275.  The Card Game (The Card party) 1951
A Ballet in Three Deals
Igor Stravinsky (Jeu de Cartes-A Card Game-Das Kartenspiel, 1936, commissioned by Lincoln Kirstein and Edward M. M. Warburg). Book by Igor Stravinsky and M. Malaieff
George Balanchine
Scenery and costumes by Irene Sharaff
February 15, 1951, New York City Ballet, City Center of Music and Drama, New York. Conductor: Leon Barzin
Joker, Todd Bolender; Queens: Hearts, Janet Reed; Spades, Jillana; Diamonds, Patricia Wilde; Clubs, Doris Breckenridge; 4 Aces (men); 4 Kings; 4 Jacks; 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 of Hearts; 10, 9, 8, 7 of Spades
Performance Type
See Also
Originally presented by the American Ballet (Stravinsky Festival), New York, 1937.
Additional Productions
David Vaughan