375. Danses Concertantes 1972
- Music
Igor Stravinsky (Danses Concertantes for chamber orchestra, 1941-42, commissioned by Werner Janssen)
- Choreography
George Balanchine
- Production
Scenery and costumes by Eugene Berman (from the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo production, 1944), courtesy of the Ballet Foundation. Costumes executed by Barbara Matera
- Premiere
June 20, 1972, New York City Ballet, New York State Theater. Conductor: Robert Irving
- Cast
Lynda Yourth, John Clifford, 8 women, 4 men. MARCHE; PAS D’ACTION; THÈME VARIÉ (4 variations); PAS DE DEUX; MARCHE
Performance Type
Included in the Stravinsky Festival. Originally presented by the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, New York, 1944, with largely different choreography, although in similar style; in 1972, only the fourth variation in THÈME VARIÉ was similar to original. (See FESTIVALS DIRECTED BY BALANCHINE.)
2012 Suzanne Farrell Ballet
2022 City Ballet of San Diego
Balanchine, Frederic Franklin