375. Danses Concertantes 1972
Igor Stravinsky (Danses Concertantes for chamber orchestra, 1941-42, commissioned by Werner Janssen)
George Balanchine
Scenery and costumes by Eugene Berman (from the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo production, 1944), courtesy of the Ballet Foundation. Costumes executed by Barbara Matera
June 20, 1972, New York City Ballet, New York State Theater. Conductor: Robert Irving
Lynda Yourth, John Clifford, 8 women, 4 men. MARCHE; PAS D’ACTION; THÈME VARIÉ (4 variations); PAS DE DEUX; MARCHE
Performance Type
See Also
Included in the Stravinsky Festival. Originally presented by the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, New York, 1944, with largely different choreography, although in similar style; in 1972, only the fourth variation in THÈME VARIÉ was similar to original. (See FESTIVALS DIRECTED BY BALANCHINE.)

2012   Suzanne Farrell Ballet
2022   City Ballet of San Diego

Balanchine, Frederic Franklin