267. Prodigal Son 1950
Ballet in Three Scenes
Sergei Prokofiev (Op. 46, 1928-29, commissioned by Serge Diaghilev, 1927). Book by Boris Kochno (after the biblical parable)
George Balanchine
Lighting by Jean Rosenthal
February 23, 1950, New York City Ballet, City Center of Music and Drama, New York. Conductor: Leon Barzin
Prodigal Son, Jerome Robbins; Siren, Maria Tallchief; Father, Michael Arshansky; Servants to the Prodigal Son, Frank Hobi, Herbert Bliss; Two Sisters, Jillana, Francesca Mosarra; Drinking Companions, 9 men
Performance Type
See Also
Originally presented by Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes, Paris, 1929, titled Le Fils Prodigue. The New York City Ballet production was danced in improvised costumes from February 1950 until July, when scenery and costumes were added for the Company’s first London season, recreated by Esteban Francés from Rouault sketches in the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut. For the 1978 Dance in America television production, the costume for the Prodigal Son was redesigned following that of the original Diaghilev production and was used for a limited period in staged performances. From time to time Balanchine appeared in the role of the Father.
Additional information about costumes provided by Barbara Horgan, Edward Bigelow