up and out, finish in fifth with the left foot front (still on the count of four) open the right foot side and quickly soutenu en dedans to the left finishing with the left foot front in fifth position. Repeat part 3 to the left side but finish with the pas de chat to fourth position with the heels down, the left arm opens from the chest with the palm up.
1. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Glissade to the right with the left foot front and assemblé side with the right, ending with the right foot front [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the left [CTS 5-6] Repeat to the right [CTS 7-8] Two fast pas de basque turns to the right (step out on the right to half toe, bring the left very quickly to fifth front and turn to the right en dehors in fifth, end with the right foot front) come down on the left and repeat [CTS 1-8] Repeat step to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat step to the right [CTS 1-8] Continue eight more pas de basque turns to the right. Repeat entire step to the left.
2. Petit Allegro
Start right foot front fifth position croisé.
[CTS 1-2] Chassé toward the right side in effacé with the right foot front and step forward onto the right, cabriole back in effacé with the left arm up, the head looks out from under, and slide the left leg front [CTS 3-4] Chassé in croisé with the left foot front and step forward to croisé on the left foot and brush the right foot through first, turn the body to face front and cabriole back with the right leg, facing the left side of the room with the right arm up, looking out from under the arm and slide the right foot through first to fourth croisé [CTS 5-6] Chassé to the left side of the room in croisé with the arms open side and step forward on the right and cabriole back in fourth arabesque position with the right arm front and finish holding the arabesque position in demi-plié [CTS 7-8] Glissade back with the right foot front, facing the left front corner of the room and royale. Repeat entire step to the left.
3. Petit Allegro
Start right foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-4] Four royales [CTS 5-6] Two brisés in effacé front to left side [CTS 7-8] Very fast fouetté en dedans (the left foot opens side, turn to the right, but end with the left foot in fifth back and immediately fouetté en dehors to the right ending in fifth position with the right foot back) Repeat to the other side.
4. Changement
Start right foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-32] Very slow and very high changements, 32 in all.
5. Grand Battement Side
Start right foot front fifth position, two counts for each battement.
[CTS 1-2] Grand battement the right leg to the side closing fifth back [CTS 3-4] Grand battement the left leg to the side closing fifth back [CTS 5-16] Repeat, continuing to move back [CTS 1-16] Eight closing front and moving front [CTS 1-16] Eight moving back [CTS 1-16] Eight moving front [CTS 1-8] Reverence (step back on the left foot, the right points front croisé, the arms high and out to the sides, the head looks right) close to fifth position slowly lowering the arms.
Oboukhoff Class No. 9
1. Plié
Start in first position and tendu to second.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié in second [CTS 5-8] Relevé with the arms coming down, up, and open [CTS 9-32] Perform exercise three more times and tendu to third position right foot front [CTS 1-16] Two grand pliés and relevés, tendu the right foot to third position back [CTS 1-16] Repeat, and tendu side to fifth position front [CTS 1-16] Repeat the exercise, then tendu side to fifth position back. Repeat entire exercise.
2. Tendu with Plié
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-64] Tendu with plié, done four each way en croix, 64 in all.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-64] Counts &1 for each tendu done two each way en croix, 64 in all
4. Dégagé
Start right foot front fifth position, done quickly.
[CTS 1-12] Twelve dégagés front [CTS 13-16] Four relevés in fifth (not bringing heels together just roll up and down with straight knees) done en croix. Repeat.
5. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side, done one count for each frappé.
[CTS 1-16] Sixteen frappés to the side, roll up to half toe [CTS 1-16] Repeat on half toe and roll down [CTS 1-32] Repeat entire combination.
6. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side, each fondu is done in a slow count of four.
[CTS 1-4] One fondu to the side [CTS 5-16] Three more fondues to the side.
7. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in first position, preparation: tendu front in demi-plié and take arm and leg side and straighten supporting leg, done in waltz tempo.
[CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe par terre en dehors finishing in tendu front [CTS 5-8] Four en dedans finishing in tendu back [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times, finishing with the right foot front in fourth position [CTS 1-4] Port de bras forward [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe and port de bras back, roll down and close right foot to fifth position front [CTS 1-4] Développé side [CTS 5-8] Keeping the leg up, demi-plié, relevé and hold [CT &1] Remaining on half toe, lower the right leg and flick in back of the ankle and then in front (like a petit battement) [CTS 2-4] Développé front [CTS 5-8] Lower the leg, brushing through first on half toe and dégagé to arabesque back with the right arm up [CTS 1-8] Leaving the arm up, lower the leg, passing first on half toe and dégagé front as high as possible and hold, lower the leg to fifth.
8. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side to 45 degrees. Slow [CTS &1] for each one.
[CTS 1-16] Sixteen ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 1-16] Sixteen en dedans finishing in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Demi-plié on the left and port de bras front then straighten the left knee and bend back and come up [CTS 1-8] Demi-plié on the left and rond de jambe en dehors par terre to tendu back, the head and arm opening to the right back side and rond de jambe par terre en dedans to the front arm and head tilted toward left shoulder and rond de jambe par terre en dehors ending in tendu back demi-plié and lower into a deep lunge with the right foot pointing back and the right arm front, come up to straight knees in second arabesque and close tofifth back.
9. Grand battement
Start fifth position right foot front, [CTS &1] for each battement.
[CTS 1-4] One grand battement each way en croix [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times.
10. Petit Battement (Double Frappé to Tendu)
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side, each petit battement ends in tendu position.
[CTS 1-12] Twelve petit battements opening side (first beat back, front, and open to the side, then beat front, back, and open to the side, continue alternating) [CTS 13-16] Beat back, front, and open front in tendu, then beat front, back, and open back in tendu, four times.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front en face, arms low to the sides
Part 1: [CTS &1&2] Two tendus side with the right leg, closing fifth back and fifth front [CTS &3&4] Three dégagés side with the right leg closing back front back [CTS 5-6] Two tendus back with the right leg to croisé, the arms remain low [CTS 7-8] Three dégagés with the right leg to croisé back [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the left side. [CTS 1-2] Two tendus side with the right leg closing back and front [CTS 3-4] Three dégagés side closing back, front, back [CTS 5-6] Two tendus to croisé front with the left leg [CTS 7-8] Three dégagés [CTS 1-8] Repeat the tendus and dégagés side with the left leg and the tendus and dégagés front with the right leg ending in fifth position with the right foot front, both arms over head.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in fifth position opening the arms out and down [CTS 5-8] Relevé in fifth position sliding the right foot to a closed fifth, the left arm remains down, the right arm opens side and up, the wrist turns into rounded position at the very end of the movement and the head follows the right arm [CTS 1-4] Lower the heels in demi-plié, the right arm continues moving out and down, the left arm moves side, double pirouette en dehors to the right with the right leg up, keep the right leg up as the left heel lowers and développé the right leg to écarté position [CTS 5-8] Promenade en dehors to the right in this position, one revolution [CTS 1-4] Carry the right leg back to fourth arabesque croisé, the right arm moves out and back, the left arm down and forward, lean over the left shoulder [CTS 1-4] Slowly promenade to the right to face the back of the room, the right leg comes back into second position [CTS 5-8] Continue the promenade to the right, finish facing front, the right leg finishes in croisé front with the left arm up, slowly lower the right leg to tendu front [CTS 1-2] Chassé in croisé to the left front corner and step to croisé front on the right foot, relevé in third arabesque croisé, the left leg up and the left arm front [CTS 3-4] Turning toward the left shoulder, chassé toward the right back corner with the left leg in front and step forward onto the left leg, brush the right leg out to the side, pas de basque back to face the front of the room in fourth position croisé with the right foot front, demi-plié on the front leg, the arms open out to the sides slightly behind the body with an arched back [CTS 1-2] Remaining in demi-plié on the right foot, rond de jambe par terre with the left foot to the front, ending in croisé front, with the right arm up and the left arm out [CTS 3-4] Step forward on the left foot and développé the right leg to effacé front, the left arm down and up [CTS 5-6] Lower the right leg and bring it to croisé front with the right arm in front of the body, bring the left leg in a small rond de jambe par terre to the front and step forward on the left foot and bring the left arm in front of the body, the right foot comes to coupé back [CTS 7-8] Pas de bourrée to the left with passés, left foot up and then right, ending in fourth position with the right foot front in preparation [CTS 1-2] Double or triple attitude turn en dedans with the left foot up in back ending in attitude effacé [CTS 3-4] Bring the right arm down and up to meet the other arm over head while extending the left leg to arabesque [CTS 5-6] Lower the left leg and slide through first to fourth position [CTS 7-8] Attitude turn en dedans to the left ending in attitude effacé, bring the left arm up to meet the right and extend the right leg to arabesque [CTS 1-2] Demi-plié in arabesque, slowly opening the arms to the side [CTS 3-4] Lower the right leg to coupé back and pas de bourrée turned toward the right shoulder en dehors ending in fifth position right foot front [CTS 5-8] Développé the left leg to the side, arms down and up, hold the left leg up, open the arms to the side and then slowly lower the leg to fifth position right foot front. arms lowering in front of body.
Part 3: [CTS &1] Fondu relevé to effacé with the right foot front [CT 2] Demi-plié on the left and slide the right through first and relevé, ending in third arabesque croisé with the right arm front [CT 3] Fall back on the right and brush the left through first, relevé in first arabesque with the left foot up and quickly bring the left foot to coupé back [CT 4] Hitch kick front, the right leg up and then the left, ending in fifth position with the left foot front croisé [CT 5] Glissade to the right side with the left foot front [CT 6] Pas de basque back (stepping out on the right, bring the left through first to fourth back) [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dedans to the right and bring the left foot behind, come down on the left foot in back and fouetté en dehors to the right ending with the right foot still up in demi-plié on the left [CTS 1-4] Repeat the first four counts of part 3 [CTS 5-6] Glissade to the right, assemblé side to the right ending with the right foot front [CTS 7-8] Three small fast changements. Repeat all of part 3 to the other side, finishing in fifth position right foot front with the arms low to the side and rounded.
2. Petit Allegro
Start left foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-2] Glissade to the right side with the left foot front [CTS 3-4] Big jeté side (right leg does battement to the side very high, while in the air, both legs are straight in second position split and quickly bring the left leg into passé and take it to fourth position back croisé) [CTS 5-6] Double pirouette en dedans to the right with the left foot in coupé back [CTS 7-8] Bring the left foot down in fifth back, still on half toe, and brush the right leg around first position ending in third arabesque croisé right arm front [CTS 1-4] Two demi-pliés and relevés in arabesque moving slightly back [CTS 5-6] Lower the right leg to fifth and glissade to the right side with the left foot front [CTS 7-8] Repeat the split jump jeté ending in third arabesque croisé with the left leg up and the left arm front. Repeat entire step to the other side.
3. Grand Allegro
Start fifth position croisé with the left foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Glissade to the right side, ending with the left foot front in a slight fourth position and grand jeté in attitude with the left leg up in effacé back, immediately slide the left leg through first to fourth [CTS 3-4] Step far forward toward the right side on the right, then bring the left leg through and step to croisé on half toe and développé the right leg to effacé front, arching the body [CTS 5-6] Quickly lower the right leg ending with the left coupé back and chassé to the left with the left foot front in effacé and saut de basque to the left [CTS 7-8] From the plié at the end of the saut de basque, immediately relevé as the left leg does a fouetté to the left going through second and into third arabesque and continuing in a turn in third arabesque, the arms side and lower the leg to fourth position back. Repeat entire step to the other side
4. Petit Allegro
Start right foot front fifth position one count for each.
[CTS 1-2] Two royales [CTS 3-4] Three changements [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times.
5. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each.
[CTS 1-8] Eight grand battements side alternating right and left, moving back with the arms side and bring the arms up [CTS 9-16] Eight grand battements alternating left and right, moving forward with the arms up, hold final position, slowly open and lower the arms.
Oboukhoff Class No.10
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé and hold, the arms coming down and up, open the arms and lower the heels [CTS 9-32] Perform exercise three more times [CTS 1-32] Tendu to second and perform four times [CTS 1-16] Tendu to fifth front and perform exercise two times [CTS 1-16] Tendu side closing fifth back and perform exercise two times.
2. Tendu (with Demi-plié in Fifth)
Start fifth position right foot front, two counts for each tendu done to the side only.
[CTS 1-16] Four tendus with demi-plié in fifth closing in fifth front and four closing in fifth back [CTS 17-32] Eight closing in first [CTS 33-128] Perform the exercise four times in all.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-128] Repeat step two with no demi-plié.
4. Dégagé
Start right foot front fifth position, done very quickly, [CTS &1] for each dégagé.
[CTS 1-4] Four dégagés front [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix [CTS 17-64] Repeat three times.
5. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring foot to cou de pied front [CTS &1] for each frappé.
[CTS 1-8] Frappés, done two each way en croix [CTS 1-16] Repeat, roll up to half toe [CTS 1-16] Repeat.
6. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side done very slowly.
[CTS 1-4] Fondu to the side with relevé [CTS 5-32] Repeat seven more times.
7. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: tendu front with demi-plié and the arm front, take the leg and arm side as the knee straightens, waltz tempo.
[CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors finishing in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Eight en dedans finishing in tendu back [CTS 1-16] Repeat ending in fifth position right foot front [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back [CTS 1-8] Slow développé side in demi-plié and relevé, quickly flick the leg down to coupé back while lowering the left heel [CTS 1-8] Développé to attitude back in demi-plié and relevé, hold the pose and lower the left heel [CTS 1-8] Bring the leg through passé and développé front in demi-plié with the right arm up and relevé, hold the pose and lower the leg to fifth position.
8. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side to 45 degrees.[CTS &1] for each.
[CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-8] Four en dedans [CTS 9-32] Repeat three times, lower the leg to fifth front on half toe [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back, lower the heels [CTS 1-8] Slowly développé side while rising to half toe and hold the position [CTS 1-8] Passé and développé front with the right arm up, grand rond de jambe through second to arabesque with the arm remaining up [CTS 1-8] Passé and développé front again and slowly, turning to face the barre, the right leg passés through second and continues to arabesque facing the left side, hold the pose and close to fifth position, immediately start the step to the left.
9. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, [CTS &1] for each battement.
[CTS 1-2] Two grand battements front [CTS 3-8] Continue en croix [CTS 1-8] Rise to half toe and repeat, lower the heels [CTS 1-16] Repeat.
10. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring the leg to cou de pied front with the right arm low to the side.
[CTS &1] For each set, 32 petit battements in all.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position croisé right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Pas de basque front, the arms opening front and side, end in tendu back with the right foot back [CTS 3-4] From this position, pas de basque back, ending in fourth position with the right foot front in preparation [CTS 5-6] Pirouette to the right en dedans with a definitive dégagé side before the turn, end with the left foot front in fifth position [CTS 7-8] Four fast tendus side with the left foot, closing fifth back and front [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire step but start with the left foot pas de basque back, then front repeating the pirouette en dedans and the four tendus side, repeat to the other side ending in fifth position right foot front croisé.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié ending with the arms out to the side and the right arm higher, looking toward the right wrist [CTS 5-8] Demi-plié in fifth, arms in preparation position, pirouette en dehors to the right, ending with the right leg in tendu back croisé, the right arm overhead and the left arm side, reach high up with the right arm [CTS 1-8] Circular port de bras to the right (the right arm comes forward and down as you demi-plié in fourth, continue to turn the body toward the right shoulder, pass through second position as you face the back of the room and continue around, end facing the left front corner in croisé and lift the left leg to third arabesque croisé) [CTS 1-4] Hold the position bringing the right arm out and up to fourth arabesque croisé position, the head follows the arm, demi-plié, glissade back in croisé with the left arm low and the right high to the side, look down toward the left arm, end in fifth position with the right foot front [CTS 5-8] Straighten the knees and développé the right leg to écarté [CTS 1-4] Carry the leg through second and end in first arabesque facing the left side of the room [CTS 5-8] Continue into a promenade to the left in arabesque, one full revolution [CTS 1-4] End in first arabesque and passé the right leg to croisé front, relevé and fall forward to fourth position preparation [CTS 5-8] Attitude turn en dedans to the right with the left leg up in back ending in effacé position [CTS 1-4] Passé the left leg and développé to effacé front with the body quite arched [CTS 5-8] Demi-plié on the right and piqué to half toe as far out as possible to the left in first arabesque, the head moving down and up, hold the pose and slide the right leg through first to fourth position [CTS 1-4] Pirouette en dehors to the left, end in fifth position with the left foot front and the arms down [CTS 5-8] Piqué out to first arabesque on the left foot again and brush the right leg through first to fourth and pirouette en dehors to the left, end in attitude croisé with the left leg up in back [CTS 1-4] Promenade en dehors to the left in attitude remaining in demi-plié, one revolution [CTS 5-8] Open the left leg to third arabesque croisé with the left arm front, straighten the right knee, hold the pose and close to fifth.Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Four piqué turns en dehors to the right (step up turns, meaning, step out on the right bring the left in front turning to the right with the right leg in passé) on the last turn, keep the right leg up and demi-plié on the left [CT 5] Relevé as right leg does fondu side [CT 6] Keep the right leg up and demi-plié on the left, pull the right in to a pirouette en dehors to the right [CT 7] Fondu side again [CT 8] Pirouette again [CTS 1-4] Four piqués en dehors, turns with the last one ending with the right foot up and the left in demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé on the left as the right leg opens to fourth arabesque croisé with the left arm front do two more relevés in arabesque croisé, moving diagonally back, hold the pose, and quickly close the right foot fifth position back. Repeat part 3 to the left. To finish, after the last relevé in fourth arabesque croisé with the left leg up, remain on half toe and lower the left leg to fifth back, brush the right leg through first to first arabesque, hold the pose and close to fifth back.
2. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Echappé to second (hold the legs together in fifth as long as possible in the air before landing in second) [CT 2] Spring to first arabesque on the right, moving to the right side [CT 3] Pas de bourrée to the right, left foot back and front [CT 4] Pas de chat [CTS 5-8] Repeat the step to the left ending with the right foot front fifth position.
Part 2: [CT 1] Pas de chat to the left [CT 2] Pas de bourrée under, left foot back and front [CT3] Pas de chat to the right [CT 4] Pas de bourrée under to the left [CTS 5-6] Pas de chat and pas de bourrée to the left [CTS 7-8] Two pas de chats to the right. Repeat part 2.
3. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front, done quite fast.
[CT 1] Step out to the right side onto the right foot, brush the left to croisé front, cabriole front with the left arm up, looking out front under the arm [CT 2] Step down onto the left foot, brush the right foot through to cabriole écarté with the arms open side the right higher and looking up to the hand, come down unto the right foot [CTS 3-4] Repeat cabrioles [CT 5] Lower the right foot into fifth position and brush the left foot out, cabriole in first arabesque position, fall back onto the left foot [CT 6] Brushing the right through first position, cabriole back in fourth arabesque croisé with the left arm front and fall back [CTS 7-8] Repeat the two cabrioles back ending in fifth position, step out onto the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat entire step to the other side.
4. Petit Allegro
Start right foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-6] Six changements, the last ending in demi-plié [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dehors (three turns if possible) ending in fifth position right foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
5. Grand Battement
Start right foot front fifth position, all battements done to the side, [CTS &1] for each battement.
[CTS 1-8] Eight battements moving back [CTS 1-8] Eight moving front, finish in fifth position right foot front, arms down and head high toward the right front side.
Oboukhoff Class No. 11
1. Grand Plié
Start first position, pliés done in slow counts of four and relevés done in slow counts of four.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé bringing the arms down and up [CTS 9-32] Three grand pliés and relevés in first, tendu to second [CTS 1-32] Four grand pliés and relevés in second, tendu and close to fifth front [CTS 1-16] Two sets in fifth with the right foot front, tendu side and close the right foot back [CTS 1-16] Two sets in fifth with the right foot back.
2. Tendu with Demi-plié in Fifth
Start in fifth position right foot front, done one tendu per count.
[CTS 1-4] Four tendus to the front with demi-plié in fifth [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix [CTS 17-64] Repeat three more times.
3. Tendu
Start in fifth position right foot front, one count for each tendu.
[CTS 1-2] Two tendus front [CTS 3-8] Continue en croix [CTS 9-64] Repeat seven more times.
4. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front, done only to the side, very fast, one count for each dégagé.
[CTS 1-2] Two dégagés side closing fifth front [CTS 3-4] Two closing fifth back [CTS 5-64] Repeat 15 more times.
5. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each frappé, done two each way en croix, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-2] Two frappés front [CTS 3-8] Continue en croix [CTS 9-16] Repeat and roll up to half toe [CTS 1-16] Repeat on half toe.
6. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, four slow counts for each fondu, done one each way en croix, preparation: tendu side
[CTS 1-4] Fondu front [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix [CTS 1-16] Repeat the step with the arm coming down and up for each fondu [CTS 1-32] Repeat the entire step.
7. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: demi-plié and tendu front with the arm front, straighten the supporting knee as you carry the leg and arm side, one count for each rond de jambe.
[CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors finishing in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Eight en dedans finishing in tendu back [CTS 1-16] Repeat, finishing with the right foot front in fifth position [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back [CTS 1-8] Slowly développé side, demi-plié and relevé, hold the position [CTS 1-8] Bring the leg to passé and développé front with the right arm up, lower the leg through first, remaining on half toe, and lift to second arabesque with the right arm front [CTS 1-8] Brush through first again and dégagé front with the right arm coming up [C TS 1-8] Lower the leg through first again to arabesque, holding the pose, demi-plié as deeply as possible, remove the left hand from the barre and hold the second arabesque pose, come up to tendu back and close to fifth back.
8. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each rond de jambe, preparation: dégagé side 45 degrees
[CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-8] Four en dedans [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times, finishing in fifth position with the right foot front [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and scoop the feet together to half toe, port de bras back and lower the heels [CTS 1-8] Développé front with the right arm up, carry the leg to the side and to arabesque, the arm remains up, bring the leg to passé and rise to half toe [CTS 1-8] Repeat the développé front and carry the leg through the side to arabesque, balance in this pose and lower the leg to fifth back.
9. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each battement.
[CTS 1-4] Four battements front [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix, rise to half toe [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire step.
10. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-2] Double frappé to the front (beat back and front on the ankle and brush to the front) [CTS 3-4] Beat on the ankle front and back and brush out to the side [CTS 5-8] Repeat [CTS 1-8] Reverse the exercise (beat front and back and brush to the back, then beat back and front and brush to the side) [CTS 1-16] Repeat the exercise.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu right foot to the side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Two frappés side to point tendu on the floor [CTS 5-8] Three fast frappés side, brushing the toe off the floor [CTS 1-8] Repeat [CTS 1-2] Bring the right arm down and up as you fondu front to tendu position on the floor [CTS 3-4] Right arm remains up as you fondu side to tendu on the floor [CTS 5-6] The same to croisé back [CTS 7-8] The same to the side and drop the right heel in second position, keeping the right arm up.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Grand plié in second position the right arm opening side and the left arm stretching out to the side, coming out and overhead [CTS 1-8] Relevé, the left arm comes front, the right arm comes down and forward, the arms meet in front of the body, lower the heels, the right arm moves to overhead again, the left arm to the side, bend to the left over the left arm, look left, bring the arms together and open to the sides as the right foot does tendu side [CTS 1-8] Bring the right foot through fifth and immediately développé straight front with the arms together, promenade toward the left shoulder to face the left side of the room with the leg in second, the arms open to the side and continue to face the back of the room, the leg ends in arabesque position [CTS 1-8] Bring the right leg to passé and développé front facing the back of the room and continue the promenade, leg moves through second and arabesque, face the front of the room with the arms side [CTS 1-4] Brush the right leg through first and step to effacé front, bringing the left leg to passé, développé to first arabesque, hold the pose [CT 5] Quickly lower the left leg to tendu side with a straight knee and demi-plié on the right, the head looks left and the arms are open, bend left [CT 6] Pull the left leg into fifth front [CTS 7-8] Bourrée toward the right side and lower the heels in fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat the développé to first arabesque but with the right leg, continuing into the tendu in second and bourrée to the left side, and finish in fifth position with the right foot front [CTS 1-8] Développé the left leg to attitude effacé back and promenade to the left, end facing the left back corner [CTS 1-8] Passé the left leg and développé to écarté toward the right back corner, the head held very high toward the lifted left arm, passé and développé the left leg to attitude back effacé, facing the right back corner [CTS 1-8] Continue the promenade, end in attitude back, facing the front of the room, effacé, passé, and développé the left leg to écarté, relevé, and bring the left leg down through fifth and slide across to fourth with the left foot front and glissade to the right with the left foot front, pas de chat to the right ending in fourth position with the left foot front [CTS 1-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending in demi-plié on the left with the right leg remaining up in passé and développé the right leg to écarté, and lower the leg, slide the right leg down through fifth front to fourth position and pirouette en dehors to the left, end in fifth position with the right foot front.
Part 3: [CTS 1-8] Eight slow changements [CTS 1-8] Two pas de basque turns to the right (brush out with the right foot and bring the left in front on half toe in fifth and swivel to the right en dehors, end in fifth with the right foot front, lower the heels and brush out again) pas de chat to the right starting with the right foot front, ending with the left foot front and pas de chat to the left, ending with the right foot front [CTS 1-16] Repeat the pas de basque turns and pas de chat set two more times [CTS 1-8] Three passé relevés with the right foot closing fifth back, front, and back again, entrechat quatre. Repeat all of part 3 ending in fifth position with the right foot front croisé, the arms down and hold the pose.
2. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Two glissades to the right side with the left foot remaining front [CTS 3-4] Échappé, ending with the right foot front in fifth [CTS 5-8] Repeat the step to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part 1.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Entrechat quatre royale [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-8] Repeat all of part 2.
3. Petit Allegro
Start on the left side of the room with the left foot pointing front croisé.
[CTS 1-2] Chassé forward in croisé and tour jeté ending in first arabesque facing the left back corner [CTS 3-4] Relevé on the right, bringing the left through passé turning toward the left shoulder and développé croisé front with the left arm up looking out from behind the arm [CTS 5-6] Quickly lower the left leg and glissade to the right and cabriole fermé in effacé front, ending in fifth position, immediately brush the left leg back and cabriole fermé to first arabesque [CTS 7-8] Brush the right leg side as you relevé on the left, double ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors, quickly lower the right leg and begin the step to the left.
4. Petit Allegro
Start in fifth position with the right foot front in croisé.
[CTS 1-15] Fifteen royales [CT 16] One entrechat quatre, repeat the step
5. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each battement
[CTS 1-8] Eight grand battements side, alternating right then left, moving back [CTS 1-8] Eight moving front, hold the last pose in fifth with the right foot front croisé and slowly lower the arms.
Oboukhoff Class No. 12
1. Plié
Start first position
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé, the arms come down and up [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times and then tendu side to second [CTS 1-32] Perform four times in second, tendu side and close fifth position front [CTS 1-32] Repeat four times, tendu side to fifth position back [CTS 1-32] Perform four times.
2. Tendu with Plié
Start fifth position right foot front, two slow counts for each tendu.
[CTS 1-2] Tendu front, close to fifth demi-plié [CTS 3-8] Continue en croix [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each tendu.
[CTS 1-4] Four tendus front [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix [CTS 17-32] Repeat.
4. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front, one very fast count for each dégagé.
[CTS 1-8] Eight dégagés side closing fifth front [CTS 9-16] Eight dégagés side closing fifth back [CTS 17-64] Repeat three more times.
5. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front preparation: tendu side and bring foot to cou de pied front, one fast count for each frappé
[CTS 1-8] Eight frappés to the front [CTS 1-8] Eight frappés to the side [CTS 1-8] Eight frappés to the back [CTS 1-8] Eight frappés to the side [CTS 1-32] Repeat on half toe.
6. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, four slow counts for each fondu, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-4] Fondu front [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix [CTS 1-16] Four fondus side only (after the last fondu slowly lower the leg to fifth).
7. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position slow one count for each rond de jambe, preparation: demi-plié and tendu front with the arm front and straighten the supporting knee as the leg and arm open side
[CTS 1-8] Eight en dehors finishing in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Eight en dedans finishing in tendu back [CTS 1-16] Repeat finishing in fourth position with the right foot front [CTS 1-4] Port de bras front [CTS 5-8] Point the right foot and close to fifth on half toe, lift the right foot to cou de pied front [CTS 1-8] Développé the right leg to écarté and hold the pose [CTS 1-8] Bring the leg through passé to développé attitude back and demi-plié on the left, opening the right leg to second arabesque [CTS 1-8] Relevé, bringing the right leg through passé and développé front with the right arm up, leaving the leg up, bend back and come back up, opening the right arm to the side, balance and slowly lower the leg to fifth.
8. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each rond de jambe, preparation: dégagé side to 45 degrees.
[CTS 1-8] Eight en dehors [CTS 1-8] Eight en dedans [CTS 1-16] Repeat, the last rond de jambe comes through passé into tendu front and down to fourth position [CTS 1-4] Port de bras forward [CTS 5-8] Tendu and close to fifth on half toe and lift the right foot to cou de pied front [CTS 1-8] Développé to écarté (looking up to the palm of the right hand) hold the pose [CTS 1-8] Bring the leg through passé and développé front, right arm remains up [CTS 1-8] Carry the leg through second to arabesque, the right arm remains up [CTS 1-8] Penché in arabesque and come up, balance, opening the arms to first arabesque and close fifth position right foot back.
9. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, one fast count for each battement.
[CTS 1-8] Eight grand battements front [CTS 9-32] Continue en croix.
10. Frappé
Start right foot front fifth position, counts [&1] for each frappé, preparation: tendu side.
[CT &1] Frappé done with double beat on the ankle beating back and front frappé front [CT &2] Reverse to the back [CTS 1-16] Sixteen on flat [CTS 1-16] Sixteen on half toe, close fifth to finish.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front en face.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Two tendus side with right foot closing back and front [CTS 3-4] Three dégagés to the right closing back, front, and back, [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the right again [CTS 5-8] Développé the right leg to the side, the right arm coming up, bend away from the leg and slowly lower the leg to fifth right foot front croisé with the right arm opening side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié, arms come down and front [CTS 5-8] Relevé in fifth, the arms opening side with the right arm higher, looking out to the right side, lower the heels and arms, [CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg directly front with the arms together in front [CTS 5-8] Lower the leg and, brushing through first, open to arabesque directly back, arms remain side, hold the pose and close to fifth back [CTS 1-4] Développé the left leg to croisé front, the right arm forward over the leg with the palm up [CTS 5-8] Carry the left leg to the side with the arms opening to the side, then turn the body toward the right side, ending in second arabesque [CTS 1-8] Bring the left leg through passé and repeat développé front croisé through second to second arabesque [CTS 1-8] Promenade to the right in second arabesque, one revolution, relevé as the left leg lowers through first position, with the left arm up and fall forward to fourth with the left foot front in fourth position and fast pas de bourrée under, right foot back and front, ending in fourth position with the right foot front *[CTS 1-8] Double or triple turn in attitude en dedans with the left leg up in back, end in croisé, bring the left leg down and through first, step forward onto the left [CTS 1-8] Bring the right leg into passé and développé to effacé front and relevé, fall forward onto the right and pas de bourrée under to the right, left foot back and front, step forward to effacé on the right leg pointing the left back in effacé, the arms come down and up, and arch back. From here bring the left foot to croisé back and step on it, brush the right foot through first to fourth back croisé. Repeat from (*) to the other side ending with the right leg in tendu back effacé with the arms up. From this pose pas de basque back (step back on the right leg, brushing the left through first and lift the leg in fourth arabesque croisé with the right front, arm rounded rather than straight arabesque position) with the head looking toward the left front corner and lower the leg to fifth position.
Part 3: [CT 1] Sissonne tombé (sissonne failli) in first arabesque, arms out to the sides with the left arm higher ending in fourth with the left foot front [CT 2] Quickly bring the right foot to coupé front and fondu relevé in effacé front with the right leg up, the left wrist turning from the open position to the rounded position of effacé and close quickly to right front [CTS 3-6] Repeat twice [CTS 7-8] Pas de chat to the right, ending with the left foot front, pas de chat to the left ending with the right foot front in fifth position. Repeat part 3 three more times but on the final repetition, after the fondu effacé front, do not do the last pas de chats, instead do pirouette en dehors from fifth to the right ending with the right foot back, the left foot in tendu croisé back. Perform entire step to the left, the last pirouette en dehors to the left ending with the left foot in tendu back croisé, straight knees, arms overhead, bending to the right, hold the pose and close fifth back.
2. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Échappé side (hold the legs together as long as possible before opening to second) end with the left foot front in fifth [CT 3] Entrechat quatre [CT 4] Glissade to the right side, the left foot remains front [CT 5] Glissade front in croisé [CT 6] Glissade to the left side, changing feet, end with the right foot front [CT 7] Glissade to croisé front [CT 8] Glissade to the right side changing feet ending with the left foot front [CTS 1-8] Repeat step to the other side [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire step again.
3. Petit allegro
Repeat the previous step in reverse, (starting with the left foot front échappé, end with the right foot front entrechat quatre, glissade to the right ending with the right foot front, glissade back croisé, glissade to the left, ending with the left foot front, glissade back croisé and glissade to the right side, perform the entire step four times).
4. Petit Allegro
Repeat number two right and left and repeat number three left then right.
5. Grand Allegro
Start on the left side of the room pointing the left foot front croisé.
[CTS 1-2] Three fast running steps forward, left, right, left, step out onto the right foot and sauté in first arabesque [CT 3] Spring off of the right foot and assemblé back [CT 4] Sissonne tombé in attitude back effacé, end with the left leg and arm up, slide through to croisé front [CTS 5-16] Repeat three times [CT 1] Stepping out on the right foot, chassé to the right side with the left foot in front [CTS 2-3] Step out on the right foot to face the left front corner and relevé as the left brushes through first to arabesque croisé with the right arm up looking out from under the arm [CT 4] Demi-plié in arabesque and start the step to the left [CTS 5-8] Repeat the previous four counts with cabrioles in first arabesque and in the last arabesque in croisé.
6. Petit Allegro
Start right foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-32] 32 changements.
7. Grand Battements Side
Start right foot front fifth position, one count for each battement.
[CTS 1-8] Eight battements side moving back, alternating right then left [CTS 1-8] Eight moving front, hold the last pose and reverence, stepping back on the left foot, point to right to croisé, the left hand stretches straight up above you, look up to the left hand and the right is low to the side.
When Pierre Vladimiroff walked into the studio to teach I had the feeling that although he was there in body, his mind and heart were in a studio at the Maryinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg. He had been a good looking, brilliant dancer, technician, and a true star. His memories were always a part of his teaching. He was born in St. Petersburg in 1893 and joined the Maryinsky in 1911. He was made première danseur in 1915. He joined Diaghilev’s Ballet Russes in 1921 in Paris and replaced Nijinsky in several roles. From 1928 to 1931 he was Anna Pavlova’s partner. Vladimiroff and his wife Felia Doubrovska came to America and he taught at SAB from 1934 to 1967. He died in 1970.
I remember a middle-aged, elegant, tall gentleman with piercing blue eyes. He was balding with hair slicked back a la Fred Astaire. He was impeccably groomed in a short-sleeved, soft-hued shirt with an open collar and pale blue or gray trousers and wore soft character shoes.
He came and went very quietly, seldom stopping to chat with his fellow Russians and he never raised his voice in class. If something angered him you would see it in his eyes. There were times during class when a step would remind him of a ballet he had danced and he would tell us how “At Maryinsky I cross whole stage in one grand jeté”. Other times he would tell us about his triple tours or dancing with Pavlova in Les Sylphides.
Vladimiroff spoke little English so we received very few corrections. I feel that we rarely met his standards but when he was pleased he would say “Easier for you now, yes?”
Vladimiroff’s vision of how ballet should be danced lay in his combinations. He must have given his classes a great deal of thought because his steps were perfect for training the dancer in how to move fluidly and without undue tension. He was undoubtedly influenced by Fokine and the roles he had danced. He liked the music of Chopin, Schumann, and Schubert. If a pianist chose to play something that was not to his liking he would tiptoe over to the piano and quietly demand “For me, Chopin.” His favorite pianist, Donald Pippin did manage to get Vladimiroff to tolerate Scarlatti and Bach. He often gave steps from his favorite ballets such as Spectre de la Rose and these would have us flying around the room in wondrous, large jumps. His grand allegro was pure dance joy!
By the time I studied with Vladimiroff he did not demonstrate full out, actually none of our teachers did, so that it took a bit of observation to capture what it was that he was showing us. As one observed his port de bras, timing, placement, and musicality, it became apparent that his body was moving with great musicality and ease. What he was after was a soft demi-plié, fluid transitions from one side of the body to the other, and movement without tension. The placement must be very far over the supporting leg with ultimate stretch up and out with the upper body and arms.
He taught us that the preparation and the step are all one, and he was ahead of his time with very large fourth positions with back leg straight and front arm extended forward slightly below the waist with a straight elbow and flexed wrist for pirouettes. It is much easier to dance when one considers movement as coiling and uncoiling with a sense of circular continuity. Vladimiroff stressed that even when balancing in a given pose there must be inner breath and vibration.
Vladimiroff’s classes are pure dance and a joy to perform. The fluidity and construction of the combinations make for invisible transitions and it is precisely this that makes his classes so valuable.
Some of Vladimiroff’s Favorite Music
- Chopin C Minor Nocturne, Op. 48, No. 1
- Db Nocturne, Op. 27, No. 2
- C# Minor Etude, Op. 25, No. 7
- Gb Etude, Op. 25, No. 9
- Ab Waltz, Op. 34
- E Minor Waltz
- E minor Concerto (middle and last movements)
- F minor Concerto (middle movement)
- Éccosaises
- Schumann Symphonic Variations (Various)
- ¾ from Papillons
- Mendelssohn Variations Sérieuses (several)
- G minor Concerto (last movement)
- Brahms Handel Variations (several)
- Bb Concerto (last movement)
- Walzes, Op. 39
- Schubert Waltzes and Ländler (many of them)
- Bb Impromptu
- Gb Impromptu (good for pliés)
- Mozart Alla Turca Rondo
- Beethoven Éccosaises
- Bach Gavotte (Fifth French Suite)
Vladimiroff Class No. 1
1. Plié
Start first position, four slow counts for each plié.
[CTS 1-8] Two pliés in first position and tendu to second [CTS 1-8] Two pliés in second, tendu to fifth, [CTS 1-8] One plié and fast port de bras forward then back, tendu to fourth position [CTS 1-8] One plié and relevé, fast port de bras forward then back, turn to the left side and reverse the exercise starting in fourth, then fifth, then second, and first.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, two counts for each tendu.
Part 1: [CTS 1-8] Four tendus front with straight knees [CTS 9-32] Continue en croix, the last tendu side ends with the right foot front.
Part 2: [CTS 1-16] Two tendus each way en croix [CTS 1-16] Two tendus side, and three dégagés side [CTS 1-16] Repeat tendus and dégagés side.
3. Rond de Jambe Par Terre
Start first position, preparation: tendu front in demi-plié with the arm front, and take the leg and arm to the side with straight knees.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Two ronds de jambe par terre ending in tendu front [CTS 5-8] Circle out to tendu back and circle out to tendu front (not passing through first) [CTS 1-8] Reverse the exercise.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Three faster ronds de jambe par terre en dehors ending in tendu front [CTS 5-8] Three ronds de jambe en dedans ending in tendu back [CTS 1-8] Repeat.
Part 3: [CTS 1-16] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors ending in tendu front [CTS 1-16] Eight ronds de jambe en dedans ending in fifth position right foot front [CTS 1-16] Grand plié and développé the right leg to attitude back, relevé, holding the pose, two demi-pliés and relevés, balance and close fifth back.
4. Grand Battements
Start right foot back in fifth position, preparation: tendu back [CTS &1&2] for each battement.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Brushing through first, grand battement front ending in tendu back [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-8] Close fifth back and tendu side, then front, and tendu side again, finish in tendu back [CTS 1-8] Repeat entire step
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Brushing through first, grand battement front, finishing in tendu back, repeat grand battement with the right arm up, repeat battement with arm side, and a fourth battement with the arm up, ending in tendu back [CTS 1-8] Port de bras forward, in a deep plié with the right leg sliding out to the back, come up to straight knees and bend back, come up with the right arm forward, lifting the leg to second arabesque, relevé, balance, and close fifth back.
5. Grand Battement
Start right foot back in fifth position.
Part 1: [CTS &1&2] Two grand battements back [CTS &3&4] One grand battement side ending with the right foot front, demi-plié and passé the right leg up and relevé and close fifth back, the arm remains side throughout the exercise [CTS 5-8] Repeat.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] One grand battement back and one fast développé back with the arm remaining side and repeat [CTS 5-8] Battement side and développé side, repeat [CTS 1-4] Tendu to second position and grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé [CTS 1-4] Demi-plié and relevé twice with the right arm coming down and up the first time and the left arm coming down and up on the second (as the right arm opens side and the head follows the arm movement) [CTS 5-8] Demi-plié and relevé, the arms come down and up, hold the position slowly opening the arms, then demi-plié and tendu to fifth
6. Adagio
Start right foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] The right foot does passé and développé to attitude back [CTS 1-4] Relevé and lower the leg to fourth position [CTS 5-8] Pirouette en dehors and then lower the left heel as the right leg does développé front with the arm front [CTS 1-8] Carry the leg side and to the back, the arm opening side [CTS 1-8] Passé and relevé, développé the right leg to the front with the right arm up [CTS 1-4] Turn to face the barre, with the leg going to second, remain on half toe with the right arm up [CTS 5-8] Lower the left foot and the right leg to second position on the floor, grand plié, the right arm coming to the left, bend left with the right arm overhead [CTS 1-8] While still in plié, bring the right arm down and swivel to fourth position on the right side [CTS 1-8] Lift the left leg to arabesque and penché [CTS 1-8] Bring the body up and lower the leg to tendu back, bringing the right arm up, bend back, and come up to first arabesque on half toe, balance, and close fifth position.
7. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front (medium tempo), preparation: dégagé the leg to 45 degrees side, [CTS &1] for each rond de jambe
[CTS 1-8] Four ronds de jambe en dehors and four en dedans[CTS 1-8] Two en dehors and two en dedans [CTS 1-8] Repeat two en dehors and two en dedans [CTS 1-24] Repeat entire exercise on half toe.
8 Fondu and Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-2] One fondu to tendu front on the floor [CTS 3-4] Two frappés front [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix [CTS 1-2] Fondu front with relevé [CTS 3-4] Four fast frappés front [TCS 5-16] Continue en croix, ending in cou de pied front, balance with the arms down and close fifth position.
9. Battement Balançoire
Start fifth position right foot back, preparation: tendu back.
[CTS 1-4] Brushing through first, battement front, back and front, on the fourth count hold the leg up [CTS 5-8] Reverse (battement back, front, back and hold). Repeat the exercise. Repeat the step but the last held battement front is done into demi-plié with the right arm coming up, the last battement back is in demi-plié in second arabesque, release the left arm from the barre and hold the pose, tendu back as you straighten the left knee and close fifth back.
10. Dégagé
Start right foot front fifth position, done very quickly.
[CTS 1-4] Four dégagés front, continue en croix. Repeat the exercise but do only three dégagés front, the last ending in demi-plié, hold the fourth count and continue en croix. Repeat the entire exercise.
11. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring the foot to cou de pied front with the right arm low, slightly over the knee.
[CTS 1-2] Petit battement back, front (beat back very quickly, bring the foot in front of the ankle and hold on the second count) [CTS 3-8] Repeat three more times [CTS 1-8] (Even tempo) eight sets of petit battements without the hold [CTS 1-16] Repeat on half toe and then lower the left heel.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Four petit battements with the hold, then roll up to half toe [CTS 1-8] Serré in front with the right arm coming down and up, bring the right foot to the back of the ankle [CTS 1-8] Four sets of petit battements beating front then back [CTS 1-8] Serré at the back of the ankle with the right arm coming forward to second arabesque position, the head tilted slightly to the right [CTS 1-32] Repeat part 2 [CTS 1-64] Repeat part 1 and part 2.
1. Temps Lié
Start fifth position croisé right foot front, very slow [CTS 1&2].
Part 1: [CTS 1&2] Demi-plié and slide the right leg forward and piqué to half toe in attitude croisé with the left leg up in back, hold the pose and lower the leg to fifth position in demi-plié [CTS &3&4] Brush the right leg out to the side and piqué out to half toe in second position with the left leg up at least waist high, hold and close fifth with the left foot front [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the back [CTS &1&2] Demi-plié sliding the left leg back, croisé piqué to half toe onto the left foot as the right leg does développé through attitude front, extend the leg and lower to fifth position demi-plié [CTS &3&4] Slide the left leg out to the side and piqué to half toe, the right leg extends to the side waist high, or higher, lower to fifth position back and continue back with the right leg (in this step Vladimiroff stressed that the piqué out must go as far as possible over the standing leg, stretching the arm either very high up or very far to the side). End with the left leg extended to the side in second position, bring the left leg to passé and drop to fourth position back.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Attitude turn to the right en dedans, finishing in attitude croisé and bring the left leg through passé through fourth position with the left foot front [CTS 5-8] Pirouette to the right en dehors ending in fourth position [CTS 1-8] Repeat the attitude turn and pirouette to the other side [CTS 1-4] Turn in alla second to the right en dedans with the arms up ending in demi-plié with the leg still up, quickly lower the left leg to fifth left front and soutenu to the right en dedans, arms coming up, ending in fifth position on half toe and passé the right leg to fourth back [CTS 5-8] Pirouette to the right en dehors ending in fourth position [CTS 1-8] Repeat the turn in second and pirouette to the other side.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position croisé with the right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus front with the right leg to croisé, slowly bringing the left arm down and up [CTS 5-6] Three fast dégagés front [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié in fifth, the left arm side and the right arm front, pirouette to the right en dehors finishing with the right foot fifth position back [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire step.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side with the right foot closing fifth back and front, the last tendu passés fifth and goes to fourth front [CTS 5-8] Pirouette en dedans to the right with the left leg up with dégagé to second before the turn, end in fourth position with the left foot front and pirouette to the right en dehors ending with the right foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the left.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Three dégagés back croisé with the left foot, the right arm up [CTS 3-4] Relevé on the right foot as the left lifts to passé behind the knee and opens to first arabesque in demi-plié, fast pas de bourrée under, the left foot back then front [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3.
3. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start right foot front fifth position, preparation: open the right leg side waist high.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 4] Passé and take the right leg to fourth position front [CTS 5-8] Attitude turn en dedans with the left leg up in back, end in croisé and passé the left leg, the left arm coming front, and open the left leg and arm to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the left ending with the right leg side waist high.
Part 2: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dedans [CT 4] Bring the right leg through passé ending in first arabesque demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Bring the right leg through passé straight ending the supporting knee, and développé to croisé front with the left arm up, rise to half toe and immediately bring the right leg through passé again and open to first arabesque in demi-plié, lower the right leg into a very fast, small pas de bourrée under, the right leg back and front, passing into fourth position and dégagé the left leg to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the left, end in fifth position left foot front.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Brush the right leg out to the side and relevé, do two fast ronds de jambe en dedans ending in first arabesque demi-plié, lower the right leg into a very fast pas de bourrée under, right foot back then front [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 3 to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat right and left again.
4. Adagio
Start fifth position croisé with the right foot front, the left arm up and the right arm side.
[CTS 1-8] Grand plié with the left arm opening out to the side, the right coming overhead and out toward the left side, both arms come down and continue to the right side, as you come up from the plié the left arm continues overhead and out to the side with the right arm ending overhead (in other words the arms do a circular port de bras) [CTS 1-8] Roll up to half toe, crossing the legs, stretch the right arm upwards and hang from it, bend the upper body to the left and stretch the right hip out toward the right front corner, feel as if your going to fall to the right, lunge onto the right leg in a large fourth effacé position, with the right leg bent and the left leg straight, the right arm sweeping down to first arabesque position [CTS 1-8] Push the weight back onto the left leg, point the right foot effacé front with straight knees, the arms are open to the sides, lift the right leg through passé, end in attitude back croisé [CTS 1-8] Promenade en dehors to the right, bringing the right leg through passé (hanging from the right arm as you promenade, leave the head behind over the left shoulder) bring the left arm up to meet the right and développé the right leg to effacé front, roll up to half toe and lower the right leg to tendu effacé front as you demi-plié on the left leg, arms open out to the sides [CTS 1-8] Straighten the supporting leg, the arms come together and développé the right leg to attitude croisé back with the right arm up [CTS 1-8] Extend the right leg to arabesque croisé back, the right arm opening side, the left arm coming down along the body to fourth arabesque croisé front [CTS 1-8] Facing front, carry the leg through second and to croisé front with the left arm stretching out to the side and then down and up, the right arm remains side [CTS 1-8] Roll up to half toe, closing the right foot front and outside soutenu (more of a swivel to the left) the right arm comes down and up to meet the left, end with the left foot front croisé [CTS 1-8] Take the left foot forward to fourth position, lowering the heels, and grand plié, arms coming out to the sides [CTS 1-8] Relevé in fourth, the arms coming down and up, lower the heels and open the arms side [CTS 1-8] Tendu the right leg back and lift to third arabesque croisé with the right arm front in demi-plié [CTS 1-8] Promenade in demi-plié in arabesque en dehors, one full rotation [CTS 1-8] Lower the right leg to fourth position preparation, arabesque turn to the left in first arabesque en dedans, ending in first arabesque [CTS 1-8] Lower the right leg through first to fourth position croisé front and repeat arabesque turn to the right [CTS 1-8] Lower the left leg through first to fourth croisé front, attitude turn en dedans to the left with the right leg up in back, ending in effacé [CTS 1-8] Open the right leg to arabesque, the arms opening to the side, right arm higher, demi-plié and pas de bourrée under, right foot back and front, ending in a small fourth with the right foot front, tendu the left foot side, the arms open to the sides, close the left foot front with the right arm coming down and up in preparation to repeat the entire step to the other side.
5. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CTS &1] Assemblé side with the right leg closing fifth back [CTS &2] Assemblé side with the right leg closing fifth front and the arms low to the sides [CTS &3] Soubresaut moving diagonally front in croisé and the arms over head [CTS &4] Soubresaut, moving back in croisé with the arms up then opening to the side [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Repeat the two assemblés side with the right closing back and front [CTS 3-4] Small presentation of the right foot to croisé front (like a pas de cheval) with the right arm up look out from under the arm, chassé towards croisé front ending in a small fourth position open the right arm to the side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part 2 (on the assemblés the weight is very far over the supporting leg and the head tilts over the supporting leg)
6. Petit Allegro
Start slightly left of center, on the left foot with the right pointing back in croisé and the arms low.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Shift the weight to the right foot and bring the left foot up in coupé, press down on the left and sauté in a ballonné with the right leg side and the arms out ending in a coupé with the right foot front and the right arm front [CTS 3-4] Step out on the right and saut de basque arms held at waist and spot front [CTS 5-6] Repeat stepping out on the right and saut de basque [CTS 7-8] Step out on the right and grand jeté to croisé front onto the left foot, the right leg in attitude back with the arms opening to the sides and the palms slightly up, coupé [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Small hop on the right foot as the left extends back to croisé the head still facing front, coupé the right under as you face back and grand jeté to croisé front on the left ending on the left in attitude with the right leg and arm up [CTS 3-4] Glissade to the right side and jeté battu with the right arm opening out with the palm up [CTS 5-6] Hop on the right extending the left foot back [CTS 7-8] Repeat the rest of the step [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the left.
7. Grand Allegro
Start slightly left of center fifth position croisé right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Chassé to the right and saut de basque with the arms up, spotting front [CTS 3-4] Chassé to the right again and step out on the right, brush the left through first and cabriole to croisé front fermé, the arms moving down and out to the sides, [CTS 1-4] Immediately (barely hitting fifth position) perform the step to the left [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the right again [CTS 1-4] Step out on the left to arabesque sauté and run to the left side of the room, finishing in fifth position on half toe with the right foot front.
Part 2: (Moving in a circle across the front of the room to the right, down the right side of the room, then across the back) [CTS 1-2] Chassé with the right foot front, moving to the right, step out on the right and sauté arabesque, the left arm swings down and up overhead, the head follows the arm [CTS 3-4] Bring the left foot through and chassé with the left foot front, the arms side, step forward onto the left and sauté arabesque, the right arm comes down and up [CTS 5-8] Bring the right foot through and chassé with the right foot front, step forward and sauté arabesque on the right, then bring the left through and sauté arabesque on the left and sauté on the right and left again (when the sauté arabesque is on the right foot the left arm comes down and up, as the weight transfers to sauté on the left, the left arm opens and the right arm swings down and up etc.) [CTS 1-4] Sauté arabesque on the right, the arms continuing the circular movement chassé with the left foot front and sauté arabesque on the left, chassé with the right foot front [CTS 5-8] Sauté arabesque on the right, then left and pas couru toward the left side of the room, grand jeté with the left foot front and arms in second arabesque position and run off (the last part of this step is from Spectre de la Rose which was one of Vladimiroff’s favorite roles, the sauté arabesques must have very strong épaulement, when jumping on the right foot the left shoulder should twist forward and there must be a strong lift of the elbow and a feeling of hanging from the arm as it moves overhead, as it opens, the shoulder should begin to twist in the opposite direction, there is a constant shift from leg to leg done with a soft plié and a sense of continuous movement).
8. Grand Allegro
Start left back corner of room, pointing the right foot in croisé front, and moving diagonally toward the right front corner.
Part 1: [CT &1] Chassé in effacé with the right foot front and the arms out [CT &2] Step to effacé on the right foot and sauté ballonné with the left moving toward the right front corner (the body faces the right back corner) the left arm is front, look to the right front corner over the left shoulder end with the left leg in coupé front [CTS 3-4] Chassé with the left foot front toward the right front corner and saut de basque with arms up [CTS 1-2] Repeat the step but chassé with the left foot front to croisé front and then step out on the left toward the right front corner and ballonné side with the right leg toward the right front corner with the right arm front, the head looking over the shoulder [CTS 3-4] Chassé saut de basque with the arms up [CTS 1-4] Repeat the first four counts of the step [CTS 1-4] Chassé toward the left side of the room with the left foot front, sauté in first arabesque on the left and run to the left side of the room finishing on the left foot the right foot pointing back in effacé first arabesque position.
Part 2: (Moving in a circle across the front and around the room) [CTS 1-2] Chassé to the right with the right foot front and sauté fouetté cabriole to fourth arabesque [CTS 3-4] Chassé toward the right side of the room with the left foot front, sauté fouetté cabriole in first arabesque (on the chassés, the arms come together with the wrists crossed, on the cabrioles the arms swoop out to the arabesque position) [CTS 1-2] Two balancés, turning the first balancé with the left foot front and the left arm out and up, the second balancé turning the right foot back, the left arm is out and up looking forward from under the arm [CTS 3-4] Repeat balancés [CTS 1-4] Repeat the chassés and cabrioles [CTS 1-4] Chassé with the right foot front, your back to the front of the room and arabesque sauté on the right, run to the left back corner of the room ending on the right foot in B+.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Balancé forward in effacé with the right arm very high and look up at the hand, then step diagonally back toward the left back corner on the left with the body facing front, bend very far forward with the right arm sweeping down (almost touch the floor) [CTS 3-4] Two balancés turned, with the left arm coming out and up and then the right out and up [CTS 5-6] Balancé in effacé forward and back again [CTS 7-8] Chaîné diagonally toward the right front corner [CTS 1-2] Repeat balancé up and down [CTS 3-4] Piqué out to effacé on the right foot and attitude turn en dedans to the right with the left leg up in back and the left arm up [CTS 5-6] Piqué out on the right to first arabesque, the left arm sweeps down and up looking front, bring the left leg down and across to the front [CTS 7-8] Piqué out in first arabesque on the right foot, the right arm opens through first arabesque then out and up overhead, look front [CTS 1-8] Repeat the entire step to the other side.
9. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Entrechat quatre royale twice [CTS 5-8] Three brisés in effacé toward the left side with the left arm front and one assemblé side with the left, end with the left foot front [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four changements [CTS 5-8] Pirouette en dehors from fifth to the right ending with the right foot back, one pirouette to the left en dehors ending with the left foot back. Repeat part 2.
Vladimiroff Class No. 2
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Two demi-pliés, tendu to second position [CTS 1-8] Repeat in second position, tendu to fifth front [CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-16] Port de bras front and back, tendu the right foot to fourth position front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié and roll up to half toe [CTS 5-16] Port de bras front and back, turn to the left side, lower the heels to fourth position [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in fourth position and roll up to half toe [CTS 5-16] Port de bras front and back, lower the heels and close to fifth [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-16] Port de bras front and back, tendu to second position [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés in second position and tendu to first [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus front with straight knees [CT 5] Tendu front [CTS 6] Return to fifth in demi-plié [CT 7] Tendu front [CT 8] Return to fifth in demi-plié. Repeat en croix.
Part 2: [CTS &1&2] Two tendus side, closing back then front [CTS 3-4] Three dégagés side closing back, front, then back [CTS 1-4] Repeat [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part 2 in first position.
3. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in first position, preparation: tendu front in demi-plié with the arm front, carry the leg and arm to the side and straighten the knee.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe par terre en dehors ending with the right foot in tendu front and lower the heel [CT 5] Demi-plié in fourth with the right arm coming down and up, looking under the arm [CT 6] Relevé in fourth [CT 7] Demi-plié, opening the arm to the side [CT 8] Straighten the knee and tendu front [CTS 1-8] Reverse the exercise en dedans and in the fourth position the arm comes forward in second arabesque position. Repeat part 1.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe par terre en dehors [CTS 3-4] Three faster ronds de jambs ending in tendu front [CTS 5-8] Repeat en dedans [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part 2 ending in fifth position with the right foot front [CTS 1-8] Two very fast port de bras front and back (down on [CT 1] up on [CT 2] back on [CT 3] and up on [CT 4]) and repeat, roll up to half toe crossing the feet, passé the right leg and développé to attitude back with the right arm up and the head looking toward the left shoulder [CTS 1-4] Two demi-pliés and relevés in attitude [CTS 5-8] Bring the left arm down then up to meet the right arm and balance, open to first arabesque, close fifth back.
4. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] One grand battement front [CTS 3-4] Fast développé front and hold [CTS 5-6] Lower the leg to fifth [CTS 7-8] One grand battement front. Repeat en croix.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] One grand battement each way [CTS 1-8] One fast développé each way and tendu to second position [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé, letting go of the barre [CTS 1-8] One demi-plié and relevé, the arms coming down and up, balance, open the arms, demi-plié and tendu to fifth.
5. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side to 45 degrees.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 4] Passé and développé front to 45 degrees [CT 5] Passé again [CT 6] Développé front much higher [CT 7] Passé [CT 8] Open the leg side to 45 degrees. Reverse the exercise en dedans, ending with the leg in second on half toe.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 3] Passé and développé front to 45 degrees in demi-plié [CT 4] Relevé and carry the leg out to the side [CTS 1-4] Reverse (rond de jambe en dedans and passé développé back in demi-plié with the right arm front and relevé as you carry the leg side remain on half toe) [CTS 1-4] Three fast ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 4] Hold the leg side [CTS 5-8] Reverse [CTS 1-8] Passé, bringing the arms down and up, balance and close fifth position right foot front.
6. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four dégagés front. Repeat en croix.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Three fast dégagés front, the last one ending in demi-plié in fifth and hold. Continue en croix. Repeat parts 1&2.
7. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring the right foot to cou de pied front with the right arm down and slightly out over the knee, the head slightly to the right.
[CTS 1-8] Eight petit battements and roll up to half toe [CTS 1-8] Eight petit battements on half toe and lower the left heel. Repeat entire exercise, hold the last pose and balance, arms en bas, and close fifth.
1. Développé
Start fifth position right foot front en face.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Développé directly front the arms coming front and opening side [CTS 5-6] Lower the leg to fifth position [CTS 7-8] One grand battement front. Repeat to the side and the back [CTS 1-8] One grand plié. Repeat entire exercise to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Roll up to half toe crossing the feet, do a circular port de bras (bring the left arm down and up and as it opens side bring the right arm down and up, and as the right opens side bring the left arm down and up) [CTS 1-8] Lower the left heel as the right foot comes to cou de pied front, with the left arm opening side and the right arm coming down and up, the right leg coming through passé to attitude back croisé as you relevé., then lower the leg to fifth back in demi-plié [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 2 to the left (on the circular port de bras with the arms, feel the lifted arm pulling out and up lifting from the upper arm and elbow and relaxing the hands, on the attitude, the head must be placed totally over the supporting leg, the arm coming down and up, and crossing to the opposite side of the body and then stretches up as high as possible).
2. Tendu
Start fifth position croisé right foot front, the left arm up and the right arm side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four slow tendus to croisé front (out on [&], in on the count) [CT 5] Tendu front [CT 6] Close fifth in demi-plié [CT 7] Tendu front [CT 8] Close fifth in demi-plié [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side closing fifth back then front, the last tendu ending in demi-plié [CTS &5] One pirouette en dehors ending in fifth back with the left arm front [CTS &6] One pirouette en dedans to the left ending in fifth with the right foot front and the right arm front [CTS &7] One pirouette en dehors to the right ending with the right foot back in fifth [CTS &8] Straighten the knees and bring the right arm down and up in preparation to do the entire step to the left. End with the right foot front in fifth and the right arm up, looking out front under the arm.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus back croisé [CTS 5-8] Dégagé the left leg waist high to arabesque croisé, the right arm remaining rounded and coming down to the waist in front, carry the leg side with the right arm opening side and to croisé front, the right arm moving out and up, lower the leg to fifth position, the right arm opens side and the left arm comes down and up. Repeat part 2 to the left side.
Part 3: Start with the right foot in front and the left arm up [CTS 1-2] Three dégagés front in croisé with the right foot front, the last one ending in demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Relevé as the right leg comes up through passé to attitude back croisé, the left arm opening side, the right arm coming down and up, hold the pose, do not open the leg to arabesque, but lower to fifth position back. Repeat the dégagé and attitude to the left. Repeat all of part 3.
3. Fondu
Start fifth position front en face.
Part 1: [CTS &1] Fondu relevé with the right leg straight front, waist high, the arms together in front of the body [CTS &2] Demi-plié, holding the leg in position, as you relevé, swivel to the left to face the back of the room, the right leg remains in position going through second to arabesque directly behind you, and the arms open side [CT &3] Quickly lower the leg to fifth on half toe and demi-plié, bringing the left to coupé front, fondu relevé with the left leg front and the arms together, facing the back of the room [CT &4] Demi-plié and relevé as you swivel toward the right shoulder to face the front of the room, the leg remains where it was and goes through second to arabesque directly behind you and the arms open side [CT &1] Bring the left foot down and demi-plié with the right foot in coupé front, fondu relevé with the right leg front, arms open front and side [CT &2] Lower the right leg and fondu relevé with the left leg to arabesque directly behind you, the arms remaining side [CT &3] Lower the left leg and demi-plié with the right in coupé front, fondu relevé with the right leg side, arms together and out [CT &4] Lower the right leg to fifth back and demi-plié, coupé the left foot front, fondu relevé with the left leg side, arms remaining side, lower the left leg to coupé front. Repeat all of part one starting with the left foot and ending with the left foot back.
Part 2: [CT &1] Step out to the right side and relevé, doing a pirouette en dedans to the right (spotting front) [CT &2] Remaining on half toe, bring the left leg forward to fourth and without any pause do one pirouette en dehors to the right [CT &3&4] From the pirouette, remain on half toe and dégagé the right leg side, demi-plié onto the right and repeat the pirouettes en dedans and en dehors [CT &1] Keeping the right leg in passé, demi-plié on the left and relevé, doing a fondu side with the right leg [CT &2] Bring the right leg down to fifth front and fondu relevé with the left leg side [CTS 3-4] Repeat the fondu side with the right and the left moving slightly forward. Repeat part 2 to the left. Then repeat all of part 2 (right and left again)
4. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front en face.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, sliding the front foot across to a closed fifth, arms coming down and up, lower the heels and open the arms to the side [CTS 1-4] Développé directly front in demi-plié with the arms together in front of the body [CTS 5-8] Straighten the supporting leg and carry right leg to the side, with the arms opening side [CTS 1-4] Leave the leg in place, turning toward the left shoulder to face the left side of the room, end in first arabesque [CTS 5-8] Promenade to the left one rotation [CTS1-4] Bring the right leg through passé and développé to croisé front, the left arm coming down and up, the right arm remains side [CTS 5-8] Promenade to the left, the right leg coming through passé and ending in attitude croisé back [CTS 1-4] Passé the right leg and développé to effacé front in demi-plié, the left arm coming down and up, the right arm opening side [CTS 5-8] Piqué out onto the right leg in effacé with the left leg lifting to attitude back in effacé [CTS 1-4] Promenade to the right one rotation ending in attitude effacé again [CTS 5-8] Slide the left leg through first to fourth front with the right foot pointing in croisé back, the arm opening and coming up overhead [CTS 1-4] Deep port de bras in demi-plié on the left leg with the right leg sliding back, the arms open then come down and up over head as the left leg straightens, close to fifth [CTS 5-8] Tendu the left leg to croisé front and bend back, as you come up the arms open side [CTS 1-4] Demi-plié on the left leg in a large fourth preparation, left arm coming down, along the body and forward [CTS 5-8] Turn in second position en dedans with the right leg up and arms up [CTS 1-4] Finish the double turn with the leg remaining up, demi-plié on left leg, arms opening side [CTS 5-8] Bring the right leg to fifth front on half toe and soutenu to the left, the arms coming down and up, slowly lower the heels and open the arms to the side. Repeat the adagio to the left (in all positions in this adagio, the weight must be totally over the supporting leg, and you should feel as if you are hanging from the lifted arm which is as high as possible, for the développé in demi-plié effacé, the upper body is tilted quite far back, then all of the weight is quickly transferred in the piqué forward).
5. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Glissade to the right side and assemblé side with the right leg closing fifth front [CTS 3-4] Changement, the right arm rounded in front and temps de cuisse (right foot comes around the ankle and closes fifth front and spring to the left in a sissonne fermé) [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Sissonne forward with the left leg lifting to attitude croisé back arms opening front and out to the sides, palms slightly up, and coupé the left leg under and assemblé the right leg to croisé front [CTS 3-4] Two brisés to the left, the left arm in front [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side. [CTS 1-8] Repeat entire step backwards (in the sissonne moving back, the leg opens to croisé front and then coupé and assemblé back, in the temps de cuisse, the front foot comes around the ankle, closing fifth back and spring forward in a sissonne in first arabesque, the arms rounded).
6. Grand Allegro
Start slightly to the left side of the room pointing the right foot in croisé front, the right arm low in front of the body.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Chassé to the right with the right foot front and saut de basque with arms up and spotting front [CTS 3-4] Chassé to the right again, step to the right on the right foot and battement the left leg front in a cabriole croisé front, the arms out to the side and the head slightly left, immediately, closing through fifth [CTS 5-8] Slide the left leg out to the side, and repeat the step to the left [CTS 1-4] Repeat the step to the right [CTS 5-8] Run to the right front corner and, step on the right foot with the left in a tendu back in effacé in first arabesque.
Part 2: [CTS 1-6] Chassé tour jeté three times moving diagonally back toward the left back corner [CTS 7-8] Hold the first arabesque landing from the last tour jeté and step back on the left foot closing the right foot front and soutenu to the left, arm down and up, ending with the left foot front [CTS 1-2] Demi-plié in fifth, sissonne forward with the left leg lifting attitude back croisé, left arm up, done with battu (which is spring up, the left leg closes to fifth back and then opens to the attitude back position) coupé the left in back and assemblé, the right foot croisé front [CTS 3-4] Repeat sissonne assemblé with the right leg [CTS 5-6] Repeat sissonne assemblé with the left leg [CTS 7-8] Run to the left front corner ending in first arabesque position right foot tendu back effacé. Repeat part 2 to the other side.
7. Fouetté
Start in fifth position with the right foot front en face, preparation: tendu the right foot side and take it to fourth position back.
[CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés. Repeat to the left.
8. Fouetté
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and take the leg to fourth back (done in ¾ time).
[CT 1] Fouetté [CT 2] Fouetté to attitude back and coming into passé [CT 3] One fouetté going through arabesque with the right arm front [CT 4] Keep the back leg straight and, with the leg coming through second, do one turn in second and pull in with a double turn and start the fouetté again. Perform the exercise eight times. Repeat to the left.
9. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front en face.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four changements with the arms low [CTS 5-8] Three entrechat quatre and one entrechat six. Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four changements [CTS 5-8] Quickly bring the right foot around the ankle to fourth back, and pirouette en dehors ending with the right foot fifth back. Repeat to the left. Repeat entire petit allegro.
Vladimiroff Class No. 3
1. Grand Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés, tendu to second position [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés, tendu to fifth right foot front* [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés [CTS 1-16] Passé the right leg to attitude back and relevé with the right arm up, extend the leg to second arabesque and carry the leg and the arm to the side, then to the front, lower the right leg and come off half toe to fourth position [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, crossing the feet and port de bras front and back, turn to the left side, demi-plié and tendu to fifth. Repeat from (*)
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-16] Four tendus front and continue en croix,, four each way [CT 1] Tendu side [CT 2] Demi-plié in second, the right arm coming front and the head tilted slightly to the left [CT 3] Come back up to tendu side with the arms side [CT 4] Close fifth back [CTS 5-8] Repeat.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side closing back then front, the arm circling down, up, and out [CTS 5-8] Four tendus side closing back then front, the arm circling out and up, toward the left, then down and out. Repeat part 2
3. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in first position, preparation: demi-plié and tendu front with the arm front, straighten the supporting leg as the leg and arm open side
Part 1: [CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe par terre en dehors, the last rond de jambe comes through first [CTS 1-8] Dégagé front waist high with the arm front, carry the leg and arm side, lifting the leg higher and continue to arabesque, the arm remaining side, come through passé and tendu front [CTS 1-16] Repeat en dedans.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe par terre en dehors [CTS 3-4] Three fast ronds de jambe ending in tendu front [CTS 5-8] Perform the step in reverse [CTS 1-8] Repeat Part 2 ending in tendu back [CTS 1-8] Port de bras with deep demi-plié, slide the leg back as far as possible, come up and bend back, and rond de jambe the foot to tendu front [CTS 1-8] Repeat the port de bras.
4. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS &1&2] Two grand battements front [CTS 3-4] Two fast grand battements front to tendu position, and a third grand battement closing to fifth [CTS 5-16] Repeat the combination en croix, and tendu side to second position [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé and balance, the arms coming down, up, and out [CTS 1-8] Demi-plié and relevé, repeat three more times (on the first demi-plié and relevé the left arm comes down, up, and out and the head follows, on the second one, the right arm comes down, up, then out, with the head following and repeat the arms and head for the next two).
5. Fondu and Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, (brisk tempo).
[CTS 1-4] Fondu to tendu front [CTS 5-8] Fondu relevé to the front with the leg very high [CTS 9-32] Repeat en croix [CTS 1-8] Eight frappés side and roll up to half toe [CTS 1-8] Repeat on half toe and lower the heel [CTS 1-4] Four frappés side and roll up to half toe [CTS 5-8] Four frappés side on half toe and roll down [CTS 1-8] Repeat (four frappés on flat and four on half point) [CTS 1-4] Passé on half point and développé to attitude back [CTS 5-8] Remaining in attitude position on half toe, port de bras forward, the arm opening side, down, and up [CTS 1-4] Bend back [CTS 5-8] Open the leg to second arabesque [CTS 1-8] Carry the leg side, with the arm side, bring the leg to the front, arm stays side [CTS 1-8] Passé, the arms come up, balance, close to fifth position.
6. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Développé front in demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Straighten the supporting leg [CTS 5-6] Lower the leg three inches, then lift higher [CTS 7-8] Lower the leg to fifth position. Repeat en croix
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Développé front in demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Bring the leg to passé as you relevé [CTS 1-4] Développé to attitude back with the right arm up [CTS 5-8] Hold the pose and lower the leg to fifth position back [CTS 1-16] Reverse the exercise, développé back in demi-plié as the arm opens side, passé, and développé to attitude front, open and close fifth.
7. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-8] Four slow ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 1-8] Eight fast ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 1-16] Repeat en dedans [CTS 1-16] Bring the leg to passé on half toe and balance with the arms coming up.
8. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Four dégagés front and continue en croix [CTS 1-2] Two dégagés front and continue en croix [CTS 1-8] One dégagé each way en croix two times. Repeat entire exercise.
9. Grand Battement Balançoire
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-3] Grand battement front, back, then front [CT 4] Hold the leg in the air [CTS 1-4] Reverse [CTS 1-3] Repeat the battement front, back, then front [CT 4] Hold the leg up in demi-plié, the arm coming down and up [CTS 5-8] Reverse, ending in second arabesque.
10. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring the foot to cou de pied front and the right arm down, slightly over the knee.
[CTS 1-2] Beat back and front quickly and hold in the front [CTS 3-8] Repeat three more sets [CTS 1-8] Eight faster petit battements (one count for each set). Repeat the exercise on half toe [CTS 1-16] Remain on half toe and développé to attitude back, arms coming down and up, balance, open to arabesque and close fifth back.
1. Opening Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Développé the right leg to a very low croisé front in demi-plié, with the arms together in front [CTS 3-4] Piqué forward into attitude croisé back with the left leg up, and lower the leg to fifth position back [CTS 5-12] Repeat the step two more times, ending in fifth position right foot front, the arms low [CTS 13-16] Double pirouette en dehors to the right, ending in fifth position with the right foot back. Repeat the step to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Passé and développé the right leg side [CTS 5-6] From this position, pirouette en dedans [CTS 7-8] End in first arabesque [CTS 9-12] Promenade in arabesque to the left, one rotation [CTS 13-16] Roll up to half toe in first arabesque and hold, then close fifth back. Repeat part 2 to the left.
2. Tendu
Start in fifth position croisé right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus to croisé front with left arm up [CTS 5-6] Three dégagés front [CT 7] One tendu croisé front ending in demi-plié in fifth [CT 8] One changement, the arms opening to the sides, bring the right arm down and up [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire step to croisé back.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side with the right foot, closing front then back, the last tendu ending in demi-plié in fifth [CTS 5-8] One pirouette en dehors to the left ending in fifth with the right foot front, one pirouette en dehors to the right, ending in fifth right foot front [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus back croisé with the left foot back, the right arm up and the left arm out to the side, the head looks forward from under the arm [CTS 5-8] Passé the left foot and développé to croisé front, roll up to half toe and close fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3 with the right foot.
Part 4: [CTS 1-4] Tendu the left foot to the side, bending over the leg, the right arm circles out and up and, as the body straightens up, the left foot closes front and the right arm comes down and out [CTS 5-8] Repeat the tendu side with the right foot [CTS 1-8] (Two counts for each tendu) tendu the left foot side and close fifth front, with the right arm coming down, up, and out, then tendu the right foot side with the left arm coming down, up, and out, close fifth right front. Repeat left and right.
3. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side to 45 degrees.
Part 1: [CTS 1-5] Five ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 6] Passé and tendu side in demi-plié with the right arm stretched out over the extended leg looking toward the right foot [CT 7] Quickly soutenu to the left, arms coming down and up [CT 8] Demi-plié, opening the arms side and dégagé the left leg side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left, ending with the right leg side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Three fast ronds de jambe en dehors, the last one ending in effacé front in demi-plié and the leg at 45 degrees and the left arm in front [CTS 3-4] A sustained small fouetté en dedans to the left, ending in attitude croisé back (on the fouetté, the left arm opens side and the right arm comes down and up) on the & of CT 4, coupé the right leg under to fifth and dégagé the left leg to the side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat right and left and bring the left leg through passé and open side to 45 degrees.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dedans, the last, ending in first arabesque in demi-plié [CT 5] As you relevé, passé and développé the left leg to croisé front with the right arm coming down and up [CT 6] Come back through passé and end in first arabesque demi-plié [CT 7] Repeat the développé to croisé front [CT 8] Lower the leg to fifth front and dégagé the right leg to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat with the right leg, ending with the weight on the right foot in fifth position.
Part 4: [CTS 1-2] Relevé as the left leg does dégagé side, and do three fast ronds de jambe en dehors with the left leg [CT 3] Demi-plié with the left leg still open side, spring up and assemblé, ending with the left foot back [CT 4] Sissonne to first arabesque, travelling to the right side and slide through first to fourth, dégagé the right leg side [CTS 5-8] Repeat with the right leg [CTS 1-8] Repeat left and right.
4. Fondu
Start fifth position croisé right foot front.
Part 1: [CT &1] Spring out to the side on the right foot and fondu relevé with the left leg croisé front, arms come together then the right arm up and the left arm side [CT &2] Leave the leg up, plié and fouetté to first arabesque, facing the left side of the room [CT &3] Fall back onto the left foot and fondu relevé with the right leg to first arabesque [CT &4] Demi-plié and as you relevé, switch the body ending with the right leg in effacé front, left arm reaching out and up [CT &5] Fall forward onto the right leg and relevé in first arabesque [CTS 6-8] Three more relevés in arabesque, turning one full rotation to the right, then fall back onto the left leg [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Demi-plié on the right, relevé as you fondu with the left to croisé front, right arm up and left arm up [CTS 3-4] Opening the arms side, bring the left leg to coupé front and fondu relevé to croisé front again with the right arm up, leave the leg up as you demi-plié [CT 6] Step forward onto the left leg through demi-plié [CTS 7-8] Relevé with the right leg up in attitude back croisé and hold [CTS 1-8] Doing a very fast coupé under, start the step to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the right and left.
5. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CT 1] Développé the right leg to effacé front with the left arm up [CT 2] Demi-plié [CT 3] Relevé [CT 4] Close fifth on half toe, changing the arms, left coming out to the side and the right coming out and up [CTS 1-2] Remaining on half toe, développé the left leg to first arabesque with the arms in first arabesque [CT 3] Demi-plié in arabesque [CT 4] Hold [CT 1] Step back to the left side of the room on the left foot, pointing the right in effacé front, arms open side [CTS 2-4] Passé the right leg and développé to attitude croisé back [CTS 5-8] Remain in attitude as the arms do a circular port de bras to the left, down, and up, then the left arm opens side with the head following the arms [CTS 1-4] Extend the right leg to arabesque with the right arm coming down in a rounded position, carry the leg through second to croisé front, the arms opening to the side and then the left arm out and up [CTS 5-8] Lower the leg to fifth as you roll up to half toe and soutenu (as if just swiveling on half toe) to the left, arms coming down and up [CTS 1-2] Lower the heels in demi-plié in fifth, arms opening side and tendu to croisé front and drop the heel in fourth [CTS 3-8] Grand plié in fourth [CTS 1-8] Relevé, the arms coming down and up [CTS 1-2] Demi-plié in fourth, arms coming front together [CTS 3-8] Transfer the weight to the front foot lifting the right leg in third arabesque croisé with the right arm front in demi-plié and promenade to the right one full rotation [CT 1] Lower the right foot to the floor in fourth position preparation [CTS 2-4] Double arabesque turn to the left in first arabesque [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié in arabesque [CTS 7-8] Bringing the right leg under, pas de bourrée to the left and fall forward on the right to a large fourth position [CTS 1-4] Double arabesque turn to the right [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié in arabesque [CTS 7-8] Small passé with the left leg and tendu side in demi-plié, the body bending over the leg to the left and the left arm low and out over the leg [CT 1] Bring the left foot front to fifth on half toe [CTS 2-8] Bourrée to the right side with the left foot front, the arms reaching towards the right side and the head looking left [CTS 1-2] Lower the heels through fifth to fourth position left foot front [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending with the right foot back in fifth demi-plié, straighten the knees and prepare to do the adagio to the left.
6. Assemblé
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Assemblé side with the right foot, closing right foot front and two changements [CTS 3-4] Repeat with the left foot [CTS 5-6] Sissonne to attitude back croisé with the left leg up travelling forward, coupé the left under and assemblé with the right foot front croisé [CTS 7-8] Repeat CTS 5-6 with the right foot opening attitude back and the left foot to assemblé front [CTS 1-8] Repeat.
Part 2: [CT 1] Assemblé with the right leg side but with the body bending over the extended leg to the right side and the arms out ending in fifth with the right foot front the body bending forward and to the right, arms together [CT 2] Spring into a large sissonne, right leg opening to attitude back, travelling forward, the body bends toward the left side [CTS 3-4] With the leg going directly from attitude back glissade to the right side and assemblé side with the right foot, ending with the right foot front [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat right and left.
7. Échappé and Brisé
Start fifth position croisé right foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Échappé to second in écarté with the arms out to the side [CT 2] Pas de bourrée left foot back then front, ending in croisé [CT 3] Brisé front in effacé [CT 4] Assemblé side with the right foot ending in croisé [CTS 5-8] Repeat
Part 2: [CT 1] Keep the body in croisé front and glissade to the left back corner, the right foot remaining front [CT 2] Pas de basque back (left foot opens side, right foot comes through to fourth back) [CT 3] Pirouette en dehors to the right [CT 4] Ending in fifth position with the right foot front [CTS 5-8] Repeat, finishing the pirouette with the right foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
8. Tour Jeté
Start in the left front corner of the room right foot tendu back first arabesque position.
[CTS 1-2] Chassé diagonally back toward the right back corner and tour jeté [CTS 3-6] Repeat two more times [CTS 7-8] Fall back onto the right foot and soutenu to the right, the arms come down and up [CTS 1-2] Sissonne to attitude back croisé with the right leg up, coupé the right under and assemblé front with the left foot [CTS 3-6] Repeat two more times [CT 7] Run to the right front corner [CT 8] Preparation on the right foot with the left in tendu back first arabesque position. Repeat entire step to the other side.
9. Cabriole and Sissonne
Start in the left back corner of the room in tendu with the left foot front croisé.
Part 1: [CTS &1&2] Glissade to the right, bringing the left leg slightly across to fourth, and big cabriole in effacé front with the left arm up, landing with the right leg remaining up [CTS 3-4] Piqué out into a very large first arabesque and slide the left foot across [CTS 5-12] Repeat the step two more times [CT 13] Sauté in first arabesque [CTS 14-16] Run to the right side and around to center back, ending with the right foot front in fifth position croisé and the arms down.
Part 2: [CT &1] Stay in croisé position right shoulder front, and sissonne toward the right front corner in second with the left leg up, ending in fifth with the right foot still front (travel as far as possible to the right front corner) [CT &2] Remain in the same position and sissonne traveling back toward the left back corner and the right leg opening in second and closing fifth front, the arms remain low [CT &3] Sissonne to croisé front with the left leg up in arabesque, the arms opening out and up, and on the landing in fifth, the body bends very far forward (almost parallel to the floor) with the arms remain up [CT &4] Spring back with a sissonne in croisé with the right leg opening front and the arms opening out to the sides, ending in fifth right foot front with the right arm front [CTS 5-6] Stepping out on the right do two piqué turns en dehors (bring the left in front to fifth, turn toward the right shoulder, and bring the right foot to passé) [CT 7-8] Double piqué turn en dehors ending in fifth position croisé right foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side [CTS 1-16] Repeat the step to the right and left.
10. Fouetté
32 to the right and 32 to the left
11. Piqué Turns
Start left side of the room in tendu croisé with the right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Two piqué turns en dedans, ending with the sharp opening of the left foot to second [CTS 3-4] Two piqué turns en dehors [CTS 5-6] Two fouettés [CTS 7-8] Chainés. Repeat the step across the room. Repeat to the left.
12. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Three entrechat quatre and one one entrechat six (for the entrechat quatre, the arms remain down, for the entrchat six, the arms open high out to the sides) [CTS 5-8] Repeat with the other leg [CTS 9-11] Three brisés front in effacé, the right arm front [CT 12] Assemblé side with right foot [CTS 13-16] Three brisés and one assemblé to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat.
13. Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Tendu the right leg to the side and take it to fourth position back [CTS 3-4] Many pirouettes en dehors to the right, ending in fifth position right foot back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 9-32] Repeat the step three more times.
Vladimiroff Class No. 4
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Two demi-pliés, tendu to second [CTS 1-8] Repeat in second and tendu to fifth right foot front [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés in fifth [CTS 9-16] Port de bras front and back, tendu to fourth front [CTS 1-4] One grand plié in fourth position [CTS 5-6] One demi-plié [CTS 7-8] Relevé and hold, lower the heels [CTS 1-8] Repeat fourth position again and turn left toward the barre [CTS 1-8] Repeat fourth position and tendu to fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat fifth position.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus front [CTS 5-6] Tendu front and close to fifth demi-plié [CTS 7-8] Tendu to the side ending in fifth demi-plié with the right foot front [CTS 1-4] Four tendus to the side closing back and front [CTS 5-6] Tendu to the side closing in fifth back in demi-plié [CTS 7-8] Tendu back ending in fifth demi-plié [CTS 1-16] Repeat the exercise to the back and side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-16] One tendu each way en croix, 16 in all.
3. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: demi-plié in tendu front with the arm front and carry the leg and arm side as you straighten the supporting knee.
Part 1: [CTS 1-6] Six ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 7] Dégagé the leg to the front, waist high [CT 8] Roll up to half toe on the left foot, lower the left heel and leg to tendu front [CTS 9-16] Reverse en dedans.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors, with the right arm circling down, toward the barre, up, and out to the side, ending in tendu front [CTS 9-16] Reverse ronds de jambe en dedans (arm reaching to the side, up, toward the barre, down, and then out) the leg ending in tendu back [CTS 1-4] Brushing through first, dégagé front and continue into a very high grand rond de jambe through second to arabesque with the arm remaining up, end in tendu back with the arm side, brush through first to tendu front [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié on the left and fast port de bras front [CTS 7-8] Straighten the left knee and port de bras back [CTS 1-8] Reverse grand ronds de jambe, the arm opens out, up, front, then out, ending in tendu back and port de bras front and back [CTS 1-16] Repeat grand ronds de jambe again.
4. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Two grand battements front [CT 3] Fast développé front [CT 4] Hold the pose and quickly lower to fifth with the arm remaining side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the side [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the side.
Part 2: [CT 1] Grand battement [CT 2] Roll up to half toe in fifth and roll down [CTS 3-8] Repeat en croix [CTS 1-8] Grand plié and relevé, crossing the foot in front, balance, the arms come down and up, then open the arms and lower the heels to fifth.
5. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
Part 1: [CT 1] Petit battement back then front and tendu side [CT 2] Lower the heel and lift [CT 3] Petit battement back then front and open to tendu side [CT 4] Petit battement front then back and open to tendu side [CTS 5-8] Repeat.
Part 2: [CT 1] Petit battement back then front and open tendu side [CT 2] Lower the heel and lift twice very fast [CTS 3-4] Three petit battements tendu done fast (beat back then front, tendu side, then front, back open side, and back, front open side) [CTS 5-8] Repeat.
Part 3: [CT 1] Petit battement back then front and tendu front [CT 2] Petit battement front then back and open to tendu back [CTS 3-4] Repeat, but roll up to half toe on the petit battements and demi-plié on tendus [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat entire step and end balancing with the foot in cou de pied, the arms low and close to fifth position.
6. Développé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Développé front with the arm front [CTS 3-4] Take the leg and arm to the side [CTS 5-6] Leave the arm side and take the leg to arabesque [CTS 7-8] Bring the leg to passé and roll up to half toe [CTS 1-2] Développé front with the arm up [CTS 3-4] Turn to face the barre, leg in second position [CTS 5-8] Passé, bend to the left and come up [CTS 1-2] Développé to the side [CTS 3-4] Turn to the left, ending in arabesque [CTS 5-6] Penché [CTS 7-8] Come up in first arabesque [CTS 1-8] Balance in arabesque and close to fifth.
7. Rond de jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the leg to the side at 45 degrees.
[CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-8] One fondu to the front and one to the side [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dedans [CTS 5-8] Fondu back and side [CTS 1-16] Repeat exercise on half toe, then bring the foot to cou de pied, balance and close to fifth.
8. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four dégagés front [CTS 5-8] Dégagé front and balançoire back, front, then back and close fifth back [CTS 1-8] Reverse.
Part 2: [CTS 1-3] Three dégagés front [CT 4] Hold the extended position and close to fifth [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 2 again.
9. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring the right foot to cou de pied front with the arm down and slightly out over the knee.
[CTS 1-8] Eight petit battements, beating back then front [CTS 1-8] Roll up to half toe and repeat [CTS 1-16] Repeat [CTS 1-16] Remain on half toe and développé to attitude back with the right arm up, port de bras forward with the arm opening side, down, then up [CTS 1-16] Bring the left arm up, balance, open to first arabesque and close to fifth back.
1.Small Adagio
Start fifth position croisé with the right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Very slow sustained glissade in écarté, the arms low and opening slightly to the side and down (to perform the glissade, start in demi-plié in fifth and then step out onto the right foot toward the right front corner, point the left foot and pull it into fifth demi-plié back) [CT 3] Very small développé at the ankle to effacé front with the right, step out onto the right [CT 4] First arabesque [CTS 5-6] Promenade to the right one rotation [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié in arabesque then pas de bourrée the left foot back and front [CS 1-8] Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] The same glissade as part 1 but step out on the left foot toward the left back corner of the room (écarté position with the head looking toward the right front corner) pull the right leg into fifth front in demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Step out toward the left back corner on the left foot, pointing right foot in effacé front with the arms to the side and passé the right leg to attitude back croisé with the right arm coming down and up [CTS 5-6] Relevé in attitude and lower the leg to a very large fourth position, the left arm sweeps down and forward [CTS 7-8] Double attitude turn en dedans, ending in croisé and lower the leg to fifth position [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Small développé at the ankle, presenting the right foot to effacé front, step out and piqué to first arabesque, remaining on half toe as the left leg comes through first and then both heels lower as the left leg comes to fourth in a deep croisé, with the right arm front [CTS 3-4] Double pirouette en dehors ending in fourth with the arms low to the sides [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 3 but end in fifth position with the left foot front [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3 to the left.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, arms low to the sides.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus front [CT 5] Tendu front ending in fifth demi-plié [CT 6] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending in fourth position with the right foot front [CT 7] One pirouette en dedans to the right ending in fourth position with the left foot front [CT 8] One pirouette en dehors to the right ending with the right foot back in fifth position [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire exercise.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side with the right, closing fifth back then front, the last tendu ending in demi-plié [CT 5] Piqué out to effacé on the right foot, the left leg raises to attitude back effacé [CT 6] Demi-plié, extending the leg to first arabesque, but the arms remain the same [CTS 7-8] Pas de bourrée the left foot back and front [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus croisé back with the left foot, right arm up and left arm side and the head looking out from behind the arm [CTS 5-6] Very fast promenade to the right as the left leg comes up through passé to attitude back croisé, the left arm coming down along the body and up, and the right arm side, end in attitude croisé [CTS 7-8] Bring the left leg through a very high passé and développé to croisé front and close fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3 to the other side.
Part 4: [CTS 1-2] Three fast dégagés side with the right foot closing fifth front, back, then front, the last dégagé ending in fifth demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending with the right foot fifth back and immediately [CTS 1-4] Repeat part four to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 4.
3. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side to 45 degrees.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 4] Passé and bring the right foot forward to a large fourth [CTS 5-6] Double attitude turn en dedans [CTS 7-8] Bring the left leg through passé and open side [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step with the left leg, ending with the right leg up to the side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dehors, right arm coming down and up, on the third rond de jambe roll up to half toe [CT 4] Close fifth back in demi-plié with the arms low to the sides, body in croisé [CTS 5-6] Sissonne fermé side with the left leg up ending with the left foot front [CTS 7-8] Dégagé the left leg to the side 45 degrees with the body shifting to face front [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 with the left leg [CTS 1-16] Repeat right and left.
4. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position left foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side to 45 degrees.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dedans [CT 4] Passé to fourth position back [CTS 5-6] Double attitude turn en dehors right leg up in back, ending in demi-plié, leg remains up [CTS 7-8] Piqué back onto the right foot and pas de bourrée turned toward the right shoulder en dehors, with passés, the left up then the right, slide onto the right foot in croisé front and dégagé the left leg to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Roll up on the left foot as the right does three fast ronds de jambe en dehors, the last one coming through passé and ending in fourth with the right foot back [CTS 3-4] Push off of the left front foot and bring it to passé as you relevé turning en dehors and continue with the right leg up in a pas de bourrée turned to the right, then slide the right foot front to a small fourth in demi-plié, brush the left foot out to the side and relevé [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the right and left.
5. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front croisé with the left arm up and the right arm side.
[CTS 1-8] Grand plié as the arms move through a circular port de bras (the left arm opens to the side as the right arm comes out and up and continues forward and down, then out to the side, as the right arm comes down the left arm joins it, as the right goes side the left arm comes forward, up and opens to the side and the right continues out and up ending with the right arm up and left to the side) [CTS 9-16] Slide the right foot across and roll up to half toe in fifth, bend the upper body toward the left back corner with the arms feeling as if they are being pulled toward the left back corner, right hip pushes out toward the right front corner and continue in this position until you fall out in a very large lunge in demi-plié on the right leg, during the lunge, the right arm sweeps down and into first arabesque position, with the left leg straight in back, shift the weight onto the right leg and step back onto the left, pointing the right in effacé front, arms come together in front of the body [CTS 1-8] Bring the right leg through passé to attitude croisé back, the right arm up, bring the right to passé again, opening the left arm side, and bring the right foot to tendu front effacé in demi-plié, small port de bras bending forward, and the arms coming together over the extended leg [CTS 9-16] Straighten the left leg, passé the right leg to attitude croisé back [CTS 1-8] Passé the right leg and développé to effacé front with the left arm coming out and up, roll up to half toe, lunge forward to fourth effacé in demi-plié on the right leg [CTS 9-16] Straighten the right leg bringing the left directly from tendu back into passé and développé to effacé front, the left arm opens side and the right arm comes down and up, roll up to half toe and fall forward to fourth in effacé front in demi-plié on the left leg, preparation left arm front [CTS 1-8] Double arabesque turn en dehors finishing in first arabesque and slide the right leg through first to fourth croisé front [CTS 9-16] Double pirouette en dehors to the left ending in attitude croisé back, demi-plié and pas de bourrée turned to the left with passés ending in fifth with the left foot front and the right arm up. Repeat adagio to the left.
6. Assemblé
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Assemblé side with the right closing fifth back [CT 2] Assemblé side with the right foot closing fifth front [CT 3] Changement [CT 4] Single tour en l’air to the right, ending with the right foot front [CTS 5-8] Repeat Part 1 to the left.
Part 2: [CT 1] Assemblé side with the right leg closing front [CT 2] Entrechat quatre [CTS 3-4] Repeat with the left foot [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire step (parts 1 and 2).
7. Grand Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front in a slight croisé.
Part 1: [CT &1] Roll up to half toe on the right foot as the left lifts through passé behind the knee and développé to a very high second position (arms out to the sides quite high) lowering into a demi-plié on the right [CT 2] Pas de bourrée turned to the right ending in fifth with the right foot front [CT 3] Plié onto the left foot as the right leg does a large ronversé en dehors (the right leg opening front with the right arm over the leg and carry the leg to the side with the arm opening side then to attitude back with the right arm opening overhead and demi-plié in attitude with the body bending as far left as possible) [CT 4] Pas de bourrée turned to the right, end by stepping forward onto the right in croisé [CT &1] Glissade to the left [CT 2] Cabriole in effacé front with the right arm up ending with the leg still up [CT 3] Step onto the left and bring the right forward [CT 4] Piqué out to first arabesque on the left foot and immediately close fifth position with the right foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 to the other side, but end in first arabesque demi-plié.
Part 2: [CT &] Chassé diagonally back toward the left back corner [CTS 1-2] Sauté cabriole fouetté ending in fourth arabesque croisé [CTS 3-4] Turning toward the back of the room and continuing toward the left back corner chassé with the right foot front and sauté cabriole fouetté ending in first arabesque *[CTS 1-2] Chassé toward the left side and saut de basque with the arms up, hold the landing [CTS 3-4] Arms come forward and piqué out to first arabesque on the left foot [CTS 5-8] Repeat from (*) to the other side.
8. Jeté and Cabriole
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Jeté side with the left foot [CT 2] Cabriole back in third arabesque croisé, right arm front [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the other side [CTS 5-8] Glissade to the left ending with the right foot front, and three small jetés side (left, right, left) [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1.
Part 2: [CT 1] Échappé to second (done by springing up from one foot to second) [CT 2] From second, tour en l’air to the right ending with the right foot up in coupé front [CT 3] Jeté forward to croisé ending in third arabesque croisé, left arm front [CT 4] From this position jeté side with the left foot [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2.
9. Fouettés
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and take the leg to fourth, start with a double pirouette en dehors.
[CTS 1-64] 32 fouettes to the right and 32 to the left.
10. Brisé
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Brisé to the right [CT 2] Entrechat quatre [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-7] Three brisés [CT 8] Assemblé battu to the right [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat all of part 1.
Part 2: [CTS 1-3] Three entrechat quatre moving backwards [CT 4] Entrcehat six [CTS 5-16] Repeat part 2 three more times.
11. Changement
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-3] Three small changements [CT 4] Entrechat six [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times.
Vladimiroff Class No. 5
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés and tendu to second [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back [CTS 1-8] Repeat port de bras and tendu front to fourth and roll up to half toe and hold [CTS 1-4] Roll down into a grand plié [CTS 5-8] Two demi-pliés, roll up to half toe then turn to the left side, ending in fourth position left foot front [CTS 1-8] One grand plié and two demi-pliés, roll up to half toe and turn back to the right side, demi-plié, tendu and close to fifth [CTS 1-8] One grand plié and two demi-pliés in fifth, roll up to half toe and turn to the left [CTS 1-8] One grand plié and two demi-pliés in fifth.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Two tendus front [CTS 3-4] Roll up to half toe without crossing the feet and roll down [CTS 5-8] Repeat [CTS 1-8] Four tendus front (two counts for each tendu) with port de bras, the right arm comes down, up, then out [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire exercise to the side, the port de bras is out, up, then down [CTS 1-16] Repeat the exercise to the back, the port de bras is down, up, and out [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the side with the port de bras out, up, then down.
Part 2: [CT 1] Tendu side [CT 2] Demi-plié in second [CT 3] Straighten up to tendu [CT 4] Close fifth back [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times [CTS 1-16] Sixteen tendus side to first position.
3. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: demi-plié, tendu front with the arm front, straighten up taking the leg and arm to the side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-8] Four ronds de jambe en dehors, and the port de bras down, front ,up and out [CTS 1-8] Repeat [CTS 1-16] Perform the exercise en dedans (reverse the port de bras) ending in tendu front.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two tendus front [CTS 3-4] Two ronds de jambe en dehors ending in fifth with the right foot back [CTS 5-8] Two tendus back and two ronds de jambe en dedans [CTS 1-8] Repeat and end in fifth position right foot front.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in fifth position [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, crossing the right foot to a closed fifth and développé the right foot to attitude back, the right arm up [CTS 1-8] Two demi-pliés and relevés in attitude [CTS 1-4] Extend the leg to second arabesque and do two demi-pliés and relevés in arabesque [CTS 5-8] Carry the leg to the side and do two demi-pliés and relevés with the leg to the side [CTS 1-4] Carry the leg to the front, the arm remaining side and do two demi-pliés and relevés [CTS 5-8] Bring the leg to passé, arms up, balance and close fifth right front.
4. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Grand battement front [CTS 2] Roll up and down twice with straight knees and without crossing the feet [CTS 3-8] Repeat en croix.
Part 2: [CT 1] Grand battement front [CT 2] Fast développé front with relevé and immediately lower to fifth [CTS 3-8] Repeat en croix.
5. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Développé front, arm opening front and side [CTS 1-4] Bring the leg through passé and développé side, arm remains side [CTS 5-8] Bring the leg to passé and développé back, arm remains side [CTS 1-4] Carry the leg to the side, then front [CTS 1-2] Roll up to half toe [CTS 3-4] Turn toward the barre to the left, end facing the barre with the leg up in second position [CTS 1-4] Passé the right leg, arm comes out and up and bend to the left and come up [CTS 1-2] Développé side, the arm opens to the side [CTS 3-4] Turn to the left ending in first arabesque [CTS 5-8] Penché and come up, balance in first arabesque, lower the right foot to fifth. Repeat to the left.
6. Fondu and Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Fondu front ending in tendu [CTS 3-4] Two frappés [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Fondu front with relevé, leg waist high, keep the leg up and demi-plié and relevé [CTS 5-8] Four frappés front [CTS 9-32] Repeat en croix, balance in cou de pied with the arms down, and close fifth right front.
7. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé side to 45 degrees.
[CTS 1-6] Three ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 7-8] Passé and tendu front in demi-plié [CTS 1-2] Relevé as the right leg comes to passé and développé to attitude back [CTS 3-4] Bring the leg through passé and roll down into demi-plié tendu front [CTS 1-2] Repeat the relevé développé to attitude [CTS 3-4] Roll down from half toe as the right leg comes to passé behind the knee and opens to the side (reversing the step)[CTS 1-6] Three ronds de jambe en dedans [CTS 7-8] Passé and tendu back in demi-plié [CTS 1-2] Relevé passé as you roll up to half toe, développé front [CTS 3-4] Passé and roll down into demi-plié tendu back [CTS 1-2] Relevé développé front again [CTS 3-4] Bring the leg through passé and open to the side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Four slow ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 1-8] Four slow ronds de jambe en dedans, roll up to half toe [CTS 1-2] Three fast ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 3-4] Three fast ronds de jambe en dedans [CTS 5-8] Repeat the fast ronds de jambe [CTS 1-8] Balance in cou de pied with the foot in front of the ankle, arms down and close to fifth.
8. Dégagé and Petit Battements
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four fast dégagés front [CTS 5-8] Three balançoires, (front, back, then front) Close fifth position [CTS 1-8] Repeat.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four dégagés side, closing fifth back then front [CTS 5-8] Four dégagés side to first position, ending in cou de pied front [CTS 1-2] Two petit battements (beat back front and pause, then back front and pause) [CTS 3-4] Three fast petit battements (no pause) [CTS 5-16] Repeat the petit battements three more times [CTS 1-16] Roll up to half toe and repeat the petit battements [CTS 1-16] Serré in front of the ankle, the arm coming down, front and up, bring the left arm up to meet the right, balance in cou de pied, close fifth position.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg side [CTS 5-8] Turn the body to the left to first arabesque [CTS 1-4] Promenade to the left, one rotation [CTS 5-8] Relevé, hold and close fifth back. Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg to effacé front [CTS 5-8] Come through passé, développé to attitude croisé back [CTS 1-4] Hold the position and do a circular port de bras (the left arm comes up, the right goes out to the side, continue arms out to the side, down and back to attitude croisé position) [CTS 5-8] Relevé, hold and close fifth back. Repeat part 2 to the left.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front croisé with the left arm up.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus front, the last tendu ends in demi-plié in fifth [CT 5] Roll up to half toe as the right leg comes up through passé to attitude back croisé, remain in attitude [CT 6] Demi-plié and relevé, bringing the left arm down and up [CT 7] Demi-plié and relevé, right arm coming down and up [CT 8] Lower the leg to fifth position demi-plié. Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus to the right side closing fifth back and front, lower the arms at the end of the last tendu [CT 5] Développé the right leg to the side opening the arms to the side [CT 6] Turn to the left to first arabesque [CT 7] Return to face front with the leg in second [CT 8] Lower the leg to fifth position back. Repeat to the other side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Three dégagés side with the right foot closing fifth front, back, then front and the last tendu ending in demi-plié in fifth [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors to the right, ending in fifth position right back. Repeat part 3 to the left, right, and left.
3. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start in fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg to the side at 45 degrees
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dehors with the right leg [CT 4] Bring the leg to passé and forward to a large fourth position with the right arm coming along the body and forward [CTS 1-3] Double attitude turn en dedans with the left leg up in back ending in attitude croisé [CT 4] Passé the left leg in back of the knee, the left arm coming front, open the arm and leg to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left ending with the right leg in second position [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dedans [CT 4] Bring the leg through passé to fourth back [CTS 5-7] Double attitude turn en dehors in attitude back ending in attitude croisé [CT 8] Lower the leg through fifth and dégagé the left leg side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side, ending in fifth right foot front demi-plié.
Part 2: [CT 1] Relevé as the right leg brushes out to the side and do two fast ronds de jambe en dehors on half toe [CT 2] Remaining on half toe, quickly passé the right leg to croisé front, the right arm coming down and up [CTS 3-4] One chassé to croisé front and step forward onto the right foot and brush left through fifth, relevé, and dégagé the left to the side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CT 1] Brush the right leg to dégagé side as you relevé, do two fast ronds de jambe en dedans [CT 2] Remaining on half toe, passé and quickly développé to arabesque effacé, the right arm sweeping down and up [CTS 3-4] Chassé back in effacé, step back on the right foot, brush the left through fifth to the side [CTS 5-8] Dégagé the left leg side. Repeat to the other side ending in tendu back, effacé with the left arm up and close to fifth.
4. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, arms down.
[CT 1] Very slow glissade, starting in demi-plié, step out on the right to the right front corner, pointing the left foot [CT 2] Pull the left leg into fifth back demi-plié [CT 3] Turning toward the right shoulder, face the back of the room, bring the left foot to coupé back [CTS 4-6] Développé the left leg to the side [CTS 7-8] Turning toward the right shoulder to face the left side of the room, end in first arabesque demi-plié [CTS 1-2] Step back on the left foot, the right in tendu front [CTS 3-4] Développé the right leg to first arabesque [CTS 5-6] As the body turns to face the front, the leg ends in second [CTS 7-8] Promenade to the right in second position one rotation [CTS 1-2] Lower the right leg to second position demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Relevé [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié [CTS 7-8] Point the left foot and bring to cou de pied front [CTS 1-2] Développé the left leg to croisé front, right arm sweeping down and up [CTS 3-4] Bring the left leg through passé and open to first arabesque, right arm comes front and out to first arabesque [CTS 5-6] Promenade to the right in first arabesque, one rotation [CTS 7-8] Lower the leg to fifth [CTS 1-2] Passé the right leg and développé to effacé front [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié and relevé closing the leg to fifth position on half toe [CTS 5-6] Bring the arms together and développé the left leg to first arabesque bringing the arms to arabesque position [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié and step back on the left in effacé, arms coming down and up, point the right foot in effacé front [CTS 1-2] From this position lift and passé the right leg and développé to attitude back croisé, the left arm opening side [CTS 3-4] Relevé, lifting the attitude leg as high as possible, drop into a fourth in demi-plié doing a circular port de bras, arms sweeping to the right, bend back, come up with the arms sweeping to the left, finish in fourth preparation [CTS 1-2] Double turn in second en dedans with the right leg up, arms coming up, finishing in second [CTS 3-4] Soutenu to the left (bring the right to fifth front on half toe and turn to the left) [CTS 5-6] Falling forward onto the left leg to fourth position [CTS 7-8] Double pirouette en dehors to the right, finishing in fifth position left leg front. Repeat the adagio to the other side.
5. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front, done moving diagonally toward the right front corner.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Échappé to second, and pas de bourrée under, left foot back and front [CT 3] Brisé [CT 4] Assemblé side with the right foot closing to fifth front [CTS 1-3] Three sissonnes fermé in first arabesque [CT 4] Changement [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two entrechat quatre [CT 3] One sissonne fermé facing the left front corner in second position with the right leg up, ending with the right foot front [CT 4] Changement [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2.
6. Grand Allegro
Start in B+ on the right foot, on the left side of the room.
[CTS 1-2] Coupé the left foot under and sauté ballonné with the right leg in second position, the right arm in front [CTS 3-4] Step out on the right and saut de basque [CTS 5-6] Step out to the right and saut de basque again (the arms low on both jumps) [CTS 7-8] Step out on the right and grand jeté to croisé front with the left leg in front, the arms opening out to the sides with the palms up [CT 1] Step back on the right foot as the left comes through passé to first arabesque [CTS 2-4] Three hops back in arabesque [CT 5] Spring from the right foot in a small jeté ending on the left with the right in coupé front position [CTS 6-8] Open the right leg to first arabesque and hop back twice to the right in first arabesque and end with the right leg in coupé back position. Repeat entire step to the other side.
7. Grand Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front in slight croisé.
Part 1: [CT 1] Pas de chat to the right, the right arm up and out ending in a small fourth position [CT 2] Pas de bourrée under to the left [CT 3] Glissade to the left ending in a small fourth position [CT 4] Piqué out onto the left and développé the right leg to croisé front, the left arm up, the head looking front, fall forward onto the right foot [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the right [CTS 5-7] Run forward toward the left front corner [CT 8] Pose in third arabesque croisé on the right foot, the left arm front, and chassé diagonally back in croisé.
Part 2: [CT 1] Tour jeté (this tour jeté is like the one the male dancer does in the Blue Bird, in other words, after the chassé, step out onto the left foot and battement the right leg to the side and while in the air, carry the left leg to arabesque croisé back, arms out on chassé and thrust down and out to the sides like wings on the tour jeté) [CT 2] Land from the tour jeté and start a repeat of the chassé back [CT 3] Tour jeté [CT 4] Chassé [CT 5] Tour jeté and bring the left leg through a small low passé and step forward into [CT 6] Chassé to croisé front position with the left foot front [CTS 7-8] Piqué out onto the left foot in third arabesque croisé with the right arm front (this ends in the right front corner of the room) and continue to chassé [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-6] Repeat the step to the right ending with the third chassé on [CT 6] [CT 7] Piqué out to the right side on the right foot in second arabesque [CT 8] Sliding the left foot across, piqué out onto the right again in second arabesque and hold the pose.
8. Turns
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and take the right leg to fourth back.
[CTS 1-32] Starting with a double pirouette, 32 fouettés to the right [CTS 1-32] Repeat to the left.
9. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Brisé to the right and stop [CTS 3-4] Brisé and assemblé side with the right leg [CTS 5-8] Repeat the step to the left [CTS 1-3] Three entrechat quatre [CT 4] Entrechat six [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left. Repeat entire step.
10. Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front, done slowly.
[CT 1] Tendu to the right side [CT 2] Take the leg to fourth back [CT 3] Multiple pirouettes en dehors [CT 4] End in fifth position with the right foot back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-2] Pirouette from fifth en dehors to the right ending with the right foot in fifth back [CT 2] Pirouette en dehors from fifth to the left [CT 3] Pirouette en dehors from fifth to the right [CT 4] Pirouette en dehors from fifth to the left. Repeat combination.
Vladimiroff Class No. 6
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Two demi-pliés, tendu to second position [CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Two demi-pliés, tendus to fifth [CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Port de bras forward and back [CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Passé the right leg and développé to attitude back, roll up to half toe and balance, lower the leg to fifth back.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-6] Six tendus front [CT 7] Passé the right foot and lower to fifth back [CT 8] Roll up to half toe and down with straight knees [CTS 1-6] Six tendus back [CT 7] Passé the right leg from fifth back to fifth front [CT 8] Roll up to half toe and lower [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire step.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two tendus side closing fifth back then front [CTS 3-4] Wrap the right foot around the ankle then open into tendu front, demi-plié with the right arm front, take the leg and arm to the side with straight knees [CTS 5-8] Reverse, two tendu side closing front and back, sliding the toes back, bring the foot to cou de pied back and open into a tendu back in demi-plié, the arm front, carry the leg and arm to the side with straight knees [CTS 1-8] Repeat Part 2.
Part 3: [CTS 1-8] Eight tendus side, closing back then front with circular port de bras [CTS 1-4] The arm goes down, up, then out [CTS 5-8] The arm goes out, up, front, down, then out again [CTS 1-8] Right arm en bas, eight tendus side to first [CTS 1-8] Eight tendus side to fifth only.
3. Rond de Jambe en Terre
Start first position, preparation: demi-plié with tendu front, arm front straighten the knee and carry the arm and leg to the side.
[CTS 1-16] Sixteen ronds de jambe en dehors (four with the arm side, four with port de bras, down, up, then out, four with the arm side, and four with the arm coming down, up, then out) [CTS 1-16] Reverse, ronds de jambe en dedans (port de bras up, front, down, and out) end in fifth position right foot front [CTS 1-4] Port de bras (one count for each movement, rather quickly, [CT 1] bend front [CT 2] straighten [CT 3] bend back [CT 4] Straighten up) [CTS 5-8] Repeat [CTS 1-8] Roll up to half toe bringing the right foot to closed fifth and repeat the port de bras.
4. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1-4] Four grand battements front [CT 5] Very fast développé front [CTS 6-8] Hold and quickly lower the foot to fifth [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the side and back [CT 1] Tendu side to second [CT 2] Demi-plié and relevé [CTS 3-8] Balance with the arms coming down and up. After the music finishes demi-plié and tendu to fifth.
5. Tendu with Demi-plié
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CT 1] Close to fifth in demi-plié with the right arm down [CT 2] Tendu front with straight knees, the arm comes overhead, looking from under the arm [CT 3] Close fifth in demi-plié, the right arm comes forward [CT 4] Straighten knees and tendu the left foot back, the right arm opens to the right side, the head to the right [CT 5] Return the leg to fifth in demi-plié [CT 6] Tendu the right leg side with straight knees [CT 7] Demi-plié in second [CT 8] Straighten, pointing the right foot side [CTS 1-8] Repeat exercise in double time, twice [CTS 1-8] Repeat exercise at slow tempo [CTS 1-8] Repeat tendu front and back (The first part of the exercise) [CTS 1-8] Sixteen dégagés side to first.
6. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Développé straight front, the arms open front and out to the sides [CTS 1-4] Return the leg to passé and développé side and hold [CTS 5-8] Return the leg to passé and développé straight back, left arm in front [CTS 1-4] Carry the leg to the side, the left arm opens side, carry the leg to the front [CTS 5-8] Passé and développé to attitude croisé back, roll up to half toe, the right arm up [CTS 1-4] Roll down into demi-plié and extend the left leg to arabesque with the arm in front [CTS 5-8] Relevé and bend the knee back to attitude, right arm up [CTS 1-4] Lower the left heel and, remaining in attitude, bring right arm side and do a small port de bras forward, come up, bring arm up and bend back a little [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe and balance. After the music has finished return to fifth.
7. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé side waist high.
[CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors [CT 4] Passé and lower the leg to tendu front [CTS 5-6] Small fondu front to 45 degrees [CTS 7-8] Small fondu side [CTS 1-8] Reverse, ronds de jambe en dedans and fondu back then side [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire exercise on half toe with the legs high in fondu, lower the leg to cou de pied front on half toe, balance with the arms down (the balance happens after the music)
8. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Four dégagés front [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix [CTS 1-8] Repeat the exercise doing two dégagés each way en croix [CTS 1-4] One dégagé each way en croix [CTS 5-8] One dégagé each way en croix.
9. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring foot to cou de pied front, right arm held low over the knee.
[CTS 1-8] Four petit battements (each petit battement is performed on one count and held for one count) beating back then front [CTS 1-8] Repeat, but with eight sets of petit battements (without the hold) [CTS 1-16] Roll up to half toe and repeat the entire exercise [CTS 1-16] Serré with the foot in front of the ankle, the right arm coming down then up, balance and close fifth.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Passé the right leg and développé to arabesque directly behind you, arms open front and side [CT 3] Continue pivoting to the right to face the side of the room, the leg comes through second position [CT 4] Pivot to the right to face the back of the room, the right leg ending in front [CTS 5-6] Passé and développé directly behind [CT 7] Pivot toward the right shoulder facing the left side of the room, the leg through second [CT 8] Continue pivoting to face the front of the room, the leg front [CTS 1-4] Carry the leg to the side, then back, the arms remain side [CTS 5-8] Lower the leg to fourth position back preparation and pirouette en dehors to the right ending with the right foot fifth back. Repeat part 1 to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Passé the right leg and développé to effacé front [CTS 1-4] Passé and développé to attitude back croisé with the right arm up [CTS 1-4] Hold the position, then lower the leg to fourth back [CTS 1-2] Pirouette en dedans to the left ending in fifth position with the right foot front [CTS 1-2] Pirouette en dehors to the right [CTS 3-4] End in fifth position right foot back. Repeat to the other side.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three tendus straight front with the arms low at the sides, the last tendu ends in demi-plié [CT 4] Pirouette en dehors to the right front fifth, finish with the right foot back in fifth position and arms low [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CT 1] One tendu front ending in demi-plié [CT 2] One pirouette en dehors to the right ending with the right foot back in fifth position [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the other side [CTS 5-8] Repeat right and left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two tendus to the right side closing fifth front then back [CTS 3-4] Tendu the right foot to the side and pull to fifth right foot front as you rise to half toe and soutenu to the left, the arms down and up [CT 5] Fall forward to fourth with the left foot front [CT 6] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending in fourth position [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending in fifth with the right foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat Part 2 to the other side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus croisé back with the left foot, the right arm up, looking out from under the arm [CTS 5-8] Dégagé the left to fourth arabesque croisé, the right arm front and carry the leg through second with the arms side and then to croisé front, the right arm coming out and up, lower the leg to fifth position [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3 to the other side.
3. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start fifth position left foot front en face, preparation: tendu the right foot back, the arms side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dehors with the right leg [CT 4] One rond de jambe ending in dégagé front waist high, in demi-plié, the arms front [CT 5] Relevé and carry the leg side [CT 6] Demi-plié and relevé, carry the leg back [CT 7] Demi-plié and relevé [CT 8] Lower the leg through demi-plié in first and step forward onto the right with the left in tendu back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 to the left
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe en dehors with the right, the second one ending in fourth with the right foot front preparation [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors (special note: as the right leg slides to the preparation fourth position, the left hand comes along the front of the body in preparation for the pirouette, straight elbow, fingers up and arms forward, the arm pulls forward as the leg pulls back) finish the pirouette, lower the right heel to fifth front as the left foot extends to tendu back [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat right and left again.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe par terre en dedans ending in arabesque, waist high directly behind, the right arm coming up and forward on the last count [CTS 5-7] Carry the leg and arm side then front [CT 8] Step through fourth position into tendu with the left foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3 to the other side.
Part 4: [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe en dedans with the right foot [CTS 3-4] The second rond de jambe ends passing through first in demi-plié in first and step back on the right, arms together and out, finish in tendu left front [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 4 to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat right and left again.
4. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg to the side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors [CT 4] Bring the leg through passé as you relevé, bringing the left arm and shoulder forward, demi-plié with the right leg opening to effacé front [CTS 5-6] Relevé as the right leg passés through second ending in first arabesque facing the left side of the room, the left arm comes up and out to first arabesque [CT 7] Demi-plié and relevé in arabesque [CT 8] Demi-plié and relevé in arabesque again, quickly close fifth back and dégagé the left leg in preparation for the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe en dehors with the right [CTS 3-4] Flic-flac turning to the left, brush the right foot front and back and end in cou de pied back closing fifth back, immediately dégagé the left leg side [CTS 5-8] Repeat P]part 2 to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat right and left again.
Part 3 (This is a reversal of part 1): [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en l’air en dedans with the right leg [CT 4] Bring the leg through passé, relevé, the right arm comes out and up [CTS 5-7] Demi-plié in arabesque with the right arm front and relevé as the right leg passés through second and demi-plié and relevé as the leg comes to effacé front, the left arm out and up [CT 8] Lower the leg to fifth and dégagé the left leg to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3 to the left.
Part 4: [CTS 1-2] Four fast ronds de jambe en dedans with the right on half toe, the last one ends in first arabesque demi-plié [CT 3] Two hops on a flat left foot moving diagonally back toward the right back corner [CT 4] Lower the leg to fifth with the right foot in front and immediately dégagé the left leg side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 4 right and left again.
5. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front croisé (this adagio starts the same way as the one in the previous class but the second section is different).
[CT 1] Very slow glissade, starting in demi-plié, step out on the right to the right front corner, pointing the left foot [CT 2] Pull the left leg into fifth back demi-plié [CT 3] Turning toward the right shoulder, face the back of the room, bring the left foot to coupé back [CTS 4-6] Développé the left leg to the side [CTS 7-8] Turn toward the right shoulder to face the left side of the room, end in first arabesque demi-plié [CTS 1-2] Step back on the left leg, bringing the right leg through passé and open to first arabesque [CTS 3-4] Turn the body to face the front of the room, finish with the leg side [CTS 5-8] Promenade en dehors to the right with the leg up in second position, one rotation [CTS 1-2] Facing front, lower the leg to second with the heel down [CTS 3-4] Grand plié in second, the right arm reaches out, up, and over to the left, then down bending slightly forward with the head following the arm [CTS 5-6] Turn the body to the right side ending in fourth position facing the right side of the room, shift the weight to the right foot [CTS 7-8] Still in demi-plié, lift the left leg to first arabesque and slowly straighten the right leg [CTS 1-2] Bring the left leg through passé, développé to croisé front, the left arm moves out and up [CTS 3-4] Carry the left leg through passé and open to first arabesque in demi-plié [CTS 5-6] Step back on the left, point the right in effacé front [CTS 7-8] Bring the right leg through passé, and carry to attitude back croisé [CTS 1-2] Open the leg to arabesque back with the right arm rounded in front [CTS 3-8] Carry the leg and arm side then to front croisé, left arm comes down and up, relevé as leg lowers to fifth on half toe and do an outside soutenu to the left with the arms down and up [CTS 1-2] Fall forward to fourth position left foot front, arms open out to the side, then the left arm sweeps along the body and to the front [CTS 3-4] Arabesque turn to the left finishing as you slide the right leg through first to fourth position front [CTS 5-6] Arabesque turn to the right [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié in first arabesque and fast pas de bourrée under, left foot back then front. Repeat adagio to the other side.
6. Assemblé
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] One assemblé side with the right foot closing fifth back and one assemblé side with the right closing front [CT 3] One changement [CT 4] One tour en l’air to the right ending with the right foot front, the arms up and then opening out [CTS 5-6] Glissade assemblé to the left [CTS 7-8] Glissade assemblé to the right [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 to the other side.
Part 2: [CT 1] Assemblé side with the right ending fifth front [CT 2] Two fast changements, end in fifth croisé [CT 3] Sissonne fermé side with the left leg up closing fifth back, moving toward the right front corner [CT 4] Sissonne fermé moving diagonally back toward the left back corner, the right leg up to the side and closing in front, the arms are low to the sides [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side [CTS 1-8] Reverse part 2.
7. Petit Allegro, Jeté
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Jeté side with the right foot [CT 2] Cabriole back in third arabesque croisé, the left arm front [CT 3] Jeté side with the left leg [CT 4] Cabriole in third arabesque croisé with the right arm front [CT 5] Glissade to the right [CT 6] Jeté side with the right [CTS 7-8] Glissade to the left and jeté to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 to the left, end with the right foot up in coupé back.
Part 2: [CT 1] Spring up on the left and échappé to second [CT 2] Tour en l’air to the right ending with the right foot in coupé front [CT 3] Jeté forward in croisé onto the right foot [CT 4] Jeté side with the left [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat right and left again.
8. Grand Allegro
Start in the left back corner, pointing the left foot in croisé front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Two chassés forward in croisé with the left arm up [CT 3] Step forward on the left foot and tour jeté, done with the right leg doing battement side, legs change in the air and the left leg ends in fourth arabesque croisé, the right arm sweeps down and forward to arabesque position [CT 4] Pas de bourrée toward the left shoulder, left foot back then front, end in fifth position croisé left foot front [CTS 5-12] Repeat step twice more[CTS 13-16] Arabesque sauté on the right to the right side of the room and continue running in a circle, ending in the center in fifth position right foot front.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Balloté to effacé front with the right leg up and left arm front continue balloté ending with the left leg up in effacé back and the right arm front [CT 3] Assemblé back with the left [CT 4] Entrechat six with the arms up [CTS 5-12] Repeat part 2 to the left and right [CTS 13-16] Tendu the left foot side and carry it to fourth and do many pirouettes en dehors to the left ending in fourth position.
9. Fouettés
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and take the leg to fourth.
32 fouettés to the right and repeat to the left.
10. Petit Allegro
Start left foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-3] Three brisés to the right with the right arm in front [CT 4] One assemblé side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-3] Three entrechat quatre [CT 4] One entrechat six [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left.
11. Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Tendu the right leg side and take the leg to fourth and pirouette en dehors to the right, ending in fifth position right foot back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CT 1] Keep the left heel on the floor, very quickly bring the right leg around through passé to fourth back [CT 2] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending fifth back [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the left [CTS 5-8] Repeat right and left again.
Vladimiroff Class No. 7
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-8] Two grand plié and tendu to second [CTS 1-8] Two grand plié and tendu to fifth [CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Quick port de bras front and back, tendu to fourth position [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé and port de bras front and back and swivel toward the barre, demi-plié in fourth and tendu close first. Repeat to the other side.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus front with straight knees [CT 5] Tendu front and demi-plié in fifth [CT 6] Tendu front and demi-plié in fifth [CTS 7-8] Tendu side, hold and close fifth back with straight knees. Continue en croix
Part 2: [CT 1] Tendu front and close fifth [CT 2] Roll up to half toe, feet apart, lower the heels with straight knees [CTS 3-4] Two tendus front with straight knees. Repeat en croix.
Part 3: [CTS 1-16] 16 tendus side, closing fifth back then front
Part 4: [CTS 1-3]Three tendus side to first position [CT 4] Passé and close first [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times [CTS 1-8] Grand plié in first position [CTS 1-8] Développé side, roll up to half toe, bring leg to passé and balance and close fifth.
3. Rond de jambe par Terre
Start in first position, preparation: demi-plié tendu front, carry the leg and arm to the side and straighten the knee.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 3-4] Three faster, ending in tendu front [CTS 5-8] Reverse en dedans.
Part 2: [CTS 1-6] Six ronds de jambe en dehors ending in demi-plié tendu front with the right arm front [CT 7] Remain in demi-plié and very large rond de jambe to the back, arm and head open to behind the right shoulder [CT 8] Bring the leg around to the front with the head and arm in toward the left side and straighten the supporting knee and open the arm side [CTS 1-8] Repeat en dedans [CTS 1-8] Right foot tendu back, straight knees, port de bras front and back, bring the leg around to tendu front [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back then close fifth.
4. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1:[CTS 1-2] Grand battement front [CTS 3-5] Fast développé front and hold [CT 6] Lower the leg to fifth [CTS 7-8] Grand battement. Repeat en croix.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] One grand battement each way en croix [CTS 1-8] One fast développé each way en croix.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in fifth [CTS 5-8] Développé the right leg to attitude back and roll up to half toe [CTS 1-8] Two demi-plié and relevés in attitude and open the leg to second arabesque with the right arm front [CTS 1-2] Demi-plié and relevé as you carry the leg and arm to the side [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié and relevé as your carry the leg to the front [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié relevé bringing the leg to passé and arms coming up over head [CTS 7-8] Balance and close fifth front.
5. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Fondu front to 45 degrees with relevé [CTS 3-8] Quickly carry the leg around to the back and to the front and to the back again [CTS 1-8] Fondu relevé back and carry the leg front, back, then front.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Fondu front with relevé [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié and relevé. Continue en croix and immediately swivel toward the barre and repeat Part 2 on the other side.
7. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four dégagés front [CT & of 4] Dégagé front [CTS 5-7] Balançoire
back, front, back, [CT 8] Close fifth back [CTS 1-8] Reverse.
Part 2: [CTS 1-3] Three dégagés front [CT 4] The fourth dégagé ends in demi-plié in fifth [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix [CTS 1-16] Repeat Part 2.
8. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring the right foot to cou de pied front.
[CTS 1-2] Beat back front and hold [CTS 3-4] beat back front and hold [CTS 5-8] Four faster. Repeat four times. Then roll up on the left foot and perform the exercise four times on half toe [CTS 1-16] Serré in front [CTS 1-16] Holding the foot in cou de pied front balance with the arms coming down and up and close fifth position front.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Développé straight front, arms open front and side [CTS 5-6] Turning toward the left side of the room, leg moves to second position [CTS 7-8] Continue toward the left to face the back of the room, leg ending in arabesque [CTS 1-8] Keep the leg up reverse (Turn to the left of the room with the leg in second and continue to the front of the room with the leg in front and lower the leg to fifth position).
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg side [CTS 5-6] Turn toward the left ending in first arabesque [CTS 7-8] Return to facing front with the leg in second position and lower to fifth back.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg directly behind, arms open front and side [CTS 5-6] Pivot to the right, facing the right side of room, leg ending in second [CTS 7-8] Continue to face the back of the room with the leg ending in front [CTS 1-8] Reverse, facing the right side of the room leg in second and toward the front with the leg in arabesque and lower the leg to fifth back [CTS 1-8] Slow grand plié in fifth. Repeat the part 1, 2, and 3 to the other side.
Part 4: [CT &] Tendu the right foot side and take it to fourth front preparation [CTS 1-2] Attitude turn en dedans with the left leg up in back [CTS 3-4] Bring the leg through passé to fourth front [CTS 5-6] Attitude turn en dehors to the right with the right leg up in back [CTS 7-8] Hold and lower the leg to fourth back [CTS 1-8] Repeat Part 4 to the other side.
Part 5: [CTS 1-2] Turn in second with the left leg up en dedans to the right with the arms side [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié on the right relevé bringing the left foot to fifth front and soutenu to the right, arms down and up [CTS 5-6] Passé the right leg, still on half toe, take the leg to fourth position back preparation [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right [CTS 1-8] Repeat Part 5 to the other side.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CT &1] Tendu right foot front croisé and close fifth, left arm going out and up [CT &2] Tendu right front croisé and close to fifth, the left arm opens to the side and the right arm comes out and up [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CT 5-8] Leave the right arm up, passé and développé the right leg to attitude back croisé, relevé and close directly to fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side with the right foot, closing fifth front, back, then front, the final tendu continues to fourth back [CTS 5-6] Pirouette en dehors to the right finishing in fourth [CTS 7-8] Repeat pirouette en dehors finishing in fifth back [CTS 1-8] Repeat the part 2 to the other side, finishing in fifth with the right foot front and the right arm up.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus to croisé back with the left foot [CT 5] Tendu back, left foot back to fourth arabesque croisé (right arm reaches toward the left front corner and the left arm reaches back to the right back corner and a definite twist to the body) [CT 6] Rond de jambe par terre the left foot to the side, right arm opening side [CT 7] Continue rond de jambe, left foot finishing in croisé front, right arm out and up [CT 8] Close to fifth position, left arm comes down and up [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 4: [CTS 1-2] Tendu the left foot side, right arm reaches out and up, left arm comes in front and across the body to the right as you bend to the left, as you straighten up the right arm meet the left arm in front, open the arms side and close fifth [CTS 3-4] Tendu side with the right leg and bend to the right with the left arm up and finish in fifth position right foot front [CT 5] Tendu side with the left foot and the left arm up in écarté position and close fifth opening the left arm side [CT 6] Repeat with the right arm and right foot [CTS 7-8] Repeat right and left [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 4.
3. Fondu
Start fifth position croisé left foot front.
Part 1: [CT &1] Fondu relevé to croisé front left foot up and right arm up, lower the leg through fifth on half toe and immediately [CT &2] Fondu relevé with the right to third arabesque croisé back and right arm front [CT &3] Lower the leg and fondu relevé with the left foot side [CT &4] Lower the leg to fifth back, and fondu relevé with the right leg side and fall out onto the right leg to the side [CT &5] Pirouette en dedans to the right [CT &6] Lower the left leg to fourth front on half toe, remain on half to, and pirouette en dehors to the right [CT &7] From the pirouette step out onto the right and pirouette en dedans to the right [CT &8] Continue into pirouette en dehors again (do not take too much force on the last pirouette because the right foot will remain up as you demi-plié to start the step to the other side) [CTS 1-8] Repeat Part 1 and finish with the right foot front in fifth and immediately move into part 2.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four développés with relevé to effacé (like a fondu but each one ending in fifth position) left arm up and right arm side [CT 5] Fall forward onto the right, bring the left foot to coupé front and fondu relevé to croisé front, left leg up, left arm side and right arm coming down and up [CT 6] Fall forward and bring the right foot to coupé front demi-plié and fondu relevé to effacé front with the left arm up [CT 7] Repeat the fondu to croisé [CT 8] Repeat the fondu to effacé (the arms changing for each fondu) finishing, fall onto the right leg and coupé the left in front [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side (in all of the fondues the leg should développé and not be thrown up and out).
4. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, arms low to the side.
[CTS 1-2] Tendu the right foot to the side, lower the heel as the left points and pull the left into fifth back demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Step out onto the right foot, bring the left to passé and développé to croisé front, right arm up [CTS 5-6] Leaving the leg up, turn the body to face the back, the leg moving through second, and continue to face the left back corner, leg ends in first arabesque, right arm opens to first arabesque [CTS 7-8] Deep demi-plié and, still facing the left back corner [CTS 1-2] Step back onto the left leg with the right in tendu front [CTS 3-4] Lift the right leg to passé position and développé to first arabesque [CTS 5-8] Turn the body to face front, the leg moving through second, left arm pulling out and up and end in effacé front, left arm up [CTS 1-2] Carry the right leg through passé to attitude back croisé, right arm down and up [CTS 3-4] Remain in attitude position, change the arms, left moving out and up, right out to the side [CTS 5-6] Continue the port de bras, right arm ending up [CTS 7-8] Promenade en dehors in attitude to the right one rotation [CTS 1-2] Finish in croisé, bring the right leg through passé and développé to effacé front, right arm moves out, left arm down and up [CTS 3-4] Relevé and fall forward to effacé [CTS 5-6] Left leg comes up to passé and développé to croisé front, left arm out, right arm down and up and relevé [CTS 7-8] Fall forward to a large fourth position [CTS 1-2] Arabesque turn to the left en dedans, finish in first arabesque [CTS 3-4] Deep demi-plié in arabesque, open the left arm out and back, right arm remains open but comes up to the right front corner, look up to the right wrist, and fast pas de bourrée under, right foot back and front, finish in a deep fourth [CTS 5-6] Repeat arabesque turn to the right [CTS 7-8] Lower the left leg to tendu side in demi-plié, left arm reaches out over the leg, slide the left foot to fifth front on half toe and bourrée to the right arms low to the sides and lower the heels in fifth. Repeat Adagio to the left.
5. Petit Allegro
Start right foot front fifth position.
Part 1: [CT 1] Échappé to second [CT 2] Spring up onto the right leg, as left goes through passé and développé front croisé, right arm up [CT 3] Spring off of the right foot in grand jeté to croisé front, ending in third arabesque croisé, right arm front [CT 4] Small jeté to the side, right leg to the side and from here spring off of the right foot into and échappé [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 1 to the left.
Part 2: [CT 1] Spring off of the left foot as right does assemblé side ending with right foot front, body bends forward to the right over the right front leg, arms low [CT 2] Spring up with the leg together and moving forward, sissonne into attitude croisé with the right leg up in back [CT 3] From attitude, spring up as the right leg brushes into assemblé side and close fifth back [CT 4] Assemblé with the right foot side, close right foot front [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the left.
6. Petit Allegro
Start left foot front fifth position (similar to the previous step).
[CT 1] Assemblé side with the right, end with right foot front and body bends forward to the right, arms down [CT 2] Spring up in sissonne to attitude, right leg back [CT 3-4] Directly from attitude bring the leg through first brushing side and assemblé again [CTS 5-6] Repeat the sissonne [CTS 7-8] Glissade to the right and assemblé side with the right foot closing front [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
7. Petit Allegro
Start left foot front fifth position.
[CT 1] Sissonne développé with the left leg side (hold the legs together as long as possible before doing the développé) left arm up and head looks to the right [CT 2] Lower the left foot through fifth back, assemblé side with the right, end with the right in fifth back [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-6] Very small développé to croisé front with the left into a chassé front croisé, left arm down and up and looking out front under the arm, then step forward unto the left [CTS 7-8] Glissade to the right, assemblé right side ending with the right front [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
8. Petit Allegro
Start left foot front fifth position.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Small brisé front, entrechat quatre, (right arm front over the legs in brisé and down for entrchat quatre) [CTS 3-4] Brisé back with the left leg and entrechat quatre [CTS 5-8] Three brisés front and one assemblé side with the right, end with the right foot front [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Glissade to the right and jeté side to the right [CT 3] Tour to the left, left foot remains up and ends in coupé front [CT 4] Jeté forward onto the left foot, right croisé back [CTS 5-6] Glissade to the right and jeté side with the right, end in croisé [CT 7] From here spring into a jeté, turning toward the left shoulder, end on the left in croisé front [CT 8] Jeté side onto the right [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the left.
9. Grand Allegro
Start a little to the left side of the room, right foot front fifth position.
Part 1: [CT 1] Pas de chat to the right, arms up, end in a small fourth left front, arms opening out [CT 2] Pas de bourrée turned to the right end in fifth right front [CTS 3-6] Repeat twice more [CTS 7-8] Glissade to the right, left foot ends in slight fourth forward and piqué to first arabesque on the right foot, very quickly bring the left foot down, pas de bourrée under, left foot back then front [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Tombé and pas de bourrée to the right [CTS 3-4] Glissade, ending with the left foot slight fourth in front, piqué out onto the right on half toe as the left does a small battement to croisé front, right arm up, and bring the left leg through passé and end in first arabesque in demi-plié, quickly lower the left leg and [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 9-12] Repeat right again [CTS 13-16] Run to the left back corner and finish on the left foot in B+.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Balancé to effacé front, right arm out high and balancé back in effacé, the body bends very far forward and right arm sweeps down [CTS 3-4] Step out on the right and saut de basque [CTS 5-6] Balancé to the right turned, left arm out and up, right in front [CTS 7-8] Chaînés [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3, after the last chaîné, step out onto the right foot, left through passé to fourth on half toe, arms low to the sides, flexed wrists, head held high looking left.
10. Grand Allegro
Start to the left side of the room, on the left, the right foot points to croisé front, the arms low.
[CT 1] Step down onto the right, brush the left through first, step forward onto the left and sauté in third arabesque croisé, left arm front [CT 2] Step back onto the left foot with a little hop, bring the right to coupé back and turn toward the left shoulder to face the back of the room, come around to face croisé front, grand jeté, end on the left foot, the right back in croisé arabesque, right arm up [CT 3] Pas couru toward the right front corner [CT 4] Grand jeté croisé onto the left leg arms opening side palms up, coupé the right leg under, step forward onto the left [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the right, turning toward the right shoulder run to the center back of the room, end in second arabesque position on the left foot the right pointing back.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Chassé diagonally back toward the right back corner and entrechat cinq turned to the right, arms up [CTS 3-4] End in fifth position left front, brush the left foot back and relevé on the right in first arabesque [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the right [CTS 5-8] Slide the left foot across to fourth position, tendu the right foot to the side and take it to fourth back, and many pirouettes to the right en dehors ending in fourth.
11. Fouettés
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and carry the leg to fourth back.
32 fouettés to the right, 32 fouettés to the left
12. Fouettés
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side, take the left foot to fourth back.
16 fouettés to the right (one single then one double) and 16 to the left.
13. Petit Allegro
Start right foot front croisé.
[CTS 1-2] Two changements [CTS 3-4] Two royale [CTS 5-8] Repeat [CTS 1-8] Seven entrechat quatre moving back and one royale [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side.
14. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Entrechat quatre royale [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-8] Three brisés to the left, one assemblé to the side with the left foot [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire step but much faster.
Vladimiroff Class No. 8
1. Plié
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés in first and tendu side to second [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés and tendu to fifth [CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-16] Port de bras front and back [CTS 1-4] Passé the right leg and carry to attitude back, right arm up [CTS 5-16] Open the leg to arabesque, right arm coming front and is rounded, carry the leg to the side, then front, roll up to half toe, slowly lower the leg to fourth with the heels down [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-16] Roll up to half toe and demi-plié relevé and slowly pivot toward the barre to the left side, demi-plié in fourth and tendu to fifth. Repeat the fifth and fourth position section of this exercise to the left (omit the first 16 counts).
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-8] Four tendus front, right arm coming down, up, then out [CTS 1-8] Four tendus side closing fifth front and back, the right arm reaches out to the side, high, up, down the front of the body and out to the side [CTS 1-8] Four tendus back, arm down up and out [CTS 1-8] Four tendus side, closing fifth back then front, arm out up and down.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Two tendus front, arm remains side [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 2.
Part 3: [CTS 1-8] Eight tendus side to first [CTS 9-16] Two slightly fast grand pliés in first [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 3.
3. Rond de jambe par Terre
Start in first position, preparation: demi-plié and tendu front, take the leg and arm to the side, straighten the knees.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe par terre en dehors [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié and one rond de jambe par terre in demi-plié, supporting knee straightens when the leg is in tendu back [CTS 1-2] Three faster ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié and one rond de jambe in demi-plié, ending with straight knees in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Do part 1 en dedans.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe par terre en dehors [CTS 9-10] One grand rond de jambe en l’air ending in tendu front [CTS 11-16] Demi-plié and quickly port de bras front, come up and straighten the left knee and bend back [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 2 en dedans.
4. Grand Rond de Jambe
Start in fifth position with the left foot front, preparation: tendu the right foot back.
[CTS 1-2] Brushing through first, carry the leg through attitude front, with the arm up, extend the leg through ecarté, continue to arabesque keeping the arm up (this is a thrown battement movement) brush through first [CTS 3-8] Repeat the exercise three more times, finish in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Repeat en dedans.
5. Grand Battement
Stand with the back to the barre, the right foot front fifth position, the arms holding the barre on either side.
[CT 1] Grand battement front [CT 2] Roll up to half toe and back down with straight knees [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 1-4] Two grand battements front [CTS 5-8] Two grand battements front to fourth position [CTS 1-12] Repeat. Perform entire exercise to the other side.
6. Grand Battement
Face the barre, right foot back in fifth.
Repeat the previous step to the back.
7. Grand Battement Side
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] One grand battement side finish in fifth front [CTS 3-4] Fast développé side and hold, then lower to fifth [CTS 5-8] Two grand battements side [CTS 1-8] Repeat and tendu to second [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in second [CTS 5-8] Relevé, arms come down and up [CTS 1-8] Four demi-plié and relevé in second, left arm opens out, down, and up, then the right opens out, down, and up, balance in second with the arms side, demi-plié and close to fifth.
8. Frappé and Petit Battement
Start in fifth position, preparation: tendu side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Double frappé side (beat back then front and brush side, off the floor)[CTS 3-4] Reverse [CTS 5-6] Beat back front and open to tendu front in demi-plié [CTS 7-8] Rond de jambe par terre to the back, straighten the knees [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 in reverse.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Double frappé side beat back front then tendu side on the floor [CTS 3-4] Lower the right heel and lift [CTS 5-8] Double frappé side beat front then back and open side, lower the heel and lift [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 but lower the heel down and up twice.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Double frappé, beat back then front ending in tendu front [CTS 3-4] Beat front then back end in tendu back [CTS 5-8] Repeat but twice as fast (frappé front, then back, front, back) [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3 in reverse [CTS 1-16] Repeat two sets of part 3 to the side.
Part 4: [CTS 1-4] Four frappés front off the floor [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix and roll up to half toe [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 4 on half toe.
9. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
Part 1: [CT 1] Fondu front to 45 degrees [CT 2] Quickly carry the leg around to the side then arabesque, arm remains side [CT 3] Quickly carry the leg side and to the front [CTS 4] Carry the leg to arabesque again [CTS 5-8] Reverse fondu back etc.
Part 2: [CT 1-2] Fondu front much higher [CTS 3-8] Continue en croix
10. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and roll up on the left foot.
[CTS 1-2] Petit battement back and front and open to tendu side in demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Roll up on the left foot, petit battement front and back and open to tendu side in demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up on the left foot and petit battement back and front four times [CTS 1-8] Repeat.
1. Small Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Développé straight front arms open front and out to the sides, slowly promenade toward the left shoulder, continuing to face the back of the room, leg passés through second to arabesque [CTS 5-8] Turn toward the right shoulder to face the left side of the room, then to the front, leg again passés through second and ends in front [CTS 1-4] Remain front, carry the leg to the side, then arabesque, arms remain side, head is over the left side of the body [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, balance, and lower the leg to fifth [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Développé the right leg to the side [CTS 3-4] Turn toward the left shoulder and finish in first arabesque facing the left side of the room [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié [CTS 7-8] Turn to face the front, leg ends in second, straight knees and lower the leg to second [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in second, right arm reaches out to the side, overhead, and to the left side of the room, the body bends left [CTS 5-8] As the right arm comes down in front of the body, turn toward the right side of the room in fourth position demi-plié and lift the left leg to first arabesque and straighten the knees, hold, and lower the left leg to fifth front, facing front [CTS 1-16] Repeat Part 2 to the left side end by sliding the right leg through to fourth position with the right foot front.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Attitude turn en dedans to the right, left leg up in attitude back, bring the left leg through passé to fourth front [CTS 5-8] Attitude turn en dedans to the left, come through passé and finish with the right foot front in fourth position [CTS 1-4] Attitude en dehors to the left, left leg up in back and lower the left leg to fourth position [CTS 5-8] Turn in second position en dedans, left leg up and arms up, finish in demi-plié, soutenu to the right (bring the left leg down to fifth front and turn en dehors in fifth, arms down and up) fast passé on half toe, right leg up and take the leg to fourth back, pirouette en dehors to the right, end in fifth position right foot back [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 3 to the left.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
Part 1: [CT 1] Tendu to croisé front, left arm stretches out to the side then overhead [CT 2] Tendu to croisé front, left arm opens to the side, right arm comes out then overhead [CT 3] Repeat the tendu with the left arm out and up [CT 4] Repeat tendu with the right arm out and up [CTS 5-8] Leave the right arm up, passé the right leg, développé to attitude back croisé, relevé in attiude and close fifth back (do not send the leg to arabesque) [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side with the right, close fifth front then back, the last tendu goes to fourth position back [CTS 5-6] Pirouette en dehors to the right, end in fourth position back [CTS 7-8] Another pirouette en dehors to the right, end in fifth position back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Two tendus to croisé back with the left foot, left arm up [CTS 3-4] Fast développé with the left leg to first arabesque facing the right side of room, finish in demi-plié, and fast pas de bourrée under, left foot back then front, finish in fifth with the left foot front [CTS 5-8] Repeat Part 3 to the other side [CTS 1-3] Repeat.
Part 4: [CTS 1-2] Three fast dégagés straight front with the right leg, end in fifth demi-plié, [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors to the right, end in fifth position right foot back [CTS 5-8] Repeat with the left leg [CTS 1-4] Three fast dégagés side with the right foot, close fifth front, back, then front, end in demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Pirouette en dehors from fifth to the right, end fifth position right foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat the dégagés side and pirouette but to the left. Repeat part 4 right and left.
3. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front en face.
[CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg straight front, arms open front and side, demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Straighten the supporting leg, turn toward the left shoulder to face the side of the room, the leg passés through second and, still facing the back of the room, the leg ends in arabesque, arms side, lower the leg to fifth [CTS 1-4] Développé the left leg front and demi-plié, straighten as you turn toward the left shoulder [CTS 5-8] Pass second position end in arabesque facing the front of the room, arms side [CTS 1-4] Promenade to the right side one slow rotation in arabesque [CTS 5-8] Demi-plié on the right and step back on the left [CTS 1-4] Bring the right foot through fifth and développé to écarté, left arm remains side, right arm sweep down and up [CTS 5-8] Promenade slowly to the right in this position one rotation [CTS 1-4] Lower the right leg and step out on the right in a deep demi-plié in first arabesque with the left leg up [CTS 5-8] Pas de bourrée under, left foot back then front, to fourth left foot front and pirouette en dehors to the right, finish in fifth right foot back. Repeat to the other side.
4. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, right arm up.
Part 1: [CT &1] Chassé forward in croisé position (chassé starts on and with a small soubresaut in fifth and then slides into the chassé) [CT &2] Continue into a slide forward into fourth [CT 3] Put weight on the right foot assemblé back with the left foot to fifth [CT 4] Changement arms up [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Repeat the first part in reverse, chassé back and assemblé front.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Two assemblés side with the right leg closing fifth back then front [CT 3] Sissonne fermé to the right in first arabesque [CT 4] Sissonne fermé moving toward the left with the right leg up in effacé front [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 3 with the left leg [CTS 1-8] Reverse part three with the assemblés, left leg closing front then back and the sissonne moving back in effacé and front in first arabesque [CTS 1-16] Repeat all of part 3.
5. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left front croisé.
Part 1: [CT 1] Jeté side with the right [CT 2] Temps levé [CT 3] Coupé the left under [CT 4] Jeté battu right arm down then up ending on the right foot [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CT 1] Jeté side with the right [CTS 2-4] Three temps levés moving toward the left side [CTS 5-8] Four jetés side left then right [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
6. Grand Allegro
Start on the left side of room, preparation: point left foot front croisé.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Glissade to the right, end in a slight fourth [CT 2] Cabriole in effacé front, end with the leg up [CT 3] Quickly, stepping forward on the right, bring the left across in a glissade [CT 4] piqué on the right to first arabesque and close to fifth back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left, end in arabesque on the left foot.
Part 2: [CTS &1&2] Turn toward the right shoulder and chassé toward the right back corner, right foot front, step out onto the right foot and cabriole fouetté, brush the left leg through first and battement front, turn in the air and end in fourth arabesque croisé and immediately [CT 3] Turn to face the right back corner again, chassé [CT 4] Cabriole fouetté end in first arabesque [CTS 5-6] Chassé tour jeté, continue to move toward the right back corner [CTS 7-8] Bring the right leg through first, turn to face the right front corner of the room, glissade to the right, left foot front and piqué first arabesque onto the right.
Part 3: [CT 1] Chassé diagonally back toward the left [CT 2] Entrechat cinque, turned toward the left shoulder arms up, end fifth right foot front demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Fast glissade toward the left side of the room, piqué first arabesque on the left [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 3 to the right [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the left ending with the right foot front in fifth [CTS 1-4] Tendu the right foot side and take it to fourth [CTS 5-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending in fourth position.
7. Fouetté
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu the right foot side, then take the leg to fourth back.
32 fouettés to the right and 32 to the left.
8. Fouetté
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu the right foot side, then take the leg to fourth back
[CT 1] One fouetté [CT 2] Fouetté into attitude back [CT 3] Open the leg to arabesque, right arm front, turning in arabesque [CT 4] Leave the leg out and bring it to second and turn, and pull in starting with the fouetté again [CTS 5-16] Repeat, finish in fourth, close to fifth [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side.
9. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Brisé front with the right arm in front [CT 2] Two entrechat quatre, arms down [CTS 3-4] Reverse (brisé back left arm in front and two entrechats quatre) [CTS 5-8] Three brisés front and one assemblé side with the right foot [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CT 1] Entrechat trois end with the right foot up in back [CT 2] piqué under on the right foot, dégagé the left leg to a low second, head looks toward the left and arms side, close the left foot in fifth back [CT 3] Entrechat quatre [CT 4] Royale [CTS 5-8] Repeat Part 2 to the other side.
10. Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Tendu the right foot to the side [CTS 3-4] Carry the leg to fourth back [CTS 5-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right, finish with the right foot fifth back [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left [CT 1] Quickly bring the right foot around the ankle like a small passé, to fourth back [CT 2] Pirouette en dehors to the right, end in fifth [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the left [CTS 5-8] Repeat right and left.
Vladimiroff Class No. 9
1. Plié
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Two demi-pliés and tendu to second [CTS 1-8] Repeat in second position and tendu to fourth front [CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Demi-plié and relevé twice, then tendu to fifth [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés [CTS 1-8] Passé the right leg and développé to attitude back, roll up to half toe and balance, lower the leg to fifth front [CTS 1-8] Soutenu to the left [CTS 1-32] Repeat the fourth and fifth position exercises to the left.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-7] Seven tendus front [CT 8] Passé the right leg and close fifth back [CTS 1-7] Seven tendus back [CT 8] Passé the right leg closing fifth front.
Part 2: [CTS 1-3] Three tendus front [CT 4] Passé the right foot to fifth back [CTS 5-7] Three tendus back [CT 8] Passé the right foot and close front [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2.
Part 3: [CTS 1-16] Sixteen tendus side, closing fifth back then front, with port de bras ([CTS 1-8] The arm comes down up and out [CTS 9-16] The arm comes out up and down)
Part 4: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in fifth [CTS 5-8] Développé front with the right arm in front [CTS 1-4] Carry the leg and arm to the side, the leg continues to the back [CTS 5-8] Bring the leg to passé, roll up to half toe, balance, and close fifth front.
3. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in first position, preparation: demi-plié and tendu the right foot front with the right arm front, carry the leg and arm to the side and straighten the supporting knee
Part 1: [CTS 1-5] Five ronds de jambe en dehors, after the last one [CT 6] Come through first and finish in tendu front demi-plié [CT 7] Remain in demi-plié, rond de jambe to the back, finish in tendu back, head and arm opening out behind the right shoulder, looking back [CT 8] Remain in demi-plié, rond de jambe the right leg en dedans to tendu front, arm comes in front of the body and head toward the left shoulder, straighten the supporting knee and open the arm side [CTS 1-8] Repeat en dedans.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors, finish in tendu front [CTS 5-8] Four ronds de jambe en dedans, end in tendu back [CTS 1-2] Three fast ronds de jambe en dehors, end in tendu front [CTS 3-4] Reverse en dedans [CTS 5-8] Repeat from the fast ronds de jambe, finish in tendu back.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Grand rond de jambe en l’air (bring the right foot through first and up through attitude front, straighten the knee as the leg goes through a very high second to arabesque, bring the leg through first to tendu front, arm remains side) [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié on the left and do a very fast port de bras forward, come up, straighten the left knee and bend back [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 3 en dedans [CTS 1-8] Repeat en dehors and en dedans, finish in fifth with the left foot back, head over the left shoulder.
4. Tendu with Plié
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu the right foot side.
Part 1: [CT 1] Bring the right foot to fifth front in demi-plié [CT 2] Tendu front with straight knees, right arm comes down and up [CT 3] Bring the foot back to fifth demi-plié, arm remains up [CT 4] Tendu the left foot back with straight knees [CT 5] Bring the foot to fifth in demi-plié right arm out to the side [CT 6] Tendu the right foot side with straight knees [CT 7] Demi-plié in second [CT 8] Straighten the knees, right foot in tendu position [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step double time [CTS 1-8] Repeat at the original tempo.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Eight frappés side, then roll up to half toe on the left foot [CTS 1-8] Eight frappés side on half toe, bring the foor to cou de pied front and balance with the arms down and close fifth right foot front.
5. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] One grand battement [CT 2] Roll up to half toe in fifth (do not bring the feet together) and lower the heels, roll up and down again [CT 3] Grand battement front [CT 4] Fast développé font and close to fifth [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Grand plié in fifth [CTS 3-4] Passé the right leg and développé front, arm remains side [CTS 5-6] Bring the leg through passé and développé to attitude back, right arm up [CTS 7-8] Two demi-pliés and relevés in attitude, after the music balance in attitude and close fifth back.
6. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Développé front arm opens front and side, hold and slowly lower the leg to fifth [CT 4] One grand battement front [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Développé the right leg to the front, right arm comes down and up, lower the leg to fifth and roll up to half toe, ankles together [CTS 3-4] Passé the right leg and développé to second arabesque on half toe, lower to fifth in demi-plié, right arm comes up and sous-sus [CTS 5-6] Développé the right leg to attitude back [CTS 7-8] Balance in attitude and close fifth back.
7. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Three dégagés front, the last ends in demi-plié in fifth [CTS 5-8] Passé relevé with the right leg up, right arm down and up, close fifth position back and open the arm side [CTS 1-4] Three dégagés back ending in demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Passé relevé with the right foot, right arm out and up and finish in fifth front arms open to the side [CTS 1-16] Four dégagés front and continue en croix. Repeat entire step.
8. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right foot front waist high.
[CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-8] Four en dedans [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 3-4] Two en dedans [CTS 5-8] Repeat (two en dehors two en dedans) roll up to half toe [CTS 1-16] Repeat on half toe and finish cou de pied front, arms down and balance, then close to fifth position.
9. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu the right foot to the side.
[CTS 1-2] Fondu to tendu front [CTS 3-4] Fondu front waist high [CTS 5-6] Fondu chest high and relevé [CTS 7-8] Hold. Repeat en croix.
10. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus, bring the right foot to cou de pied front.
[CTS 1-8] Petit battement back and front eight times, right arm comes down, up, then out [CTS 1-8] Repeat, right arm comes out, up, then down [CTS 1-16] Repeat [CTS 1-16] Roll up to half toe, then serré in front of ankle right arm up [CTS 1-16] Développé the right leg to attitude back, remain on half toe in attitude, port de bras forward and back and balance in attitude with arms up and open to first arabesque and close fifth back.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position croisé right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg to croisé front (very high) right arm up [CTS 5-8] Carry the leg through écarté to arabesque croisé back, right arm remains up, left arm comes down along the body and forward to fourth arabesque croisé, right arm moving back and the head tilted left in a very stretched out position [CTS 1-4] Promenade to the right, ending in fourth arabesque again [CTS 5-8] Penché, come up and lower the leg to fifth position [CTS 1-2] Développé the left leg to directly behind you, left arm in front and rounded [CTS 3-6] Carry the leg through second, arms side, and to croisé front, right arm out and up [CTS 7-8] Relevé and lower the leg to fifth on half toe and soutenu (swiveling to the right, arms up) end in fourth position right foot front preparation [CTS 1-4] Attitude turn en dedans, left leg up in back, ending in attitude effacé front [CTS 5-8] Demi-plié and extend the leg to arabesque, left wrist turning with the fingers out, look up to the left arm and pas de bourrée under, the left leg back and front. Repeat Adagio to the other side.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, the arms opening forward, the left arm up, the right out to the side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus to croisé front and holding fifth position [CTS 5-8] Bring the right arm down and forward to fourth arabesque position, left arm moving out and back, then bring the arms together in front, roll up in fifth crossing the feet, left arm comes up and the right goes out, swivel toward the left end in fifth croisé left foot front, right arm comes down and up, lower the heels. Repeat the exercise to the left side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side with the right foot, closing front then back [CTS 5-8] Arms lower and then open front and side, as you tendu the right foot side to second and demi-plié relevé twice in second, then demi-plié and tendu the left foot side and close left foot fifth front, and left arm up [CTS 1-4] Four tendus croisé back with the right foot [CTS 5-8] Dégagé the right leg up waist high, left arm, comes forward in a rounded position, carry the leg through second, arm side, and to croisé front, left arm up, close fifth position. Repeat part 2 to the left side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-3] Three dégagé directly front with the right foot, arms side [CT 4] Demi-plié in fifth [CTS 5-7] Three changements [CT 8] Straighten the knees in fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat with the left leg [CTS 1-16] Repeat part three to the back (three dégagés back and three changement).
3. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg waist high.
Part 1: [CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors with the right leg [CTS 1-2] Passé the right leg in demi-plié, left arm front, body and head tilted to the right over the passé leg, développé the leg to effacé front, and fouetté with relevé ending in first arabesque in demi-plié (right leg moves through second position as you face front and then end in arabesque) [CTS 3-4] Two relevés in first arabesque, after the second arabesque fall back onto the right leg and brush the left through first in demi-plié [CTS 5-6] Relevé as the left leg passés to attitude croisé back, right arm up [CTS 7-8] Two demi-plié relevés in attitude position, on the last attitude bring the left leg through passé, lower supporting heel, open the leg to the side. Repeat part 1 to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Three ronds de jambe en dehors with the right leg, the last one comes through passé and ends in tendu effacé front demi-plié, arm side, bend forward over the leg [CTS 3-4] Bring the right foot up through passé and relevé as the right leg moves to attitude back croisé, right arm up [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié and relevé on the left, left arm comes down and up to meet the right, lower the right leg to fifth, dégagé the left leg side. Repeat part 2 to the left, then right again, and left again (four times in all).
4. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position left foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg to the side waist high.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dedans, fourth one comes through passé to fourth position back, preparation [CTS 5-6] Attitude turn en dehors, right leg up in back [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié in attitude, bring the right foot to cou de pied back and pas de bourrée turned en dehors to the right, ending in fifth position right foot front, dégagé the left leg out to second. Repeat part 1 to the left, end with the right leg in second.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Three fast ronds de jambe en dehors on half toe, close the right foot to fifth back [CTS 3-4] Large jumped failli in first arabesque, brush through first, end on right foot front, and dégagé the left leg side. Repeat part 2 to the left, then right, and then left (four times in all).
5. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front croisé
[CTS 1-2] Very slow walked glissade (move toward the right front corner, demi-plié in fifth, step out to the side on the right foot, point the left and pull the left leg into fifth back demi-plié) arms remain low and slightly open to the side [CTS 3-4] Step out onto the right, toward the right front corner and lift the leg in first arabesque [CST 5-8] Promenade to the right finish in first arabesque relevé and hold, then lower the leg to fifth back, end in croisé [CTS 1-2] Reverse the glissade (step out on the left and point the right in écarté position, arms low and pull the right foot in fifth demi-plié) Step out on the left toward the left back corner, right foot pointing in effacé front [CTS 3-4] Bring the right leg to passé and développé to attitude back croisé [CTS 5-8] Remain in attitude, circular port de bras (left arm up, then both arms to the right, down and then to the left, right arm comes back up to attitude position) [CTS 1-8] Extend the right leg to arabesque croisé right arm front, carry the leg and arm to the side, then croisé front with the left arm up, lower the leg to fifth on half toe, bring the right arm down and up to meet the left over head, swivel toward the left shoulder, end in croisé left foot front arms oen to the sides, demi-plié in fifth, tendu to fourth heels down [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé, arms down and up, lower the heels and step forward into a large fourth [CTS 1-4] Dégagé the right leg in third arabesque croisé, right arm front, promenade to the right, end in third arabesque, lower the leg to fourth position preparation [CTS 5-8] Arabesque turn to the left en dedans, finish in first arabesque, roll up to half toe and hold, lower the leg to fifth back. Repeat adagio to the other side.
6. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Two assemblés side with the right, right foot closes back, then front [CTS 3-4] Souberesaute in croisé, one moving forward toward the left front corner and one moving back [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 1 to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Glissade to the right side left foot front, assemblé side with the right foot ending fifth front [CTS 3-4] Two entrechat quatre [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part 2.
7. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Jeté side with the right leg, then the left leg brushes from cou de pied back into cabriole back in third arabesque croisé, left arm front, immediately, brush the left through cou de pied back [CTS 3-4] Repeat jeté and cabriole to the other side [CTS 5-8] Glissade jeté side to the right then left.
Part 2: [CT 1] From the cou de pied position spring up into an échappé to second [CT 2] From second, spring up into a tour en l’air en dehors to the right, end with the right foot front in coupé [CT 3] Jeté front onto the right foot left arm front, left foot ends in cou de pied back [CT 4] Jeté side with the left foot, then come from cou de pied position start the échappé to second, doing the step to the other side.
8. Grand Allegro
Start in the left back corner of the room, the left foot front fifth position croisé,the left arm up.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Step forward onto the left and chassé in croisé toward the right front corner of the room and step forward onto the left foot and tour jeté (kick the right leg side and turn toward the left back corner of the room, kick the left leg up in arabesque, right arm comes down and into arabesque position, face the left back corner) pas de bourrée turn toward the left shoulder, end in fifth position, left foot left arm up [CTS 5-12] Repeat twice more [CTS 13-16] Sauté first arabesque on the right foot, run in a circle toward the right and end in the center of the room, ending in fifth position right foot front.
Part 2: [CT 1] Ballotté with right leg up in effacé front, left arm up [CT 2] Ballotté end in first arabesque [CTS 3-4] Assemblé with the left leg back, entrechat six with the arms up [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat right and left again.
9. Grand Allegro
Start on the left side of the room, pointing the right foot croisé front, the arms low.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Chassé in effacé to the right and saut de basque with the arms up, chassé to the right again, step out onto the right, brush the left through first and cabriole front croisé, fermé, arms opening down and out to the sides, land in fifth and immediately [CTS 5-8] Brush the left leg out and repeat the step to the left [CTS 9-12] Repeat to the right [CTS 13-16] Turn to the right and run to the center front, end in a tendu left foot back facing directly front.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Chassé back (look front as long as possible) tour jeté, arms down and out (like Bluebird) relevé in arabesque arms out to the side and lower the left leg and pass through first and step forward on the right foot in tendu back [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the right [CTS 9-12] And to the left ending in fifth [CTS 13-16] Tendu the right foot side and bring it to fourth position back, pirouette en dehors to the right, end in fourth position, right foot back, arms low to the sides and slightly behind the torso. Repeat entire step to the other side.
10. Fouettés
32 to the right and 32 to the left.
11. Fouettés
[CTS 1-16] Alternate single and doubles (16 in all) [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left.
12. Petit Allegro
Start right foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-2] Three small changements [CTS 3-4] Two entrechat six [CTS 5-16] Repeat three times.
Vladimiroff Class No. 10
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Relevé and hold, arms remain side, lower the heels and tendu to second [CTS 1-8] Repeat in second and tendu to fifth [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back and roll up to half toe, crossing the right foot to a closed fifth and turn left toward the barre [CTS 1-16] Repeat the two grand pliés and port de bras on the other side.
2. Tendu
Start right foot front fifth position, one count for each tendu.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus front with straight knees [CT 5] Bring the right arm down and up as the leg extends to tendu front [CT 6] Bring the leg back to fifth demi-plié [CT 7] Straighten the knees and tendu side, the arm opens side [CT 8] Slide the foot to fifth front demi-plié [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side, close back then front [CT 5] Tendu side [CT 6] Bring the foot to fifth back demi-plié [CT 7] Tendu back [CT 8] Bring the foot to fifth back [CTS 1-16] Repeat the exercise in reverse (start back and then side)
Part 2: [CTS 1-16] One tendu each way with straight knees en croix [CTS 1-4] Développé side [CTS 5-8] Bring the leg to passé [CTS 1-8] Roll up to half toe and balance, arms side and close fifth front.
3. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: demi-plié and tendu front, the right arm front, carry the leg and arm to the side as the left knee straightens.
Part 1: [CTS 1-6] Six ronds de jambe par terre en dehors, the sixth one ends in tendu front demi-plié [CT 7] Remain in demi-plié and rond de jambe the leg to the back, arm and head open and look back over the right shoulder [CT 8] Rond de jambe the leg to the front, the arm and head come forward and to the left, straighten the left knee and open the arm to the side [CTS 1-8] Perform the exercise en dedans in reverse and finish in tendu back.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe par terre en dehors [CTS 3-4] Three faster ronds de jambe finishing in tendu front [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 in reverse [CTS 1-8] Repeat en dehors and en dedans again, finish in tendu back [CTS 1-8] Demi-plié on the left, slide the right leg back, port de bras forward, come up and straighten the knee, right foot still pointing back, and bend back, rond de jambe the leg to tendu front [CTS 1-8] Demi-plié on the left and port de bras front, straighten the left leg and bend back, come up and lower the front heel to fourth [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in fourth [CTS 5-8] Relevé, the right arm comes down and up, lower the heels and point the left foot back, bring the right arm forward to arabesque, lift the left leg and continue into penché arabesque, come up and hold arabesque, bring the leg to tendu and close fifth.
4. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation tendu the right foot to the side.
[CT 1] Petit battement back and front then tendu front [CT 2] Petit battement front then back and tendu back [CT 3] Beat back then front and tendu front [CT 4] Hold [CT 5] Brush through first, battement balançoire to the back [CT 6] Brush through first and battement to the front [CT 7] to the back [CT 8] Lower the leg to tendu back [CTS 1-2] Petit battement back, front and tendu side and hold [CTS 3-4] Petit battement front, back tendu side and hold [CTS 5-8] Two grand battements side to tendu position [CTS 1-16] Reverse part 1 and end in second position [CTS 1-4] Two demi-pliés and relevés in second, arms come down and up [CTS 5-8] Hold and lower the heels, open the arms, tendu side and close fifth front.
5. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé side to 45 degrees.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 4] Bring the leg through passé and to tendu front demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Lift the leg to passé, straighten supporting knee and développé to attitude back, right arm comes down and up, return the right leg to passé behind the knee, right arm front and open the leg and arm to the side [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dedans [CT 4] Bring the leg through passé to tendu back demi-plié, leave the arm side [CTS 5-8] Lift the leg through passé and développé front, right arm down and up bring the leg through passé right arm down, forward and to the side, open the leg to second, roll up to half toe [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 1 on half toe.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] (On half toe) three fast ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 3-4] Lower the leg to tendu side demi-plié and relevé lifting the leg up [CTS 5-8] Repeat en dedans [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 and finish in passé, balance and close fifth.
6. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-2] Fondu front and lower the leg to tendu front, right arm front and out [CTS 3-4] Fondu front with relevé, the leg much higher, right arm down then up [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the side [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the back and finish coupé back on half toe [CTS 5-8] Port de bras back come up and hold the balance, arms up and close fifth back.
7. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Four dégagés front [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix [CTS 1-2] Two dégagé front [CTS 3-8] Repeat en croix [CTS 1-4] One dégagé each way on croix [CTS 5-8] One dégagé each way on croix.
8. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu the right foot side then cou de pied front, the right arm low over the right knee.
Part 1: [CT 1] Petit battement back and front [CT 2] Hold [CT 3] Petit battement back front [CT 4] Hold [CTS 5-8] Four continuous petit battement [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Eight petit battements beat back then front, right arm comes down, up, then out [CTS 1-8] Eight petit battements beating Back then front, and arm moving out, up, front, down, and to the side [CTS 1-16] Repeat Part 2, roll up to half toe [CTS 1-16] Serré in front of the ankle, right arm comes down and up, then balance bring the left arm up and close fifth.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front en face, preparation: tendu the right foot to second.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in second, right arm reaches out to the side and over head, head follows the arm, the head and arm move left and down, remain in plié and shift the body to the right side of the room fourth position [CTS 5-8] Switch the weight to the right leg, remain in demi-plié and lift the left leg to first arabesque, slowly straighten up [CTS 1-4] Promenade to the right, one revolution, end in first arabesque [CTS 5-8] Penché and come up, relevé, lower the left leg to fifth front, tendu the left to second [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left, finish with the right foot front.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg directly front, arms front, carry leg and arms to the side and to arabesque, arms remaining side [CTS 5-8] Lower the leg through first and dégagé waist high to the front, lower the leg through first and dégagé straight back in arabesque and demi-plié and straighten on the left, close fifth back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the left.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Passé the right leg and carry to attitude back croisé, relevé and hold, lower the leg to fifth back [CTS 5-8] Repeat with the left leg to attitude back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, the arms come forward, the left arm up and the right arm side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-8] (Two counts for each tendu) four tendus to croisé front [CTS 1-2] Bring the right leg to passé and open to attitude croisé back, right arm up [CTS 3-4] Remain in attitude, demi-plié and relevé, left arm down and up, the right arm to the side [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié and relevé again, left arm out and right arm down and up [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié and relevé again, right arm remains up, lower the right leg to fifth back [CTS 1-8] Repeat Part 1 to the other side and finish in fifth right foot front and arms side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Tendu the right foot side and close fifth front [CTS 3-4] Tendu right foot side and close fifth back [CTS 5-6] Tendu right foot side, with straight knees, pull the right leg to fifth on half toe arms down then up [CTS 7-8] (Like a soutenu) Turn on half toe toward the left shoulder, end in croisé left foot front, arms still up, fall forward onto the left in fourth position croisé, left arm front and right arm side [CTS 1-4] Pirouette en dedans to the left end in fifth right foot front [CTS 5-8] Form fifth, pirouette to the right en dehors, end in fifth left front [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 2 to the left (first tendu side closes front) finish in fifth right foot front, right arm up and left arm to the side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Three fast dégagés back in croisé with the left foot, head looks out from under the right arm, end in demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Keep the right arm up, fully stretched, relevé onto the right as the left foot comes through passé behind the knee turn the right leg out and [CTS 5-6] Into demi-plié and into first arabesque position, left arm remains up [CTS 7-8] Pas de bourrée under, left foot back and front as arms change, left goes down and up, right arm to the side, end in fifth position left foot front [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3 to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 3 right and left.
3. Fondu
Start left foot front fifth position croisé.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Step out to the side on the left leg and relevé as the right leg sweeps through first to attitude croisé back, right arm sweeps down and up [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié and relevé in this position [CTS 5-6] Pivot toward the right shoulder to face the back of the room, continue to face the left side of the room, lower the right leg and step onto the right leg and relevé in first arabesque [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié and relevé in arabesque [CTS 1-2] Lower the left leg, brushing through first, step forward to the left side of the room, demi-plié and relevé in first arabesque right leg up [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié on the left and as you relevé, face the front of the room, left leg ending in second position, arms side [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié in second and relevé into first arabesque facing the left side of the room [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié and relevé end in second facing front, fall toward the right side [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 1 to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Repeat the two relevés in attitude [CTS 5-8] Repeat the two relevés in arabesque, end in fifth right front, facing front [CTS 1-8] Pirouette en dehors and continue into three fouettés, the last fouetté is a double, then step out on the right side, brushing the left through attitude [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
4. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, en face, preparation: dégagé the right leg side waist high.
Part 1: [CTS 1-6] Six ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 7] Come through passé in demi-plié [CT 8] Jeté onto the right leg, left leg lifts side in second, straighten the right knee [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Three fast ronds de jambe with the right en dehors, quickly close fifth right back [CTS 3-4] Sissonne fermé with the left leg up to the side, the body faces the right front corner, the head looks left and the arms are to the side, finish with the left foot front in fifth and immediately dégagé the left leg side [CT 5-8] Repeat to the left side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2.
5. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position left foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side waist high.
Part 1: [CTS 1-6] Six ronds de jambe en dedans [CT 7] Bring the right leg through passé and demi-plié on the left [CT 8] Spring up into jeté, transferring the weight to the right leg, left leg comes up in second [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two fast ronds de jambe en dedans, closing in fifth right foot front in croisé [CTS 3-4] Two sissonnes fermé toward the right front corner in écarté position, left leg up to the side, closing fifth back (the last sissonne ends facing front) dégagé the left leg side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2.
6. Repeat
Part 2 of step #5 and Part 2 of step #6 with all the ronds de jambe done on half toe.
7. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] échappé to second [CT 2] Spring up on the right leg, bring the left through passé and développé front, right arm up as you [CT 3] Jeté forward in attitude onto the left foot [CT 4] Bring the right leg quickly through fifth and brush to jeté side, end with the left foot in coupé back, then spring into échappé in second [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 1 to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Glissade jeté to the right, ending in a slight croisé [CT 3] Spring from the right foot do jeté turned toward the left shoulder across the back of the room, end on the left foot in croisé front, left arm palm up over the leg [CT 4] Jeté side with the right leg facing the front of the room [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the left.
8. Grand Allegro
Start in fifth position left foot front in the left back corner of the room, the left arm up.
Part 1: [CT &1] Chassé forward in croisé and step forward onto the left foot toward the right front corner [CT 2] Tour jeté (battement the right leg to the right front corner as you spring up, right arm side and battement the left leg through first to arabesque croisé, right arm swings down and to arabesque position, end in arabesque facing the left back corner) [CTS 3-4] Pas de bourrée under turning toward the left, left foot back and front, end in fifth left foot front croisé [CTS 5-12] Repeat twice [CT 13] Sauté in first arabesque to the right side [CTS 14-16] Run around to the right and end in the center of the room.
Part 2: Start in fifth position right foot front [CT &1] Balloté, onto the left leg while opening the right leg to effacé front (spring up with both knees bent and développé the right leg to effacé front, end in demi-plié left arm front) [CT &2] Reverse the balloté (spring up, bending both knees, end in first arabesque left leg up) [CT 3] From arabesque, spring up in assemblé, closing left foot back [CT 4] Entrechat six with arms up [CTS 5-12] Repeat part 2 to the left and right [CTS 13-16] Tendu the right foot side, take it to fourth back, many pirouettes en dehors to the right, end in fourth right foot back, arms low to the sides.
9. Grand Allegro
Start on the left side of the room on the left foot in B+
[CT 1] Step out on the right and sauté in first arabesque [CTS 2-4] Slide the left foot forward through fourth and glissade, entrechat cinq de volé [CTS 5-12] Repeat to the left and right [CT 13] Sauté in first arabesque on the left [CTS 14-16] Run toward the left front corner, end in B+ on the left foot [CT 1] Step out onto the right and sauté in first arabesque toward the right side of room, left arm swings down and up, look out front under the arm [CT 2] Chassé with the left foot front (this step moves from left to right and then around to the back of the room) [CT 3] Sauté arabesque on the left, right arm swings down and up [CT 4] Chassé with the right foot front [CT 5] Sauté arabesque on the right, left arm swings down and up [CT 6] Slide through first, and sauté arabesque on the left, right arm swings down and up [CT 7] Sauté arabesque on the right [CT 8] Sauté arabesque on the left (the arms a like a windmill, moving down up and out) [CT 1] Moving from the right back corner, toward the left front corner chassé with the right foot front croisé [CT 2] Arabesque sauté on the right (arms continue to move in a circular pattern) [CT 3] Chassé with the left foot front [CT 4] Arabesque sauté on the left [CT 5] Arabesque sauté on the right [CTS 6-8] Bring the left leg through passé and piqué to first arabesque facing the left front corner.This was a favorite step of Vladimiroff’s favorite, it is from Spectre de la Rose.
10. Fouettés
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and take the leg to fourth.
32 fouettés to the right and 32 to the left.
11. Turns
Start in the left back corner of the room, preparation: point the right foot front croisé, done at a fast tempo.
[CTS 1-4] Four piqué turns en dedans [CTS 5-8] Four fouettés. Continue across the room.
12. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Four changements [CTS 5-7] Three entrechat quatres [CT 8] One entrechat six. Perform the exercise four times in all.
13. Turns
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Tendu side [CT 2] Take the leg to fourth back [CTS 3-4] Many pirouettes en dehors to the right, finish with the right foot back in fifth [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat right and left.
Vladimiroff Class No. 11
1. Plié
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Two demi-pliés and tendu side to second [CTS 1-8] Repeat in second, tendu to fourth front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Two demi-plié and relevés, tendu to fifth [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés [CTS 1-8] Port de bras front and back and roll up to half toe, scooping the feet together in fifth, turn toward the barre and the left shoulder [CTS 1-16] Repeat fourth and fifth positions on the left side.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, two counts for each tendu.
Part 1: [CTS 1-16] Eight tendus front with straight knees, right arm down, up, front, then out [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the side, reversing the arm movement (up, front, down, and out) [CTS 1-32] Repeat to the back and side.
Part 2: [CT 1] Tendu side [CT 2] Demi-plié in second [CT 3] Straighten knees with right foot in tendu side [CT 4] Close to fifth back [CTS 5-16] Repeat three times more [CTS 1-16] Eight tendus side closing fifth back then front [CTS 1-32] Repeat all of part 2.
3. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: tendu front in demi-plié the arm front, take the arm and leg to the side as the left knee straightens, done in eight slow counts, one count for each rond de jambe.
[CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors with port de bras, the arm comes down, front, up, and out [CTS 1-8] Reverse en dedans [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire exercise, finish in fifth, right foot front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Développé side [CTS 1-8] Roll up to half toe bringing the leg to passé and balance, then close fifth.
4. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS &1&2] Two grand battements front [CTS 3-4] Three fast grand battements to tendu front position, the last one closes to fifth [CTS 5-16] Repeat part 1 en croix.
Part 2: [CT 1] Grand battement front [CT 2] Roll up to half toe in fifth (do not bring the feet together) lower heels [CTS 3-8] Repeat en croix [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in fifth position [CTS 5-16] Bring the right leg through passé to attitude back, roll up to half toe, balance with both arms up, and close to fifth back.
5. Tendu with Demi-plié
Start fifth right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
Part 1: [CT 1] Close the right foot to fifth front in demi-plié, the right arm comes down [CT 2] Tendu front, right arm comes up (look out from behind the arm) [CT 3] Close to fifth position in demi-plié, arm opens to the side [CT 4] Tendu the left foot back, right arm side and look toward the right shoulder [CT 5] Close to fifth back demi-plié [CT 6] Tendu the right foot to the side [CT 7] Demi-plié in second [CT 8] Straighten the knees and return to tendu position [CTS 1-4] Repeat the step in double time [CTS 5-8] Repeat [CTS 1-8] Repeat one set at original tempo.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] One frappé each way en croix [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe and one frappé each way en croix, balance with right foot in cou de pied.
6. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side to 45 degrees.
[CTS 1-8] (Two counts for each rond de jambe) Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 1-8] (One count for each rond de jambe) Eight ronds de jambe en dehors, roll up to half toe [CTS 1-16] Repeat the exercise, lower the left heel [CTS 1-16] Repeat en dedans and finish in passé, arms low, balance and close fifth front.
7. Frappé and Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
Part 1: [CT 1] Double frappé (beat back then front and open to tendu side) [CT 2] Lower the right heel and lift [CT 3] Petit battement, beating back then front and back then front [CT 4] Open to tendu side [CTS 5-8] Repeat.
Part 2: [CT 1] Petit battement, beat behind the ankle then in front of the ankle and open to tendu side [CT 2] Lower the right heel and lift, two times quickly [CT 3] Three fast sets of petit battements (back, front, back, front, back, front) [CT 4] Tendu side [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2.
Part 3: [CT 1] Double frappé, back front, finish in tendu front [CT 2] Reverse, beat front back and finish in tendu back [CTS 3-4] Petit battement back and front then tendu front, petit battement front and back then tendu back, petit battement back and front then tendu front [CTS 5-8] Repeat Part 3 to the side.
8. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-2] Fondu front with the arms side [CTS 3-4] Fondu front waist high [CTS 5-6] Fondu front to half toe, leg as high as possible [CTS 7-8] Hold [CTS 9-24] Repeat side and back, finish in cou de pied back on half toe [CTS 25-32] Bring the right arm up, port de bras back, come up and balance in fifth.
9. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Four dégagés front [CST 5-16] Repeat en croix [CTS 1-2] Two dégagés front [CTS 3-8] Repeat en croix [CTS 1-8] One dégagé each way en croix (two sets).
10. Grand Battement Balançoire
Start fifth right foot back, preparation: tendu back, the arm remains side.
[CTS 1-3] Battement front, back, front [CT 4] Hold in the air [CTS 5-8] Reverse (battement back, front, back, and hold) [CTS 1-8] Repeat, but the held battement in is in demi-plié (the held battement front the arm is up and the held battement back the arm in second arabesque) [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire exercise, hold last arabesque in demi-plié, release the left arm from the barre, hold, and come up to a tendu position and close fifth back.
11. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring the foot to cou de pied front, the right arm down over the knee.
[CTS 1-2] Beat back then front and hold [CTS 3-8] Repeat three times [CTS 1-8] One count for each set of petit battement, eight in all [CTS 1-16] Roll up to half toe and repeat entire step [CTS 1-16] Serré in front, right arm comes down then up [CTS 1-16] Passé and développé to attitude back, remain on half toe, port de bras front and back in attitude, bring the left arm up and balance in attitude, then close fifth back.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front en face.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Slowly dégagé the right leg to the front, waist high, arms together in front [CTS 3-4] Carry the leg to the side, the arm opens side [CTS 5-6] Continue to arabesque back, the arms remain side and the head tilted over the left shoulder [CTS 7-8] Roll up to half toe and balance, lower the right leg to tendu back as you roll down and close to fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 with the left leg.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Développé the right leg to the side and demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Spring up and jeté unto the right leg, simultaneously bringing the left leg up to the side and straighten the right knee [CT 5] Turn the body to first arabesque [CTS 6-7] Roll up to half toe and balance [CT 8] Lower the left leg to fifth front as you lower the right heel [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left side, finish by lowering the right leg through first to fourth position front.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Attitude turn en dedans to the right, left leg up in attitude back, finish the double turn in attitude croisé, immediately bring the left leg through passé to fourth position front preparation [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors to the right, finish in fourth [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part three.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front en face, arms low to the sides.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three tendus straight front, last one ends in demi-plié [CT 4] Large changement, arms up [CTS 5-8] Repeat with the left foot [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the back.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two tendus side with the right foot, closing fifth back then front, the last tendu ends in demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Échappé side to second (hold the legs together in the air before opening to second) pas de bourrée to the right, left foot closing back then front [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-3] Three tendus to croisé front with the right leg, left arm up, the last tendu ends in demi-plié [CT 4] Pirouette en dehors to the right, end with the right foot back in fifth [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part 3.
3. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front en face.
Part 1: [CT &1] Fondu straight front with relevé, waist high and arm side [CT &2] Lower the right leg through fifth and fondu relevé straight back with the left foot, the arms remain side [CT &3] Lower the left leg through fifth and fondu relevé right leg to the side [CT &4] Keep the leg up and demi-plié on the left, pull the right leg into a pirouette en dehors to the right, the arms up (this is a slow sustained turn) close the right foot to fifth back [CTS 5-8] Immediately repeat the step to the other side.
Part 2: [CT &1] Fondu relevé with the right leg up to croisé front, left arm up, lower the leg through fifth [CT &2] Fondu relevé with the left leg back to third arabesque croisé, left arm front [CT &3] Lower the left leg through fifth on half toe and demi-plié on the left, the right foot in coupé front (this is a preparation) leave the right leg up, pirouette en dehors to the right [CT &4] Demi-plié on the left, relevé as the right passés through passé to attitude back croisé, the right arm up [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part 2.
4. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start in fifth position right foot front en face, preparation: dégagé the right leg to the side waist high.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors, the last one comes into passé [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié on the left and développé the right to effacé front, left arm up [CTS 7-8] Lower the right leg to fifth as the left rises to half toe [CTS 1-2] Bring the right arm out and up over the head, the left arm to the side, as you développé the left leg to first arabesque in demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Step diagonally back to the left back corner onto half toe, bring the right leg through passé to attitude back croisé [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié and relevé on the left in attitude [CTS 7-8] Lower the right leg quickly to fifth and dégagé the left quickly to the side [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two slow ronds de jambe en dehors with the right leg [CTS 3-4] Three faster ronds de jambe [CTS 5-6] Two slow ronds de jambe [CTS 7-8] Lower the right leg to fifth front as you roll up on the left, arms come down and up, swivel toward the left shoulder (like a soutenu) end with the left foot front in fifth, lower the right heel as the left opens side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat all of part 2.
5. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, cross the right foot across (the arms come up, with the wrists crossed and hands almost touching the opposite elbow, the head is tilted slightly down to the left) [CTS 1-4] Lower the heels, open the arms out to the sides and développé the right leg to effacé front, left arm up, in demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Straighten the left leg, bring the right leg through passé to développé, attitude back croisé, right arm up [CTS 1-4] Promenade to the left ending in croisé [CTS 5-8] Bring the right arm to the front in a rounded position, extend the right leg to arabesque croisé back, open the right arm to the side and carry the right leg through second to croisé front, left arm comes up, roll up to half toe on the left as the right closes to fifth on half toe, swivel to the left (outside soutenu) the right arm comes down and up to meet the left overhead, finish in fifth position left foot front [CTS 1-8] Fall forward to fourth position preparation, double turn to the left in second en dedans with right leg up and arms up, stop in second position and lower the right leg to fifth on half toe, swivel turn to the left, the arms down and up, finish with the left foot in front, lower the heels. Repeat the adagio to the left.
6. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Pas de chat to the right, the right arm up and out, end with the right foot in coupé back [CT 2] Pas de bourrée under, right foot back then front, end with the right foot slightly croisé front [CT 3] Fast glissade to the left side [CT 4] Piqué out onto the left, as the right does développé to croisé front, left arm up, fall forward onto the right, open the left arm out [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the right [CTS 5-8] Run to the left side of the room, end with the right foot pointing croisé front in preparation.
Part 2: [CT 1] Piqué turn en dehors (step out on the right, bring the left front to fifth on half toe, turn to the right as the right leg comes to passé) [CT 2] Double piqué en dehors, end with the right foot still up, demi-plié on the left [CT 3] Piqué out onto the right in first arabesque [CT 4] Close left foot to fifth back, [CTS 5-8] Repeat the step, but instead of piqué to first arabesque, piqué to attitude effacé back with the left leg up [CTS 1-4] Repeat, but CT 3 is to first arabesque, end in fifth with the right foot front (spot front for all the piqué turns) [CTS 5-8] Tendu the right foot side, carry the leg to fourth back, pirouette en dehors to the right, end in fourth with the right foot back and the arms low to the side. Repeat entire petit allegro to the other side.
7. Grand Allegro
Start on the left side of the room, the right foot pointing croisé front, preparation: step onto the left foot, the right pointing back in second arabesque, the right arm front.
[CTS 1-2] Chassé back in effacé and tour jeté ending in first arabesque [CTS 3-4] Small sauté on the left as the right comes through a very low passé and step out onto the right in effacé and do a fast pas de bourrée to the right, left foot back and front, end in fourth position left foot front, step out onto the right, grand jeté with the left foot front to croisé front, the right arm up [CTS 5-6] Small hop on the left as the right leg stretches to croisé back, beginning to face the back of the room, put weight on the right as you coupé the left under, as you come around to the right shoulder, grand jeté to croisé front onto the right leg, the left arm up [CTS 7-8] Bring the left leg through and piqué forward onto the left in first arabesque [CTS 9-32] Repeat the step three times [CTS 1-32] Repeat to the other side.
8. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front croisé.
[CT &1] Brisé front with the right arm front [CT 2] Small hop on the left as the right does a tiny développé to effacé front [CT 3] Cabriole in effacé front with the left arm up [CT 4] Leave the right leg up and brisé, left arm opens to the side [CTS 5-12] Repeat twice [CTS 13-15] Three brisés front in effacé [CT 16] Assemblé side with the right [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire step to the left.
9. Fouettés
Start fifth position right foot front preparation: tendu side and carry the leg to fourth back.
[CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés [CTS 1-32] Repeat to the left.
10. Fouettés
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and carry the leg to fourth back.
[CT 1] Fouetté [CT 2] Double fouetté [CTS 3-16] Continue alternating [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left.
11. Turns in Second
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu the right foot to the side and carry it to fourth back.
[CTS 1-8] Double pirouette ending in second, remain in demi-plié and continue turning with the leg in second, pumping the heel up and down [CTS 1-8] Slightly deeper plié before rising up to a double turn in second en dehors with the arms up, demi-plié in second, pull in, to do many pirouettes ending in fourth right foot back [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-32] Repeat right and left.
12. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three entrechat quatres [CT 4] One entrechat six, arms down [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-3] Three brisés to effacé front with the right arm front [CT 4] Assemblé battu with the right ending with the right foot front [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat right and left.
13. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front the arms down.
[CTS 1-3] Three changements [CT 4] Big entrechat six [CTS 5-16] Repeat three times.
Vladimiroff Class No.12
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-8] Two demi-pliés, with the arm to the side [CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, hold, lower the heels, tendu to second [CTS 1-16] Repeat in second, tendu to fifth right foot front [CTS 1-8] One grand plié [CTS 1-8] Port de bras down and back [CTS 1-8] Grand plié [CTS 1-8] Bring the right leg through passé and développé to attitude back, right arm comes down and up, roll up to half toe, balance with arms up and close fifth position right back.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-8] Four tendus front (two counts for each tendu) [CTS 9-32] Continue en croix.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Two tendus front [CTS 5-8] Passé the right leg and développé to attitude back, the right arm comes down and up, close fifth back, the arm opens side [CTS 1-4] Two tendus back [CTS 5-8] Développé the right leg to the front, the right arm down and up, close to fifth [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 2 but with relevés on the développés.
Part 3: [CTS 1-16] Eight tendus side, closing fifth back then front, with port de bras (the arm comes down, up, then out) [CTS 1-16] Repeat but with the arm moving up front down and out.
3. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in first position, tendu front in demi-plié, the arm in front, take the leg and arm to the side as you straighten the supporting knee
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe en dehors, finish in tendu front [CT 3] Circle the leg out to the back [CT 4] Circle the leg to the side and front again [CTS 5-8] Repeat the ronds de jambe en dedans.
Part 2: [CT 1] Three fast ronds de jambe en dehors finishing in tendu front [CT 2] Quickly circle out to the side and back, then side and front again [CTS 3-4] Repeat.
Part 3: [CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors, finishing in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dedans, finishing in tendu back [CTS 1-8] Plié on the left foot, sliding the right leg back to tendu, port de bras forward, straighten the supporting leg and come up in tendu and port de bras back, circle the right foot through second to the front [CTS 1-8] Port de bras forward and back, close fifth [CTS 1-8] Développé the right leg to the front, right arm up [CTS 1-8] Bring the right leg through passé and développé to attitude back, the right arm remains up, open to arabesque then close fifth back.
4. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot back, preparation: tendu back, the arm remains side.
Part 1: [CT 1] Battement balançoire front [CT 2] Brush through first and battement back [CT 3] Hold the leg in the air [CT 4] Carry the leg to the side in a quarter rond de jambe, and bring the leg to the front [CTS 5-8] Reverse the step.
Part 2: [CT 1] Battement balançoire to the front [CT 2] Brush through first and battement back [CT 3] Brush through first and battement front [CT 4] Hold the leg and roll up to half toe on the left foot [CTS 5-8] Reverse part 2 and hold the last arabesque balancing with the arms to the side, then close fifth back.
5. Grand Battement
Start fifth right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Four grand battements side, close fifth back then front, the arm comes down after the last battement [CT 5] Quickly développé side, the arm opens side, simultaneously, roll up to half toe [CT 6] Bring the leg to passé, the right arm down and up, the head toward the left shoulder [CT 7] Développé side again in écarté position, the head to the right and immediately close fifth [CT 8] Repeat grand battement side and relevé again [CTS 1-4] Remain on half toe, four grand battements side, the last one ends with heels down in demi-plié in fifth [CTS 5-8] Passé the right leg and roll up to half toe, the right leg to attitude back, balance, the arms come up and close fifth back.
6. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg to the side 45 degrees.
[CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-8] Four ronds de jambe en dedans, roll up to half toe [CTS 1-2] Two slow ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 3-4] Three faster ronds de jambe [CTS 5-8] Repeat en dedans [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire step, finish by lowering the leg to cou de pied with the arms down, balance and close fifth position front.
7. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side (done slowly).
[CTS 1-2] Fondu to tendu front position [CTS 3-4] Fondu with relevé to the front waist high [CTS 5-6] Fondu relevé with a développé as high as possible [CTS 7-8] Hold [CTS 9-24] Repeat to the side and back [CTS 25-32] After the last développé, lower the leg to cou de pied back and port de bras back, come up, balance with the arms down, and close fifth back.
8. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-16] Four dégagés each way en croix [CTS 1-8] Two dégagés each way en croix [CTS 1-4] One dégagé each way en croix [CTS 5-8] Repeat one each way en croix [CTS 1-32] Repeat entire combination.
9. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four double frappés side (beat back, front, out, then front, back, and out) [CTS 5-8] Eight fast petit battements, beating back then front [CTS 1-8] Repeat.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four double frappés side, with relevé on the petit battement and demi-plié on the tendu side [CTS 5-8] Eight fast petit battements on half toe [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 [CTS 1-16] Serré, beating in front of the ankle, right arm comes up and balance with the arms up then close fifth front.
1. Temps Lié
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Temps lié forward (wrap the right foot around the ankle, then step forward through fourth in demi-plié, end in tendu back croisé left leg back and left arm up with straight knees) [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié in fifth and temps lié to the side (step out to the right side with a demi-plié, as the knees straighten, point the left foot to the side, the left arm comes forward and down as you step through second to tendu, the arms lower and open side) pull the left leg into fifth demi-plié, the head toward the right side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Piqué front onto right foot to half toe, left leg in attitude back croisé, left arm up, lower the leg to fifth position demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors to the right, end in fifth right foot back [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Reverse the temps lié to the back (bring the left leg up to cou de pied back and demi-plié as the left leg slides back through fourth, step back, point the right foot front croisé, left arm up, close demi-plié fifth, the left arm comes down in front) [CTS 3-4] Step out to the side on the left with demi-plié in second, point the right foot side, as you straighten the knees with the head and body well over the supporting leg, close the right foot back fifth demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 3 to the other side.
Part 4: [CTS 1-2] Bring the left foot up in cou de pied back, extend the left leg back and piqué back onto the left, the right leg lifts to croisé front waist high, left arm up, close fifth demi-plié, right arm front [CTS 3-4] Pirouette to the right en dedans with a small dégagé to second before the pirouette, end with the left foot front in fifth [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 4 to the other side.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front arms to the sides.
[CTS 1-4] Four tendus front [CTS 5-8] Bring the right leg through passé, arms come together and développé directly back with the arms opening to the sides (the head is well over the standing leg) roll up to half toe on the left and close the right to fifth back as you lower the heels.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Reverse the step (four tendus back and développé front).
Part 3: [CTS 1-8] Eight tendus side with the right leg closing fifth back then front [CTS 1-8] Tendu the right leg to the side and stretch the right arm out and up as you bend to the left side, come up, the arms come together in front and open to the sides, stretch the left arm out and up, bend to the right over the extended leg, then bring the right arm in front of the body, as you come up and the arms meet in front and open to the side, close the right foot to fifth back [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 3 to the left.
3. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front done to a waltz tempo.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three grand battements front, the last one ends in fifth demi-plié [CT 4] Pirouette en dehors to the right, end in fifth right foot back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two grand battements to the right side closing fifth back then front, the last one ends in fifth demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Dégagé the left leg to the side and pirouette en dedans to the right, end in fifth left foot front [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Two grand battements to the right closing fifth back then front [CT 3] Very fast développé side with the right leg in demi-plié [CT 4] Jeté onto the right leg (spring up into a split position in second, landing on the right with the left out to the side) close the left to fifth front [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 3 to the other side.
4. Ronds de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side to 45 degrees.
Part 1: [CTS 1-5] Five ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 6-8] Bring the right foot to fifth front on half toe and soutenu to the left (really a swivel turn toward the left shoulder on half toe) lower the heels and dégagé the left leg side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe to the right en dehors [CT 3] Close the right leg to fifth back [CT 4] Sissonne fermé in second with the left leg up in écarté but with the arms out to the sides (move toward the right back corner, the body faces the right front corner) immediately dégagé the left leg up to the side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part 2.
5. Rond de jambe en L’air
Start with the right foot back in fifth, preparation: dégagé the right to 45 degrees side (same as #4, but done in reverse).
[CTS 1-5] Five ronds de jambe en dedans, finish in tendu effacé back in demi-plié [CTS 6-8] Soutenu to the right (right foot closes in fifth back half toe and swivel toward the right shoulder) en in fifth right foot front, sissonne fermé with the right leg out to second and close the right leg front end facing the left front corner and move diagonally front to the right front corner [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
6. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié (the arms come down, front, then out to the sides) [CTS 5-8] Roll up in fifth position to half toe, the feet cross and the arms remain side [CTS 1-8] Passé and développé the right leg directly front, the arms come together, carry the leg to the side, with the arms opening side (the head over the supporting leg) and continue carrying the leg to arabesque directly behind you, demi-plié on the left, step back onto the right with the left in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Lift the left leg from the tendu and bring it to passé, développé to the side in demi-plié, jeté onto the left (like a split jump) leave the right leg up in second [CTS 1-8] From this position pirouette en dedans to the left, end in first arabesque [CTS 1-8] Promenade in arabesque to the left, end facing the left front corner, demi-plié and step back onto the right, the left foot pointing to effacé front, from this position [CTS 1-8] Lift the left leg to passé then attitude back croisé (the left arm moves down and up) roll up to half toe [CTS 1-8] Lower the right heel as the left leg comes down to tendu back, circular port de bras (demi-plié through fourth, the left heel remaining up, the left arm sweeps forward, down, and along the side of the body, bend toward the left and switch the weight to the left foot as you bend back with the right arm coming up and over, the left arm comes up as you straighten through fourth, right foot into tendu front croisé, lower the right heel in preparation) [CTS 1-8] Double turn in second from fourth, en dedans, the left leg and arms up, lower the left leg to fifth front and soutenu to the right, arms down and up, end in fifth half toe right foot front [CTS 1-8] Remain on half toe, passé the right leg to fourth back in preparation, pirouette to the right en dehors, right leg up, end in fifth right foot back. Repeat the adagio to the other side.
7. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CT &1] Sissonne ouverte (spring up and développé the right leg to croisé front, the left arm up) [CT 2] Bring the right leg through fifth and assemblé back with the left leg, the arms open to the side [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-6] Small hop on the right as the left extends from the ankle to croisé back, the left arm reaches front, step as far back as possible onto the left in croisé, turn toward the left shoulder and coupé the right under and back, push off of the right and grand jeté (battement the left leg front, end in attitude croisé with the right leg up, facing the right front corner of the room) [CTS 7-8] Pas couru toward the right front corner and assemblé with the left leg croisé front, end in fifth left foot front [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
8. Grand Allegro
Start on the left side of the room, pointing the right foot front to croisé and the right arm front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Chassé to the right and saut de basque with the arms up, chassé to the right [CTS 3-4] Step out onto the right, battement the left to croisé front and cabriole front, the arms open to the side and barely close the left foot to fifth, immediately [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 1 to the other side [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the right [CTS 5-8] Arabesque sauté to the left and run to the left side of the room, finish with the right foot pointing back in first arabesque.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Chassé diagonally back toward the right back corner (leave the head facing the left front corner as long as possible) step out on the right and cabriole fouetté (battement the left leg front toward the right back corner as you spring up and turn sharply in the air to face the left front corner and then do cabriole in arabesque, end in fourth arabesque croisé, the arms come together and end with the right arm front) [CTS 3-4] Continue into chassé toward the right back corner, theleft foot front, repeat cabriole fouetté, end in first arabesque facing the left front corner [CTS 5-6] Chassé toward the right side of the room and tour jeté [CTS 7-8] Chassé facing the right side of the room and cabriole in first arabesque and immediately [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
9. Turns
Start the left side of the room pointing the right foot front croisé.
[CTS 1-4] Four piqué turns en dedans [CTS 5-8] Four fouettés. Repeat across the room. Repeat the step to the other side.
10. Fouettés
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu right side and take the leg to fourth back.
[CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés to the right [CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés to the left.
11. Petit Allegro
Start left foot front in fifth position.
Part 1: [CT 1] Brisé front [CT 2] Entrechat quatre [CT 3] Brisé back in effacé [CT 4] Entrechat quatre [CTS 5-6] Two brisés front [CT 7] Pas de chat [CT 8] Pas de bourrée under (right foot back then front) [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-3] Three entrechat quatres, moving diagonally back in croisé position [CT 4] Entrechat six [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part 2.
12. Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Tendu the right foot side [CT 2] Carry the leg to fourth back [CTS 3-4] Many pirouettes en dehors to the right, end in fifth position right foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the right and left.
Vladimiroff Class No. 13
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, with the front foot sliding to a crossed fifth, bring the arms down and up, lower the heels [CTS 1-8] Repeat [CTS 1-16] Very slow développé side, hold and slowly lower the leg to second [CTS 1-16] Grand plié and relevé twice in second [CTS 1-16] Close to fifth and slowly développé front, hold, roll up to half toe, close to fifth [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in fifth [CTS 5-16] Port de bras forward and back [CTS 1-16] Développé the right leg to attitude back, right arm up, roll up to half toe, balance and open to first arabesque and close fifth back.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-32] Eight tendus each way en croix (first four tendus of each set of eight have arms side and the second four with port de bras, for the tendus front and back, the arm moves down, up, then out, for the tendus side the arm moves up, front, down, then out)
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Three fast tendus side to first [CTS 3-4] Passé and close to first [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 twice more, but roll up to half toe in passé, hold the last passé and balance with the arms side, then close fifth front.
3. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: tendu front in demi-plié, the arm front, straighten the knee and carry the arm and leg to the side.
[CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe par terre en dehors [CTS 9-16] Dégagé front waist high with the arm over the leg, carry the leg and arm to the side, then carry the leg to arabesque (arm remains side) roll up to half toe, bring the right leg through passé, lower the left heel and bring the right leg to tendu front [CTS 1-16] Repeat in reverse.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe par terre en dehors [CTS 3-4] Three faster ronds de jambe, finish in tendu front [CTS 5-8] Reverse the step en dedans [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 and finish in fourth position right foot front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in fourth [CTS 5-12] Four demi-pliés and relevés in fourth [CTS 13-16] Hold the last pose in fourth, demi-plié and tendu, then close the right foot to fifth front.
4. Tendu with Plié
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu the right foot side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Bring the right foot to fifth demi-plié with the right arm down, tendu front with straight knees and the right arm up [CTS 3-4] Bring the leg to demi-plié in fifth, the right arm side, tendu to the side with straight knees [CTS 5-6] Bring the foot to fifth back in demi-plié with the arm down, tendu back with straight knees and the right arm up [CTS 7-8] Bring the foot to demi-plié in fifth, tendu side with straight knees, the right arm comes front and out (the head is held over the supporting leg, the port de bras is very stretched out and fluid)
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Demi-plié in first and tendu straight knees side [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié in second and come up to tendu side again [CTS 5-8] Repeat [CTS 1-8] Repeat Part 2 [CTS 1-16] Repeat all of Part 2, lower the heel in second [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in second [CTS 5-8] Roll up on half toe, the arms down and up, balance, come down, tendu and close first.
5. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, two counts for each battement.
[CTS 1-4] Two battements front [CTS 5-16] Continue each way en croix [CTS 1-8] Grand battement one each way en croix [CTS 9-16] Repeat [CTS 1-2] Fast port de bras down and up [CTS 3-4] Bend back and come up [CTS 5-8] Repeat port de bras and roll up to half toe, slide the right foot to a closed fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat port de bras, balance in fifth and lower the heels.
6. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé side waist high, two counts for each rond de jambe.
[CTS 1-8] Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 1-4] Fondu front waist high [CTS 5-8] Fondu side [CTS 1-16] Reverse (doing the ronds de jambe en dedans and the fondus back then side) [CTS 1-32] Repeat the entire exercise on half toe.
7. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four dégagés front [CTS 5-16] Continue four each way en croix [CTS 1-8] Two dégagés each way en croix [CTS 1-8] One dégagé each way en croix (twice)
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Eight dégagés side to first [CTS 1-8] Eight dégagés side to fifth, closing fifth back then front [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 2.
8. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring the foot to cou de pied front with the arm over the knee.
[CTS 1-4] Four petit battements beating back then front [CTS 5-8] Eight petit battements (double time) [CTS 1-8] Roll up to half toe and repeat [CTS 1-16] Serré with the foot in front of the ankle, bringing the right arm up [CTS 1-16] Hold the position on the ankle, bring the left arm down and up then balance and close to fifth position, right foot front.
1. Small Adagio
Start fifth position croisé right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Développé the right leg to effacé front in demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Roll up to half toe as the right leg closes to fifth, the arms come together [CTS 5-6] Lower the right heel, bring the left foot to cou de pied back, développé to first arabesque demi-plié, stretch the left leg back, step back onto the left foot, point the right in effacé front [CTS 7-8] Bring the right leg up to passé, développé to attitude back croisé, the right arm up [CTS 1-8] Relevé in attitude and lower the right leg to fourth back, circular port de bras (as described in previous classes) end with the right foot pointing in croisé back and the right arm up, close to fifth [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side, end in tendu, the left leg back.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Lower the left heel in preparation [CTS 3-4] Double turn in first arabesque en dedans to the right [CTS 5-6] Finish in first arabesque then demi-plié, and fast pas de bourrée under, the left foot back then front, then slide the left foot forward to fourth in preparation [CTS 7-8] Double pirouette en dehors to the right, finish in fourth with the right foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side, finish in fourth.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Double attitude turn an dedans to the right, the left leg up in back, finish in attitude croisé [CTS 3-4] Bring the left leg through passé to fourth position front, the arms open, then bring the right arm down along the body and forward [CTS 5-6] Double pirouette en dehors to the right [CTS 7-8] Ending in fourth position, the left arm comes down and forward in preparation [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3 to the other side and end in fifth, demi-plié and sous-sus, the arms down and up, hold, slowly lower the heels while opening the arms side.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front en face, the arms low to the side.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four slow tendus straight front [CTS 5-6] Three dégagés front, the last one ends in demi-plié [CTS 7-8] Big changement with the arm up and out [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-16] Repeat all of part 1, but with the tendus to the back.
Part 2: [CT 1] Tendu the right foot side and lower heel [CT 2] Roll up to half toe and roll down [CT 3] Point the right foot side and close fifth back [CT 4] Roll up to half toe (without bringing the heels together) roll down [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 3: [CT 1] Quickly tendu the right foot side and close fifth front demi-plié [CT 2] Pirouette en dehors to the right, with the right leg up and close fifth back [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the left [CTS 5-8] Four tendus side, closing fifth back, alternating right then left foot, moving back [CTS 1-16] Repeat all of part 2 and part 3.
3. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side waist high, done slowly.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors with the right [CT 5] Bring the leg through passé in demi-plié and développé to a low effacé front, the left arm in front [CT 6] Relevé as you fouetté to first arabesque (the body moves from facing front in second and ends in first arabesque facing the left side of the room) quickly lower the right leg and step forward into croisé front, in demi-plié on the left leg [CTS 7-8] Piqué onto the right leg as the left comes through passé to effacé front in demi-plié and fouetté to first arabesque, leave the left leg up and immediately take it to second as you face the front [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Three fast ronds de jambe en dehors with the right [CT 3] Bring the leg through passé in demi-plié, the left arm up [CT 4] Jeté forward onto the right ending in attitude effacé and immediately bring the leg through passé and open the left leg to the side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2.
4. Rond de Jambe en L’Air en Dedans
Start fifth position left foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg to the side waist high.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dedans [CT 4] Coming through passé demi-plié extending the leg to first arabesque [CT 5] Relevé, bringing the right leg through passé to développé croisé front, the left arm up [CT 6] Remain on half toe and bring the right leg through passé and demi-plié in first arabesque [CT 7] Relevé and bring the right leg to croisé front [CT 8] Bring the right leg down and lower the heels in fifth, quickly dégagé the left leg to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1 to the other side, ending with the right leg up in second.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Three fast ronds de jambe en dedans, rise up to half toe on the last one, end with the right foot back in fifth [CTS 3-4] Sissonne ouverte in first arabesque going into a failli to fourth position and immediately dégagé the left leg to the side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left side [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part 2.
5. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, the left arm up and the right arm side.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié (left arm comes forward and down in front of the body then out to the left side, right arm joins and comes down and to the left side, the right arm continues to come up) [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, sliding the right foot across to a closed fifth, the right arm continues to circle from up out to the side and the left continues to come out and up overhead, remain on half toe, the arms continue to move, left moves out to the side and the right comes up overhead [CTS 1-2] Stretch the arms toward the left back corner and bend the body at the waist toward the right side, the right hip pushing out toward the right front corner, then fall into a deep lunge effacé front, demi-plié on the right, the arms swing down and to first arabesque [CTS 3-4] Pull back onto the left leg with the right pointing effacé front and arms opening to the side [CTS 5-6] Bring the right leg through fifth and immediately lift the right to passé and développé to attitude back croisé [CTS 7-8] Hold the pose [CTS 1-4] Promenade to the left in attitude, end facing the front in croisé [CTS 5-8] Open the leg to arabesque directly behind you right arm front and head over the left shoulder, carry the leg to the side and the arms side, then croisé front, the left arm comes out and up [CTS 1-4] Roll up to half toe, close to fifth on half toe and swivel to the left one turn, end with the left foot front croisé on half toe, the right arm comes down and up to join the left [CTS 5-8] Hold the pose and lower the heels and tendu the left foot front to fourth with straight knees and the arms side [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in fourth [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, the arms come down and up, open the arms out to the sides as you lower the heels and step forward on the left for a large fourth position preparation [CTS 1-4] Double attitude turn en dehors with the right leg up in back, finish in demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Lower the right leg to cou de pied back and pas de bourrée turned toward the right shoulder (under yourself) finish in fifth demi-plié, the right foot front, tendu the left to écarté front, the arms out to the sides, the left above the shoulder and look out over the left wrist, close fifth left foot front and the right arm comes down and up in preparation to start to the other side. Repeat step to the other side.
6. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Assemblé right foot side, finish in fifth right foot front [CT 2] Two changements [CT 3] Assemblé side with the left foot closing front [CT 4] Two changements [CT 5] Échappé to second (hold the legs together in fifth in the air as long as possible before opening side) [CT 6] Pas de bourrée to the left (right foot back then front) [CT 7] Échappé side [CT 8] Pas de bourrée to the right (left foot back then front).
Part 2: [CT 1] Assemblé side with the left closing fifth back [CT 2] Two changements, end in croisé right foot front [CT 3-4] Two sissonnes fermé side, the right leg up, moving diagonally toward the left back corner, the head and body remain in croisé, the arms low to the sides [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
7. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Jeté side with the right and immediately [CT 2] Brush the left leg back in a cabriole in third arabesque croisé, the left arm front and immediately from arabesque [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: Leave the right leg in arabesque [CT 1] Small sauté on the left, the right arm comes out and up, fall back onto the right in croisé and turn to the right shoulder toward the back of the room, bring the left foot to coupé back [CT 2] Continue turning, grand jeté onto the right leg into croisé front, the left arm up, the left leg in arabesque croisé [CTS 3-4] Quickly bring the left leg down through fifth, do two jetés side, left then right [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
8. Grand Allegro
Start in the left back corner of the room, fifth position right foot croisé front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Chassé toward the right front corner in effacé, the right arm front [CT 2] Step out on the right toward the right front corner, turn to face the back of the room, brush the left leg out to the side in a very big ballonné in second, arms out to the side, end with the left foot coupé front and the left arm front [CT 3] Chassé toward the right side of the room in croisé, the left foot front [CT 4] Step out on the left and saut de basque on the left, arms up [CT 5] Chassé with the left foot in front in croisé toward the right front corner [CT 6] Step forward onto the left and big ballonné in écarté, right leg up to the side, the arms open out to the sides, end with the right arm front [CTS 7-8] Chassé in effacé toward the right front corner and saut de basque [CTS 1-4] Repeat the first four counts still moving toward the right front corner [CTS 5-8] Run to the right and around to the center of the room.
Part 2: Start in fifth right foot front [CTS 1-2] Very large sissonne ouverte moving forward with the right leg, end in attitude back croisé [CTS 3-4] Coupé the right foot under and assemblé with the left foot croisé front [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side, end in fifth right foot front [CT 1] Passé relevé right leg up and right arm front and close fifth in demi-plié [CT 2] Double pirouette en dehors to the right, the right leg up, finish with the right leg fifth back [CT 3] Passé relevé left leg up and finish in fifth [CT 4] Double pirouette en dehors to the left, the left leg up [CTS 5-8] Repeat the first four counts of part 2 [CT 5-6] Passé relevé with the right leg up to fourth back [CT 7] Many pirouettes en dehors to the right, with the right leg up [CT 8] Finish in fourth with the right leg back, the arms low to the sides.
Toe Work
1. Échappé
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
Part 1: [CT 1] Échappé to toe to croisé front, the arms come down and up [CT 2] Échappé to the side, the arms come down, front, and out [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CT 1] Passé relevé with the right leg up [CT 2] Close fifth with the right foot front [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors to the right with the right leg up, finish with the right foot back in fifth [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Two échappés side closing right back then right front [CT 3] Assemblé to toe with the left leg out to the side, end with the left foot front fifth on toe [CT 4] Walk forward on toe, right then the left, opening side and closing fifth front [CTS 5-8] Repeat [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3.
2. Arabesque and Renversé
Start in the left back corner of the room, point the left foot front in tendu croisé.
[CT 1] Come down onto the left foot, bring the right leg through and piqué in first arabesque [CT 2] Bring the left through fifth to fourth front, and the right leg to coupé under [CT 3] Relevé and renversé (the left leg opens front and out to the side ending in attitude back, the left arm moves out and up, the right arm comes front) demi-plié in attitude bending to the right [CT 3] Pas de bourrée under toward the left shoulder, the left foot back then front, finish in fourth left front [CT 4] Double pirouette en dedans to the left, the right leg and arms up, finish in demi-plié on the left, the right leg still up [CT 5-12] Piqué out to first arabesque and continue to repeat the step twice, end the least pirouette in fifth right front demi-plié [CTS 13-16] Three piqué turns en dehors to the right (right leg up) the last turn is a double, end in fifth right foot back demi-plié [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side.
3. Turns
Start in the left side of the room, pointing the right foot croisé front.
[CTS 1-2] Two piqué turns en dedans with the left leg up [CTS 3-4] Drop down onto the left foot and two fouettés (the second is a double) [CTS 5-16] Repeat three times [CTS 1-12] Piqué turns in a circle [CTS 13-16] Chainé toward the right front corner, end in relevé first arabesque [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side.
4. Bourrée
Start with the left foot pointing back croisé.
[CT 1] Present the left foot to the side in demi-plié, left arm over the left leg [CTS 2-4] Bring the left to fifth on toe, bourrée to the right, the left arm front [CT 5] With the left foot front, lower the legs to fourth preparation [CTS 6-8] Slow pirouette en dehors to the right, end in fourth, bring the right leg through to tendu side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-16] Repeat right and left again.
Vladimiroff Class No. 14
This class was done in 1952, almost all pirouettes from fourth were done with the back knee straight and the front arm almost straight and the palm up.
1. Plié
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, the arms remain side [CTS 1-8] Repeat and tendu to second [CTS 1-16] Repeat in second and tendu to fifth [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, the feet come together and the arms come down and up [CTS 1-8] Remain on half toe, port de bras down and back, swivel toward the left side [CTS 1-16] Repeat the pliés and port de bras.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, two counts for each tendu.
Part 1: [CTS 1-8] Four tendus front [CTS 9-32] Continue en croix.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Two tendus front [CTS 5-8] Bring the right leg through passé and développé to attitude back, right arm comes down and up, lower the leg to fifth back [CTS 1-4] Two tendus back [CTS 5-8] Bring the right leg through passé and développé front, the right arm down and up, lower the leg to fifth [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 2.
Part 3: [CTS 1-32] Sixteen tendus side, close fifth back then front (first four tendus, the arm moves down, up, and out, the second four tendus the arm moves out, up, front, and down, the head and eyes follow the movement of the arm).
Part 4: [CTS 1-4] (One count for each dégagé) four dégagés front, end in fifth demi-plié [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix.
3. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in first position, preparation: tendu front demi-plié with the arm front, straighten the supporting knee and carry the leg and arm to the side, slow, one count for each rond de jambe.
[CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors (four with the arm side and four with port de bras, the arm moving down, up, and out) end in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors, reversing the arm movement [CTS 1-16] Repeat, end in fifth position [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Bring the right leg through passé and développé front with the arm front [CTS 1-8] Carry the leg and arm to the side and continue, taking the leg to arabesque, the arm side, roll up in balancé and lower the leg to first.
4. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu to the right foot to the side.
Part 1: [CT 1] Close the leg to fifth demi-plié, the right arm down [CT 2] Straighten the knees and tendu front with the right arm up (the head and eyes follow the arm) [CT 3] Close the foot to fifth demi-plié [CT 4] Tendu side, the arm opens to the side [CT 5] Close the foot to fifth back demi-plié [CT 6] Tendu back, the right arm comes down and up [CT 7] Close the foot to fifth in demi-plié, the arm opens side [CT 8] Tendu side.
Part 2: [CT 1] Bring the foot to first position demi-plié [CT 2] Tendu side with straight knees [CT 3] Demi-plié in second (the arm and head move toward the barre) [CT 4] Straighten the knees and tendu side, the arm opens side [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 1 and part 2.
5. Grand Battement
Start in first position, preparation: tendu the right foot back, one count for each battement.
[CTS 1-3] Battement balançoire front, back, then front [CT 4] Hold the leg in the air on half toe in front [CTS 5-8] Reverse, back front back and hold on half toe [CTS 1-8] Repeat, but the hold with the leg up is in demi-plié with the leg up [CTS 1-8] Repeat the exercise and hold on half toe [CTS 9-16] Repeat with the hold in demi-plié, end in second arabesque demi-plié, the right arm front, let go of the barre and hold, come up to tendu back and close fifth back.
6. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg waist high.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 4] Bring the leg to passé and lower to tendu front in demi-plié [CTS 5-7] Straighten the supporting knee, passé the right leg and développé to attitude back [CT 8] Return the right leg to passé, the right arm front and open the leg to the side [CTS 1-8] Reverse the step doing the ronds de jambe en dedans, end in tendu back and développé front with the right arm up, carry the leg with straight knees to the side, roll up to half toe.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four slow ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-8] Four en dedans [CTS 1&2] Three fast ronds de jambe en dehors, end in demi-plié on the left foot, the right in tendu side, immediately relevé and lift the leg [CTS 3&4] Three ronds de jambe en dedans, end in second demi-plié tendu [CTS 5-8] Repeat the fast ronds de jambe, finish with the foot in cou de pied front the arms en bas, balance and lower the foot to fifth.
7. Adagio
Start fifth position right front.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié, right arm opens out to the side and back to the opening position en bas as you come out of the plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to crossed fifth position, the arms down [CTS 1-4] Slowly dégagé the right leg front, waist high [CTS 5-8] Slowly carry the leg to the side and raise it higher, with the arm opening side and continue to arabesque with the arm to the side [CTS 1-4] Lower the leg and supporting heel through first and roll up to half toe on the left as the right leg does dégagé front [CTS 5-8] Lower the leg and supporting heel, brush through first and dégagé the leg back as you roll up to half toe [CTS 1-4] Lower the leg to fourth back preparation [CTS 5-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right, end in attitude back, the right arm up, balance and close fifth right foot back.
1. Plié
Start in first position.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié and tendu the right foot side [CTS 5-8] Remain in tendu and bring the right arm overhead, bend toward the left and continue to bring the right arm down as you straighten up and close to first [CTS 1-8] Repeat the plié and tendu the left foot, bending to the right.
Part 2: Lower the left heel in second [CTS 1-4] Plié in second and come up, tendu the right foot side [CTS 5-8] Bend over to the right, the left arm up, and over to the right, then down and out as you straighten up, close to first [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side, end in fifth right foot front.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié in fifth [CTS 5-12] Port de bras down and back [CTS 13-16] Roll up to half toe in fifth position bringing the right foot across, arms down and up, swivel toward the left shoulder, end in fifth croisé left foot front, arms up, lower the heels and open the arms to the side [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side.
2. Grand Battement
Start fifth right front croisé, right arm up.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Two grand battements front, end en face arms side [CTS 5-8] Two grand battements straight front, finish in effacé front, the left arm up [CTS 1-4] Two grand battements front to effacé [CTS 5-8] Small fondu side ending in tendu demi-plié and soutenu to the left, arms come down and up, finish in fifth, the left foot front croisé [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 1 to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-8] Four grand battements back in croisé in fourth arabesque, the right arm front [CTS 1-8] Quickly dégagé the left leg back in croisé, and carry the leg to the side, the arms open side and carry the leg to croisé front, the right arm out and up, close to fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-8] Four grand battements side with the right leg closing fifth back and front [CTS 1-8] Quickly développé the right leg side, and quickly pivot to first arabesque and return to second position, close fifth back [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 3 to the other side.
3. Tendus and Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Tendu the right foot side [CT 2] Take the leg back to fourth preparation [CT 3] Multiple pirouettes en dehors [CT 4] End with the right foot fifth back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CT 1] Sous-sus in fifth, the arms down [CT 2] Fall forward onto the right leg in fourth [CT 3] Pirouette en dedans to the right (the leg opens to second before the turn) [CT 4] Finish in fifth left foot front [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
Part 3: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side with the right foot, close fifth back then front, finish in croisé front [CTS 5-6] Remain in croisé and jump échappé to second, and fast pas de bourrée under left foot back then front, arms low to the sides [CTS 7-8] Échappé and pas de bourrée to the other side (this finishes with the right foot front)
Part 4: [CTS 1-2] Three dégagés side with the right foot (since the right foot is front already the first dégagé closes front, then back, and front) end in demi-plié fifth [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors from fifth with the right foot up, end with the right foot back in fifth [CTS 5-6] Three dégagés side with the left foot, closing front, back, front, end in demi-plié in fifth [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dehors to the left, the left foot up, end in fifth position left back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 4.
4. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and tendu the right foot front, the arm front, carry the arm and leg side as you straighten the supporting leg.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors, end in tendu front [CT 5] One more rond de jambe, then come through first in demi-plié, step forward and relevé, the left leg lifts up to attitude back croisé [CT 6] Demi-plié and relevé, turning the body to effacé front [CT 7] Demi-plié and relevé gain bring the body to face front [CT 8] Lower the left leg to tendu back, opening the arms to the side (all relevés must be smooth with not hops) [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe par terre en dedans with the right foot, end in fourth right foot back [CTS 5-8] Pirouette en dedans to the left, end in fourth right foot front and pirouette en dehors to the left, end in fourth left foot back, immediately straighten the supporting leg with the left foot in tendu back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side, end in fifth right foot back.
Part 3: [CT 1] Slide out to the left on the left foot and relevé in first arabesque [CT 2] Demi-plié and relevé, the leg remains up [CT 3] Fall back unto the right foot, the left brushing through first, relevé in attitude croisé, the left leg up in back [CT 4] Demi-plié and relevé, bring the left leg down through fifth and slide the right leg out to first arabesque [CTS 5-8] Do part 3 to the other side (the last attitude, do a slightly deeper demi-plié and relevé, hold, and lower to fifth).
5. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side waist high.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors waist high [CTS 5-6] Keep the supporting leg straight, pull the right leg into a very high passé, and pirouette en dedans [CTS 7-8] Close the right foot to fifth front, dégagé the left leg side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Three fast ronds de jambe en dehors with the right leg [CT 3] Demi-plié on the left, the right leg comes through passé and développé to effacé front with the left arm up [CT 4] Jeté forward onto the right, the left leg up in attitude back effacé, and immediately bring the left leg through passé and to the side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2, end in attitude in effacé relevé, hold, and close fifth.
6. Adagio
Start in fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CTS 1-2] Grand plié, the right arm comes down and forward, immediately from the bottom of the plié [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors, end with the leg still in passé and the arms in front of the body [CTS 5-8] Développé the right leg directly front, carry the leg to the side, the arms open to the side, and continue back to arabesque [CTS 1-4] Demi-plié on the left and step back on the right, bringing the left through fifth and immediately développé the left leg to the side [CTS 5-8] Demi-plié on the right, jeté onto the left, the right leg straight in second, straighten the supporting knee [CTS 1-4] Turn toward the left shoulder into first arabesque, demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Step back onto the right, the left foot pointing in effacé front, brush the left through fifth and développé to attitude back croisé [CTS 1-8] Roll up to half toe, lift the leg high in attitude and drop into a deep circular port de bras (left arm sweeps forward and down, leg in demi-plié, the head and body follow the left arm, as you bend back the right arm goes over head, point the right foot front, come around to the right, still pointing the right foot front with the right arm up) [CTS 1-4] Open the right arm and bring it down and forward as you lower the right heel to fourth, double attitude turn en dedans with the left leg up in attitude back [CTS 5-8] Bring the left leg through passé, the left arm front then out, développé the left leg to the side and fouetté to the right (turning to the right shoulder en dedans, brush the left leg through first, battement front, facing the back of the room in demi-plié and relevé, continue turning toward the right shoulder, leave the leg in position but turn the body to end in fourth arabesque croisé, the left leg back, the right arm front, drop the left leg to fourth back) [CTS 1-4] Double turn in second en dedans to the right, the arms up, finish with the leg still up [CTS 5-8] Lower the leg to fifth on half toe, swivel to the right, arms coming down and up, end in fifth right foot front croisé, still on half toe [CTS 1-4] Passé the right leg and carry it to fourth back preparation [CTS 5-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending in fifth, right foot back. Repeat entire adagio to the other side.
7. Petite Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Échappé to second [CT 2] Sauté onto the right as the left leg passés through passé and to développé front in demi-plié, the right arm down then up [CT 3] Jeté forward onto the left leg, the right arm comes forward (not moving forward) [CT 4] Jeté side with the right leg [CTS 5-8] Do the step to the other side, jumping from the right leg into second to begin the step.
Part 2: [CT 1] Échappé to second [CT 2] Spring up, bringing the legs together, beat the left foot front, then back, land on the right with the left in cou de pied back, the left arm front [CT 3] Spring from this position to second [CT 4] Sauté and beat the right leg front and back (entrechat trois) [CTS 5-8] Repeat [CTS 1-16] Repeat parts 1 and 2.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Lower the heel, spring up and ballonné side with the left, end in coupé in front, with the left arm front [CTS 3-4] Step out to the left onto the left foot and saut de basque, the arms in front [CTS 5-6] Bring the left leg to fifth back and jeté with the right to croisé front in attitude with the arms opening to the sides, the palms up [CTS 7-8] Repeat ballonné and jeté to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3 to the other side [CTS 1-16] Repeat all of part 3.
8. Petit Allegro
Start in the back of the room in B+ on the right, waltz tempo (each count is one three beat measure)
Part 1: [CT 1] Bring the left heel down and ballonné front with the right foot, right arm in front and head over right shoulder [CT 2] Step forward on the right foot, bringing the left up in coupé back and pas de chat with développés front, right foot then left, the arms come up and out, step forward on the left, coupé the right behind [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the other side [CTS 5-8] Repeat right and left again.
Part 2: [CT 1] Balancé to the right, the arms cross the body to the right [CT 2] Balancé to the left, the arms open side[CT 3] Balancé turning to the right, the left arm overhead [CT 4] Balancé to the left, turning, the right arm overhead [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2, finish facing the left side of the room, the right leg in tendu back, second arabesque position
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Chassé tour jeté, end in first arabesque [CT 3] Two small jeté onto the right, then the left [CT 4] Small grand jeté to the right, onto the right leg, the arms forward [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part 3.
9. Grand Allegro
Start slightly left of center in fifth croisé, left foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Relevé on the left, bringing the right to passé behind the knee, turn to face the left front corner, the right arm up, quickly développé into a very high second arabesque in demi-plié, the right arm very low in front [CT 2] Fall back onto the right foot, bring the left through coupé back, drop onto the left foot and grand jeté onto the right side in second arabesque (big split in the air) [CT 3] Quickly lower the left and slide through first, piqué onto the left foot as the body turns toward the right shoulder, slide the right foot through to attitude effacé back on half toe, the right arm up [CT 4] Demi-plié on the left foot and quickly bring the right leg through passé and step out piqué onto the right with the left in attitude back effacé, from here roll down into demi-plié, lunging into second arabesque [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 9-12] Repeat to the right, hold the last pose, quickly lower the left leg [CTS 1-4] Sauté onto the left leg in first arabesque and run to the left back corner, end in fifth right foot front croisé.
Part 2: [CT 1] Sissonne ouvert traveling forward and end with the left leg attitude back in effacé [CT 2] Quickly lower the left leg through first, step forward and assemblé side with the right leg, end with the right foot front [CT 3] Sissonne ouvert in first arabesque, bring the left leg through and assemblé with the right leg side [CTS 5-6] Repeat sissonne to attitude and assemblé [CTS 7-8] Tendu the right foot to the side and carry it to fourth back preparation, pirouette to the right en dehors, the right leg up, end in a deep fourth, the arms low in third arabesque croisé, the right arm front.
10. Fouettés
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu the right foot side and carry it to fourth back.
[CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés to the right [CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés to the left.
11. Slow Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Tendu the right foot side [CT 2] Take the leg to fourth back [CTS 3-4] Many pirouettes en dehors to the right, the right leg up, end in fifth right foot back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 9-16] Repeat right and left again.
Vladimiroff Class No. 15
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés and tendu to second [CTS 1-8] Two grand pliés and tendu to fifth [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Port de bras front and back, tendu to fourth front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Port de bras front and back, roll up to half toe and turn to the left side in fourth [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Port de bras front and back, tendu to fifth [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Port de bras.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each tendu.
Part 1: [CTS 1-8] Eight tendus front [CTS 9-32] Continue en croix.
Part 2: [CT 1] Tendu side [CT 2] Demi-plié in second [CT 3] Return to tendu [CT 4] Close fifth back in demi-plié [CTS 5-16] Repeat three times ending with the right foot front in fifth position. Part 3: [CTS 1-8] Eight tendus side closing fifth back then front (on the first four tendus the arm comes down, front, up, and out, on the second four reverse the arms, out, up, front, down and out)
Part 4: [CTS 1-8] Repeat part three but to first position.
3. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in first position, preparation: demi-plié and tendu front, the arm front, straighten the supporting knee as the leg and arm open to the side, one count for each rond de jambe.
[CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe par terre en dehors, finish in tendu front [CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dedans, finish in tendu back [CTS 1-16] Repeat and finish in fourth right foot front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe [CTS 1-8] Let go of the barre, demi-plié and relevé four times, finish by doing tendu front and close fifth.
4. Tendu with Plié in Fifth
Start in fifth position right foot front, two counts for each tendu.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Tendu front and close to fifth in demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix.
Part 2: [CT 1] Tendu side and lower the heel in second [CT 2] Roll up to half toe, and lower the heels [CT 3] Tendu and close fifth front [CT 4] Roll up to half toe without crossing the feet and roll down [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 1.
Part 3: [CTS 1-16] Dégagé side, close fifth back then front, sixteen in all.
5. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé side waist high, one count for each rond de jambe.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-6] Fondu front waist high [CTS 7-8] Fondu side [CTS 1-8] Repeat en dedans with fondues back and side.
Part 2: Roll up to half toe [CTS 1-2] Three fast ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 3-4] Fondu side with relevé and hold [CTS 5-8] Repeat en dedans [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 [CTS 1-32] Repeat part 1 and part 2, finish on half toe, the right foot up in cou de pied [CTS 1-16] Slowly passé and développé the right leg to attitude back, the arms side, hold this pose and port de bras front, come up, bring the left arm up to meet the right, balance in attitude and close fifth back.
6. Grand Battement
Start in fifth position right foot front, two counts for each battement.
Part 1: [CTS 1-8] Four grand battements side closing fifth back then front [CTS 1-2] Quickly roll up to half toe and développé the right leg to the side [CTS 3-4] Bring the leg to passé [CTS 5-6] Open the leg to the side [CTS 7-8] Lower the leg and heels at the same time and close fifth.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Battement side and close fifth back [CTS 3-4] Roll up to half toe without crossing the feet and roll down [CTS 5-6] Battement side and close fifth front [CTS 7-8] Roll up and down again [CTS 9-32] Repeat part 2 three times, end in a closed fifth position on half toe, bring the arms down and up and balance.
7. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side, two counts for each double frappé.
[CTS 1-8] Four double frappés, beating back, front, then front, back, each one ending in a tendu on the floor [CTS 1-8] Eight petit battements (beat back then front, the arm low over the knee) Roll up to half toe [CTS 1-8] Repeat the petit battements and roll down [CTS 1-8] Repeat the double frappés to the side, ending in tendu, but with a demi-plié on the tendu, roll up to half toe [CTS 1-8] Repeat the petit battement on half toe, hold the last pose, bring the arms down, balance, and close fifth position.
1. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, right arm up.
[CTS 1-4] Slowly dégagé the right leg up in croisé front, look out from under the arm, carry the leg through second to fourth arabesque croisé (the right arm pulling up and out, the left arm comes down along the body and forward) [CTS 5-8] Slow promenade to the right in arabesque, end in fourth arabesque croisé pose [CTS 1-8] Slow penché and come up, lower the leg to fifth back [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 1 to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Slowly dégagé the left leg to croisé back, the left arm rounded in front and carry the leg through second, end in croisé front, the right arm out and up [CTS 5-8] Promenade in this pose to the right, end in croisé front, lower the leg to fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side.
Part 3: [CST 1-2] Développé the right leg to the side [CTS 3-4] Without any plié, pull the right leg into a pirouette en dedans to the left, end in first arabesque [CTS 5-8] Demi-plié in arabesque and relevé, hold, and close fifth back [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 3 to the other side.
Part 4: [CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg to attitude back croisé, roll up to half toe and hold, lower the leg to fifth [CTS 5-8] Développé the left leg to attitude back croisé roll up to half toe, hold, and close fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 4.
2. Adagio
Repeat part 3 and 4 of step 1.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, left arm up.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four tendus to croisé front [CTS 5-6] Three dégagés front and open the left arm [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié and big changement with the arms up [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the back, starting with the left foot and the right arm up, looking out from behind the arm.
Part 2: [CT 1] Tendu side [CT 2] Lower the heel and roll up in second [CT 3] Lower the heels and tendu the right leg and close fifth back [CT 4] Roll up and down in fifth without crossing the feet [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the left [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side with the right foot closing fifth front then back with port de bras (the right arm comes down up and out, the head follows the arm) [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-16] Repeat all of part 2.
Part 3: [CTS 1-2] Tendu the left foot to the side, right arm comes out and over, left arm comes down in front, bend to the left side [CTS 3-4] Come up, close fifth left front, the arms together and out [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS1-8] Repeat part 3.
4. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position, preparation: demi-plié in tendu front, the arms together, open the leg and arms to the side and straighten the supporting knee, one slow count for each rond de jambe.
Part 1: [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe par terre en dehors end with the right foot front in fourth [CT 4] Demi-plié, the arms are low to the side and the head is to the right [CT 1] Relevé [CT 2] Demi-plié [CT 3] Relevé [CT 4] Demi-plié and tendu the left foot back [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Two fast ronds de jambe par terre en dedans with the right foot, end in tendu back, then brush the right leg through first to fourth front preparation (the left hand comes along the body and forward, palm up) [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors to the left, the left leg up, end by dropping the right heel as the left continues in a very turned out position to fourth back, drop the heel and immediately tendu the left foot back [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 to the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat all of part 2 [CTS 1-32] Repeat parts 1 and 2.
5. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side, waist high, one count for each rond de jambe.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors [CT 5] Bring the leg through passé and développé to effacé front in demi-plié, the left arm in front over the leg [CT 6] Relevé as you fouetté to first arabesque (turn to the left shoulder, the right leg passés through second the arm up, face front, and continue to first arabesque) [CT 7] Lower the right leg through first in demi-plié and piqué unto the right foot to croisé front, lower into demi-plié as the left leg passés through passé and open to effacé front [CT 8] Relevé and fouetté to first arabesque and immediately bring the left leg through passé and open to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en l’air en dedans with the right leg, the fourth one comes through passé to fourth with the right foot in back [CTS 5-6] Pirouette en dedans to the left, finish with the right foot fifth front [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right, finish with the right foot fifth front, immediately dégagé the left foot to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
6. Temps Lié
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, done slowly.
CTS 1-2] Demi-plié and slide the right foot front, piqué to attitude, the left foot back, hold and immediately lower the foot to fifth [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié [CTS 5-12] Repeat twice more [CTS 13-16] Pirouette en dehors from fifth to the right, finish with the right foot back in fifth [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-4] Reverse the step, slide the left foot back to croisé, piqué onto the left, dégagé the right leg, straight knee, to croisé front and close to fifth [CTS 5-12] Repeat twice more [CTS 13-16] Pirouette en dedans to the right from fifth with the left foot up and close the left foot front [CTS 1-16] Repeat reversal to the other side.
7. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
Part 1: [CT 1] Échappé to second [CT 2] Pas de bourrée to the right, left foot back then front [CT 3] Brisé [CT 4] Assemblé side with the right [CTS 5-8] Repeat.
Part 2: [CT 1] Step out onto the left foot and sauté on the left, the right foot in attitude back effacé, the right arm down and up [CT 2] Chassé to the right side, right foot front [CT 3] Sauté in attitude effacé on the right foot [CT 4] Chassé to the left [CT 5] Sauté in attitude effacé [CT 6] Chassé to the right again [CT 7-8] Assemblé front with the left foot front [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
8. Grand Allegro
Start on the left side of the room, preparation: tendu with the left foot front croisé.
Part 1: [CTS &1] Big glissade to the right with the left foot in front [CT 2] Big sauté in second with the right leg up and two fast ronds de jambe en dedans in the air and finish in first arabesque demi-plié [CT 3] Step out onto the right, brushing the left through first [CT 4] Relevé on the right, left in attitude croisé back, the left arm up [CTS 5-8] From here start the glissade to repeat the step to the left [CTS 9-12] Repeat to the right [CTS 13-16] Run to the left side of the room, finish in fifth right foot front.
Part 2: [CT 1] Glissade to the right, the right foot front [CT 2] Brush the right leg dégagé to second and relevé, double rond de jambe en l’air en dehors, the right arm up, close fifth back croisé [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the left.
Part 3: [CT 1] Chassé forward in croisé toward the left front corner, the right foot front, the right arm up [CT 2] Bringing the right arm out and forward, step forward onto the right foot and relevé in fourth arabesque, the right arm front [CT 3] Turn toward the left shoulder and chassé facing the back of the room, left foot forward in croisé, end facing the right front corner and step forward onto the left in croisé [CT 4] Relevé in fourth arabesque [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 2 and part 3, finish in fourth arabesque and quickly coupé the leg under, step forward and relevé in fourth arabesque, hold and close to fifth.
9. Fouetté
Start in fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and take the leg to fourth.
[CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés to the right [CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés to the left.
10. Petit Allegro
Start right foot front in fifth
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four small changements [CTS 5-6] Entrechat quatre royale [CTS 7-8] Entrechat quatre royale [CTS 1-8] Repeat part 1.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four small changements [CT 5] Tendu the right foot side [CT 6] Take the leg to fourth back [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right with the right leg up, end with the right foot back in fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
Balanchine tried to get Doubrovska to teach for quite awhile. When she finally agreed, he personally ushered her into the studio, his arm linked in hers. She was shy and nervous and wrote her steps on a small piece of paper just in case she might forget them. When Balanchine popped in to watch class it was hard to tell who was more nervous, Doubrovska or the dancers. From her teaching it was evident that she had no need to worry. The first tendu that she demonstrated was so delicate and perfectly regal that we immediately realized that she was a dancer that possessed all the attributes that Balanchine looked for. Doubrovska was tall and thin with delicate features, a small head, long neck, and beautifully sloping shoulders. She had long arms and fingers, and her port de bras was pure poetry. Balanchine called her the tall Pavlova. Her legs were long and beautifully proportioned, ending in a magnificently arched foot. Her dark hair was caught in a net and framed her face closely.
Doubrovska almost always wore navy blue chiffon with a low cut neckline, small cap sleeves, and a circular flowing skirt to her knees. She wore pink tights and ballet slippers tied with ribbons and jewelry (sometimes small earrings and a hanging pendant on a chain). There are photos of her in a white leotard and tights, on toe, and arching back. These photos show a body that would be envied by any dancer of any generation.
Felia Doubrovska was born in 1896. She graduated from the Imperial Ballet School in St. Petersburg in 1913 and subsequently danced with the company. In 1920 she left Russia to join the Diaghilev Company, where she performed with her husband, Pierre Vladimiroff until 1929. She created the role of the siren in Balanchine’s Prodigal Son and was one of the muses in his Apollo among other roles. She danced with Pavlova from 1929 to 1931. In 1932 she danced with the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, in 1934 with Nijinska’s Company, and in 1937 with the De Basil Company in London. Her final performances were with the Metropolitan Opera from 1938 to 1939 as Prima Ballerina. Doubrovska taught at SAB from 1949 to 1980 and she died in 1981.
Doubrovska must have known what a beautiful dancer she was. She was very aristocratic and carried herself with great elegance. Just watching her walk, sit down, and prepare to show a combination was a lesson in pure feminine movement. When she demonstrated a développé, she would hold the end of her skirt in her hand and look down with pleasant amazement at how perfectly her foot left the floor. Then she would raise her eyes as the leg extended out through space and at the peak of the développé her beautifully pointed foot would extend even farther before arcing into a breathtaking decent. Even though she was retired none of us could do a développé as magnificently as she did. Balanchine told us to observe how beautifully Doubrovska moved.
Doubrovska was influenced by Balanchine and her husband (apparently she and Vladimiroff did barre together in the morning). Her classes were difficult and contained a great many adagios. Many of her toe combinations came from ballets that she had danced. Her toe classes were difficult but above all, she taught us how to dance with quality, simplicity, and elegance.
Doubrovska Toe Class No. 1
1. Plié
Start first position.
[CTS 1-4] Demi-plié, relevé, and roll down with straight knees [CTS 5-8] Repeat [CTS 1-6] Demi-plié and immediately relevé three times [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié and tendu side to second. Repeat exercise in second with the arms remaining side (it is a small second position, only about a foot wide).
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Tendu front with straight knees and close fifth demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Roll up to toe (do not bring feet together) and roll down into demi-plié [CTS 5-6] Tendu front and demi-plié in fourth [CTS 7-8] Roll up to toe and roll down into demi-plié [CTS 1-6] Straighten the knees, tendu front, close fifth, and do two more tendus front with straight knees [CTS 7-8] Roll up to toe in fifth and lower heels [CTS 1-16] Repeat exercise en croix, on last tendu fifth roll up to toe, crossing right foot across to closed fifth [CTS 1-8] Développé to attitude front, bring the arms up, balance, extend the leg, close fifth, and lower the heels (when preparing to relevé in fourth make a fourth that is smaller than the usual width).
3. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start facing barre fifth position right foot front, preparation: sous-sus and dégagé the right leg to side, waist high, very slowly.
[CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-8] Passé and turn to face the right side, développé with the front, the right arm up [CTS 1-4] Leave the leg up, demi-plié, and piqué out to first arabesque and hold [CTS 5-8] Leave the leg up and turn to face the barre again in second. Repeat to the left and then repeat the entire exercise again ending in fifth.
4. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: sous-sus.
[CTS 1-4] Two grand battements front [CTS 5-8] With the arm side, fast développé with the right leg to attitude back, the arm up and open to second arabesque, close fifth back [CTS 1-8] Two grand battements back in second arabesque (the right arm front) and fast développé with the right leg to attitude front, bring both arms forward as you extend the leg and close fifth. Repeat the step.
5. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation sous-sus.
[CTS 1-4] Développé front with the right arm up [CTS 5-8] Leave the leg and turn body to barre (leg is now in second) [CTS 1-4] With the arm still up, bring the right leg to passé and bend to the left side [CTS 5-8] Come up, open the leg to second again, and balance with the arms up, close fifth, and turn to the left. Repeat to the left side.
6. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: sous-sus and bring the right foot up to cou de pied front, the arm low to the side.
[CT 1-8] Eight petit battements, beat back and front [CT 1] Two small beats in front of ankle (the arms down) [CT 2] Demi-plié as the leg opens to tendu effacé front, the hand over the leg with the palm up looking at toes [CT 1] Relevé and two beats again [CT 2] Plié as the leg opens to tendu side, the arm over the leg [CT 1-2] Relevé and two beats behind the ankle, demi-plié, and tendu back in second arabesque position [CTS 1-2] Relevé, two beats behind the ankle, open to demi-plié, tendu side, and repeat the step again.
7. Relevés
Start facing the barre in a small second position.
[CTS 1-8] Four demi-pliés and relevés in second, remain on toe [CT 1] Swivel right, ending in fourth and demi-plié [CTS 2-8] Relevé to first arabesque, hold, lower the leg and face the barre in second. Repeat to the left.
8. Relevés
Start facing the barre in second position.
[CTS 1-4] Two demi-pliés and relevés in second [CT 5] Demi-plié [CT 6] Relevé on the right, lift the left in coupé in back [CT 7] Demi-plié on toe [CT 8] Straighten the knee, open to second, and repeat step on the left leg. [CTS 1-2] Step out on the right and relevé (the left in coupé back) [CTS 3-4] Remain on toe, demi-plié, and straighten [CTS 1-2] Open the left leg side and immediately demi-plié relevé on the left (the right in coupé back) [CTS 3-4] Remain on toe, demi-plié, and straighten [CTS 1-8] Repeat right and left again.
1. Piqué in Various Poses
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Two échappés side, closing with the left front then to the right [CTS 5-6] Slide the right foot out to side in demi-plié and piqué onto the right, the left coming to coupé back with the right arm front [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié on the right, step piqué out to the left on the left foot with the right coupé back, the left arm front, close fifth right foot back, and repeat step [CTS 1-2] Piqué out to the side on the right foot, the left sweeps to attitude front, the right arm up [CTS 3-4] Hold position and demi-plié relevé on the right [CTS 5-6] Quickly lower the leg to fifth and piqué out to the left, the right leg in front attitude [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié, relevé and then quickly close to fifth position [CTS 1-2] Passé relevé the right leg up, the right arm front, and close fifth right front [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending fifth back [CTS 5-8] Repeat the passé and pirouette to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat right and left again.
2. Dégagés
Start fifth position left foot front, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus.
[CTS 1-2] Dégagé right side, close front, dégagé left, and close front (all on toe) [CT 3] Small développé with the right and demi-plié on the left, the right foot does tendu side, the right arm up, look down at the right leg [CT 4] Assemblé to toe to fifth right foot front and repeat the step to the left [CTS 1-4] Four dégagés side to fifth right and left, come forward, finish left front [CTS 5-6] Passé relevé the left leg up, close fifth front [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dehors to the left, ending in fifth on toe left foot back. Repeat entire step.
3. Piqué in Various Poses
Start fifth position left foot front, preparation: sous-sus.
[CTS 1-2] Dégagé the right leg to the side, close fifth front, dégagé the left leg side, and close to fifth front (all on toe) [CTS 3-4] Small développé side to tendu right in demi-plié, the right arm up, and assemblé to toe, fifth right foot front [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-2] Piqué out to the right back corner on the right leg (the body faces the right front corner) the left foot passé in front of knee, the left arm front [CTS 3-4] Lower the left leg and repeat piqué out on the right, lower the left leg to fifth back, and the right foot comes up in coupé [CTS 5-6] Piqué under yourself on the right as the left does waist high dégagé side, the left arm up, then double ronds de jambe en dehors with the left, and close fifth left back [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié and sous-sus (the arms side) [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire step.
4. Piqué in Various Poses
Start fifth position croisé right foot front.
[CT 1] Piqué out onto the right leg as the left sweeps to attitude front croisé, the left arm up, the right arm in front [CTS &2] Leave the leg up and demi-plié relevé turning to the right and end facing the left back corner, the right arm opening side [CTS &3] Demi-plié relevé again, continue turning right, the right arm comes up and the left comes side, end in croisé front again [CT &4] Demi-plié and relevé, making a full turn right, as the left leg comes through passé and ends in attitude croisé back, the arms open to the sides above shoulder height, the head is high looking front [CT 1] Close left foot back in fifth and glissade précipité to the right with right foot front (the glissade is reaching out with the right, place the toe on the floor and immediately pull the left to fifth) [CT 2] Piqué out on the right in first arabesque and hold, brush the left foot through fifth left front [CT 3] Glissade précipité to the left [CT 4] Piqué out on the left in first arabesque and close the right foot back. Repeat the entire step to the left.
5. Piqués and Relevés
Face right front corner, left foot points back in first arabesque position.
Part 1: [CT 1] Piqué back onto the left foot brushing the right leg to arabesque croisé, the left arm front [CTS 2-3] Two relevés in arabesque [CT 4] Plié relevé, turning to the right shoulder, the right leg comes through passé and ends in développé to croisé front with the arms up and demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Piqué forward onto the right in fourth arabesque croisé and repeat the step to the left.
Part 2: [CT 1] Fondu relevé on the left, the right leg opening side, with the arms opening side [CT 2] Lower the leg in front and fondu relevé side with the left leg [CT 3] Repeat with the right leg, the arms coming up [CT 4] Hold the pose [CTS 5-8] Repeat the fondus side [CT 1] Fall to the left and relevé in first arabesque on the left foot [CTS 2-3] Two relevés [CT 4] Demi-plié and bring the right leg through passé and relevé to effacé front, the arms up, and fall forward onto the right leg [CTS 5-8] Repeat arabesque to other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat the entire second part.
6. Passés
Start fifth position left foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Passé relevé with the right leg up, close fifth front and passé relevé with the right, close fifth back [CT 3] Small relevé as the right leg does développé at ankle and to effacé back, demi-plié, the right arm front [CT 4] Small fast pas de bourrée under ending fifth right front. Repeat step to other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Piqué fouetté, piqué out on the left leg to the left side as the right brushes to croisé front, and quickly turn to the left shoulder (the arms together and then the left arm comes front) finish in fourth arabesque croisé and close fifth back facing front [CTS 3-4] Small glissade précipité, the left foot front [CTS 5-6] Repeat fouetté (piqué out on the left etc.) [CT 7] Close to fifth with the right foot back [CT 8] Small assemblé side, jumped with the left out and close fifth back. Repeat entire step to the other side.
7. Turns
Start left side of room, left foot pointing croisé front.
[CT 1] Glissade to the right side, the left foot remains front [CT 2] Brush the right leg out dégagé side waist high as you relevé and double rond de jambe en dedans, with second rond de jambe ending through passé into second arabesque as you roll down into demi-plié [CT 3] Glissade from this position to the right with right foot front and step out on the right foot to the right front corner [CT 4] Relevé, double pirouette en dedans to the right with the arms up ending fifth position left foot front and continue the step across the floor.
8. Turns
Start left side of room, fifth position croisé right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Tombé pas de bourrée to fourth position [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending with the right foot back in fourth position [CTS 5-6] Pirouette en dehors finishing in fourth [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dehors finishing with the right foot front fifth position. Continue the step across the room.
9. Fouettés in Various Poses
Start left side of room, B+ on right.
[CT &1] Step under, plié on the left, and fondu relevé with the right leg in ecarté [CT 2] Chassé to the right [CTS 3-4] Step out on the right toward the right front corner and sauté, as the left leg does battement front and fouetté turning to the right shoulder, the left leg comes through passé and ends in big fourth arabesque facing the left front corner croisé, the right arm front, coupé the left under. Continue the step across the room.
10. Petit Jumps
Start fifth position right foot front, the arms low at sides.
[CTS 1-4] Four changements on toe, lower the heels [CTS 5-8] Échappé to second on toe, hold, and close the right back [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire step.
11. Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front, all dancers together.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four échappés side closing the left front then right front [CTS 5-8] Four pirouettes en dehors to the right from fifth, closing fifth front, except for the last one which ends in fifth back. Repeat the step with the turns to the left.
Part 2: [CT 1-3] Three changements on toe [CT 4] Soubresaut on toe, the arms forward to the corner [CTS 5-8] Repeat with soubresaut to left front croisé [CTS 1-8] Repeat part two.
12. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Four échappés side on toe, closing left front, then right [CT 5] Small jeté side with the left [CTS 6-8] Bourrée to the right side with the left foot front, the arms going to the right side, and the head going to the left. Repeat the step three more times.
Doubrovska Toe Class No. 2
Use barre from Class No. 1
1. Échappé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-8] Four échappés side to toe, closing fifth left front then right [CTS 1-2] Passé relevé the right leg up and close right back remaining on toe [CTS 3-4] Swivel to the right on toe, face back, the right foot front [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié, the heels down, passé relevé the right leg up, and close fifth back on toe [CTS 7-8] Swivel to the right, face front, the right foot front, and demi-plié, the heels down [CTS 1-2] Passé relevé, the left foot up, and close fifth front on toe [CTS 3-4] Remain on toe, passé the right leg up and close front [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié, the heels down, passé relevé the right leg up, and close fifth back on toe [CTS 7-8] Lower the heels and demi-plié, arms are out on the échappés, for the passés, the arm is in front over the lifted leg [CTS 1-16] Repeat the step.
2. Ballonné
Start on right foot with the left pointing back.
[CTS 1-2] Piqué onto left under yourself and ballonné the right leg side [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the left side [CTS 5-6] Ballonné right again and finish in coupé back [CTS 7-8] Immediately relevé into a high fondu ecarté with the right leg up and come down on the right foot (prepared to repeat ballonnés) [CTS 1-6] Three ballonnés, but the last ballonné finishes on toe in fifth right foot back [CTS 7-8] Remain on toe, small dégagé side with the right, close right front, dégagé side with the left, close the left front, and roll down on the left with the right in coupé back and start the entire step to the left.
3. Serré and Piqué
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Relevé in fifth, bring the right foot up, serré with the right foot in front, and fall to effacé on the right [CTS 3-4] Pas de bourrée on toe (the left foot back and front) roll off on the right foot as the left opens to croisé front and piqué on the left to attitude, the right leg up in croisé back (the right arm low in front for the serré, open the arms for pas de bourrée, both arms come down and up for attitude) close fifth position right foot back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] With a small hop, bring the left foot around the ankle, step back on the left foot, and relevé as the right leg does fondu développé front croisé (the arms open high to sides) fall forward onto the right foot (this is the first part of the following glissade) [CTS 3-4] Glissade to the front to fifth position relevé, as the left leg does dégagé side and double rond de jambe en dedans (the arms to the side and high) bring the left foot down to fifth front [CTS 5-8] Repeat fondu, relevé, glissade, and rond de jambe to the other side.
4. Piqués and Relevés
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Demi-plié, slide the right leg out to the side and piqué, as the left comes through passé (the arms together) and demi-plié on the right [CT 2] Développé the left foot front and piqué onto it in attitude croisé with the right leg and the right arm up [CT 3] Demi-plié and relevé, from this position pirouette en dehors to the right (the right leg comes from attitude to passé, the left arm sweeps down and up, which gives the momentum to turn) [CT 4] Demi-plié on the left [CT 1] Extend the right leg effacé and piqué onto it as the left does développé to croisé front, roll down [CT 2] Piqué onto the left to croisé front and développé the right leg to effacé front (the arms are held low to the sides, the head and chest are very high and elegant) [CT 3] Piqué on the right to first arabesque [CT 4] Roll off toe, stretching the arabesque line and raising the leg higher, pas de bourrée under to the right. Repeat the entire step to the other side.
5. Piqués and Relevés
Start left foot back B+.
[CT &] Present the left foot side in demi-plié [CTS 1-2] Bring the left foot front on toe and bourrée to the right, the left arm coming front [CT 3] Demi-plié on the right and fondu relevé with the left leg [CT 4] Demi-plié, leaving the leg up [CT 5] Relevé and switch to first arabesque [CT 6] Demi-plié in arabesque and slide the left foot through first [CTS 7-8] Extend front and piqué onto the left in first arabesque facing the right side of room (back to the mirror) roll off as the right leg comes through passé, face the back of the room, and point side [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the other side facing the back of the room.
6. Rond de Jambe and Turns
Start on the left side of room, fifth position croisé right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Step out to the side on the right, while the left does rond de jambe front, up to fifth on toe, soutenu to the right (the arms down and up ending in effacé with the head high) [CTS 3-4] Dégagé the left leg to first arabesque (the arms come front and to arabesque position) [CTS 5-6] Roll off toe as the left brushes through first to fourth position front [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending in demi-plié on left, the right leg still in passé, and step out on the right to repeat step and continue across the room.
7. Piqué and Chainé Turns
Start left side of the room, right foot points front in croisé.
[CTS 1-4] Piqué turns [CTS 5-8] Chainé. Repeat the step across the room.
8. Fondus and Relevés
Start right front corner, with the left foot in tendu back in first arabesque position.
Part 1: [CT &] Chassé diagonally back and toward the left corner (the left foot front, look toward the right front corner as long as possible) [CT 1] Step out on the left and relevé fouetté to fourth arabesque croisé (in other words, battement front toward the left back corner as you relevé and turn toward left shoulder, the leg going through second with the arms up and ending in arabesque, the left arm front, looking front over the left shoulder) [CT 2] Step back on the right leg and bring the left to fifth front (similar to a walked glissade back) step back on the right [CTS 3-4] Relevé on the right as the left brushes back ending in first arabesque and start the repeat of the step [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times. Do the last arabesque quickly and step to the left side on the left leg, pointing right croisé front.
Part 2: [CT 1] Piqué turn on dehors (step out on the right, bring the left front, and turn en dehors right in passé) [CT 2] Repeat piqué turn doing double with the arms up [CTS 3-4] Roll down on the left, extend the right to effacé front, piqué to first arabesque, relevé in arabesque, and bring the left leg through [CTS 5-16] Repeat part 2 three more times.
9. Like Aurora variation or Coppélia last act variation
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Passé relevé the right leg up in front of the left knee (the head slightly left and the arms swing low to left side) [CT 2] Return to fifth position in demi-plié, passé relevé the left foot up behind the right knee (the arms and head go right) [CT 3] Return to fifth in demi-plié and passé relevé the right foot up (the left arm side, the right arm front) return to fifth in demi-plié [CT 4] Pirouette en dehors to the right, the right leg up and finish in fifth left foot front [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 9-16] Repeat the entire step again.
10. Passés
Start in fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CT &1] Passé relevé the right leg up and close fifth back [CT &2] Passé relevé the right leg up and close fifth front [CT &3] Present the right foot to tendu effacé front in demi-plié, the right arm over the leg [CT &4] Pas de bourrée under, the right foot closing back and front [CT &1] Passé relevé the left foot up, close fifth position left foot front [CT &2] Passé relevé the left foot up and close fifth back [CT &3] Present the left foot to tendu, effacé back in demi-plié with the left arm front (second arabesque) [CT &4] Pas de bourrée, the left foot closing back and front. Repeat the step to the other side.
Part 2: [CT &1] Passé relevé with the right leg up, closing fifth back [CT &2] Present the right foot side in demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Soutenu to the left (the arms down and up) [CTS 5-8] Repeat the step to the left. Repeat the entire step three more times.
11. Pirouettes
Start left side of room, fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Small fast glissade, the right foot remains front [CT 2] Step out on the right and double pirouette en dedans to the right with the arms up, ending on the left foot with thi right in coupé back [CTS 3-4] Repeat glissade ad pirouette [CTS 5-6] Repeat again [CT 7] Glissade ending with the left foot front in a small fourth position [CT 8] Piqué out to first arabesque on the right and roll down into demi-plié, bringing the left foot to fifth and slide the right foot across to croisé front to begin [CT 1] Glissade to the left to toe, with the left foot front and the arms up [CT 2] Fall forward to fourth position preparation [CT 3] Pirouette en dehors to the right, ending in fourth the right leg back [CT 4] Coupé the right under [CT 5] Step out on the left, glissade to toe, to the left side, ending in fifth right foot front [CT 6] Fall forward to fourth on right front [CT 7] Pirouette en dehors to the left, the left leg up [CT 8] Finish fourth, the left foot back. Repeat the step to the left.
12. Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: [CT &] demi-plié.
[CT 1] Single pirouette en dehors to the right, the right leg up finishing with the right foot front fifth position [CTS 2-8] Repeat with the arms up and continue doing eight pirouettes in all, on the last pirouette end with the right foot fifth back [CT 1] Passé to fifth [CTS 2-8] Continue with seven more pirouettes to the left.
Doubrovska Toe Class No. 3
1. Relevés
Face the barre in first position.
[CT 1] Demi-plié [CT 2] Straighten the knees [CT 3] Slowly roll up to toe [CT 4] Slowly lower the heels with straight knees [CTS 5-8] Repeat [CT 1] Demi-plié [CT 2] Relevé to toe [CTS 3-6] Repeat two more times [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié and tendu to second and repeat the combination finishing with tendu side and close to fifth [CTS 1-2] Demi-plié sous-sus bringing feet together [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié in fifth and passé the right foot up and close back [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the left side [CTS 1-4] Repeat but passé the left leg and close fifth front [CTS 5-8] Repeat with the right foot passé and closing front (the last passé is a balancé).
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Tendu the right foot front and demi-plié in fourth position [CTS 3-4] Relevé in fourth and come down in demi-plié [CTS 5-6] Point the right foot front again and close fifth demi-plié [CTS 7-8] Sous-sus, bringing the feet together and turn to the left side and repeat to the left, end facing the right side again [CTS 1-2] Tendu front and close fifth in demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Roll up to toe, not bringing feet together, and return to demi-plié in fifth. Repeat en croix. On the last sous-sus turn left toward the barre and repeat to the left side.
3. Développé
Start fifth right foot front, preparation: sous-sus to toe crossing the feet.
[CTS 1-2] Développé front with the arm to the side [CTS 3-4] Carry the leg to the side [CTS 5-6] Passé with the right arm coming up [CTS 7-8] Balance with both arms up and close fifth back. Repeat to the back and side. After the last passé, close fifth on toe and turn toward the barre to the left and immediately repeat to the left.
4. Rond de Jambe
Start fifth right front, preparation: sous-sus to toe, crossing the feet and dégagé the right leg side waist high.
[CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors [CT 4] Remaining on toe, demi-plié on the left and lower the right to tendu side [CTS 1-2] Bring leg to fifth on toe with straight knees and demi-plié on the left pointing the right foot side [CTS 3-4] Close fifth with straight knees and dégagé to second waist high. Repeat the exercise en dedans. Remain on toe with the right foot front, turn toward the barre to the left side and repeat the exercise to the left.
5. Développé
Face the barre, fifth position right foot front and sous-sus to toe with feet crossed
[CTS 1-2] Développé the right leg to the side [CTS 3-4] Bring the leg to passé behind the knee [CTS 5-6] With the right arm coming out and up, bend to the left [CTS 7-8] Come up and turn to the right side [CTS 1-2] Péveloppé front and roll off toe into demi-plié [CTS 3-4] piqué out to first arabesque with the left hand holding the barre [CTS 5-6] Let go of the barre and balance [CTS 7-8] Slowly lower the leg to fifth.
6. Relevé
Face the barre in second position.
[CTS 1-2] Demi-plié and relevé [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié and swivel to the right side in fourth position [CTS 7-8] Relevé in first arabesque on the right foot and, lowering the leg, face the barre in second. Repeat the combination to the left and repeat right and left again
7. Relevé
Face the barre in second position.
[CTS 1-4] Two demi-pliés and two relevé in second [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié, bring the left to cou de pied back as you relevé on the right [CTS 7-8] Remain on toe and demi-plié on the right and straighten up, lower the left leg to second. Repeat the combination to the left and repeat right and left again.
1. Temps Lié
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Demi-plié and slide the right leg to tendu front croisé and glissade forward to toe with the left arm coming up and the right arm side, roll down in demi-plié in fifth [CTS 3-4] Remain in demi-plié and slide the right leg side and glissade to toe to the right side with the left foot ending in front fifth position on toe with the left arm opening side and demi-plié in fifth [CTS 5-8] Two slow échappés side to toe ending the first one with the right foot front and the second with left foot front. Repeat the step to the left and repeat the step moving back and side. On the glissades, step very far out to toe bringing the second leg in very quickly to a well crossed fifth position on toe.
Part 2: Repeat the step, but instead of glissade to toe, piqué forward, bring the left leg to attitude back and lower to fifth plié and when doing piqué to the side the leg does dégagé side, instead of the échappés, do two passés moving back (when doing the step to the back, piqué back to croisé and développé the leg to croisé front rather than just doing the attitude, the passés move forward)
2. Ronds de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Demi-plié, slide the right leg to the side waist high as you relevé on the left and do two fast ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors and roll into demi-plié on the left, the body turning to face effacé [CTS 3-4] Piqué out onto the right as the left brushes through to attitude front croisé with the right arm up [CTS 5-8] Two relevés in attitude the last extending the leg and close to fifth with the left foot front and repeat the step to the left.
3. Ronds de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position left foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Plié relevé on the left as the right brushes out to the side waist high, do two ronds de jambe en l’air en dedans ending in tendu effacé back in demi-plié with the arms in first arabesque position [CTS 3-4] Lift the right leg and do two relevés in arabesque, remain on toe and bring the right foot to fifth back and pas de bourrée under to the left. Repeat the step to the left.
4. Repeat
Repeat steps 2 and 3, done in one combination.
5. Piqué in Various Positions (Opening of Sugar Plum Variation)
Stand in B+ on the left.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Pas couru to the right front corner ending in tendu right foot effacé front in demi-plié with the arms open [CTS 3-4] Relevé on the left as the right does serré ending in tendu effacé again [CTS 5-6] Relevé on the left and passé the right, the arms coming together, end in demi-plié on the left with the right in tendu back effacé, the arms in first arabesque position [CTS 7-8] Very tight and fast pas de bourrée under yourself, right foot back then front. Repeat part 1 to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Glissade to the right with the left foot finishing in front and piqué out to the right side with the left coming up to attitude croisé back with the right arm up [CTS 3-4] Turning toward the left shoulder, glissade around to face the back of the room, end facing the right front corner and piqué onto the left in attitude croisé back with the right leg up and the left arm up [CTS 5-6] Glissade to the right side ending with the left foot front and piqué out to the side on the right again with the left in attitude back croisé with both arms up [CTS 7-8] Step back on he left foot through fourth in demi-plié (reverence) and finish with the right pointing croisé front in preparation. Repeat part 2 to the left.
6. Bourrée and Passé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: sous-sus.
Part 1: [CT 1] Bourrée in place [CT 2] Demi-plié on the left on toe as the right leg comes to passé in front of the knee and lower the leg to fifth [CT 3] Bourrée in place again [CT 4] Demi-plié on toe on the right with the left coming up to passé behind the knee [CTS 5-8] Repeat the step but the last demi-plié is off toe on the right foot [CTS 1-2] Piqué far out on the left to the left side of the room, the right foot coming to passé, lower the right foot to fifth [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-6] Repeat, but the passé lowers to fifth on toe and quickly lift the left to passé behind the knee [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié and slide the right leg out and step far out in a piqué in first arabesque and remain on toe closing the left back and pas de bourrée to the right, the left foot back and front. Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: Start fifth on toe right foot front. [CT 1] Bourrée in place [CT 2] Demi-plié on toe on the right, the left does passé in back of the knee [CT 3] Bourrée in place [CT 4] Passé the right foot up in front of the knee in demi-plié on toe [CT 5] Bourrée in place[CT 6] With straight knees, passé the right foot in front on toe and quickly lower to fifth on toe [CT 7] Passé the left foot behind the knee and lower to toe [CT 8] Passé the right leg up in front of the knee and lower to fifth in demi-plié as the left foot does tendu side and assemblé to toe with the left foot front. Repeat part 2.
Part 3: Start with the right foot front on toe. [CT 1] Passé the right in front of the knee and close fifth on toe [CT 2] Passé the left in behind the knee and close fifth on toe [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié in fifth off toe and échappé to toe to fourth in effacé [CT 7] Demi-plié on the right with the left pointing effacé back in arabesque position with the arms forward [CT 8] Quickly pas de bourrée under, the left foot back and front, finish on toe. Repeat to the other side.
7. Échappé
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, with the left arm up.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four échappés to croisé front, the last remaining on the right toe [CTS 5-8] Quickly bring the left foot around to fifth front and four chassés on toe to croisé front (really jumped and legs together in the air). Repeat the step to the left.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Four échappés to effacé front and quickly bring the left foot around [CTS 5-8] Four chassés to croisé front. Repeat the step to the other side.
8. Chassé on Toe
Start right foot front fifth position croisé and sous-sus with the left arm up.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Four chassés to croisé front on toe [CT 5] Demi-plié on the right foot bringing the left foot quickly around to tendu front croisé in demi-plié on toe and, like a ballotté, spring up to fifth on toe and demi-plié on the left remaining on toe [CT 6] The right extends to tendu croisé back with the right arm coming up and the left arm opening side [CTS 7-8] Ballotté front and back again, end in fifth position on toe. Repeat the step to the other side.
Part 2: Repeat part 1 with the chassés and ballottés done in effacé position.
9. Pirouettes
Start on left foot front B+.
[CTS 1-2] Extend the right leg to effacé tombé pas de bourrée, end in fourth [CTS 3-4] Pirouette en dehors to the right ending in fourth. Repeat three more sets. Immediately repeat the step to the left.
10. Pirouettes
Start on the left side of the room, the right foot back in first arabesque position.
[CT 1] Face the right side, step out on the right and bring the left to fifth front on toe lifting the right foot in cou de pied back and double turn en dehors to the right with the arms up [CT 2] Fall out to the right foot to the right side and big balancé with the left arm sweeping to second arabesque position in extreme croisé so the body faces the right back corner, look front over the left shoulder [CTS 3-4] Face front and piqué out to the left side in first arabesque on the left leg and relevé arabesque and fall back onto the right foot to begin the repeat of the step. Repeat the step three times [CTS 1-4] Three piqué turns en dehors (step up turns) the third turn is a double and balancé out to the right side. Repeat the combination to the left.
11. Turns across the Floor
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CT 1] Piqué turn en dehors (step out on the right foot, bring the left across to toe and turn to the right) but with the right foot in a wrapped cou-de-pied position doing one and a half turns, end facing the back of the room [CT 2] Piqué out onto the right foot in first arabesque toward the left side of the room and coupé the left foot under to face the front of the room and repeat the step across the room.
12. Fouettés
Start fifth right front, preparation: passé relevé with the arms up and the right leg up, take the leg to fourth back preparation.
[CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés to the right. Repeat to the left.
12. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Entrechat quatre and passé relevé with the right foot up and close fifth back [CTS 3-4] Repeat with the left, doing passé and closing back [CTS 1-2] Two échappés [CTS 3-4] Two passé relevés with the right leg up and close fifth back and the left leg up, close fifth back. Repeat the step.
Part 2: [CT 1] Passé relevé with the left foot up behind the knee and close fifth [CT 2] Passé with the left foot up and coming to the front, close fifth front [CTS 3-4] Passé with the right foot close back and passé with the right close front [CTS 1-4] Four passé relevés with the left up then the right closing and front moving forward. Repeat part 2.
Doubrovska Class No. 4
1. Demi-plié and Relevé
Start in first position facing the barre.
[CTS 1-2] Demi-plié and relevé to toe [CTS 3-4] Repeat, the last decent from toe is with straight knees [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe and balance [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times.
2. Demi-plié and Sous-sus
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Demi-plié and sous-sus (for the sous-sus slide the front foot into a well crossed fifth on toe, and slide the foot slightly out to form fifth in demi-plié) [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié, remain in plié and slide the right foot to tendu front, roll up to toe on the left foot as the right comes to fifth on toe without jumping [CTS 7-8] Roll down to demi-plié in fifth, remain in plié and tendu the right foot side, scoop the feet together to fifth on toe, the right foot back [CTS 1-2] Roll down into demi-plié fifth, sliding the right foot back, bring the right foot in and scoop to fifth on toe [CTS 3-8] Port de bras on toe forward and back, finish demi-plié in fifth.
3. Small Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: sous-sus to fifth on toe.
[CTS 1-4] Lift the right leg through passé to attitude back [CTS 5-8] Turn toward the left shoulder to the barre, change arms, bring the right arm to the barre and the left arm up, continue turning and finish facing the left side [CTS 1-4] Open to arabesque [CTS 5-8] Penché and come up, balance in arabesque and lower the leg to fifth [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-32] Repeat right and left.
4. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start facing the barre in fifth position right foot front.
[CT &] Demi-plié and brush the right leg out to the side waist high, simultaneously relevé on the left leg [CTS 1-4] Two ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors [CTS 5-6] Bring the right leg to passé, turn toward the right shoulder and face the right side, roll off of toe on the left foot into demi-plié as the right does tendu front on the floor [CTS 7-8] From here, relevé on the left leg, turn to face the barre again, the right leg lifts to second, close the right foot to fifth back [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
5. Repeat
[CTS 1-16] Repeat step 4 but remain on toe as you tendu front and swivel to face the barre in second.
6. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS &1] Demi-plié in fifth and relevé on the left as the right foot brushes out to the side waist high [CTS &2] Two ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors [CTS &3] Bring the right foot down in fifth back and demi-plié [CTS &4] relevé on the left as the right foot comes to cou de pied back and close fifth demi-plié right foot back [CTS &5] Relevé on the left as the right brushes out to the side [CTS &6] Two ronds de jambe en l’air en dedans [CTS &7] Close in demi-plié with the right foot front [CTS &8] Roll up on the left as the right comes to cou de pied front [CTS 1-8] Repeat, end balancing in cou de pied and then close fifth.
7. Small Adagio
Face the barre in fifth position right foot front and sous-sus to toe.
[CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg side [CTS 5-8] Bring the right leg to passé behind the knee, the right arm comes out and up, bend to the left and come back up [CTS 1-4] Turn toward the right side, développé the right leg front, roll down on the left in demi-plié, the right arm remains up [CTS 5-8] Piqué out to first arabesque and hold, slowly lower the left leg to fifth front, facing the barre again [CTS 1-16] Repeat the step to the left.
8. Plié Relevé
Start right foot front in fifth position.
[CTS 1-2] Step out in a large piqué onto the right in first arabesque, hold and plié relevé [CTS 3-4] Turn to face the barre, and bring the left leg through passé and continue turning until you face the left side [CTS 5-6] Demi-plié on the right and piqué on the left to first arabesque [CTS 7-8] Holding the pose, demi-plié and relevé [CTS 1-4] Repeat to the right [CTS 5-8] Remain in arabesque on toe and demi-plié on the right foot on toe in arabesque, straighten the knee, hold, and lower to fifth [CTS 9-64] Repeat the entire step three more times.
9. Demi-plié, Relevé, and Balance
Start facing the barre fifth position right foot front, and bring the left foot up in cou de pied back.
[CTS 1-6] Demi-plié relevé, three times [CTS 7-8] Hold and balance, close fifth left foot front [CTS 9-16] Repeat to the other side [CTS 17-64] Repeat three more times.
1. Échappé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Échappé to toe to second and close fifth left front demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Échappé to second but face the right side of the room, finish in fifth demi-plié right foot front [CTS 5-6] Still facing the right side of the room, échappé to second and close fifth left foot front demi-plié [CTS 7-14] Two échappés facing the back of the room and two facing the left side [CTS 15-16] One échappé facing the front, ending right foot front in fifth demi-plié [CTS 1-2] Glissade to the right to fifth on toe, end with the left foot front and roll down into demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Sous-sus and roll down to fifth demi-plié [CTS 5-6] Glissade to the right to toe, end with the right foot front [CTS 7-8] Roll down to demi-plié and sous-sus [CTS 1-2] Glissade to toe to the right ending with the left foot front [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié, sous-sus, demi-plié in fifth [CTS 5-6] Glissade to the right to toe right foot front and roll down into demi-plié [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right, end with the right foot back in fifth [CTS 1-36] Repeat to the entire step to other side.
2. Small Variation
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Demi-plié in fifth, slide the right leg to the side, piqué out to the right toe, left leg comes through passé, arms together and the body bends over the right side, roll down into demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Open the left leg to croisé front, piqué into attitude croisé with the right leg in back [CTS 5-6] Hold, then demi-plié and relevé on the left [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié on the left, relevé, pulling the right leg into passé as you pirouette en dehors to the right, with the arms up [CTS 1-2] Roll into demi-plié on the left, extend the right leg to effacé front, piqué onto the right as the left does développé to croisé front [CTS 3-4] Roll down on the right foot, piqué onto the left croisé front as the right leg does développé to effacé front [CTS 5-6] Piqué onto the right in arabesque, arms up [CTS 7-8] Roll down into demi-plié on the right with the arms opening to the sides, and pas de bourrée under, left foot back then front [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left.
3. Piqué
Start at the left side of the room right foot front in fifth.
[CTS 1-6] Brushing the right foot out, piqué out on the right as the left does développé to croisé front, arms to the side, piqué forward onto the left as the right does développé to effacé front, a little higher, piqué onto the right as the left does développé to croisé front, very high, remain on toe and fall forward [CTS 7-8] Big pas de chat to the right with the arms up. Continue the step across the floor (after the pas de chat, the arms comes together and slowly open out to the sides as you do the piqué développés coming forward, the arms get higher with each développé).
4. Grand Allegro
Start on the right side of the room, right foot tendu croisé front.
Part 1: [CTS 1-2] Chassé in croisé toward the left front corner, step out onto the right foot as the left brushes through first to a battement front, then bend the knee in attitude front, right arm in front flexed at the wrist, head over the right shoulder [CTS 3-4] Chassé with the left front toward the left front corner and relevé on the left, the right doing battement front, then bend to attitude front [CTS 5-6] Repeat the chassé and relevé in croisé [CTS 7-8] Step forward onto the left foot toward the left front corner and step out into a piqué on the right foot in fourth arabesque croisé, the right arm front.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Turn toward the left corner to face the back of the room, chassé with the left foot front, toward the right back corner, step forward into piqué on the left foot, toward the right back corner, into an attitude turn, the right leg up in back and the arms up overhead, one and a half turns, end facing the left front corner in attitude effacé, bring the right leg through passé into a tendu croisé front in demi-plié, the arms side [CTS 3-4] Glissade to croisé front on toe, right foot front, lift the left leg into fourth arabesque croisé with the right arm front [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 1 and part 2.
5. Bourrée
Start on the left side of the room, fifth position right foot front croisé, sous-sus with the right arm up.
[CTS 1-3] Bourrée toward the right side of the room [CT 4] Slide the left foot around fifth and into a fourth preparation [CTS 5-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right, right foot up, end in fourth, bring the right foot around to fifth position front in demi-plié and sous-sus. Continue the step across the floor.
6. Pas de Basque Turns
Start on the left side of the room, preparation: right foot to tendu croisé front.
[CT 1] Pas de basque turn (piqué out onto the right, bringing the left to fifth front croisé and swivel turn to the right) [CT 2] One fouetté [CT 3] Pas de basque turn [CT 4] Fouetté [CTS 5-8] One pas de basque turn, three fouettés, then one double fouetté across the floor.
7. Fouettés
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: passé relevé, the right foot up, the arms up and take the right leg to fourth position back.
[CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés to the right [CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés to the left
8. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] One entrechat quatre and passé the right leg and close fifth back, entrechat quatre again, passé the left up and close fifth back [CTS 5-8] Repeat [CTS 1-2] Passé the left leg up and close fifth back, passé the left leg up and close fifth front [CTS 3-4] Passé the right and close fifth back, passé the right and close fifth front [CTS 5-8] Four passés start with the left closing front, then right closing front, moving forward [CTS 1-16] Repeat the step.
Doubrovska Class No. 5
1. Demi-plié and Relevé
Start first position facing the barre.
[CTS 1-2] Demi-plié and relevé to toe [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-6] Roll up to toe without plié [CTS 7-8] Hold [CTS 9-32] Repeat three times [CTS 1-4] Remain on toe and extend the right arm to the side and up overhead as you bend to the left [CTS 5-8] Come straight up and open to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat with the left arm out and up, bending to the right [CTS 1-16] Remain on toe, balance and roll down to demi-plié.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Tendu front [CT 2] Demi-plié in fourth [CT 3] Roll up to half toe and cross the front foot into a slightly crossed fourth position [CT 4] Demi-plié in fourth [CT 5] Straighten the knees and tendu front [CT 6] Close to fifth in demi-plié [CT 7] Roll up to toe (do not bring the feet together) [CT 8] Roll down and demi-plié in fifth [CTS 9-32] Repeat en croix, the last relevé is a sous-sus, crossing the feet [CTS 1-4] Port de bras forward [CTS 5-8] Bend back [CTS 1-8] Balance in fifth with the arms up and roll down to fifth.
3. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front, facing the barre, demi-plié and sous-sus, dégagé the right leg side, waist high.
[CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 4] Come through passé, demi-plié [CTS 5-6] Extend the right leg side, piqué out to the side on the right with the left coming to passé [CTS 7-8] Hold [CTS 1-4] Remain in passé, demi-plié and relevé on the right [CTS 5-8] Slowly dégagé the leg out to the side [CTS 1-16] Repeat the exercise to the other side [CTS 1-32] Repeat entire exercise.
4. Ronds de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus crossing the feet, dégagé the right leg side, waist high.
[CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 4] Bring the leg to passé [CTS 5-6] Roll down on the left foot into demi-plié as the right foot opens to tendu front [CT 7] Spring back to toe on the left as the right closes fifth front [CT 8] Open the leg to the side waist high [CTS 1-8] Repeat [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire step, but the tendu to front is done on toe in demi-plié.
5. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus, with the feet together.
[CTS 1-4] Slowly développé the right leg to the side, the arm opens to the side [CTS 5-6] Promenade to face the barre with the leg in second [CTS 7-8] Turn the body toward the left to first arabesque [CTS 1-4] Lower the right leg to cou de pied back [CTS 5-8] With the left arm up bend back and come up, close the right to fifth back and dégagé the left leg side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire exercise.
6. Port de Bras and Attitude
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus crossing the feet.
[CTS 1-4] Port de bras front and slightly back [CTS 5-12] Repeat twice [CTS 13-16] Bring the right leg through passé and quickly to attitude back, close the right leg to fifth back [CTS 1-16] Repeat but the right leg does développé to attitude front, and close fifth front [CTS 1-32] Repeat entire exercise, hold the last attitude, balance, extend the leg and close fifth front.
7. Échappé
Start fifth position right foot front facing the barre.
[CT 1] Échappé to toe, to second [CT 2] Demi-plié on toe in second [CT 3] Straighten the knees [CT 4] Return to fifth left foot front demi-plié [CT 5] Sous-sus crossing the feet [CT 6] Demi-plié on toe [CT 7] Straighten the knees [CT 8] Roll down to demi-plié in fifth. Repeat the step seven more times.
1. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front en face, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus crossing the feet.
[CT &] Demi-plié and relevé, brushing the right leg to the side waist high [CT 1] Three fast ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors the last just comes through passé, demi-plié on the left foot [CT &2] Bring the right foot to tendu in croisé front, the right arm up, look out from under the arm [CTS 3-4] Slide the right foot to fifth as you roll up to toe, the arms side [CTS 5-8] Repeat the step but end in tendu straight front en face, the arms side and come to sous-sus [CTS 9-12] Repeat the step again but end in tendu effacé front [CTS 13-16] Repeat again, end in tendu side and slide the right foot to fifth front on toe, doing a fast pas de bourrée to the left, ending with the left foot front [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side.
2. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position left foot front, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus crossing the feet and dégagé the right leg side.
[CTS 1-16] Repeat combination 1, but do the ronds de jambe en dedans, the first set ends in tendu back effacé right arm front in second arabesque, the second set ends in tendu straight back arms side, the third set ends in tendu croisé back with the right arm front, the last set ends tendu side and pas de bourrée to the left, the right foot closes back and front [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side.
3. Rond de Jambe en L’air
[CTS 1-32] Repeat combination 1 [CTS 1-32] Repeat combination 2.
4. Échappé
Start right foot front fifth position.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Two slow échappés side, closing left fifth front then right fifth front [CTS 5-8] Passé relevé the right leg up and close fifth back on toe [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
Part 2: [CTS 1-4] Two échappés side [CTS 5-8] Brush the right leg out and piqué out onto the right leg, with the left in passé behind the knee, the right arm up and close the left foot front fifth in demi-plié and sous-sus, the arms side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side, finish closing fifth on toe, the left arm up, look out from behind the arm, hold, and close to fifth.
5. Sissonne to Toe and Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CTS 1-2] Springing out, sissonne to first arabesque on toe onto the right foot and roll down to fifth [CTS 3-4] Brush the left leg out to the side and soutenu to the right, arms up [CTS 5-6] Lower the heels in fifth and demi-plié and pirouette en dehors to the right, finish with the right foot fifth back [CTS 7-8] Passé relevé, right foot up behind the knee and the right arm front, the left arm out to the side, the head tilted slightly to the left and back, close fifth position [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat right and left, but the pirouette from fifth ends in fourth position back and then double pirouette en dehors, ending in fifth back.
6. Taken from Les Sylphides
Start in fourth position right foot front in demi-plié, arms very crossed at the chest, almost to the elbows, the head looking down, very soft.
[CTS &1] Opening the arms very softly into a low side position, bring the left foot around and piqué onto it in fifth, bring the right around but come down in a demi-plié off toe in a small fourth position [CT &2] Repeat [CTS 3-4] Six running steps forward on toe (low dégagé side, close fifth front with the right then left six times, in a turned out position) end in fifth demi-plié left foot front [CTS 5-8] Four passé relevés with the left and then the right, closing fifth back (done with the supporting foot in a soft roll up and down position, hands return to the crossed position across the chest) [CTS 1-2] Repeat the first two counts of the step [CTS 3-4] Piqué into first arabesque on the left hold the pose [CTS 5-8] Run to the left front corner, end in piqué on the left foot in first arabesque [CTS 1-16] Fifteen relevés in first arabesque, moving diagonally back, toward the left back corner, hold the last arabesque, bring the left arm softly over head, lower the right leg through first and bring the weight to the right leg with the left in b+, the arms forward in arabesque.
7. Relevés in Arabesque
Start right foot in tendu croisé front.
[CTS 1-4] Step out to the side on the right leg, demi-plié and relevé in first arabesque four times, turning toward the right, making one revolution, hold the last pose, raising the right arm higher and look at the hand [CTS 5-6] Lower the left leg and bring it through first, piqué croisé front on the left foot, the right leg attitude back croisé, the left arm up, right arm in front, body bends a little to the left, roll off toe into demi-plié and pas de bourrée the right foot back then front [CTS 7-8] Piqué croisé front on the right leg, the left leg up in attitude back croisé, the right arm up, and the left in front, the body slightly bent to the right, roll off toe and pas de bourrée, the left foot back then front, bring the right leg around from the back to croisé front, bring the left leg around to tendu croisé front [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat right and left.
8. Small Variation
Start on the left side of the room in fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Piqué en dehors (step out on the right, bring the left front on toe, pivoting to the right, the right foot comes through passé) remain on toe, développé the right leg to écarté, the right arm up [CT 2] Lower the right leg and relevé in first arabesque on the right [CT 3] Lower the left leg across to fourth front [CT 4] Pas de chat to toe, ending on toe fourth position left foot front, arms come down and up, wrists crossed overhead, the head toward the left shoulder looking left [CTS 5-6] Three steps forward on toe, the right foot comes around to the front to fifth, the left, then right, the hands come down in front of the face and the palms push away from the chest [CTS 7-8] Lift the left leg in arabesque, the arms softly open out to the sides (arms should be very soft as if resting on pillows, and with a very proud head) close the leg to fifth back, repeat the step across the floor (while writing this step I made a note that Doubrovska looked very much like the siren in Prodigal Son).
9. Emboîté and Pirouettes
Start on the left side of the room, right foot front in fifth position croisé, moving across the room
[CTS 1-2] Step out on the right in piqué, starting the emboîtés, the left leg up and then the right, all on toe turning to the right [CTS 3-4] Piqué out onto the right doing a pirouette en dedans and finish with the left foot in back in fifth position demi-plié [CTS 5-6] Échappé to second and immediately from toe, take the right foot to fourth back [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dehors to the right with the right leg up, end in demi-plié on the left, the right leg up. Repeat the step across the floor.
10. Bourrées and Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CTS 1-4] Demi-plié and sous-sus to toe in fifth and bourrée to the right, the right arm comes up [CTS 5-8] Step out on the right, bring the left foot front to fourth, double pirouette en dehors to the right with the right foot up, end in fourth with the right leg back, brush the right foot through first, piqué onto it [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the right, then coupé the right leg under [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the left.
11. Pirouettes from Fifth
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Passé relevé with the right leg up, the right arm in front and come down to fifth in demi-plié with the right foot front [CTS 3-16] Seven pirouettes en dehors, finishing in fifth position right foot front, except the last pirouette which ends with the right foot back [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left (Doubrovska wanted a very high passé and a perfect fifth position).
12. Fouettés
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation, passé relevé and take the right leg to fourth back.
[CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés to the right [CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés to the left.
13. Entrechat Quatre Passé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Entrechat quatre, passé relevé the right leg up, close fifth back [CTS 3-4] Repeat with the left foot [CTS 5-8] Four passé relevés, the right leg up, then the left closing fifth back, the arms come out and up, cross the wrists as they come down in front of the body. Repeat the step seven more times.
Doubrovska Toe Class No. 6
1. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Tendu side [CT 2] Demi-plié in second and roll up to toe [CT 3] Roll down into demi-plié, tendu side and carry the leg to fourth front [CT 4] Demi-plié and roll up to toe [CT 5] Roll down into demi-plié tendu front [CT 6] Close to fifth position front and roll up to toe, heels apart [CT 7] Remain on toe and bring the right foot to a closed and crossed fifth [CT 8] bring the right arm down and up, pivot toward the left side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-16] Reverse the entire exercise, to the side and back, pivoting away from the barre.
2. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front preparation, sous-sus.
[CT 1] Very low dégagé front [CT 2] Remain on toe, carry the leg in rond de jambe to the back [CT 3] Carry the leg around to the front [CT 4] Close to fifth on toe and quickly pivot to the left to face the left side [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-8] Reverse the exercise.
3. Tendu Stretch
Start facing the barre in first position.
[CT 1] Tendu the right foot side, bend the right knee and lean to the right over the foot [CT 2] Stretch the instep [CT 3] Return to the tendu position, drop the heel and lift again [CT 4] Close to first position [CTS 5-8] Repeat the step to the other side [CTS 9-32] Continue repeating the step (eight times in all).
4. Relevés
Face the barre in second position.
[CT 1] Demi-plié and roll up to toe [CT 2] Repeat [CT 3] Demi-plié and spring up to toe on the right foot, bringing the left foot to cou de pied back [CT 4] Demi-plié on toe on the right foot and straighten the knee, open the left foot to second and roll off toe [CTS 5-32] Repeat the step seven more times.
5. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front preparation demi-plié and sous-sus to toe.
[CTS 1-4] Slow développé front with the right arm up [CTS 5-8] Bring the leg through passé and développé to attitude back [CTS 1-4] Open the leg to second arabesque and penché and come up [CTS 5-8] Leave the leg and quickly pivot away from the barre to the left side, end with the right foot in front (the right arm passés overhead and to the barre) lower the leg to fifth, bring the left foot around the ankle to fifth front [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side.
6. Grand Battement
Start with back to the barre, hold the barre on either side in fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus.
[CT 1] Battement front with the right leg and close to fifth on toe [CT 2] Bring the right leg up to passé and close fifth front [CTS 3-4] Développé the left leg to the side and lower to fifth back on toe [CTS 5-32] Repeat seven more times [CTS 1-32] Repeat to the other side.
7. Grand Battement
Face the barre in fifth position left foot front, preparation: plié sous-sus.
[CT 1] Battement back [CT 2] Bring the right leg up to passé and lower to fifth back, [CTS 3-4] Développé the left leg side, right arm up, bend over the extended leg and come up closing the left leg to fifth front on toe [CTS 5-32] Repeat seven more times [CTS 1-32] Repeat to the other side.
8. Port de Bras
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié sous-sus
[CTS 1-4] Port de bras front [CTS 5-8] Bend back [CTS 1-4] Reach out with the right arm to the side and bring it overhead, bend toward the barre, the arm coming to the front then out to the side [CTS 5-8] Pivot toward the barre [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-32] Repeat but with the first port de bras to the back then to the front.
9. Grand Battement Balançoire
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and roll up to toe.
Remain on toe [CT 1] Battement front [CT 2] Lower the leg through first remaining on toe, battement back [CT 3] Demi-plié on toe [CT 4] Straighten the knees [CTS 5-32] Repeat seven more times [CTS 1-32] Reverse the exercise.
10. Relevés
Start facing the barre fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus, and lift the left foot to cou de pied back
[CTS 1-4] Four demi-pliés and relevés on the right [CT 5] Lower the left foot to fifth on toe [CTS 6-8] Pick the right foot up and bring it around the ankle to cou de pied back [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side
11. Stretch
Start with your back to the barre in a large second position.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CT 5] Roll up to half toe [CTS 6-8] Bend front and come up [CTS 1-4] Roll through half toe and lower the heels into a grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to toe, pull away from the barre and bend back, come up and roll off of toe [CTS 1-4] Repeat the plié [CTS 5-8] Stretch the left arm out to the side, bring it over the head and bend as far right as possible, and come up [CTS 1-4] Plié [CTS 5-8] Stretch the right arm out, up, bend to the right and come up.
1. Échappé
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Échappé to second on toe [CT 2] Roll down to demi-plié [CT 3] Relevé [CT 4] Demi-plié in second [CT 5] Relevé [CTS 6-7] Remain on toe, shift the weight to the left foot, the right foot slightly off the floor in second position as you turn to the right shoulder to face the back of the room, drop the right foot on toe in second [CT 8] Bring the right foot in to fifth and lower the heels in demi-plié [CTS 1-8] Repeat, start facing the back of the room, the left leg lifting and finish facing the front of the room, the left foot front in fifth.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] Demi-plié and sous-sus, crossing the feet in fifth, lower the heels to demi-plié in fifth [CTS 3-4] Échappé to second, roll off toe to demi-plié in second [CTS 5-6] Scoop the feet together on toe in fifth right foot front [CTS 7-8] Lower the heels to demi-plié in fifth [CTS 1-2] Échappé to second on toe and lower the heels to demi-plié in second [CTS 3-4] Scoop to fifth on toe, left foot front and lower the heels to demi-plié fifth [CTS 5-6] Échappé to second and demi-plié [CT 7] Scoop to fifth on toe right foot front and roll down to demi-plié [CT 8] One échappé to second, end with the left foot front in fifth demi-plié [CTS 1-16] Repeat the step to the other side.
2. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus, right arm in front.
[CTS 1-2] Grand battement the right leg to the front, bringing the right arm up [CTS 3-4] Bring the left leg up to passé, close with the left foot front, still on toe, open the right arm out, the left arm comes down and up [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 9-64] Repeat the entire exercise seven more times.
3. Arabesque and Pirouette
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Piqué out on the right to first arabesque [CT 2] Bring the left foot down, sliding through first moving slightly to fourth [CTS 3-4] Brush the right foot out to the side and soutenu on toe, finish with the left foot front and the wrists crossed, then come up, finish in fifth with the arms up, take the left leg front to fourth preparation [CTS 5-6] Pirouette en dedans to the left, end in fifth position right foot front [CTS 7-8] Sous-sus (with the feet scooping together, not jumped) the arms held low to the sides, but slightly back with long trailing fingers, the head looks to the right, bring the left leg out [CTS 9-16] Repeat to the other side [CTS 17-128] Repeat the entire exercise seven more times.
4. Emboîté
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: sous-sus right arm front.
[CTS 1-4] Remain on toe and step out to the side on the right foot, the left comes up to passé, turn toward the right shoulder, lower the left and bring the right to passé as you face front and repeat [CTS 5-8] Six fast emboîtés on toe, finish in fifth right foot back demi-plié and sous-sus [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the other side [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times.
5. Fouetté
Start fifth position right foot front, done slowly.
[CT 1] Step forward to croisé with the right foot and relevé as the left leg brushes through first to effacé front and continues in a fouetté movement through second, end in first arabesque and demi-plié [CT2] Pas de bourrée under (left foot back then front) finish on toe, step forward on the left [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the other side [CTS 5-32] Repeat seven more times.
6. Turns
Start in effacé right foot front, left foot in tendu back, the arms open to the sides.
[CT 1] Brush the left leg through first, relevé on the right foot as the left leg does battement to croisé front, the arms up [CT 2] Fall forward to fourth preparation [CT 3] Double arabesque turn in first arabesque to the left en dedans [CT 4] Finish in first arabesque demi-plié [CT 5] Bring the right foot across to croisé front in demi-plié on the right foot [CT 6] Pas de bourrée under, the left foot back and front [CT 7] Pas de bourrée turned en dedans to the left [CT 8] Pas de bourrée under (right foot back then front) finish in tendu with the left foot back croisé, step forward on the left in effacé [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 9-32] Repeat the step three more times.
7. Pirouettes
Start to the left side of the room, right foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-2] Tombé out onto the right and pas de bourrée, finish in fourth left foot front, [CTS 3-4] Pirouette to the right en dehors (double or triple turns) finish in fourth right foot back. Repeat the turns across the room.
8. Hops on Toe
Start to the left side of the room, fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus, right arm front.
[CTS 1-2] Hop on toe, extending the right leg to effacé front, hop and bring the right leg front to coupé (below the knee) [CTS 3-4] Repeat [CTS 5-8] Repeat but much faster, it will turn into a ballonné. Continue the step across the floor.
9. Changement on Toe
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: sous-sus.
[CTS 1-4] Four changements on toe [CT 5] Hop on the left toe as the right extends to tendu side on the floor [CT 6] Hop, bringing the leg to fifth position front [CT 7] Hop on the right toe as the left leg extends to tendu side [CT 8] Hop, bringing the left leg front to fifth position [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times.
Doubrovska Toe Class No. 7
1. Relevé and Port de Bras
Start facing the barre in second position, preparation: demi-plié and roll up to toe.
[CTS 1-4] Circular port de bras, stretching the right arm, bring it overhead and bend to the left, bend back, to the right, and come up [CTS 5-8] Repeat with the left arm out, bend to the right, back, and up [CTS 1-4] Bring the right arm out, bend to the left and come up [CTS 5-8] Bring the left arm out and up, bend to the right and come up [CTS 1-16] Repeat.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Demi-plié and slide the right foot to tendu front, scoop the right foot to fifth as you roll up to toe, come down into demi-plié in fifth, slide the right foot out to the side [CTS 3-8] Continue en croix [CTS 9-32] Repeat three times.
3. Tendu
Start facing the barre fifth position left foot front, preparation: sous-sus done slowly.
[CTS 1-4] Remain on toe on the left foot as you slide the right foot to tendu back in demi-plié on the left foot, return to fifth on toe with straight knees [CTS 5-32] Repeat seven more times [CTS 1-32] Repeat with the left foot.
4. Adagio
Face the barre fifth position right foot front, preparation: sous-sus to toe.
[CTS 1-4] Développé with the right leg through passé to attitude back, the right arm comes up [CTS 5-8] Promenade to the right side [CTS 1-4] Open the leg to second arabesque [CTS 5-8] Penché in second arabesque and come up, closing fifth back and face the barre [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side [CTS 1-32] Repeat the entire exercise again.
5. Dégagé
Face the barre right foot front in fifth.
[CTS 1-2] Demi-plié in fifth, brush the right leg out to the side, knee high as you roll up to toe on the left [CTS 3-4] Leave the leg up, demi-plié and relevé on the left and close the right foot to fifth back on toe [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times with the right, closing fifth front then back [CTS 1-16] Repeat four times with the left.
6. Grand Rond de Jambe
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: sous-sus with the right arm up.
[CTS 1-2] Grand rond de jambe (fast dégagé with the right leg as high as possible to the front, carry the leg through second to arabesque, the arm remains up) close fifth back [CTS 3-4] Reverse (back to front) [CTS 5-32] Repeat the step seven more times.
7. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front preparation, sous-sus.
[CTS 1-2] One grand battement front remaining on toe [CTS 3-4] Remain on toe, demi-plié on the left as you grand battement front again and close to fifth with straight knees [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix.
8. Plié and Relevé
Start facing the barre in a large second position.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié, remain in plié and roll up to toe [CTS 5-8] Slowly come up, straighten the knees and roll down off toe [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times.
9. Stretch
Start in fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus, raise the right leg and place it on the barre in front of you, the right arm up.
[CTS 1-4] Two demi-pliés and relevés [CTS 5-8] Bend forward to the leg, come up, bend back, turn toward the left shoulder and face the barre in second position [CTS 1-4] Two demi-pliés and relevés [CTS 5-8] Left arm up, bend over the leg to the right, come up with the left arm and open the arm and place it on the barre, the right arm out and up and bend to the left, come up, turn to face the leg again [CTS 9-16] Repeat.
10. Stretch
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and sous-sus, lift the right leg and place it on the barre in front of you, the right arm up.
[CTS 1-4] Raise the leg off the barre and promenade to face the barre as the leg moves through second, face the left side with the leg in arabesque, lower the leg onto the barre [CTS 5-8] Two demi-pliés and relevés [CTS 1-8] Remain on toe, bring the left arm up, bend back, come up with the left arm in arabesque, lift the leg off the barre and balance, lower the leg and close fifth back.
1. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Demi-plié and relevé on the left as the right brushes out into a low dégagé side [CT 2] Lower the right to fifth back demi-plié, rolling off toe [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the other side [CTS 5-32] Do the step three more times moving back and four times moving front (the step should be done with a very controlled rolling up and down to toe and the arms at the sides)
Part 2: [CTS 1-32] Repeat Part 1 but instead of dégagés do small, low développés side.
2. Rond de Jambe
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Demi-plié and relevé on the left leg as the right brushes out to the side and do two fast ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors [CT 2] Lower the leg to fifth position back demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the left [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times [CTS 1-16] Repeat en dedans coming forward, starting with the left foot from fifth back.
3. Relevé and Bourrée
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CT 1] Demi-plié, sliding the right foot out, piqué out to the right to effacé front, the left leg to attitude back effacé [CTS 2-3] Two relevés [CT 4] Relevé and bring the left leg through passé to développé croisé front, the right arm in front and close to fifth position on toe [CTS 5-7] Bourrée forward [CT 8] Lower the heels [CTS 9-16] Repeat to the other side [CTS 17-64] Repeat three more times.
4. Arabesque and Fouetté
Start in the right front corner of the room in fifth position croisé, left foot front.
[CT 1] Demi-plié and slide the right foot to croisé back and piqué onto the right foot as the left brushes through first position to first arabesque [CT 2] Hold the pose, stretching the line farther [CT 3] Chassé back, turning toward the left back corner [CT 4] Step forward onto the left foot toward the left back corner, relevé on the left as you fouetté ending in attitude right leg back croisé and both arms up (as you relevé on the left, the right brushes through first and dégagé front toward the left back corner, turning toward the left shoulder, the right leg passés second and ends in attitude) roll off toe on the left, bringing the right through a low passé preparing to piqué onto the right foot in first arabesque. Continue the step across the floor.
5. Pirouettes
Start in the left back corner of the room, fifth position left foot front, preparation: tendu the right foot to croisé back.
[CT 1] Brush the right leg through first and piqué to first arabesque [CT 2] Bring the left leg down through first as you roll off toe to fourth left foot front [CT 3-4] Pirouette to the right en dehors, end in fourth [CTS 5-8] Bring the right leg through a very low passé to tendu effacé front in demi-plié, bring the left foot to fifth front on toe, swivel to the right, finish in fifth right foot front, the arms coming down and up, roll down off toe bringing the right foot through a very low passé, the arms come down and together in front, prepare to piqué out to arabesque again. Continue the step across the floor.
6. Fouettés
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: demi-plié and passé relevé with the right foot up, take the foot to fourth back in preparation.
[CTS 1-32] 32 fouettés to the right [CTS 1-32] Repeat to the left.
7. Piqué Turns
Start in the left back corner of the room fifth position right foot front, tendu the right foot to croisé front.
Piqué turns done across the floor, two counts for each turn (These piqué turns are done with a small grand jeté to the right toe to effacé front, then turn, the thrust of the right leg in the grand jeté must be very turned out).
8. Turns
Start in the left back corner of the room, tendu right foot croisé front.
[CTS 1-2] Two piqué turns [CTS 3-4] Chaînés across the room.
9. Brisé to Toe
Start with the left foot front croisé.
[CTS 1-2] Demi-plié and brush the right leg to effacé front, step to toe, bringing the left foot to fifth back, and immediately around the ankle to fifth front (the arms are low with the right arm front) roll down in fifth [CTS 3-8] Repeat three more times, ending with the left foot front in fifth on toe [CTS 1-6] Bourrée forward in croisé, the right arm extending forward in arabesque [CTS 7-8] Remain on toe and bring the right leg to passé, closing to fifth right foot front on toe [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left.
10. Échappé
Right foot front fifth position, the arms low to the sides, done very quickly.
[CTS 1-4] Four fast échappés, close the left foot front then the right [CTS 5-8] Four passés, moving back, the right leg up to passé closing fifth back and then the left [CTS 9-32] Repeat the step three more times.
The writing of Stanley Williams’ classes presents more of a challenge for me. When he began teaching I was no longer performing and so I was not taking classes at School of American Ballet. Consequently, I did not experience his classes in my body. I observed many classes and I did the exercises on my own, but it’s not quite the same as actually studying with a teacher for a long period of time.
Just before a Williams’ class, one felt a certain quiet serenity. His classes reminded me of a laboratory in which new discoveries were going to be made. The elements that his classes were comprised of were, rhythm of stretching, holding, pulling out and in, the dynamics of isolating, lifting out, and the counter movement of one side of the body against the other. The steps that he chose, the very quiet rhythms that the pianist had to play, and the timing within the exercises, were meant to achieve a very specific ease and quality of movement.
Williams had no time for students that could not achieve his vision. He would either ignore them or chuckle at their efforts. His favorites had bodies that could do the timing and execute the steps to his liking. The dancers had to have an inborn musicality and the ability to execute the movements perfectly.
Williams never gave flashy, showy combinations. In fact, his classes seemed deceptively simple. He disliked the circus aspect of dance. What pleased him was the quality and timing in the execution of a pirouette or jump. When I observed Williams coaching one of his favorite dancers, I must admit that I had a hard time distinguishing between a wrong pirouette (which was extremely well done) and a correctly executed pirouette that incorporated his correction. The difference could be very subtle.
Stanley Williams was born in England and grew up in Denmark. He studied at the Royal Danish Ballet School in Copenhagen with Harold Lander, Vera Volkova, and others. He joined the Danish Ballet in 1943 and became a principal dancer. The king of Denmark knighted him for his prodigious role in the world of ballet. He started teaching in 1950 and was invited by Balanchine to teach at The School of American Ballet in 1964. He died in 1997.
Williams was of a medium height and was fastidiously groomed in a light colored shirt and grey trousers, with his salt and pepper hair parted to the side. I believe that he was shy, but he always bubbled with a great sense of humor and a sparkle in his eyes. He was rarely without his pipe and, on occasion, he would slip out of the studio during the stretch to take a few puffs.
He could easily be thrown off track because of his perfectionism. One day several keys on the piano were not working and the poor pianist was trying to play around the problem. This made it almost impossible for Williams to teach. These moments were rare and generally he had a jovial serene air about him. He wanted the music to support the movement, indicate rhythm, while remaining unobtrusive. The pianist improvised simple rhythms, and played without fortissimo. The only recording that I know of was released by his last pianist, A. Katarina Batist.
He spoke very quietly and generally addressed one dancer at a time. With his slight accent it could be a little difficult to figure out what he was saying. Williams was influenced by Balanchine and he taught using many of Balanchine’s concepts. Williams took these concepts and recreated them into his own vision of how dance should feel and look. I believe that his teaching and his classes made it much easier to do Balanchine.
Williams’ teachings evolved over the years. His concepts and steps changed as he stressed different aspects of technique. He added even more importance to the placement of the weight over the ball of the foot and the use of a deeper plié.
In the 60’s and 70’s he stressed that beginning from plié there was a never ending movement and that the end of the demi-plié had the feeling of coming to the next movement. One can imagine a sponge filled with water being squeezed out. It is essential that this plié, when going into jumps and pirouettes, must move through the metatarsal and toes, both going up and coming down. He was very influenced by Balanchine in that when one comes down from a jump, the impact was broken by the toes as the knees begin to release. One rolls through the metatarsal until finally the heels very gently touch the floor. When a jump is done in this way, there is almost no noise on the landing.
Like Vladimiroff, the weight of the body should be in constant motion, never static, like a row boat in the water. For instance, when doing eight assemblés to the side with the right and left foot, the body and head move almost invisibly from over the supporting leg to straight up and over to the landing leg. This is true for all movement!
When Williams demonstrated a movement, his upper body and arms were totally lifted up and out, always over the supporting leg. Like Balanchine, all tendus front and side, have to start with the heel moving forward and the big toe leading, the little toe curled under as the leg returns to fifth position. When doing tendu to the back, the heel must remain in place and the little toe starts the movement, on the return to fifth the heel moves in first. On all tendus, the movement of bringing the foot back into fifth or first, had to be done by pulling the inner thigh muscles together in a totally turned out position with a final squeeze of the legs together in fifth.
When fondu is done the way Williams wanted it, it activates all the muscles in the leg correctly. When doing fondu, imagine being in water up to your waist and the movement should feel like you are pressing against something and should never be static. When doing fondu front with the right leg, start with the right foot coupé front in demi-plié, the little toe of the right foot presses against the left leg. One should feel that someone is pressing against the front of the ankle as one starts to extend the leg forward and feel someone pushing the leg forward as you pull the leg in. The leg should be placed beautifully in the air, on the return the knee must turn out and one should feel pressure against the leg in a contradictory direction. On fondu side, the pressure is against the top of the foot as one opens to the side. On the return, the pressure is against the heel as it tries to come in. In fondu back it is essential that the heel stays forward and the knee begins the movement back, consequently, the pressure is on the outside of the knee on the way out. On the return the knee must remain perfectly turned out and the heel pulls in. Again, this is never static.
When doing passé in preparation for a pirouette from fifth position, the demi-plié presses down, and the front foot as it comes up to a fully pointed position, almost brushes across, before it starts it’s accent up to the open passé position, which ends with the toe touching the side of the knee. In all movements, Williams, stressed the turn out in the upper thigh. He wanted both thighs totally flat and rotated outwards. Williams really dissected pirouettes from fourth position. Starting from fifth position with the right foot front shift the weight totally over the ball of the left foot as the right foot opens to tendu side, keep both heels forward and take the right leg to tendu back, bend the left knee and drop the right heel in fourth, making sure the little toe is on the floor and above all, the weight is totally over the front leg. The chest is up, the right arm stretches forward, the right foot slightly presses, and start the pirouette by twisting the right heel forward feeling as if the right knee would touch the back wall. Simultaneously keep the left heel forward and start the pirouette, leaving the head in place for a split second, then sharply snap it around. The arms are held slightly below the waist with the wrists crossed over each other, as if hugging a big pillow. When doing more than one turn, each turn must be like a single diamond, never a spin. At the end of the turn, one should reach the highest point, lifting the passé leg and opening the knee even farther to the side as the leg returns down to its final position.
I’m not going into detail about glissade or assemblé except to say that in both movements, the second leg, after being fully stretched must come in to meet the extended leg before the legs return to the ground. By the time Williams was teaching, all the dancers were trained in the Balanchine technique. All développés, turns, glissades, and jumps were done in his way. What Williams was able to do was to clarify and make Balanchine’s concepts much easier to accomplish. Following Balanchine’s teaching, in développé there is no pause in passé, it passés to the extended pose. In arabesque the extended leg is totally centered behind the body and completely turned out. However, the upper body and shoulders should remain square.
What Vladimiroff, Balanchine, and Williams gave us in their teaching, is the concept that the body is moving before the step ever begins. The weight is shifted to the supporting side of the body before the music or step begins. The pirouette is programmed before it ever happens. The seed and essence of learning to move quickly and fluidly lies in this teaching.
Williams gave the perfect class for a dancer who was about to face a long day of rehearsals, as well as performances. His steps warmed the body up without stressing or overworking the muscles. He created magnificent dancers.
Williams Class No. 1
1. Grand Plié
Start first position.
[CTS &1] Demi-plié (go down briskly, come up slowly, the arm starts low, moves out to the side a little and back down) [CTS &2] Repeat (the arm moving forward and out to side) [CTS 3-4] One grand plié and tendu to second [CTS 5-16] Repeat the exercise in second, fourth, and fifth. On the left side [CTS 1-2] One grand plié in first position [CTS 3-4] Relevé and hold, the arms come down and up [CTS 5-6] Lower the heels and grand plié [CTS 7-8] Port de bras forward only, the arm comes up and out, tendu to second and repeat the exercise in second position with the port de bras bending toward the left side and tendu to fourth [CTS 1-2] Grand plié [CTS 3-4] Relevé, sliding the foot front to a crossed fourth [CTS 5-8] Circular port de bras toward the barre, the right arm crossing in front of the body and continue out and up as you bend back, finish with the arm side, lower the heels and close to fifth position [CTS 1-2] Grand plié in fifth [CTS 3-4] Relevé, crossing the right foot front in fifth position, lower the heels [CTS 5-8] Port de bras forward and back.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, [CT &1] for each tendu
[CTS 1-2] Two tendus front (sharp brush out and strong point) and squeeze the legs together on the return to fifth [CT 3] Tendu front and finish in demi-plié in fifth [CT 4] Tendu front and close with straight knees. Repeat en croix.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Two tendus side, closing fifth back and front [CT3] Tendu side and demi-plié in second (the right arm comes around toward barre) [CT4] Straighten up to tendu side (the arm opens side) and close fifth back. Repeat three more times.
4. Tendu
Start first position.
[CTS 1-2] Two tendus side to first [CTS 3-4] Three faster tendus side to first. Repeat three more times.
5. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Two dégagés front [CT 3] Dégagé front (point the foot to the fullest) and do two tiny taps with the toe, lifting the foot ½ inch and lower two times (hardly touch the floor) [CT 4] Close to fifth position [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix.
6. Dégagé
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-3] Three fast dégagés to the side with the right foot to first position [CT 4] One dégagé side with left foot toward the barre [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times.
7. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-3 for each] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors (accent is on the start of the movement from first to opening to front just slightly open toward effacé and taking the leg side – the rest of the movement from side to back stresses the rotation of both thighs) end the last one pointing front and reverse, eight ronds de jambe ending pointing back and repeat exercise ending in fifth position right foot front [CTS 1-16] Circular port de bras down and around, back and up and reverse port de bras back to barre, down, and out, ending in fifth on half toe facing slightly toward the barre with the right arm extended high out to the side, head and eyes following the direction of the arm, balance.
8. Small Adagio
Start fifth position.
[CTS 1-8] Dégagé front to 45 degrees (the arm forward over the leg) carry the leg and arm side and to arabesque (with the arm coming down along the body and then forward in second arabesque) demi-plié as leg brushes through first, repeat the exercise four times, then reverse starting in arabesque (the arm forward and rounded, the head tilted slightly left as the leg goes side, the arm comes overhead, stretching the body up and, as the leg comes forward, the arm opens side).
9. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-3] Scoop the right foot up from fifth and demi-plié on the left, slowly extend front fondu with straight knees [CT 4] One fast fondu front. Repeat en croix, then repeat again with fast fondu to half toe (the arm opens front and side on all fondues).
10. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the leg side, waist high, medium fast tempo.
[CTS 1-3] (One count for each) three ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 4] Quickly carry the leg back and to the side. Repeat the exercise en dedans, with the leg going front and side. Then repeat the exercise with double ronds de jambe.
11. Stretch
Start with the leg on barre in second position, facing the barre.
Slide out to split in second and return, demi-plié, relevé, the arms out and up, lower the heel. Reverse, going to the left and return and relevé. Turn body to face the leg so it is in front and stretch to split, return and port de bras front and back, demi-plié, relevé, the arms up and turn to barre and to arabesque. Hold the right hand on barre, left arm out and up, circular port de bras to the barre, down, left, and up (square the shoulders, the left shoulder pulling back) lift the leg off the barre, penché, and come up.
12. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring the to leg cou de pied front, the arms low and to the side.
[CTS 1-8] Eight petit battements (the foot well wrapped around the ankle) [CTS 1-4] Open the leg to a low second and flic-flac, turning toward barre and open side (flic-flac is brush in front of ankle then back) [CTS 5-8] Flic-flac, turning away from the barre, open side [CTS 1-16] Repeat entire step.
13. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Développé front with the arm up and relevé [CTS 5-8] Bring the left arm up to join the right, lifting the chest, and lunge forward to a large fourth position and port de bras forward, then pull back to the left standing leg in tendu position with the right foot and close to fifth position [CTS 1-8] Développé side with the right arm up and the left arm joins overhead, lunge out to the side, pointing the left foot with the left arm stretching overhead, pull back to the left standing leg, the arms side and close fifth back [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the back, développé back, fall back pointing the left foot front and bend back, come up, end on the left leg, with the right pointing back and close fifth [CTS 1-8] Développé side, arms side, and passé with the arms up, balance, and close fifth.
14. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-8] Eight single frappés side [CTS 1-8] Eight doubles [CTS 1-16] Repeat.
15. Grand Battement
Start with back to barre, the arms side holding the barre, accent up on [&].
[CTS 1-7] Seven grand battements front [CT 8] Tendu the right foot side and close back. Repeat with the left leg.
16. Grand Battement
Start in fifth position facing the barre right foot back the arms crossed at the wrists and holding the barre.
[CTS 1-7] Seven grand battements back [CT 8] Tendu the right foot side, close front [CTS 1-8] Repeat with the left leg.
17. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-7] Seven grand battements side closing fifth back then front [CT 8] Soutenu to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat left.
18. Stretch
Start back to the barre in a wide second position, arms holding the barre.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié and come up [CTS 5-8] Pull away from barre as you bend back and repeat plié and stretch and close feet to first position [CTS 1-4] Grand plié with arms overhead and come up [CTS 5-8] Arms open and step away from barre [CTS 1-8] Port de bras forward, down, and come up, the arms up and open, Repeat.
19. Splits Front and Side
1. Small Adagio
Start fifth position, preparation: tendu the right foot to second, heel down.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-16] Relevé (the right arm comes down and up, the left arm comes down and up to meet the right arm overhead) lower the heels, open the arms and tendu the right foot side, close fifth position front [CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg side [CTS 5-8] Turn toward the left shoulder to first arabesque [CTS 9-12] Penché and come up [CTS 13-16] Relevé as you lower the leg to fifth right foot front on half toe and swivel to the left shoulder, the arms down and up (soutenu) ending with the left foot front fifth position, lower the heels, tendu left side (on the port de bras, use the head with the arms, on the penché, the upper body moves forward in a block not a twist, with a square chest and shoulders) [CTS 1-16] Repeat left.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Two tendus front [CTS 3-4] Three dégagés front and continue en croix the last set of dégagés done to the side and the foot closes back, front, back [CTS 5-8] Perform the step to the left.
3. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Small fondu straight front and demi-plié (the leg 45 degrees, the arms side) [CTS 3-4] Relevé while bringing the leg to passé, the arms out and up (move in one piece) [CTS 1-2] Slowly lower the left leg into demi-plié as the right leg opens to the side, the arms open out to sides [CTS 3-4] Roll up to half toe as the leg comes into passé and continue to step en croix. Repeat the step to the left.
4. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front in croisé, left arm front, right arm side and lift the right foot to cou de pied.
[CTS 1-2] Two frappés to croisé front and immediately close fifth and lift the leg up to cou de pied back, bringing the right arm down and front, with the left arm out [CTS 3-4] Two frappés back croisé and again quickly close fifth and change weight, bringing the right leg up to cou de pied, the arms side and face front [CTS 1-2] Two frappés side [CTS 3-4] Roll up to half toe on the left as the right comes to passé and close fifth back. Repeat to the other side.
5. Pirouettes
Start fifth position right front.
[CT &1] Tendu right side [CT &2] Close fifth front and demi-plié, ehright arm front [CT 3] Passé relevé the right leg up [CT 4] Close fifth back (the leg springs up to passé, both heels touch the floor simultaneously when returning to fifth). Repeat with the left leg and then repeat the entire step with single pirouettes.
6. Pirouettes
Start fifth position right front.
[CT 1] Tendu right side [CT 2] Take the leg to a large fourth back preparation [CT 3] Double pirouette en dehors [CT 4] Finish with the right foot back in fifth position. Repeat to the left. Perform the exercise eight times in all.
7. Pirouettes
Start right foot front croisé.
[CT 1] Piqué out to effacé on the right in first arabesque [CT 2] Remain on toe or half toe as the left leg passés through first to croisé left front in fourth position preparation [CT 3] Pirouette en dedans to the left, the arms up [CT 4] Close to fifth with the right foot front and continue to a small fourth and bring the left leg past first into fifth. Repeat to the left. Perform the step eight times in all, moving forward.
8. Small Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-8] Développé the right leg side, the arms coming down and up, keep lifting the leg as you bend to the left side, come up, lower the leg to fifth back. Repeat to left side. Perform the entire exercise four times in all.
9. Petit Allegro
Start first position.
[CTS 1-2] Two small sautés in first [CT 3] Jump to second [CT 4] Sauté in second [CT 5] Sauté ending in fifth position right foot front [CTS 6-7] Échappé side and end with the left foot front [CT 8] Two small fast changements. Repeat four times in all.
10. Jeté
Start fifth position left foot front.
[CTS 1-32] Sixteen jetés side coming forward and sixteen reverse going back (meaning jeté ends with foot in front of shin).
11. Assemblé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Two assemblés side, right then left moving back [CT 3] Soubresaut ending with the right foot up in front of the shin [CT 4] Assemblé side with right closing back. Repeat to other side. Repeat eight times in all.
12. Assemblé
Repeat step 11, moving forward.
13. Grand Allegro
Start left side back of room, preparation: point left croisé.
[CTS &1&2 for each] Glissade, grand jeté across the room (large grand battement front and jump over a mountain, the same height with both legs, think of an umbrella opening)
Williams Class No. 2
1. Grand Plié
Start in first position.
[CTS &1] Demi-plié (go down quite briskly and come up slowly, arm starts low, moves out to side a little and back down) [CTS &2] Repeat demi-plié (arm moving forward and out to side) [CTS 3-4] One grand plié and tendu to second repeat exercise in second, fourth, and fifth. On left side [CTS 1-2] One grand plié in first position [CTS 3-4] Relevé and hold (the arms down and up) [CTS 5-6] Lower the heels and grand plié [CTS 7-8] Port de bras forward only (the arm comes up and out) tendu to second, repeat the exercise in second position with port de bras to the left side towards the barre and tendu to fourth [CTS 1-2] Grand plié [CTS 3-4] Relevé, sliding front foot to crossed fourth (arms coming forward, the left arm higher than the right arm) [CTS 5-8] Circular port de bras, bend toward the barre, the right arm crossing in front and continue to bend back and up arm ending to the side lower the heels and close to fifth position [CTS 1-2] Grand plié in fifth [CTS 3-4] Relevé, crossing the right foot front in fifth position, lower the heels [CTS 5-8] Port de bras forward and back.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS &1] One tendu front and close fifth, straight knees [CTS &2] Tendu front and close fifth coming to demi-plié. Continue en croix. Repeat.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Tendu side [CT 2] demi-plié in second with the arm circling front and to the left with the head following the arm in opposition to the right knee which remains very turned out [CT 3] Come up to tendu, the arm opening side [CT 4] Demi-plié in second [CT 5] Straighten up to tendu position, the weight moves over the ball of the supporting foot [CTS 6-7] Two tendus side to first position, accent out [CT 8] Close fifth and hold [CTS 1-8] Repeat step.
4. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each tendu.
[CTS 1-4] One tendu each way [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix four times (this step is fast with very sharp, very pointed feet and the legs pulling together as you close to fifth)
5. Exercise for Feet
Start first position.
[CTS &1] Raise the foot with bent knee through half toe to full point, the toes touch the ankle, the accent is up, lower the foot through half toe to first [CT 2] Repeat [CT 3] Repeat, but lower to fifth back on demi-plié [CT 4] Repeat, ending fifth front. [CTS 1-3] Three tendus side to first [CT 4] Tendu side and close fifth back [CTS 1-4] Repeat the tendus, finishing fifth front. Repeat the entire step.
6. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each.
[CTS 1-4] One dégagé each way en croix [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times
7. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start first position.
[Slow CTS 1-8] Eight ronds de jambe en dehors, finishing in tendu side (keep the supporting leg totally turned out and the foot fully pointed) [CTS 1-8] Circular port de bras down, toward the barre, back, out, and reverse [CTS 1-16] Eight ronds de jambe en dedans, finish in tendu back and port de bras starting back, then toward the barre, down, and out.
8. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side, one count for each.
[CTS 1-2] Two frappés side [CTS 3-4] Two double frappés side (the first frappé beats back, front, and out, the second one beats front, then back, strike the floor on the way out with a definite fully pointed foot to finish, make sure to keep a sense of circular continuity as the knee bends and lifts to start the next frappé) [CTS 5-16] Repeat the step three more times.
9. Fondu and Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, the fondu begins by brushing the foot up as you demi-plié.
[Slow CTS 1-2] Fondu front 45 degrees with the arm opening front and side [CTS 3-4] Fondu side opening the arm front and side [CTS 5-7] Three ronds de jambe en l’air en dehors [CT 8] Close fifth back and reverse combination [CTS 9-32] Repeat the step three more times [CTS 1-32] Repeat four times on half toe and with double ronds de jambe.
10. Stretch
Face the barre, leg on the barre in second.
Slide out to split in second and return, demi-plié, relevé, the arms out and up, lower the heel. Reverse, going to the left and return and relevé. Turn body to face the leg so it is in front and stretch to split, return and port de bras front and back, demi-plié, relevé, the arms up and turn to barre and to arabesque. Hold the right hand on barre, left arm out and up, circular port de bras to the barre, down, left, and up (square the shoulders, the left shoulder pulling back) lift the leg off the barre, penché, and come up.
11. Développé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Développé front waist high [CT 2] Lower the leg three inches [CT 3-4] Lift much higher and lower to fifth [CTS 5-12] Repeat to the side and back. [CTS 13-16] Développé to attitude back, relevé, and balance, then lower the leg to fifth back.
12. Double Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side (two counts for each frappé)
[CTS 1-2] Petit battement beating back then front (the foot is wrapped around the ankle) brush to frappé front [CTS 3-8] Continue en croix [CTS 9-32] Repeat the step three more times.
13. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, one count for each battement, battement on the [&] of each beat.
[CT 1] One battement front [CT 2] One battement side, close the right foot to fifth position front [CTS 3] One battement back with the left leg [CT 4] Two fast battements side closing fifth front and back [CTS 5-8] Repeat step from battement back, one side closing fifth back, one front with the left leg, and two side, accent is up for the front, side, back, and down for the fast battements side.
14. Stretch
Face the barre in fifth position right foot back.
[Slow 16 CTS] Dégagé back waist high and bend to attitude (square the shoulders, the knee and foot on one parallel line) catch the toe with the left hand, holding the pose, lift the right arm up, release the toe and extend to arabesque, lower to fifth. Repeat with the left leg.
15. Stretch
First position, step away from the barre.
[16 CTS] Grand plié and port de bras front and back. Repeat followed by splits front and side.
1. Small Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu right to second position and put the heel down.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié with the arms down, front, and out [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe crossing the front foot to fifth, bring the right arm down and up, the head follows the arm and then bring the left arm down and up to meet the right, lower the heels and tendu the right foot to fifth front, the arms opening side and down [CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg side, arms front and side and lower the leg to fifth back [CT 1] Battement the left leg side with the arms down and up [CT 2] Turn to first arabesque (hips forward turned out and reach up and out leaving the leg, the body turns toward arabesque to the right side, the leg simply remains very turned out and finishes in arabesque) [CT 3] Demi-plié in arabesque, the leg extending higher [CT 4] Pas de bourrée under, end with the left leg front tendu side with the left foot [CTS 1-8] Repeat step to the other side.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Tendu the right foot side [CT 2] Lower the heel in second [CT 3] Lift heel [CT 4] Demi-plié in second [CTS 5-6] Pirouette en dedans to the right with the left leg up, high passé [CTS 7-8] Finish with the left foot front in fifth position [CTS 9-16] Repeat the entire combination to the other side (for the pirouette, the foot comes directly to passé without opening to side).
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Tendu with the right foot side, close fifth back, tendu with the left foot side, close fifth back ending in demi-plié [CT 3] Passé relevé the right leg up [CT 4] Lower to fifth back [CTS 5-6] Repeat the tendus left and right [CTS 7-8] Passé with the left and close to fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat with a single pirouette from fifth en dehors [CTS 1-8] Repeat with double pirouette from fifth en dehors [CTS 1-8] Repeat but do tendus right then left [CT 3] Tendu side and to fourth [CT 4] Triple pirouette.
4. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, very slow.
[CTS &1] Small développé front with the right leg to 45 degrees, in demi-plié, the arms side [CTS &2] Rolling to half toe, the right leg comes to passé, the arms come out and up [CTS &3] Roll down into demi-plié as the right leg opens side, the arms open side [CTS &4] Roll up to half toe and bring the leg to passé [CTS 5-6] Repeat to the back [CT 7] Demi-plié and open side [CT 8] Pull the right leg to fifth front half toe and soutenu the left arm coming down and up, lower the heels [CTS 1-8] Repeat step to the other side.
5. Rond de Jambe en L’Air
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT & of 1] Dégagé the right leg side waist high [CTS 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 4] Come to passé and développé to effacé front in demi-plié the arms side (the upper body lifted and tilted a little back, the head over the left shoulder) lower the leg and step out into [CTS 5-6] Pas de bourrée to the right (the left leg back and front) ending in a big fourth position [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dedans to the left (the right leg comes directly to passé) finish in fifth right foot front and tendu the left and close front [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to other side.
6. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Four changements [CTS 5-8] Passé relevé with right leg up and the arms up, close fifth back [CTS 1-8] Repeat step with passé with the left leg (these are very small jumps with an emphasis on rolling through the ball of the foot).
7. Jeté
Start fifth position right foot back.
[CT 1] Jeté side with the right leg (the right arm low and front) with the right shoulder slightly forward [CT 2] Temps levé [CTS 3-4] Repeat other side [CT 5] Jeté [CTS 6-8] Three temps levé [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
8. Assemblé
Start right foot back fifth position.
Part 1: [CT 1] Assemblé side with the right leg (the arms held low to the sides) [CT 2] Straighten the knees in fifth and demi-plié again [CT 3] Assemblé side with the left [CT 4] Straighten and bend the knees [CTS 5-8] Repeat the step [CTS 1-8] Repeat the entire step.
Part 2: [CT 1] Assemblé side with the right [CT 2] Two small changements [CT 3] Assemblé side with the left [CT 4] Two small changements [CTS 5-8] Repeat part 2 [CTS 1-16] Repeat part 1 and part 2 in reverse with the assemblés closing back.
9. Petit Allegro
Start in the left side of room, fifth position left foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Four entrechats quatre [CTS 5-8] Four brisés done across the room (on the brisés the right arm is front, the legs must meet in the air, the left leg coming up to the right to beat on the ascent).
10. Reverence
Start right foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-2] Step out to effacé on the right foot with the left foot in tendu back as the right arm sweeps down and up, the eyes following the arm [CTS 3-4] Bring left arm down and up while opening right, head tilts a little to the right [CTS 5-6] Bring the left foot to B+ back as the left arm opens, bring the arms down and up [CTS 7-8] Step back onto the left foot and point the right in tendu croisé front simultaneously, the arms come forward and down as you bend forward in demi-plié, then open the arms out to the sides as you straighten up looking right with the left arm high [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the other side, stepping down on the right bringing the left forward to step to effacé.
Williams Class No. 3
1. Grand Plié
Start first position.
[CT &1] Demi-plié (go down briskly, come up slowly, the arm starts low, moves out to the side a little and back down) [CT &2] Repeat demi-plié (the arm moving forward and out to the side) [CTS 3&4] One grand plié and tendu to second [CTS 5-16] Repeat the exercise in second, fourth, and fifth. On the left side [CTS 1&2] One grand plié in first position [CTS 3&4] Relevé and hold (the arms down and up) [CTS 5&6] Lower the heels and grand plié [CTS 7&8] Port de bras forward only (the arm comes up and out) Tendu to second and repeat the exercise in second position with port de bras bending toward the left side and tendu to fourth [CTS 1&2] Grand plié [CTS 3&4] Relevé, sliding the front foot to a crossed fourth [CTS 5-8] Circular port de bras toward the barre, the right arm crossing in front of the body, continue out and up as you bend back, finish with the arm side, lower the heels and close to fifth position [CTS 1&2] grand plié in fifth [CTS 3-4] Relevé, crossing the right foot front in fifth position, lower heels [CTS 5-8] Port de bras forward and back.
2. Tendu
Start fifth right front.
[CT 1] Tendu front [CT 2] Slide the toes back ending in a perfect small fourth dropping the heel [CT 3] Tendu again [CT 4] Close to fifth in demi-plié [CTS 5-16] Repeat the exercise en croix [CT 1] Tendu [CT 2] Demi-plié in fourth [CT 3] Tendu [CT 4] Return to fifth with straight knees and roll up to half toe (not bringing the feet together) and lower heels [CTS 5-16] Done en croix.
3. Tendu
Start fifth right front.
[CT 1] Tendu front and return to fifth in demi-plié [CT 2] Tendu side and return to fifth in demi-plié [CT 3] Three fast tendus side to first position [CT 4] Tendu side and close fifth back [CTS 5-8] Repeat back and side.
4. Tendu
Start fifth right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Two tendus front [CTS 3-4] Two slow dégagés front [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix
5. Dégagé
Start fifth right front.
[CTS 1-3] Three dégagés side to first [CT 4 ] One dégagé to fifth [CTS 5-16] Repeat exercise three more times.
6. Frappé
Start fifth right front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-2] Two frappés front [CT 3] Frappé front [CT 4] Hold the extended position [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix [CTS 1-16] Very fast double frappés to the side (the striking of the floor on the way out is done with the bottom of the toes, the foot hits the floor half way out between cou de pied, fully extend the leg, Williams stressed that in this step he wanted the foot to strike the floor very hard for each frappé)
7. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-4] Demi-plié and slow rond de jambe en dehors in demi-plié (the head and arms start forward and open to the side slightly back) come through first and finish with straight knees in tendu front [CTS 5-8] Four ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 1-8] Repeat the exercise in reverse [CTS 17-64] Repeat the entire exercise three more times ending in fifth right foot front [CTS 1-16] Circular port de bras out, down toward the barre and back, open and reverse the arm coming to the barre and then out, toward the barre, down, and out, roll up to half toe scooping the front foot across to a closed fifth, the right arm out to the side very stretched above shoulder height and the left arm reaching side slightly back the head to the right with the eyes following the line of the arm hold the pose, lower heels and finish in fifth.
8. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-2] Two slow ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 3-4] Three fast ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times [CTS 1-16] Reverse en dedans.
9. Rond de Jambe in low Attitude
Start in first position.
[CT 1] Lift the right leg in a low attitude front [CT 2] Carry the leg in this position to the side (with the heel totally forward and the hips flat) [CT 3] Carry the leg to the back [CT 4] Open to arabesque in demi-plié, the arm remaining side and slide through first to tendu front [CTS 5-8] Reverse the step to the back [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step.
10. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CT 1] Fondu front to 45 degrees [CT 2] Demi-plié and immediately begin a slight lift of the leg as the leg is carried side [CTS 3-8] Repeat the step en croix and immediately turn to do the other side [CTS 1-8] Repeat the step to the left [CTS 1-16] Turn to the right and do the entire exercise on half toe.
11. Rond de Jambe en l’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: as the leg does dégagé side one should feel the heel of the right foot moving forward almost as if starting a rond de jambe because the lift is the first count of the exercise
[CT 1-3] Three ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 4] Lower the leg to fifth back hardly putting any weight on it and immediately lift [CTS 5-8] Reverse the exercise [CTS 1-8] Repeat the entire exercise.
12. Stretch
Start back to the barre in a wide second position, arms holding the barre.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié and come up [CTS 5-8] Pull away from the barre as you bend back and repeat plié, stretch and close the feet to first position [CTS 1-4] Grand plié with the arms overhead and come up [CTS 5-8] The arms open and step away from the barre [CTS 1-8] Port de bras forward down and come up, arms up, open and repeat.
13. Petit battement
Start fifth right front, preparation: tendu side and bring the foot to cou de pied front, the arm coming down over the knee.
[CTS 1-8] Eight petit battements [CTS 1-8] Flick the foot out to the side as you relevé and bring leg to passé, balance and lower the leg [CTS 1-16] Repeat the exercise
14. Développé
Start fifth right foot front.
[CT 1] Press down into the floor with the right foot and quickly lift to attitude front [CTS 2-4] Slowly open the leg in a développé front and lower to fifth position [CTS 5-16] Repeat the step en croix
15. Grand battement
Stand with back to the barre in fifth right front.
Part 1: [CT 1] One grand battement front finishing in tendu front [CT 2] Squeeze the foot to fifth and immediately battement again [CTS 3-16] Repeat the step seven more times and tendu side and close to fifth back [CTS 1-16] Repeat with the left foot.
Part 2: [CTS 1-32] Face the barre and do the step to the back.
Part 3: [CTS 1-16] Face side and do the step to the side, immediately soutenu to the left [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side.
16. Stretch
Stand with back to the barre in a wide second.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié and come up, roll up to half toe and pulling away from the barre, bend back and come up [CTS 5-8] Repeat the exercise, step away from the barre [CTS 1-2] Grand plié in first position [CTS 3-4] Port de bras front [CTS 5-6] Bringing the arms up bend slightly back [CTS 7-8] Open the arms and proceed to slide into a split forward and then change to open split in second and then change to a split with the left foot front.
1. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Tendu to the side with the right foot and close fifth back, tendu side with the left and close fifth back [CTS 5-7] Seven dégagés side with the right foot to first [CT 8] One more dégagé side closing fifth back [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the left side [CTS 1-16] Repeat but close fifth in front coming forward.
2. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CTS 1-4] Slow fondu with relevé with the right leg opening to croisé front, with the left arm in front, lower the leg and heel to fifth [CTS 5-8] Fondu relevé with the left foot opening to croisé back, the right arm in front, lower the leg and heel to fifth [CTS 1-4] Fondu with relevé, the right leg opening to écarté back, the arms open to the sides [CTS 5-8] Remain on half toe and carry the leg to croisé back with the arms opening out and up, chest lifted, lower the leg and heel to fifth [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side.
3. Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front, slow tempo.
[CTS 1-2] Demi-plié and relevé as the right leg comes up to passé, lower the leg and heel to fifth back [CTS 3-4] Repeat with the left leg [CTS 5-8] Repeat right and left [CTS 1-2] Single pirouette en dehors to the right with the right leg up, finish in fifth back [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the left [CTS 5-6] Double pirouette en dehors from fifth to the right, the right leg up, end with the right foot fifth front [CTS 7-8] Quickly tendu side and carry the leg to fourth back, triple pirouette en dehors to the right, the right foot up, end in fifth right foot back [CTS 1-16] Repeat.
4. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, the right arm up.
[CT &1] Battement front [CT 2] Brush through first and battement back in effacé [CTS 3-4] Repeat (brushing through first) battement front then back, as the leg lowers from the last battement roll up to half toe in fifth position, the left foot front and the arms out to the sides [CT 5] Roll down into demi-plié, the right wrist opening out to the right as you look right [CT 6] Pas de bourrée under to the left, the right foot closes back then front, finish in fourth right foot front preparation [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dedans to the right, the arms coming up, finish in fifth left foot front [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
5. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Développé straight front, the arms together in front then out to the sides, lower the leg to fifth [CTS 5-8] Développé side and close to fifth front [CTS 1-4] Développé front, the arms held in front [CTS 5-8] Carry the leg to the side, the arms side, continue to carry the leg to the back, the arms stay side, lower the leg to fifth [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the other side.
6. Petit Allegro
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-3] Three small sautés in first position [CT 4] One sauté, end in fifth right foot back [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times.
7. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Échappé to second [CTS 2-3] Two sautés in second [CT 4] Spring up, end in fifth left foot front [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times.
8. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front, the left arm up.
[CT &] Spring up, bring the right foot around the ankle to croisé front [CT 1] Chassé front, finish with the weight on the right [CT 2] Coupé the left foot in back, closing through fifth position and assemblé with the right foot front [CTS 3-8] Repeat three more times [CTS 1-8] Reverse, chassé and assemblé back.
9. Petit Allegro
Start on the left side of the room, left foot front in fifth position.
[CT 1] Jeté side with the right foot, right arm down in front [CT 2] Temps levé [CTS 3-4] Repeat with the left [CTS 5-6] Two brisés to the right with the right arm en bas in front [CT 7] Remain in demi-plié, bring the right foot up to coupé back [CT 8] Lower the right foot and brush into brisé back to the left. Repeat the step across the room.
10. Grand Allegro
Start in the right front corner, tendu back effacé the left foot back in first arabesque.
[CTS 1-2] Chassé diagonally back and tour jeté, hold the landing pose [CTS 3-4] Step back onto the left foot, bring the right foot to coupé back, piqué onto the right foot, slide the left to first arabesque (on the coupé back and piqué, the head lowers then lifts). Continue diagonally across the room.
10. Reverence
Start right foot front fifth position.
[CTS 1-2] Step out to effacé on the right with the left pointing back as the right arm sweeps down and up, the eyes follow the arm [CTS 3-4] Bring the left arm down and up while opening the right, the head tilts a little to the right [CTS 5-6] Bring the left foot to B+ back as the left arm opens, bring the arms down and up [CTS 7-8] Step back onto left foot and point right in croisé front, simultaneously the arms come forward and down as you bend front and then open the arms side as you straighten up looking right with the left arm high. Repeat the step to the other side stepping down on the right bringing the left forward to step to effacé.
Williams Class No. 4
1. Plié
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Port de bras forward [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Port de bras back and tendu to second [CTS 1-6] Repeat in second and tendu to fourth front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-16] Stretch the right arm out to the side and bring it overhead, do a circualar port de bras toward the barre then down and out to the side, bend back, come up, bringing the arm front and out, rond de jambe the right leg to fourth back [CTS 1-16] Repeat the plié and reverse the port de bras, the right arm out, bend back, the arm over head, bend over to the barre, down, and out to the side, rond de jambe the right foot to fifth front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe bringing the right foot to a closed fifth position, bring the left arm up over head and the right arm front, bend slightly to the right and turn toward the barre on half toe, bring the left foot front, left arm down, then the arms go out to the side and lower the heels in fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat the last 8 counts to the left in fifth.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Demi-plié in fifth [CT 2] Remain in demi-plié, slide the right foot to tendu front [CT 3] Straighten the left leg [CT 4] Close the right foot to fifth position (the foot should slide to fifth using the turn out muscles and pulling up on the supporting hip) [CTS 5-12] Repeat to the side and back [CTS 13-16] Two slow tendus to the side, closing fifth front then back [CTS 1-16] Repeat starting from the back.
3. Tendu
Start in fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Tendu front and bring the foot to a small fourth and demi-plié (when going from tendu to demi-plié, lower the heel through half toe with pressure on the metatarsal) straighten the knees and return to tendu, close fifth [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix.
4. Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Two slow dégagés front [CTS 5-6] Dégagé front and bring the leg to a very turned out passé and lower the foot to fifth position front (when lowering, roll through the metatarsal and press the foot into the floor) [CTS 7-8] Repeat counts 5-6 [CTS 9-32] Repeat en croix.
5. Dégagé
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-3] Three fast dégagés side with the right foot [CT 4] One dégagé to the side with the left foot [CTS 5-16] Repeat three times.
6. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu the right foot side and bring to cou de pied front.
[CTS 1-3] Three frappés side [CT 4] Keep the leg off the floor and quickly carry it to the front and to the side again [CTS 5-8] Repeat, but take the leg back then side [CTS 9-16] Repeat [CTS 1-16] Repeat but with double frappés.
7. Stretch
Start fifth position right foot front, this exercise is for activating the rotator muscles.
[CT 1] Push into the floor and quickly lift the right leg in a low attitude front (simultaneously locking the supporting thigh in a turned out position) [CT 2] Holding this position, carry the leg to the side [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié and extend the leg to second position, fully stretching the instep, slowly straighten the supporting leg as the right leg pulls into fifth right back [CTS 5-8] Repeat in reverse [CTS 1-8] Repeat the entire exercise.
8. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in fifth position right foot front.
Part 1: [CT 1] Demi-plié in fifth and slide the right foot to tendu front, sweep the right arm from the side to the front, the head toward the left shoulder, swing the arm back to the right side, the eyes follow the arm [CT 2] Straighten the supporting knee, brush the right foot through first [CT 3] Demi-plié with right foot in tendu back [CT 4] Sweep the right arm to the front, head tilting toward the left shoulder, open the arm side, and straighten the supporting knee [CTS 5-8] Four ronds de jambe en dehors with the right arm moving opposite to the leg (out, up, to the front, and out to the side) [CTS 9-16] Reverse the entire step.
Part 2: [CTS 1-2] The right foot starts in tendu back, demi-plié, the head and arm sweeping out and slightly back, come up from the demi-plié [CTS 3-4] Slide through first to a tendu front demi-plié, head and arm sweeping forward and to the left shoulder [CTS 5-8] Four ronds de jambe en dedans (right arm moves down, up, and out) [CTS 9-16] Repeat part 2, finish in fifth position right foot front, on half toe [CTS 1-16] Circular port de bras, stretching the right arm as far to the side as possible then move the arm forward and down, bend to the barre then back and up, reverse the port de bras.
9. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-4] Slow fondu front waist high [CTS 5-12] Fondu to the side, back, and lower to fifth right foot back [CTS 13-16] From fifth (pressing into the floor) fondu the left foot to the front, rolling up to half toe with the right arm up, with the spine very arched, lower the left leg and right heel to fifth and squeeze the position, the head looks toward the right shoulder [CTS 1-16] Repeat in reverse, hold the last arabesque and bring the arms up over head and balance.
10. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg side waist high.
[CT 1] One rond de jambe en dehors [CT 2] Double [CT 3] Triple [CT 4] Lower the leg to fifth back and immediately dégagé side again [CTS 5-8] Repeat en dedans.
11. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Développé side [CTS 5-8] Carry the leg to the front in demi-plié and straighten the supporting knee [CTS 1-4] Bring the right leg through passé and into a développé to attitude back as you roll up to half toe [CTS 5-8] Bend back, trying to touch your head to your leg, come up, the right leg through passé to fifth front [CTS 1-16] Repeat the exercise [CTS 1-32] Repeat in reverse (développé side and carry the leg to arabesque and into développé front, bend over the leg and close fifth).
12. Stretch
Start back to the barre in a wide second position, arms holding the barre.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié and come up [CTS 5-8] Pull away from barre as you bend back and repeat the plié and stretch, close to first position [CTS 1-4] Grand plié with the arms overhead and come up [CTS 5-8] Arms open and step away from barre [CTS 1-8] Port de bras forward, down and come up, the arms up and open. Repeat.
13. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side, bring the leg to cou de pied front, the right arm low over the right leg.
[CTS 1-4] Four sets of petit battements [CTS 5-8] Quickly dégagé the leg out to the side and roll up to half toe bringing the right leg to passé, do a turned fouetté en dehors ending in demi-plié on the left, the right foot pointing tendu front effacé, immediately bring the foot to cou de pied back [CTS 9-16] Repeat in reverse (fouetté is en dedans, finish in demi-plié with the right foot pointing tendu back effacé, the right arm front) [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire exercise and finish in second arabesque, roll up to half toe and balance, lower the leg to fifth back.
14. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] One grand battement front [CTS 3-4] Grand battement side, close right foot front [CTS 5-6] One grand battement back with the left [CTS 7-8] Two faster grand battements side with the right closing front then back [CTS 9-16] Reverse.
15. Stretch
Start in a large second with your back to the barre.
Part 1: [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] With straight legs, pull away from the barre bending back as far as possible, and come up, take two steps away from the barre [CTS 1-8] Grand plié in second, arms coming out and up, interlace the fingers together, remain in demi-plié, put the palms on the floor, bend forward and straighten the knees [CTS 1-8] Repeat the last eight counts.
Part 2: Start in fifth right foot front. Tendu the right foot front and split, bend front and back, turn the body to second, stretch over one leg and then the other, turn the body to the left, stretch front and back.
1. Plié
Start in fifth position right foot front croisé, arms out to the side.
[CTS 1-4] Lower the arms to en bas and lower the head slightly forward, open the arms to the side [CTS 5-8] Port de bras forward, come up, bringing the arms over head [CTS 1-4] Tendu the right leg to second, opening the arms to the side [CTS 5-8] Grand plié in second, as you plié, the right arm comes down and forward in a preparation [CTS 1-4] Arabesque turn to the right en dehors with the left leg in arabesque and the right arm overhead [CTS 5-8] At the end of the turn, bring the left arm forward to second arabesque [CTS 1-4] Bring the left arm overhead as the left leg bends into attitude effacé [CTS 5-8] Demi-plié, opening the leg to arabesque, open the left arm toward the left front corner, wrist turned out, look up toward the left hand, stretch the position into a deep allongé and pas de bourrée under, end with the left foot front. Repeat the entire step to the other side.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Tendu the right foot to the side and close to fifth back, tendu the left foot to the side and close fifth back [CTS 3-4] Two dégagés side, with the right foot to first position, end in fifth position right foot back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left side [CTS 9-32] Repeat three times moving back [CTS 1-32] Repeat four times moving forward (the tendus move from fifth position back to fifth position front)
3. Small Adagio for Balance
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT &] Demi-plié and dégagé the right leg to the side at 45 degrees [CT 1] Bring the leg to passé while remaining in demi-plié [CTS 2-3] Roll up to half toe [CT 4] Développé to the front at 45 degrees, finish on [&] [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left.
4. Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Tendu the right foot to the side [CT 2] Close to fifth position right foot front in demi-plié [CT 3] Passé relevé on the left foot, with the right leg up [CT 4] Close the right foot to fifth back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CT 1] Tendu the right foot to the side [CT 2] Demi-plié in second [CT 3] Pirouette en dehors to the right, the right leg up [CT 4] Close the right foot to fifth back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CT 1] Tendu the right foot side [CT 2] Take the right leg to fourth back (very turned out) [CT 3] Double pirouette en dehors to the right [CT 4] End in fifth right foot back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 1-8] Repeat the last turns, doing triple turns.
5. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CT 1] Demi-plié as you tendu the right foot front, the right arm in front [CT 2] Bring the right arm up, the left down then up to meet the right, look up and pas de basque to fourth, the right foot to tendu back, the left arm forward in fourth arabesque croisé [CT 3] Lift the right leg in arabesque, the left arm rounding in front and comes overhead, tilt the body a little to the right [CT 4] Close to fifth right foot back [CT 5] Développé the left leg to écarté front, the left arm up, [CT 6] The head looks toward the right, roll up to half toe with the head coming over to the left, fall to the left and pas de bourrée under (the right foot back then front) end in fourth croisé, right foot front [CTS 7-8] Pirouette en dedans to the right with the arms coming up, end with the left foot front in fifth. Repeat to the left.
6. Petit allegro
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-4] Four sautés in first [CTS 5-8] Four sautés in second, the last one closes to fifth right foot front [CTS 1-8] Four échappés side. Repeat to the other side.
7. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
[CT 1] Jeté side with the right, the right arm comes front [CT &2] Jump up and land with the right foot front coupé, jump again landing with the left foot back in coupé (like an emboîté, not turned) [CTS 3-4] Repeat to the left [CTS 5-6] Repeat to the right [CTS 7-8] Jeté side with the left foot side and one temps levé [CTS 9-16] Repeat the entire step.
8. Petit Allegro
Start with the left foot front in fifth.
[CT 1] Assemblé side with the right closing front [CT 2] Two changements [CT 3] Assemblé side, left closing front [CT 4] Assemblé side, right closing front [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times.
9. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Sauté to second [CT 2] Spring up from second and move toward the right front corner, land with the left foot in a low passé in front [CT 3] Spring into a grand jeté, the left leg moving croisé front, end in third arabesque croisé, the right arm front [CT 4] Spring up on the left foot and assemblé closing the right foot in back [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the other side [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times.
10.Grand Allegro
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT &] Contretemps [CT 1] Sauté in first arabesque on the right [CT 2] Bring the left through to fourth front [CT 3] Glissade to the right [CT 4] Entrechat cinq (assemblé with beats) [CT 5] Pas de basque front [CT 6] Assemblé with the right foot back, the right arm front in third arabesque croisé [CTS 7-8] Entrechat six. Continue the step across the floor.
11. Reverence
Start fifth position right foot front croisé.
[CT 1] Bring the left arm out and up [CT 2] Bend forward, bring the left arm forward, down, and out [CTS 3-4] Roll up to half toe, scooping the right foot to fifth, the arms move out and up, bring the left arm down and forward [CTS 5-6] Slowly lift the left leg to arabesque in croisé [CTS 7-8] Lower the leg to fourth back and move into a very large circular port de bras, bending to the left, back, and to the right, and then come up with the left foot in tendu back croisé, the left arm up, rond de jambe par terre with the left leg to the front, ending in fifth position left arm coming front and out to the side [CTS 1-8] Repeat to the other side.
Williams Class No. 5
1. Plié
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Port de bras forward [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Port de bras back and tendu to second [CTS 1-6] Repeat in second and tendu to fourth front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-16] Stretch the right arm out to the side and bring it overhead, do a circular port de bras toward the barre then down and out to the side, bend back, come up, bringing the arm front and out, rond de jambe the right leg to fourth back [CTS 1-16] Repeat the plié and reverse the port de bras, the right arm out, bend back, arm over head, bend over to the barre then down and out to the side, rond de jambe the right foot to fifth front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe bringing the right foot to a closed fifth position, bring the left arm up over head and the right arm front, bend slightly to the right and turn toward the barre on half toe, bring the left foot front, the left arm down, then the arms out to the side and lower the heels in fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat the last eight counts to the left in fifth.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Two tendus front with straight knees [CTS 3-4] Two tendus front with demi-plié in fifth [CTS 5-16] Continue en croix.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Tendu front (the head and torso are slightly arched looking to the right) and close to fifth position [CT 2] Tendu back with the left foot (head and torso slightly forward) close to fifth position [CT 3] Tendu the right foot to the side [CT 4] Demi-plié in second (the right arm comes forward and to the left shoulder, the head follows, right knee very turned out) [CT 4] Straighten the knees ending in tendu side and close fifth back [CTS 5-8] Reverse the exercise, starting with the left, the left foot to tendu back [CTS 1-8] Repeat the entire exercise.
4. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT &1] Tendu the right foot front [CT 2] Three very fast and light toe taps lifting only an inch off the floor, close to fifth [CTS 3-8] Repeat en croix [CTS 1-16] Repeat two more sets (this exercise is for the lift and stretch of the entire leg, with absolutely no pressure as the toes tap the floor).
5. Dégagé
Medium slow, start fifth position right foot front, start the exercise on the count and not before.
[CT 1] Dégagé front [CT 2] Hold the foot in the air [CTS 3-4] Close to fifth position then one more dégagé closing to fifth [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix (this exercise stresses pressing into the floor while the torso lifts up and out of the legs, not about lifting the leg).
6. Dégagé
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-16] Sixteen fast dégagés to the side (this is for stretching the instep to the fullest extent on each dégagé and not about lifting the leg) for the port de bras for the first eight dégagés the arm moves down, forward, then out, for the second eight the arm comes front, down, and out.
7. Foot Exercise
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-16] Quickly lift the right foot to the side of the ankle with a very stretched instep, as you lower the foot, press through the half toe and metatarsal, softly lower the heel, done quite fast, sixteen in all.
8. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start fifth position.
[CTS 1-4] Four ronds de jambe en dehors (the foot leaves first position, moves toward effacé and the accent is pointing the toes before the rond de jambe occurs, this is based on the previous exercise) [CTS 5-8] Lift the right leg in a very low attitude front, carry the leg to the side in the same position, carry it to the back, with the knee leading, then demi-plié and open the leg to arabesque, straighten the supporting leg and finish in tendu back [CTS 1-8] Repeat en dehors again [CTS 1-16] Repeat en dedans, finish in fifth right foot front [CTS 1-16] Circular port de bras (stretch the right arm out to the side, bend forward, and carry the body toward the left, back, then come up, reverse, bringing the right arm to the left, down, stretch to the right, then back, and come up, end by rising to half toe in fifth with crossed feet, turn slightly to face the barre in écarté, the head over the right shoulder, the right arm extended to the side and up, the left arm lower to the side, hold, and lower to fifth).
9. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-16] Sixteen very fast small ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 1-16] Sixteen en dedans.
10. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CTS 1-4] Fondu to the front waist high (minimum amount of time in plié, plié is used to push up and out of the floor) carry the leg to the side [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix, the arm opens front and side for all the fondus.
11. Fondu
Same as step 10 but done to half toe (the feeling should be of pushing away from the floor with the toes for each relevé).
12. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: bend the right knee, cross the leg outside the left foot and rest on the top of the right toes, right arm up.
[CT 1] Do an enormous grand battement développé to the side [CT 2] End in the same starting position but behind the left foot (the battement is done with the heel held very far forward and the leg moving from slightly in front of second in a very turned out position and continuing to slightly behind second as the foot lowers, the knee remains totally turned out for the entire exercise) [CTS 3-32] Repeat fifteen more times.
13. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Dégagé the right leg to the side waist high [CT 2] Two ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 3] Move through a demi-plié while executing one more rond de jambe [CT 4] Come into passé rising to half toe [CTS 5-8] Let go of the barre and balance [CT 1] Lower the left heel and open the leg to the side [CTS 2-8] Repeat the exercise en dedans [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire exercise.
14. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: roll up to half toe crossing the feet and dégagé the leg to the side waist high.
[CTS &1] Two fast small ronds de jambe en dehors, but the last moment of the second rond de jambe is slightly slower, the foot is pointed and stretched as much as possible as it opens to the side [CTS &2&3] Repeat two more times, on the last count [CT 4] As you lower the right heel, flick the right foot in front of the left foot as you roll up to half toe with the right foot in passé [CT 1-2] Fouetté turn en dehors [CT 3] End in a tendu front effacé in demi-plié, the right hand over the right leg and the chest lifted [CT 4] Roll up to half toe, take the right leg to the side [CTS 1-8] Reverse the exercise, end in a very stretched second arabesque, facing slightly toward the barre [CTS 1-16] Repeat the entire exercise.
15. Stretch
Start back to the barre in a wide second position, arms holding the barre.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié and come up [CTS 5-8] Pull away from barre as you bend back and repeat plié, stretch and close the feet to first position [CTS 1-4] Grand plié with the arms overhead and come up [CTS 5-8] The arms open and step away from the barre [CTS 1-8] Port de bras forward, down, and come up, the arms up and open. Repeat.
16. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Développé front, the arm opens side, and lower the leg to fifth [CTS 5-8] Développé the left leg to the back, the right arm front in arabesque, lower the leg to fifth [CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg side [CTS 5-8] Leave the leg up and turn the body toward the barre, to arabesque, roll up to half toe, hold the barre with the right hand [CTS 1-8] Bend the leg in attitude and raise the arms over head and balance, lower the leg to fifth back.
17. Grand Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, arms out to the side.
[CTS 1-2] Battement front and close fifth [CTS 3-4] Battement to the side, close fifth right front [CT 5] Battement the left leg to arabesque and close fifth [CT 6] Battement the right leg side, close fifth front [CT 7] Battement side closing fifth back [CT 8] Hold [CTS 1-8] Repeat in reverse.
18. Petit Battement
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side and bring the right foot to cou de pied front.
[CTS 1-3] Three petit battements [CT 4] Extend the foot slightly to the side with knees still bent and bring to cou de pied back [CTS 5-8] Repeat in reverse beat front then back on the ankle [CTS 1-8] Repeat the entire exercise.
19. Stretch
Stand with back to the barre in a big second.
[CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, pull away from the barre, bend back, come up [CTS 9-16] Repeat, step away from the barre standing in first [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Port de bras forward [CTS 9-16] Repeat. Follow with a series of splits on the floor.
1. Small Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, preparation: tendu the left foot to croisé back, the arms low to the side.
[CTS 1-4] Bring the right arm down and over to the left side, then up overhead, out to the right, the eyes follow the hand [CTS 5-8] Lower the left heel and slide the left leg back to a deep fourth in demi-plié, port de bras front and back [CTS 1-4] Come half way up, lift the left leg to attitude back, stay in demi-plié, the left arm comes down and up, end in attitude back croisé [CTS 5-8] Quarter promenade to effacé front, he head is toward the left shoulder, promenade back ending in croisé [CTS 1-4] Lift the upper body and chest up, bring the left leg through passé to tendu croisé front [CTS 5-8] Drop the heel into fourth demi-plié, step through and finish with the right leg tendu croisé back, with straight knees [CTS 1-24] Repeat to the other side.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front croisé, the arms low, the left arm in front.
[CTS 1-4] Three fast tendus to croisé front, accent out, end in fifth position demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe, sliding the right foot across to fifth, the arms down, bring them up as you swivel toward the left shoulder to fifth position croisé, left front, lower the heels and open the arms [CTS 1-4] Three tendus to croisé back with the right, accent out, the right arm front in third arabesque croisé, end in fifth demi-plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe closing to a tight fifth, swivel toward the right shoulder to right foot front croisé, arms come down and up, lower the heels, arms remain up [CTS 1-4] Four tendus side, right then left, close fifth back, while moving back, the arms slowly open to the sides [CTS 5-8] Tendu the right foot side, demi-plié in second, the right arm in front, pirouette to the right en dehors, end in fifth right foot back [CTS 1-24] Repeat to the other side.
3. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-3] Slow fondu relevé with the right to the side (take the fondu directly from fifth) [CT 4] Demi-plié on the left, pull up and over the left leg, piqué out to the right on the right foot, the left to cou de pied back while turning toward the left shoulder to face the back of the room [CTS 5-7] Demi-plié and fondu relevé the left leg side [CT 8] Piqué out onto the left leg while turning to the left to the front of the room, the right foot closing fifth position front, in preparation to demi-plié [CTS 1-2] Fondu relevé side with the right leg, then lower the leg [CT 3] Demi-plié in second [CT 4] Turn in second position en dehors, the right leg up and arms up [CT 5] Carry the leg to arabesque croisé back, the left arm front to fourth arabesque, demi-plié [CTS 6-7] Hold [CT 8] Close fifth back [CTS 1-16] Repeat the step to the other side.
4. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT &1] Demi-plié relevé on the left as the right brushes out to the side and double rond de jambe en l’air en dehors, done as one continuous movement, with a strong push away from the floor with the right as it opens side [CT 2] Lower the right foot to fifth position front [CT 3] Pirouette en dehors to the right [CT 4] End in fourth with the right foot in back [CT 5] Double pirouette en dehors to the right [CTS 6-7] Moving directly into a renversé (demi-plié on the left and relevé as the right leg moves from dégagé front to a grand rond de jambe, the left arm moves opposite to the leg, the left arm comes up as the right leg comes through second, the chest held high, the right leg moves back to attitude in demi-plié and the body bends very far to the left, the left arm remains up) [CT 8] Pas de bourrée under, turned toward the right shoulder, end in fifth right foot front [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times to the right [CTS 1-32] Repeat to the left.
5. Pirouettes
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Tendu the right foot to the side [CT 2] Take the leg to fourth back preparation [CT 3] Triple pirouette en dehors to the right [CT 4] End in fifth right foot back [CTS 5-16] Repeat the step to the left, right, and left again.
6. Petit Allegro
Start first position.
[CT 1] Sauté in first [CT 2] Sauté to second [CT 3] Saute to fifth right front [CT 4] Changement [CTS 5-16] Repeat left, right, and left again.
7. Petit Allegro
Start in fifth position left foot front.
[CT 1] Jeté side with the right leg [CT 2] Temps levé [CT 3] Jeté side with the left [CT 4] Pas de bourrée under, the right foot back then front [CTS 5-8] Repeat to the left [CTS 9-64] Repeat seven more times very quickly.
8. Petit Allegro
Start fifth position left foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Four assemblés side, with the right then the left, moving forward [CTS 5-8] Start with the left, four assemblés side left then right, end in fifth back moving back [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times.
9. Reverence
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Bring the right foot through cou de pied front and present it, step to effacé front, ending with the left foot in tendu back effacé, the right arm moves front up and out, the head follows the arm [CTS 3-4] Bring the left arm front, up, and out, the head follows the arm, move the wrist out toward the upper left hand corner of the room, the eyes look up and the body is quite arched [CTS 5-6] Take the left leg to croisé back, the arms open out and up [CTS 7-8] Demi-plié through fourth, the arms come forward and down as you step back through fourth, ending with the right foot in tendu front croisé, the arms come down very low and out [CT 1] Bring the left leg through cou de pied [CTS 2-8] Repeat to the other side.
Williams Class No. 6
1. Plié
Start in first position.
[CTS 1-4] One grand plié [CTS 5-8] Port de bras forward [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Port de bras back and tendu to second [CTS 1-6] Repeat in second and tendu to fourth front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-16] Stretch the right arm out to the side and bring it overhead, do a circular port de bras toward the barre then down and out to the side, bend back, come up, bringing the arm front and out, rond de jambe the right leg to fourth back [CTS 1-16] Repeat the plié and reverse the port de bras, the right arm out, bend back, the arm over head, bend over to the barre then down and out to the side, rond de jambe the right foot to fifth front [CTS 1-4] Grand plié [CTS 5-8] Roll up to half toe bringing the right foot to a closed fifth position, bring the left arm up over head and the right arm front, bend slightly to the right and turn toward the barre on half toe, bring the left foot front, the left arm down, then the arms come out to the side and lower the heels in fifth [CTS 1-8] Repeat the last 8 counts to the left in fifth.
2. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS &1] Tendu front and close fifth [CTS &2] Small demi-plié and straighten the knees (the demi-plié is a squeezed movement without pause, the use of the rotator muscles should be stressed to fully turn out the thighs) [CTS 3-8] Done en croix [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times.
3. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-8] Eight tendus to the side, all of them closing to fifth position front [CTS 9-16] Eight tendus side closing fifth back [CTS 17-32] Repeat.
4. Slow Dégagé
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-2] Two dégagés front [CTS 3-4] Demi-plié, from fifth position, push the right leg into the floor and dégagé in demi-plié, then close fifth with straight knees (the emphasis should be on pulling the legs together) [CTS 5-6] Repeat counts 3-4 [CTS 7-8] Two dégagés front with straight knees [CTS 9-32] Repeat en croix.
5. Tendu
Start fifth position right foot front, medium fast tempo done in counts of three.
[CTS 1-3] Three tendus front [CTS 4-12] Repeat en croix [CTS 13-24] Repeat the entire exercise.
6. Tendu
Face the barre in first position.
[CTS 1-3] Three tendus to the side closing in first [CT 4] One tendu side with the left closing first [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times [CTS 1-16] Repeat to the left (the emphasis is to hold the thighs as close together as possible using only the foot).
7. Rond de Jambe par Terre
Start in first position.
[CT 1] Demi-plié [CT 2] Start the rond de jambe en dehors from demi-plié and finish in a tendu back with straight knees (the emphasis is on pulling up the supporting leg and thigh as much as possible) [CTS 3-4] Two ronds de jambe en dehors [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times [CTS 1-16] Repeat en dedans, finish in fifth right foot front [CTS 1-8] Circular port de bras (reach the right arm out to the side, continue down, bend toward the barre, back, and then come up) [CTS 9-16] Reverse the port de bras bring the right arm over toward the left shoulder, down, to the right and around to the back, as you come up, sweep the right arm down and out to the side, reaching out above the right shoulder as you roll up to a tight fifth on half toe, the body is slightly croisé, the right arm reaches to the right as far as possible, looking up past the arm, balance and then lower the heels.
8. Rond de Jambe in Attitude
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CT 1] Press the right foot into the floor and lift into a low attitude front [CT 2] Hold this position, carry the leg to the side with the knee a little higher [CT 3] Carry the leg to attitude back [CT 4] Stretch the leg to arabesque (the right arm stays said and in arabesque press the left shoulder back against the extended leg) lower the leg, brush through first [CTS 5-16] Repeat three more times [CTS 1-16] Reverse the step.
9. Frappé
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CT 1] One frappé side from cou de pied front, bring foot to cou de pied back [CT 2] Frappé side [CT 3] Beat cou de pied front then back then open side [CT 4] Cou de pied, beating, front, back, front, then open side [CTS 5-8] Reverse [CTS 9-16] Repeat.
10. Fondu
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: tendu side.
[CT 1] Fondu to the front waist high [CT 2] Roll up to half toe [CT 3] Carry the leg to the side [CT 4] Leave the leg up and lower the left foot from half toe to flat [CTS 5-16] Repeat en croix (the emphasis is on the foot at the beginning of the fondu in demi-plié with the foot at the shin, there is a clear accent as the foot leaves the leg, then the leg should unfold slowly with the thigh rotated out and making sure the supporting side of the body is being held back).
11. Rond de Jambe en L’air
Start fifth position right foot front, preparation: dégagé the right leg to the side waist high.
[CTS 1-2] Two ronds de jambe en dehors [CT 3] Carry the leg to the front [CT 4] Carry the leg back to the side [CTS 5-8] Reverse [CTS 9-32] Repeat three more times [CTS 1-32] Repeat with double ronds de jambe.
12. Stretch
Face the barre, the leg on the barre in second.
Slide the leg into a split and come up. Demi-plié on the left, roll up to half toe and let go of the barre. Lower the heel and slide the body to the left and return to opening position. Stretch the left arm out to the side and over head to the right over the leg. Come up and put the left arm on the barre, stretch the right arm out to the side, overhead, bend to the left, and come up. Repeat bending right and left. Turn the body to the right so the leg is in front of you on the barre, bend over the leg, come up with the right arm, bend back and come up. Roll up to half toe on the left, bring the arms overhead, keep them there and rotate the supporting leg to face the barre in second, lower the right arm to the barre, keep turning to the left shoulder to arabesque. Lower the left heel, the left arm overhead, and pull the left shoulder back, arching the back, lift the leg off the barre and penché, come up, relevé, balance in arabesque and lower the leg to fifth. Repeat to the other side.
13. Adagio
Start fifth position right foot front.
[CTS 1-4] Développé the right leg front, the right arm comes up [CTS 5-8] Retract the leg to passé and shift the weight to the ball of the left foot and développé to attitude back, the right arm moving down, out, and up, the body is turned slightly towards the barre [CTS 1-4] Bring the left arm up to meet the right and roll up to half toe, pivot toward the left shoulder, catch the barre with the right hand [CTS 5-8] Extend the leg to arabesque, left arm arabesque front, lower the left heel, penché, come up, and close to fifth.
14. Adagio