72. La Chatte 1927
(Also called The Cat) Ballet in One Act
Henri Sauguet (1927, commissioned by Serge Diaghilev). Book by Sobeka [Boris Kochno] (after one of Aesop’s Fables)
George Balanchine
Architecture and sculpture constructed by Naum Gabo and Antoine Pevsner
April 30, 1927, Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes, Opéra de Monte-Carlo. Conductor: Marc-César Scotto
The Cat, Olga Spessivtseva; The Young Man, Serge Lifar; His Companions, 6 men
Performance Type
Deserting his male companions, a young man in love with a cat persuades Aphrodite to change the cat into a beautiful girl. Tempted by the goddess, the girl gives chase to a mouse, and is turned into a cat again; the boy dies broken hearted. The cast of seven men and one woman danced around and through transparent Constructivist forms against a black background. Lifar’s 1933 version, which retained his solos but little more, was produced without the collaboration of the choreographer.
Additional Productions
Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, 1991
Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, 1991

1933  Serge Lifar and His Russian Ballets (American tour)
1991   Les Grands Ballets Canadiens
2005 Teatro dell’ Opera di Roma
2009   Teatro dell’Opera di Roma

Alicia Markova (revisions)